
1413 lines
58 KiB

LZ4 HC - High Compression Mode of LZ4
Copyright (C) 2011-2017, Yann Collet.
BSD 2-Clause License (
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
You can contact the author at :
- LZ4 source repository :
- LZ4 public forum :!forum/lz4c
/* note : lz4hc is not an independent module, it requires lz4.h/lz4.c for proper compilation */
/* *************************************
* Tuning Parameter
* Select how default compression function will allocate workplace memory,
* in stack (0:fastest), or in heap (1:requires malloc()).
* Since workplace is rather large, heap mode is recommended.
# define LZ4HC_HEAPMODE 1
/*=== Dependency ===*/
#include "lz4hc.h"
/*=== Common LZ4 definitions ===*/
#if defined(__GNUC__)
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
#if defined (__clang__)
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
#include "lz4.c" /* LZ4_count, constants, mem */
/*=== Constants ===*/
#define OPTIMAL_ML (int)((ML_MASK-1)+MINMATCH)
#define LZ4_OPT_NUM (1<<12)
/*=== Macros ===*/
#define MIN(a,b) ( (a) < (b) ? (a) : (b) )
#define MAX(a,b) ( (a) > (b) ? (a) : (b) )
#define HASH_FUNCTION(i) (((i) * 2654435761U) >> ((MINMATCH*8)-LZ4HC_HASH_LOG))
#define DELTANEXTMAXD(p) chainTable[(p) & LZ4HC_MAXD_MASK] /* flexible, LZ4HC_MAXD dependent */
#define DELTANEXTU16(table, pos) table[(U16)(pos)] /* faster */
static U32 LZ4HC_hashPtr(const void* ptr) { return HASH_FUNCTION(LZ4_read32(ptr)); }
/*=== Enums ===*/
typedef enum { noDictCtx, usingDictCtx } dictCtx_directive;
* HC Compression
static void LZ4HC_clearTables (LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* hc4)
MEM_INIT((void*)hc4->hashTable, 0, sizeof(hc4->hashTable));
MEM_INIT(hc4->chainTable, 0xFF, sizeof(hc4->chainTable));
static void LZ4HC_init (LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* hc4, const BYTE* start)
uptrval startingOffset = hc4->end - hc4->base;
if (startingOffset > 1 GB) {
startingOffset = 0;
startingOffset += 64 KB;
hc4->nextToUpdate = (U32) startingOffset;
hc4->base = start - startingOffset;
hc4->end = start;
hc4->dictBase = start - startingOffset;
hc4->dictLimit = (U32) startingOffset;
hc4->lowLimit = (U32) startingOffset;
/* Update chains up to ip (excluded) */
LZ4_FORCE_INLINE void LZ4HC_Insert (LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* hc4, const BYTE* ip)
U16* const chainTable = hc4->chainTable;
U32* const hashTable = hc4->hashTable;
const BYTE* const base = hc4->base;
U32 const target = (U32)(ip - base);
U32 idx = hc4->nextToUpdate;
while (idx < target) {
U32 const h = LZ4HC_hashPtr(base+idx);
size_t delta = idx - hashTable[h];
if (delta>MAX_DISTANCE) delta = MAX_DISTANCE;
DELTANEXTU16(chainTable, idx) = (U16)delta;
hashTable[h] = idx;
hc4->nextToUpdate = target;
/** LZ4HC_countBack() :
* @return : negative value, nb of common bytes before ip/match */
int LZ4HC_countBack(const BYTE* const ip, const BYTE* const match,
const BYTE* const iMin, const BYTE* const mMin)
int back = 0;
int const min = (int)MAX(iMin - ip, mMin - match);
assert(min <= 0);
assert(ip >= iMin); assert((size_t)(ip-iMin) < (1U<<31));
assert(match >= mMin); assert((size_t)(match - mMin) < (1U<<31));
while ( (back > min)
&& (ip[back-1] == match[back-1]) )
return back;
/* LZ4HC_countPattern() :
* pattern32 must be a sample of repetitive pattern of length 1, 2 or 4 (but not 3!) */
static unsigned
LZ4HC_countPattern(const BYTE* ip, const BYTE* const iEnd, U32 const pattern32)
const BYTE* const iStart = ip;
reg_t const pattern = (sizeof(pattern)==8) ? (reg_t)pattern32 + (((reg_t)pattern32) << 32) : pattern32;
while (likely(ip < iEnd-(sizeof(pattern)-1))) {
reg_t const diff = LZ4_read_ARCH(ip) ^ pattern;
if (!diff) { ip+=sizeof(pattern); continue; }
ip += LZ4_NbCommonBytes(diff);
return (unsigned)(ip - iStart);
if (LZ4_isLittleEndian()) {
reg_t patternByte = pattern;
while ((ip<iEnd) && (*ip == (BYTE)patternByte)) {
ip++; patternByte >>= 8;
} else { /* big endian */
U32 bitOffset = (sizeof(pattern)*8) - 8;
while (ip < iEnd) {
BYTE const byte = (BYTE)(pattern >> bitOffset);
if (*ip != byte) break;
ip ++; bitOffset -= 8;
return (unsigned)(ip - iStart);
/* LZ4HC_reverseCountPattern() :
* pattern must be a sample of repetitive pattern of length 1, 2 or 4 (but not 3!)
* read using natural platform endianess */
static unsigned
LZ4HC_reverseCountPattern(const BYTE* ip, const BYTE* const iLow, U32 pattern)
const BYTE* const iStart = ip;
while (likely(ip >= iLow+4)) {
if (LZ4_read32(ip-4) != pattern) break;
ip -= 4;
{ const BYTE* bytePtr = (const BYTE*)(&pattern) + 3; /* works for any endianess */
while (likely(ip>iLow)) {
if (ip[-1] != *bytePtr) break;
ip--; bytePtr--;
} }
return (unsigned)(iStart - ip);
typedef enum { rep_untested, rep_not, rep_confirmed } repeat_state_e;
typedef enum { favorCompressionRatio=0, favorDecompressionSpeed } HCfavor_e;
LZ4HC_InsertAndGetWiderMatch (
LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* hc4,
const BYTE* const ip,
const BYTE* const iLowLimit,
const BYTE* const iHighLimit,
int longest,
const BYTE** matchpos,
const BYTE** startpos,
const int maxNbAttempts,
const int patternAnalysis,
const int chainSwap,
const dictCtx_directive dict,
const HCfavor_e favorDecSpeed)
U16* const chainTable = hc4->chainTable;
U32* const HashTable = hc4->hashTable;
const LZ4HC_CCtx_internal * const dictCtx = hc4->dictCtx;
const BYTE* const base = hc4->base;
const U32 dictLimit = hc4->dictLimit;
const BYTE* const lowPrefixPtr = base + dictLimit;
const U32 ipIndex = (U32)(ip - base);
const U32 lowestMatchIndex = (hc4->lowLimit + 64 KB > ipIndex) ? hc4->lowLimit : ipIndex - MAX_DISTANCE;
const BYTE* const dictBase = hc4->dictBase;
int const lookBackLength = (int)(ip-iLowLimit);
int nbAttempts = maxNbAttempts;
int matchChainPos = 0;
U32 const pattern = LZ4_read32(ip);
U32 matchIndex;
U32 dictMatchIndex;
repeat_state_e repeat = rep_untested;
size_t srcPatternLength = 0;
DEBUGLOG(7, "LZ4HC_InsertAndGetWiderMatch");
/* First Match */
LZ4HC_Insert(hc4, ip);
matchIndex = HashTable[LZ4HC_hashPtr(ip)];
DEBUGLOG(7, "First match at index %u / %u (lowestMatchIndex)",
matchIndex, lowestMatchIndex);
while ((matchIndex>=lowestMatchIndex) && (nbAttempts)) {
int matchLength=0;
assert(matchIndex < ipIndex);
if (favorDecSpeed && (ipIndex - matchIndex < 8)) {
/* do nothing */
} else if (matchIndex >= dictLimit) { /* within current Prefix */
const BYTE* const matchPtr = base + matchIndex;
assert(matchPtr >= lowPrefixPtr);
assert(matchPtr < ip);
assert(longest >= 1);
if (LZ4_read16(iLowLimit + longest - 1) == LZ4_read16(matchPtr - lookBackLength + longest - 1)) {
if (LZ4_read32(matchPtr) == pattern) {
int const back = lookBackLength ? LZ4HC_countBack(ip, matchPtr, iLowLimit, lowPrefixPtr) : 0;
matchLength = MINMATCH + LZ4_count(ip+MINMATCH, matchPtr+MINMATCH, iHighLimit);
matchLength -= back;
if (matchLength > longest) {
longest = matchLength;
*matchpos = matchPtr + back;
*startpos = ip + back;
} } }
} else { /* lowestMatchIndex <= matchIndex < dictLimit */
const BYTE* const matchPtr = dictBase + matchIndex;
if (LZ4_read32(matchPtr) == pattern) {
const BYTE* const dictStart = dictBase + hc4->lowLimit;
int back = 0;
const BYTE* vLimit = ip + (dictLimit - matchIndex);
if (vLimit > iHighLimit) vLimit = iHighLimit;
matchLength = LZ4_count(ip+MINMATCH, matchPtr+MINMATCH, vLimit) + MINMATCH;
if ((ip+matchLength == vLimit) && (vLimit < iHighLimit))
matchLength += LZ4_count(ip+matchLength, lowPrefixPtr, iHighLimit);
back = lookBackLength ? LZ4HC_countBack(ip, matchPtr, iLowLimit, dictStart) : 0;
matchLength -= back;
if (matchLength > longest) {
longest = matchLength;
*matchpos = base + matchIndex + back; /* virtual pos, relative to ip, to retrieve offset */
*startpos = ip + back;
} } }
if (chainSwap && matchLength==longest) { /* better match => select a better chain */
assert(lookBackLength==0); /* search forward only */
if (matchIndex + longest <= ipIndex) {
U32 distanceToNextMatch = 1;
int pos;
for (pos = 0; pos <= longest - MINMATCH; pos++) {
U32 const candidateDist = DELTANEXTU16(chainTable, matchIndex + pos);
if (candidateDist > distanceToNextMatch) {
distanceToNextMatch = candidateDist;
matchChainPos = pos;
} }
if (distanceToNextMatch > 1) {
if (distanceToNextMatch > matchIndex) break; /* avoid overflow */
matchIndex -= distanceToNextMatch;
} } }
{ U32 const distNextMatch = DELTANEXTU16(chainTable, matchIndex);
if (patternAnalysis && distNextMatch==1 && matchChainPos==0) {
U32 const matchCandidateIdx = matchIndex-1;
/* may be a repeated pattern */
if (repeat == rep_untested) {
if ( ((pattern & 0xFFFF) == (pattern >> 16))
& ((pattern & 0xFF) == (pattern >> 24)) ) {
repeat = rep_confirmed;
srcPatternLength = LZ4HC_countPattern(ip+sizeof(pattern), iHighLimit, pattern) + sizeof(pattern);
} else {
repeat = rep_not;
} }
if ( (repeat == rep_confirmed)
&& (matchCandidateIdx >= dictLimit) ) { /* same segment only */
const BYTE* const matchPtr = base + matchCandidateIdx;
if (LZ4_read32(matchPtr) == pattern) { /* good candidate */
size_t const forwardPatternLength = LZ4HC_countPattern(matchPtr+sizeof(pattern), iHighLimit, pattern) + sizeof(pattern);
const BYTE* const lowestMatchPtr = (lowPrefixPtr + MAX_DISTANCE >= ip) ? lowPrefixPtr : ip - MAX_DISTANCE;
size_t const backLength = LZ4HC_reverseCountPattern(matchPtr, lowestMatchPtr, pattern);
size_t const currentSegmentLength = backLength + forwardPatternLength;
if ( (currentSegmentLength >= srcPatternLength) /* current pattern segment large enough to contain full srcPatternLength */
&& (forwardPatternLength <= srcPatternLength) ) { /* haven't reached this position yet */
matchIndex = matchCandidateIdx + (U32)forwardPatternLength - (U32)srcPatternLength; /* best position, full pattern, might be followed by more match */
} else {
matchIndex = matchCandidateIdx - (U32)backLength; /* farthest position in current segment, will find a match of length currentSegmentLength + maybe some back */
if (lookBackLength==0) { /* no back possible */
size_t const maxML = MIN(currentSegmentLength, srcPatternLength);
if ((size_t)longest < maxML) {
assert(base + matchIndex < ip);
if (ip - (base+matchIndex) > MAX_DISTANCE) break;
assert(maxML < 2 GB);
longest = (int)maxML;
*matchpos = base + matchIndex; /* virtual pos, relative to ip, to retrieve offset */
*startpos = ip;
{ U32 const distToNextPattern = DELTANEXTU16(chainTable, matchIndex);
if (distToNextPattern > matchIndex) break; /* avoid overflow */
matchIndex -= distToNextPattern;
} } }
} }
} } /* PA optimization */
/* follow current chain */
matchIndex -= DELTANEXTU16(chainTable, matchIndex+matchChainPos);
} /* while ((matchIndex>=lowestMatchIndex) && (nbAttempts)) */
if (dict == usingDictCtx && nbAttempts && ipIndex - lowestMatchIndex < MAX_DISTANCE) {
size_t const dictEndOffset = dictCtx->end - dictCtx->base;
assert(dictEndOffset <= 1 GB);
dictMatchIndex = dictCtx->hashTable[LZ4HC_hashPtr(ip)];
matchIndex = dictMatchIndex + lowestMatchIndex - (U32)dictEndOffset;
while (ipIndex - matchIndex <= MAX_DISTANCE && nbAttempts--) {
const BYTE* const matchPtr = dictCtx->base + dictMatchIndex;
if (LZ4_read32(matchPtr) == pattern) {
int mlt;
int back = 0;
const BYTE* vLimit = ip + (dictEndOffset - dictMatchIndex);
if (vLimit > iHighLimit) vLimit = iHighLimit;
mlt = LZ4_count(ip+MINMATCH, matchPtr+MINMATCH, vLimit) + MINMATCH;
back = lookBackLength ? LZ4HC_countBack(ip, matchPtr, iLowLimit, dictCtx->base + dictCtx->dictLimit) : 0;
mlt -= back;
if (mlt > longest) {
longest = mlt;
*matchpos = base + matchIndex + back;
*startpos = ip + back;
{ U32 const nextOffset = DELTANEXTU16(dictCtx->chainTable, dictMatchIndex);
dictMatchIndex -= nextOffset;
matchIndex -= nextOffset;
return longest;
int LZ4HC_InsertAndFindBestMatch(LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* const hc4, /* Index table will be updated */
const BYTE* const ip, const BYTE* const iLimit,
const BYTE** matchpos,
const int maxNbAttempts,
const int patternAnalysis,
const dictCtx_directive dict)
const BYTE* uselessPtr = ip;
/* note : LZ4HC_InsertAndGetWiderMatch() is able to modify the starting position of a match (*startpos),
* but this won't be the case here, as we define iLowLimit==ip,
* so LZ4HC_InsertAndGetWiderMatch() won't be allowed to search past ip */
return LZ4HC_InsertAndGetWiderMatch(hc4, ip, ip, iLimit, MINMATCH-1, matchpos, &uselessPtr, maxNbAttempts, patternAnalysis, 0 /*chainSwap*/, dict, favorCompressionRatio);
typedef enum {
noLimit = 0,
limitedOutput = 1,
limitedDestSize = 2,
} limitedOutput_directive;
/* LZ4HC_encodeSequence() :
* @return : 0 if ok,
* 1 if buffer issue detected */
LZ4_FORCE_INLINE int LZ4HC_encodeSequence (
const BYTE** ip,
BYTE** op,
const BYTE** anchor,
int matchLength,
const BYTE* const match,
limitedOutput_directive limit,
BYTE* oend)
size_t length;
BYTE* const token = (*op)++;
#if defined(LZ4_DEBUG) && (LZ4_DEBUG >= 6)
static const BYTE* start = NULL;
static U32 totalCost = 0;
U32 const pos = (start==NULL) ? 0 : (U32)(*anchor - start);
U32 const ll = (U32)(*ip - *anchor);
U32 const llAdd = (ll>=15) ? ((ll-15) / 255) + 1 : 0;
U32 const mlAdd = (matchLength>=19) ? ((matchLength-19) / 255) + 1 : 0;
U32 const cost = 1 + llAdd + ll + 2 + mlAdd;
if (start==NULL) start = *anchor; /* only works for single segment */
/* g_debuglog_enable = (pos >= 2228) & (pos <= 2262); */
DEBUGLOG(6, "pos:%7u -- literals:%3u, match:%4i, offset:%5u, cost:%3u + %u",
(U32)(*ip - *anchor), matchLength, (U32)(*ip-match),
cost, totalCost);
totalCost += cost;
/* Encode Literal length */
length = (size_t)(*ip - *anchor);
if ((limit) && ((*op + (length >> 8) + length + (2 + 1 + LASTLITERALS)) > oend)) return 1; /* Check output limit */
if (length >= RUN_MASK) {
size_t len = length - RUN_MASK;
*token = (RUN_MASK << ML_BITS);
for(; len >= 255 ; len -= 255) *(*op)++ = 255;
*(*op)++ = (BYTE)len;
} else {
*token = (BYTE)(length << ML_BITS);
/* Copy Literals */
LZ4_wildCopy(*op, *anchor, (*op) + length);
*op += length;
/* Encode Offset */
assert( (*ip - match) <= MAX_DISTANCE ); /* note : consider providing offset as a value, rather than as a pointer difference */
LZ4_writeLE16(*op, (U16)(*ip-match)); *op += 2;
/* Encode MatchLength */
assert(matchLength >= MINMATCH);
length = (size_t)(matchLength - MINMATCH);
if ((limit) && (*op + (length >> 8) + (1 + LASTLITERALS) > oend)) return 1; /* Check output limit */
if (length >= ML_MASK) {
*token += ML_MASK;
length -= ML_MASK;
for(; length >= 510 ; length -= 510) { *(*op)++ = 255; *(*op)++ = 255; }
if (length >= 255) { length -= 255; *(*op)++ = 255; }
*(*op)++ = (BYTE)length;
} else {
*token += (BYTE)(length);
/* Prepare next loop */
*ip += matchLength;
*anchor = *ip;
return 0;
LZ4_FORCE_INLINE int LZ4HC_compress_hashChain (
LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* const ctx,
const char* const source,
char* const dest,
int* srcSizePtr,
int const maxOutputSize,
unsigned maxNbAttempts,
const limitedOutput_directive limit,
const dictCtx_directive dict
const int inputSize = *srcSizePtr;
const int patternAnalysis = (maxNbAttempts > 128); /* levels 9+ */
const BYTE* ip = (const BYTE*) source;
const BYTE* anchor = ip;
const BYTE* const iend = ip + inputSize;
const BYTE* const mflimit = iend - MFLIMIT;
const BYTE* const matchlimit = (iend - LASTLITERALS);
BYTE* optr = (BYTE*) dest;
BYTE* op = (BYTE*) dest;
BYTE* oend = op + maxOutputSize;
int ml0, ml, ml2, ml3;
const BYTE* start0;
const BYTE* ref0;
const BYTE* ref = NULL;
const BYTE* start2 = NULL;
const BYTE* ref2 = NULL;
const BYTE* start3 = NULL;
const BYTE* ref3 = NULL;
/* init */
*srcSizePtr = 0;
if (limit == limitedDestSize) oend -= LASTLITERALS; /* Hack for support LZ4 format restriction */
if (inputSize < LZ4_minLength) goto _last_literals; /* Input too small, no compression (all literals) */
/* Main Loop */
while (ip <= mflimit) {
ml = LZ4HC_InsertAndFindBestMatch (ctx, ip, matchlimit, &ref, maxNbAttempts, patternAnalysis, dict);
if (ml<MINMATCH) { ip++; continue; }
/* saved, in case we would skip too much */
start0 = ip; ref0 = ref; ml0 = ml;
if (ip+ml <= mflimit) {
ml2 = LZ4HC_InsertAndGetWiderMatch(ctx,
ip + ml - 2, ip + 0, matchlimit, ml, &ref2, &start2,
maxNbAttempts, patternAnalysis, 0, dict, favorCompressionRatio);
} else {
ml2 = ml;
if (ml2 == ml) { /* No better match => encode ML1 */
optr = op;
if (LZ4HC_encodeSequence(&ip, &op, &anchor, ml, ref, limit, oend)) goto _dest_overflow;
if (start0 < ip) { /* first match was skipped at least once */
if (start2 < ip + ml0) { /* squeezing ML1 between ML0(original ML1) and ML2 */
ip = start0; ref = ref0; ml = ml0; /* restore initial ML1 */
} }
/* Here, start0==ip */
if ((start2 - ip) < 3) { /* First Match too small : removed */
ml = ml2;
ip = start2;
ref =ref2;
goto _Search2;
/* At this stage, we have :
* ml2 > ml1, and
* ip1+3 <= ip2 (usually < ip1+ml1) */
if ((start2 - ip) < OPTIMAL_ML) {
int correction;
int new_ml = ml;
if (new_ml > OPTIMAL_ML) new_ml = OPTIMAL_ML;
if (ip+new_ml > start2 + ml2 - MINMATCH) new_ml = (int)(start2 - ip) + ml2 - MINMATCH;
correction = new_ml - (int)(start2 - ip);
if (correction > 0) {
start2 += correction;
ref2 += correction;
ml2 -= correction;
/* Now, we have start2 = ip+new_ml, with new_ml = min(ml, OPTIMAL_ML=18) */
if (start2 + ml2 <= mflimit) {
ml3 = LZ4HC_InsertAndGetWiderMatch(ctx,
start2 + ml2 - 3, start2, matchlimit, ml2, &ref3, &start3,
maxNbAttempts, patternAnalysis, 0, dict, favorCompressionRatio);
} else {
ml3 = ml2;
if (ml3 == ml2) { /* No better match => encode ML1 and ML2 */
/* ip & ref are known; Now for ml */
if (start2 < ip+ml) ml = (int)(start2 - ip);
/* Now, encode 2 sequences */
optr = op;
if (LZ4HC_encodeSequence(&ip, &op, &anchor, ml, ref, limit, oend)) goto _dest_overflow;
ip = start2;
optr = op;
if (LZ4HC_encodeSequence(&ip, &op, &anchor, ml2, ref2, limit, oend)) goto _dest_overflow;
if (start3 < ip+ml+3) { /* Not enough space for match 2 : remove it */
if (start3 >= (ip+ml)) { /* can write Seq1 immediately ==> Seq2 is removed, so Seq3 becomes Seq1 */
if (start2 < ip+ml) {
int correction = (int)(ip+ml - start2);
start2 += correction;
ref2 += correction;
ml2 -= correction;
if (ml2 < MINMATCH) {
start2 = start3;
ref2 = ref3;
ml2 = ml3;
optr = op;
if (LZ4HC_encodeSequence(&ip, &op, &anchor, ml, ref, limit, oend)) goto _dest_overflow;
ip = start3;
ref = ref3;
ml = ml3;
start0 = start2;
ref0 = ref2;
ml0 = ml2;
goto _Search2;
start2 = start3;
ref2 = ref3;
ml2 = ml3;
goto _Search3;
* OK, now we have 3 ascending matches;
* let's write the first one ML1.
* ip & ref are known; Now decide ml.
if (start2 < ip+ml) {
if ((start2 - ip) < OPTIMAL_ML) {
int correction;
if (ml > OPTIMAL_ML) ml = OPTIMAL_ML;
if (ip + ml > start2 + ml2 - MINMATCH) ml = (int)(start2 - ip) + ml2 - MINMATCH;
correction = ml - (int)(start2 - ip);
if (correction > 0) {
start2 += correction;
ref2 += correction;
ml2 -= correction;
} else {
ml = (int)(start2 - ip);
optr = op;
if (LZ4HC_encodeSequence(&ip, &op, &anchor, ml, ref, limit, oend)) goto _dest_overflow;
/* ML2 becomes ML1 */
ip = start2; ref = ref2; ml = ml2;
/* ML3 becomes ML2 */
start2 = start3; ref2 = ref3; ml2 = ml3;
/* let's find a new ML3 */
goto _Search3;
/* Encode Last Literals */
{ size_t lastRunSize = (size_t)(iend - anchor); /* literals */
size_t litLength = (lastRunSize + 255 - RUN_MASK) / 255;
size_t const totalSize = 1 + litLength + lastRunSize;
if (limit == limitedDestSize) oend += LASTLITERALS; /* restore correct value */
if (limit && (op + totalSize > oend)) {
if (limit == limitedOutput) return 0; /* Check output limit */
/* adapt lastRunSize to fill 'dest' */
lastRunSize = (size_t)(oend - op) - 1;
litLength = (lastRunSize + 255 - RUN_MASK) / 255;
lastRunSize -= litLength;
ip = anchor + lastRunSize;
if (lastRunSize >= RUN_MASK) {
size_t accumulator = lastRunSize - RUN_MASK;
*op++ = (RUN_MASK << ML_BITS);
for(; accumulator >= 255 ; accumulator -= 255) *op++ = 255;
*op++ = (BYTE) accumulator;
} else {
*op++ = (BYTE)(lastRunSize << ML_BITS);
memcpy(op, anchor, lastRunSize);
op += lastRunSize;
/* End */
*srcSizePtr = (int) (((const char*)ip) - source);
return (int) (((char*)op)-dest);
if (limit == limitedDestSize) {
op = optr; /* restore correct out pointer */
goto _last_literals;
return 0;
static int LZ4HC_compress_optimal( LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* ctx,
const char* const source, char* dst,
int* srcSizePtr, int dstCapacity,
int const nbSearches, size_t sufficient_len,
const limitedOutput_directive limit, int const fullUpdate,
const dictCtx_directive dict,
HCfavor_e favorDecSpeed);
LZ4_FORCE_INLINE int LZ4HC_compress_generic_internal (
LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* const ctx,
const char* const src,
char* const dst,
int* const srcSizePtr,
int const dstCapacity,
int cLevel,
const limitedOutput_directive limit,
const dictCtx_directive dict
typedef enum { lz4hc, lz4opt } lz4hc_strat_e;
typedef struct {
lz4hc_strat_e strat;
U32 nbSearches;
U32 targetLength;
} cParams_t;
static const cParams_t clTable[LZ4HC_CLEVEL_MAX+1] = {
{ lz4hc, 2, 16 }, /* 0, unused */
{ lz4hc, 2, 16 }, /* 1, unused */
{ lz4hc, 2, 16 }, /* 2, unused */
{ lz4hc, 4, 16 }, /* 3 */
{ lz4hc, 8, 16 }, /* 4 */
{ lz4hc, 16, 16 }, /* 5 */
{ lz4hc, 32, 16 }, /* 6 */
{ lz4hc, 64, 16 }, /* 7 */
{ lz4hc, 128, 16 }, /* 8 */
{ lz4hc, 256, 16 }, /* 9 */
{ lz4opt, 96, 64 }, /*10==LZ4HC_CLEVEL_OPT_MIN*/
{ lz4opt, 512,128 }, /*11 */
{ lz4opt,16384,LZ4_OPT_NUM }, /* 12==LZ4HC_CLEVEL_MAX */
DEBUGLOG(4, "LZ4HC_compress_generic(%p, %p, %d)", ctx, src, *srcSizePtr);
if (limit == limitedDestSize && dstCapacity < 1) return 0; /* Impossible to store anything */
if ((U32)*srcSizePtr > (U32)LZ4_MAX_INPUT_SIZE) return 0; /* Unsupported input size (too large or negative) */
ctx->end += *srcSizePtr;
if (cLevel < 1) cLevel = LZ4HC_CLEVEL_DEFAULT; /* note : convention is different from lz4frame, maybe something to review */
cLevel = MIN(LZ4HC_CLEVEL_MAX, cLevel);
{ cParams_t const cParam = clTable[cLevel];
HCfavor_e const favor = ctx->favorDecSpeed ? favorDecompressionSpeed : favorCompressionRatio;
if (cParam.strat == lz4hc)
return LZ4HC_compress_hashChain(ctx,
src, dst, srcSizePtr, dstCapacity,
cParam.nbSearches, limit, dict);
assert(cParam.strat == lz4opt);
return LZ4HC_compress_optimal(ctx,
src, dst, srcSizePtr, dstCapacity,
cParam.nbSearches, cParam.targetLength, limit,
cLevel == LZ4HC_CLEVEL_MAX, /* ultra mode */
dict, favor);
static void LZ4HC_setExternalDict(LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* ctxPtr, const BYTE* newBlock);
static int LZ4HC_compress_generic_noDictCtx (
LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* const ctx,
const char* const src,
char* const dst,
int* const srcSizePtr,
int const dstCapacity,
int cLevel,
limitedOutput_directive limit
assert(ctx->dictCtx == NULL);
return LZ4HC_compress_generic_internal(ctx, src, dst, srcSizePtr, dstCapacity, cLevel, limit, noDictCtx);
static int LZ4HC_compress_generic_dictCtx (
LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* const ctx,
const char* const src,
char* const dst,
int* const srcSizePtr,
int const dstCapacity,
int cLevel,
limitedOutput_directive limit
const size_t position = ctx->end - ctx->base - ctx->lowLimit;
assert(ctx->dictCtx != NULL);
if (position >= 64 KB) {
ctx->dictCtx = NULL;
return LZ4HC_compress_generic_noDictCtx(ctx, src, dst, srcSizePtr, dstCapacity, cLevel, limit);
} else if (position == 0 && *srcSizePtr > 4 KB) {
memcpy(ctx, ctx->dictCtx, sizeof(LZ4HC_CCtx_internal));
LZ4HC_setExternalDict(ctx, (const BYTE *)src);
ctx->compressionLevel = (short)cLevel;
return LZ4HC_compress_generic_noDictCtx(ctx, src, dst, srcSizePtr, dstCapacity, cLevel, limit);
} else {
return LZ4HC_compress_generic_internal(ctx, src, dst, srcSizePtr, dstCapacity, cLevel, limit, usingDictCtx);
static int LZ4HC_compress_generic (
LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* const ctx,
const char* const src,
char* const dst,
int* const srcSizePtr,
int const dstCapacity,
int cLevel,
limitedOutput_directive limit
if (ctx->dictCtx == NULL) {
return LZ4HC_compress_generic_noDictCtx(ctx, src, dst, srcSizePtr, dstCapacity, cLevel, limit);
} else {
return LZ4HC_compress_generic_dictCtx(ctx, src, dst, srcSizePtr, dstCapacity, cLevel, limit);
int LZ4_sizeofStateHC(void) { return sizeof(LZ4_streamHC_t); }
int LZ4_compress_HC_extStateHC_fastReset (void* state, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int dstCapacity, int compressionLevel)
LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* const ctx = &((LZ4_streamHC_t*)state)->internal_donotuse;
if (((size_t)(state)&(sizeof(void*)-1)) != 0) return 0; /* Error : state is not aligned for pointers (32 or 64 bits) */
LZ4_resetStreamHC_fast((LZ4_streamHC_t*)state, compressionLevel);
LZ4HC_init (ctx, (const BYTE*)src);
if (dstCapacity < LZ4_compressBound(srcSize))
return LZ4HC_compress_generic (ctx, src, dst, &srcSize, dstCapacity, compressionLevel, limitedOutput);
return LZ4HC_compress_generic (ctx, src, dst, &srcSize, dstCapacity, compressionLevel, noLimit);
int LZ4_compress_HC_extStateHC (void* state, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int dstCapacity, int compressionLevel)
if (((size_t)(state)&(sizeof(void*)-1)) != 0) return 0; /* Error : state is not aligned for pointers (32 or 64 bits) */
LZ4_resetStreamHC ((LZ4_streamHC_t*)state, compressionLevel);
return LZ4_compress_HC_extStateHC_fastReset(state, src, dst, srcSize, dstCapacity, compressionLevel);
int LZ4_compress_HC(const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int dstCapacity, int compressionLevel)
#if defined(LZ4HC_HEAPMODE) && LZ4HC_HEAPMODE==1
LZ4_streamHC_t* const statePtr = (LZ4_streamHC_t*)ALLOC(sizeof(LZ4_streamHC_t));
LZ4_streamHC_t state;
LZ4_streamHC_t* const statePtr = &state;
int const cSize = LZ4_compress_HC_extStateHC(statePtr, src, dst, srcSize, dstCapacity, compressionLevel);
#if defined(LZ4HC_HEAPMODE) && LZ4HC_HEAPMODE==1
return cSize;
/* LZ4_compress_HC_destSize() :
* only compatible with regular HC parser */
int LZ4_compress_HC_destSize(void* LZ4HC_Data, const char* source, char* dest, int* sourceSizePtr, int targetDestSize, int cLevel)
LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* const ctx = &((LZ4_streamHC_t*)LZ4HC_Data)->internal_donotuse;
LZ4_resetStreamHC((LZ4_streamHC_t*)LZ4HC_Data, cLevel);
LZ4HC_init(ctx, (const BYTE*) source);
return LZ4HC_compress_generic(ctx, source, dest, sourceSizePtr, targetDestSize, cLevel, limitedDestSize);
* Streaming Functions
/* allocation */
LZ4_streamHC_t* LZ4_createStreamHC(void) {
LZ4_streamHC_t* const LZ4_streamHCPtr = (LZ4_streamHC_t*)ALLOC(sizeof(LZ4_streamHC_t));
if (LZ4_streamHCPtr==NULL) return NULL;
LZ4_resetStreamHC(LZ4_streamHCPtr, LZ4HC_CLEVEL_DEFAULT);
return LZ4_streamHCPtr;
int LZ4_freeStreamHC (LZ4_streamHC_t* LZ4_streamHCPtr) {
DEBUGLOG(4, "LZ4_freeStreamHC(%p)", LZ4_streamHCPtr);
if (!LZ4_streamHCPtr) return 0; /* support free on NULL */
return 0;
/* initialization */
void LZ4_resetStreamHC (LZ4_streamHC_t* LZ4_streamHCPtr, int compressionLevel)
LZ4_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(LZ4HC_CCtx_internal) <= sizeof(size_t) * LZ4_STREAMHCSIZE_SIZET); /* if compilation fails here, LZ4_STREAMHCSIZE must be increased */
DEBUGLOG(4, "LZ4_resetStreamHC(%p, %d)", LZ4_streamHCPtr, compressionLevel);
LZ4_streamHCPtr->internal_donotuse.end = (const BYTE *)(ptrdiff_t)-1;
LZ4_streamHCPtr->internal_donotuse.base = NULL;
LZ4_streamHCPtr->internal_donotuse.dictCtx = NULL;
LZ4_streamHCPtr->internal_donotuse.favorDecSpeed = 0;
LZ4_setCompressionLevel(LZ4_streamHCPtr, compressionLevel);
void LZ4_resetStreamHC_fast (LZ4_streamHC_t* LZ4_streamHCPtr, int compressionLevel)
DEBUGLOG(4, "LZ4_resetStreamHC_fast(%p, %d)", LZ4_streamHCPtr, compressionLevel);
LZ4_streamHCPtr->internal_donotuse.end -= (uptrval)LZ4_streamHCPtr->internal_donotuse.base;
LZ4_streamHCPtr->internal_donotuse.base = NULL;
LZ4_streamHCPtr->internal_donotuse.dictCtx = NULL;
LZ4_setCompressionLevel(LZ4_streamHCPtr, compressionLevel);
void LZ4_setCompressionLevel(LZ4_streamHC_t* LZ4_streamHCPtr, int compressionLevel)
if (compressionLevel < 1) compressionLevel = LZ4HC_CLEVEL_DEFAULT;
if (compressionLevel > LZ4HC_CLEVEL_MAX) compressionLevel = LZ4HC_CLEVEL_MAX;
LZ4_streamHCPtr->internal_donotuse.compressionLevel = (short)compressionLevel;
void LZ4_favorDecompressionSpeed(LZ4_streamHC_t* LZ4_streamHCPtr, int favor)
LZ4_streamHCPtr->internal_donotuse.favorDecSpeed = (favor!=0);
int LZ4_loadDictHC (LZ4_streamHC_t* LZ4_streamHCPtr, const char* dictionary, int dictSize)
LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* const ctxPtr = &LZ4_streamHCPtr->internal_donotuse;
DEBUGLOG(4, "LZ4_loadDictHC(%p, %p, %d)", LZ4_streamHCPtr, dictionary, dictSize);
if (dictSize > 64 KB) {
dictionary += dictSize - 64 KB;
dictSize = 64 KB;
LZ4_resetStreamHC(LZ4_streamHCPtr, ctxPtr->compressionLevel);
LZ4HC_init (ctxPtr, (const BYTE*)dictionary);
ctxPtr->end = (const BYTE*)dictionary + dictSize;
if (dictSize >= 4) LZ4HC_Insert (ctxPtr, ctxPtr->end-3);
return dictSize;
void LZ4_attach_HC_dictionary(LZ4_streamHC_t *working_stream, const LZ4_streamHC_t *dictionary_stream) {
working_stream->internal_donotuse.dictCtx = dictionary_stream != NULL ? &(dictionary_stream->internal_donotuse) : NULL;
/* compression */
static void LZ4HC_setExternalDict(LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* ctxPtr, const BYTE* newBlock)
DEBUGLOG(4, "LZ4HC_setExternalDict(%p, %p)", ctxPtr, newBlock);
if (ctxPtr->end >= ctxPtr->base + ctxPtr->dictLimit + 4)
LZ4HC_Insert (ctxPtr, ctxPtr->end-3); /* Referencing remaining dictionary content */
/* Only one memory segment for extDict, so any previous extDict is lost at this stage */
ctxPtr->lowLimit = ctxPtr->dictLimit;
ctxPtr->dictLimit = (U32)(ctxPtr->end - ctxPtr->base);
ctxPtr->dictBase = ctxPtr->base;
ctxPtr->base = newBlock - ctxPtr->dictLimit;
ctxPtr->end = newBlock;
ctxPtr->nextToUpdate = ctxPtr->dictLimit; /* match referencing will resume from there */
static int LZ4_compressHC_continue_generic (LZ4_streamHC_t* LZ4_streamHCPtr,
const char* src, char* dst,
int* srcSizePtr, int dstCapacity,
limitedOutput_directive limit)
LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* const ctxPtr = &LZ4_streamHCPtr->internal_donotuse;
DEBUGLOG(4, "LZ4_compressHC_continue_generic(%p, %p, %d)", LZ4_streamHCPtr, src, *srcSizePtr);
/* auto-init if forgotten */
if (ctxPtr->base == NULL) LZ4HC_init (ctxPtr, (const BYTE*) src);
/* Check overflow */
if ((size_t)(ctxPtr->end - ctxPtr->base) > 2 GB) {
size_t dictSize = (size_t)(ctxPtr->end - ctxPtr->base) - ctxPtr->dictLimit;
if (dictSize > 64 KB) dictSize = 64 KB;
LZ4_loadDictHC(LZ4_streamHCPtr, (const char*)(ctxPtr->end) - dictSize, (int)dictSize);
/* Check if blocks follow each other */
if ((const BYTE*)src != ctxPtr->end) LZ4HC_setExternalDict(ctxPtr, (const BYTE*)src);
/* Check overlapping input/dictionary space */
{ const BYTE* sourceEnd = (const BYTE*) src + *srcSizePtr;
const BYTE* const dictBegin = ctxPtr->dictBase + ctxPtr->lowLimit;
const BYTE* const dictEnd = ctxPtr->dictBase + ctxPtr->dictLimit;
if ((sourceEnd > dictBegin) && ((const BYTE*)src < dictEnd)) {
if (sourceEnd > dictEnd) sourceEnd = dictEnd;
ctxPtr->lowLimit = (U32)(sourceEnd - ctxPtr->dictBase);
if (ctxPtr->dictLimit - ctxPtr->lowLimit < 4) ctxPtr->lowLimit = ctxPtr->dictLimit;
return LZ4HC_compress_generic (ctxPtr, src, dst, srcSizePtr, dstCapacity, ctxPtr->compressionLevel, limit);
int LZ4_compress_HC_continue (LZ4_streamHC_t* LZ4_streamHCPtr, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int dstCapacity)
if (dstCapacity < LZ4_compressBound(srcSize))
return LZ4_compressHC_continue_generic (LZ4_streamHCPtr, src, dst, &srcSize, dstCapacity, limitedOutput);
return LZ4_compressHC_continue_generic (LZ4_streamHCPtr, src, dst, &srcSize, dstCapacity, noLimit);
int LZ4_compress_HC_continue_destSize (LZ4_streamHC_t* LZ4_streamHCPtr, const char* src, char* dst, int* srcSizePtr, int targetDestSize)
return LZ4_compressHC_continue_generic(LZ4_streamHCPtr, src, dst, srcSizePtr, targetDestSize, limitedDestSize);
/* dictionary saving */
int LZ4_saveDictHC (LZ4_streamHC_t* LZ4_streamHCPtr, char* safeBuffer, int dictSize)
LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* const streamPtr = &LZ4_streamHCPtr->internal_donotuse;
int const prefixSize = (int)(streamPtr->end - (streamPtr->base + streamPtr->dictLimit));
DEBUGLOG(4, "LZ4_saveDictHC(%p, %p, %d)", LZ4_streamHCPtr, safeBuffer, dictSize);
if (dictSize > 64 KB) dictSize = 64 KB;
if (dictSize < 4) dictSize = 0;
if (dictSize > prefixSize) dictSize = prefixSize;
memmove(safeBuffer, streamPtr->end - dictSize, dictSize);
{ U32 const endIndex = (U32)(streamPtr->end - streamPtr->base);
streamPtr->end = (const BYTE*)safeBuffer + dictSize;
streamPtr->base = streamPtr->end - endIndex;
streamPtr->dictLimit = endIndex - dictSize;
streamPtr->lowLimit = endIndex - dictSize;
if (streamPtr->nextToUpdate < streamPtr->dictLimit) streamPtr->nextToUpdate = streamPtr->dictLimit;
return dictSize;
* Deprecated Functions
/* These functions currently generate deprecation warnings */
/* Deprecated compression functions */
int LZ4_compressHC(const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize) { return LZ4_compress_HC (src, dst, srcSize, LZ4_compressBound(srcSize), 0); }
int LZ4_compressHC_limitedOutput(const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int maxDstSize) { return LZ4_compress_HC(src, dst, srcSize, maxDstSize, 0); }
int LZ4_compressHC2(const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int cLevel) { return LZ4_compress_HC (src, dst, srcSize, LZ4_compressBound(srcSize), cLevel); }
int LZ4_compressHC2_limitedOutput(const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int maxDstSize, int cLevel) { return LZ4_compress_HC(src, dst, srcSize, maxDstSize, cLevel); }
int LZ4_compressHC_withStateHC (void* state, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize) { return LZ4_compress_HC_extStateHC (state, src, dst, srcSize, LZ4_compressBound(srcSize), 0); }
int LZ4_compressHC_limitedOutput_withStateHC (void* state, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int maxDstSize) { return LZ4_compress_HC_extStateHC (state, src, dst, srcSize, maxDstSize, 0); }
int LZ4_compressHC2_withStateHC (void* state, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int cLevel) { return LZ4_compress_HC_extStateHC(state, src, dst, srcSize, LZ4_compressBound(srcSize), cLevel); }
int LZ4_compressHC2_limitedOutput_withStateHC (void* state, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int maxDstSize, int cLevel) { return LZ4_compress_HC_extStateHC(state, src, dst, srcSize, maxDstSize, cLevel); }
int LZ4_compressHC_continue (LZ4_streamHC_t* ctx, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize) { return LZ4_compress_HC_continue (ctx, src, dst, srcSize, LZ4_compressBound(srcSize)); }
int LZ4_compressHC_limitedOutput_continue (LZ4_streamHC_t* ctx, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int maxDstSize) { return LZ4_compress_HC_continue (ctx, src, dst, srcSize, maxDstSize); }
/* Deprecated streaming functions */
int LZ4_sizeofStreamStateHC(void) { return LZ4_STREAMHCSIZE; }
int LZ4_resetStreamStateHC(void* state, char* inputBuffer)
LZ4HC_CCtx_internal *ctx = &((LZ4_streamHC_t*)state)->internal_donotuse;
if ((((size_t)state) & (sizeof(void*)-1)) != 0) return 1; /* Error : pointer is not aligned for pointer (32 or 64 bits) */
LZ4_resetStreamHC((LZ4_streamHC_t*)state, ((LZ4_streamHC_t*)state)->internal_donotuse.compressionLevel);
LZ4HC_init(ctx, (const BYTE*)inputBuffer);
return 0;
void* LZ4_createHC (const char* inputBuffer)
LZ4_streamHC_t* hc4 = (LZ4_streamHC_t*)ALLOC(sizeof(LZ4_streamHC_t));
if (hc4 == NULL) return NULL; /* not enough memory */
LZ4_resetStreamHC(hc4, 0 /* compressionLevel */);
LZ4HC_init (&hc4->internal_donotuse, (const BYTE*)inputBuffer);
return hc4;
int LZ4_freeHC (void* LZ4HC_Data) {
if (!LZ4HC_Data) return 0; /* support free on NULL */
return 0;
int LZ4_compressHC2_continue (void* LZ4HC_Data, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int cLevel)
return LZ4HC_compress_generic (&((LZ4_streamHC_t*)LZ4HC_Data)->internal_donotuse, src, dst, &srcSize, 0, cLevel, noLimit);
int LZ4_compressHC2_limitedOutput_continue (void* LZ4HC_Data, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int dstCapacity, int cLevel)
return LZ4HC_compress_generic (&((LZ4_streamHC_t*)LZ4HC_Data)->internal_donotuse, src, dst, &srcSize, dstCapacity, cLevel, limitedOutput);
char* LZ4_slideInputBufferHC(void* LZ4HC_Data)
LZ4_streamHC_t *ctx = (LZ4_streamHC_t*)LZ4HC_Data;
const BYTE *bufferStart = ctx->internal_donotuse.base + ctx->internal_donotuse.lowLimit;
LZ4_resetStreamHC_fast(ctx, ctx->internal_donotuse.compressionLevel);
/* avoid const char * -> char * conversion warning :( */
return (char *)(uptrval)bufferStart;
/* ================================================
* LZ4 Optimal parser (levels 10-12)
* ===============================================*/
typedef struct {
int price;
int off;
int mlen;
int litlen;
} LZ4HC_optimal_t;
/* price in bytes */
LZ4_FORCE_INLINE int LZ4HC_literalsPrice(int const litlen)
int price = litlen;
if (litlen >= (int)RUN_MASK)
price += 1 + (litlen-RUN_MASK)/255;
return price;
/* requires mlen >= MINMATCH */
LZ4_FORCE_INLINE int LZ4HC_sequencePrice(int litlen, int mlen)
int price = 1 + 2 ; /* token + 16-bit offset */
price += LZ4HC_literalsPrice(litlen);
if (mlen >= (int)(ML_MASK+MINMATCH))
price += 1 + (mlen-(ML_MASK+MINMATCH))/255;
return price;
typedef struct {
int off;
int len;
} LZ4HC_match_t;
LZ4HC_FindLongerMatch(LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* const ctx,
const BYTE* ip, const BYTE* const iHighLimit,
int minLen, int nbSearches,
const dictCtx_directive dict,
const HCfavor_e favorDecSpeed)
LZ4HC_match_t match = { 0 , 0 };
const BYTE* matchPtr = NULL;
/* note : LZ4HC_InsertAndGetWiderMatch() is able to modify the starting position of a match (*startpos),
* but this won't be the case here, as we define iLowLimit==ip,
* so LZ4HC_InsertAndGetWiderMatch() won't be allowed to search past ip */
int matchLength = LZ4HC_InsertAndGetWiderMatch(ctx, ip, ip, iHighLimit, minLen, &matchPtr, &ip, nbSearches, 1 /*patternAnalysis*/, 1 /*chainSwap*/, dict, favorDecSpeed);
if (matchLength <= minLen) return match;
if (favorDecSpeed) {
if ((matchLength>18) & (matchLength<=36)) matchLength=18; /* favor shortcut */
match.len = matchLength; = (int)(ip-matchPtr);
return match;
static int LZ4HC_compress_optimal ( LZ4HC_CCtx_internal* ctx,
const char* const source,
char* dst,
int* srcSizePtr,
int dstCapacity,
int const nbSearches,
size_t sufficient_len,
const limitedOutput_directive limit,
int const fullUpdate,
const dictCtx_directive dict,
const HCfavor_e favorDecSpeed)
LZ4HC_optimal_t opt[LZ4_OPT_NUM + TRAILING_LITERALS]; /* ~64 KB, which is a bit large for stack... */
const BYTE* ip = (const BYTE*) source;
const BYTE* anchor = ip;
const BYTE* const iend = ip + *srcSizePtr;
const BYTE* const mflimit = iend - MFLIMIT;
const BYTE* const matchlimit = iend - LASTLITERALS;
BYTE* op = (BYTE*) dst;
BYTE* opSaved = (BYTE*) dst;
BYTE* oend = op + dstCapacity;
/* init */
DEBUGLOG(5, "LZ4HC_compress_optimal");
*srcSizePtr = 0;
if (limit == limitedDestSize) oend -= LASTLITERALS; /* Hack for support LZ4 format restriction */
if (sufficient_len >= LZ4_OPT_NUM) sufficient_len = LZ4_OPT_NUM-1;
/* Main Loop */
assert(ip - anchor < LZ4_MAX_INPUT_SIZE);
while (ip <= mflimit) {
int const llen = (int)(ip - anchor);
int best_mlen, best_off;
int cur, last_match_pos = 0;
LZ4HC_match_t const firstMatch = LZ4HC_FindLongerMatch(ctx, ip, matchlimit, MINMATCH-1, nbSearches, dict, favorDecSpeed);
if (firstMatch.len==0) { ip++; continue; }
if ((size_t)firstMatch.len > sufficient_len) {
/* good enough solution : immediate encoding */
int const firstML = firstMatch.len;
const BYTE* const matchPos = ip -;
opSaved = op;
if ( LZ4HC_encodeSequence(&ip, &op, &anchor, firstML, matchPos, limit, oend) ) /* updates ip, op and anchor */
goto _dest_overflow;
/* set prices for first positions (literals) */
{ int rPos;
for (rPos = 0 ; rPos < MINMATCH ; rPos++) {
int const cost = LZ4HC_literalsPrice(llen + rPos);
opt[rPos].mlen = 1;
opt[rPos].off = 0;
opt[rPos].litlen = llen + rPos;
opt[rPos].price = cost;
DEBUGLOG(7, "rPos:%3i => price:%3i (litlen=%i) -- initial setup",
rPos, cost, opt[rPos].litlen);
} }
/* set prices using initial match */
{ int mlen = MINMATCH;
int const matchML = firstMatch.len; /* necessarily < sufficient_len < LZ4_OPT_NUM */
int const offset =;
assert(matchML < LZ4_OPT_NUM);
for ( ; mlen <= matchML ; mlen++) {
int const cost = LZ4HC_sequencePrice(llen, mlen);
opt[mlen].mlen = mlen;
opt[mlen].off = offset;
opt[mlen].litlen = llen;
opt[mlen].price = cost;
DEBUGLOG(7, "rPos:%3i => price:%3i (matchlen=%i) -- initial setup",
mlen, cost, mlen);
} }
last_match_pos = firstMatch.len;
{ int addLit;
for (addLit = 1; addLit <= TRAILING_LITERALS; addLit ++) {
opt[last_match_pos+addLit].mlen = 1; /* literal */
opt[last_match_pos+addLit].off = 0;
opt[last_match_pos+addLit].litlen = addLit;
opt[last_match_pos+addLit].price = opt[last_match_pos].price + LZ4HC_literalsPrice(addLit);
DEBUGLOG(7, "rPos:%3i => price:%3i (litlen=%i) -- initial setup",
last_match_pos+addLit, opt[last_match_pos+addLit].price, addLit);
} }
/* check further positions */
for (cur = 1; cur < last_match_pos; cur++) {
const BYTE* const curPtr = ip + cur;
LZ4HC_match_t newMatch;
if (curPtr > mflimit) break;
DEBUGLOG(7, "rPos:%u[%u] vs [%u]%u",
cur, opt[cur].price, opt[cur+1].price, cur+1);
if (fullUpdate) {
/* not useful to search here if next position has same (or lower) cost */
if ( (opt[cur+1].price <= opt[cur].price)
/* in some cases, next position has same cost, but cost rises sharply after, so a small match would still be beneficial */
&& (opt[cur+MINMATCH].price < opt[cur].price + 3/*min seq price*/) )
} else {
/* not useful to search here if next position has same (or lower) cost */
if (opt[cur+1].price <= opt[cur].price) continue;
DEBUGLOG(7, "search at rPos:%u", cur);
if (fullUpdate)
newMatch = LZ4HC_FindLongerMatch(ctx, curPtr, matchlimit, MINMATCH-1, nbSearches, dict, favorDecSpeed);
/* only test matches of minimum length; slightly faster, but misses a few bytes */
newMatch = LZ4HC_FindLongerMatch(ctx, curPtr, matchlimit, last_match_pos - cur, nbSearches, dict, favorDecSpeed);
if (!newMatch.len) continue;
if ( ((size_t)newMatch.len > sufficient_len)
|| (newMatch.len + cur >= LZ4_OPT_NUM) ) {
/* immediate encoding */
best_mlen = newMatch.len;
best_off =;
last_match_pos = cur + 1;
goto encode;
/* before match : set price with literals at beginning */
{ int const baseLitlen = opt[cur].litlen;
int litlen;
for (litlen = 1; litlen < MINMATCH; litlen++) {
int const price = opt[cur].price - LZ4HC_literalsPrice(baseLitlen) + LZ4HC_literalsPrice(baseLitlen+litlen);
int const pos = cur + litlen;
if (price < opt[pos].price) {
opt[pos].mlen = 1; /* literal */
opt[pos].off = 0;
opt[pos].litlen = baseLitlen+litlen;
opt[pos].price = price;
DEBUGLOG(7, "rPos:%3i => price:%3i (litlen=%i)",
pos, price, opt[pos].litlen);
} } }
/* set prices using match at position = cur */
{ int const matchML = newMatch.len;
int ml = MINMATCH;
assert(cur + newMatch.len < LZ4_OPT_NUM);
for ( ; ml <= matchML ; ml++) {
int const pos = cur + ml;
int const offset =;
int price;
int ll;
DEBUGLOG(7, "testing price rPos %i (last_match_pos=%i)",
pos, last_match_pos);
if (opt[cur].mlen == 1) {
ll = opt[cur].litlen;
price = ((cur > ll) ? opt[cur - ll].price : 0)
+ LZ4HC_sequencePrice(ll, ml);
} else {
ll = 0;
price = opt[cur].price + LZ4HC_sequencePrice(0, ml);
assert((U32)favorDecSpeed <= 1);
if (pos > last_match_pos+TRAILING_LITERALS
|| price <= opt[pos].price - (int)favorDecSpeed) {
DEBUGLOG(7, "rPos:%3i => price:%3i (matchlen=%i)",
pos, price, ml);
assert(pos < LZ4_OPT_NUM);
if ( (ml == matchML) /* last pos of last match */
&& (last_match_pos < pos) )
last_match_pos = pos;
opt[pos].mlen = ml;
opt[pos].off = offset;
opt[pos].litlen = ll;
opt[pos].price = price;
} } }
/* complete following positions with literals */
{ int addLit;
for (addLit = 1; addLit <= TRAILING_LITERALS; addLit ++) {
opt[last_match_pos+addLit].mlen = 1; /* literal */
opt[last_match_pos+addLit].off = 0;
opt[last_match_pos+addLit].litlen = addLit;
opt[last_match_pos+addLit].price = opt[last_match_pos].price + LZ4HC_literalsPrice(addLit);
DEBUGLOG(7, "rPos:%3i => price:%3i (litlen=%i)", last_match_pos+addLit, opt[last_match_pos+addLit].price, addLit);
} }
} /* for (cur = 1; cur <= last_match_pos; cur++) */
best_mlen = opt[last_match_pos].mlen;
best_off = opt[last_match_pos].off;
cur = last_match_pos - best_mlen;
encode: /* cur, last_match_pos, best_mlen, best_off must be set */
assert(cur < LZ4_OPT_NUM);
assert(last_match_pos >= 1); /* == 1 when only one candidate */
DEBUGLOG(6, "reverse traversal, looking for shortest path (last_match_pos=%i)", last_match_pos);
{ int candidate_pos = cur;
int selected_matchLength = best_mlen;
int selected_offset = best_off;
while (1) { /* from end to beginning */
int const next_matchLength = opt[candidate_pos].mlen; /* can be 1, means literal */
int const next_offset = opt[candidate_pos].off;
DEBUGLOG(7, "pos %i: sequence length %i", candidate_pos, selected_matchLength);
opt[candidate_pos].mlen = selected_matchLength;
opt[candidate_pos].off = selected_offset;
selected_matchLength = next_matchLength;
selected_offset = next_offset;
if (next_matchLength > candidate_pos) break; /* last match elected, first match to encode */
assert(next_matchLength > 0); /* can be 1, means literal */
candidate_pos -= next_matchLength;
} }
/* encode all recorded sequences in order */
{ int rPos = 0; /* relative position (to ip) */
while (rPos < last_match_pos) {
int const ml = opt[rPos].mlen;
int const offset = opt[rPos].off;
if (ml == 1) { ip++; rPos++; continue; } /* literal; note: can end up with several literals, in which case, skip them */
rPos += ml;
assert(ml >= MINMATCH);
assert((offset >= 1) && (offset <= MAX_DISTANCE));
opSaved = op;
if ( LZ4HC_encodeSequence(&ip, &op, &anchor, ml, ip - offset, limit, oend) ) /* updates ip, op and anchor */
goto _dest_overflow;
} }
} /* while (ip <= mflimit) */
/* Encode Last Literals */
{ size_t lastRunSize = (size_t)(iend - anchor); /* literals */
size_t litLength = (lastRunSize + 255 - RUN_MASK) / 255;
size_t const totalSize = 1 + litLength + lastRunSize;
if (limit == limitedDestSize) oend += LASTLITERALS; /* restore correct value */
if (limit && (op + totalSize > oend)) {
if (limit == limitedOutput) return 0; /* Check output limit */
/* adapt lastRunSize to fill 'dst' */
lastRunSize = (size_t)(oend - op) - 1;
litLength = (lastRunSize + 255 - RUN_MASK) / 255;
lastRunSize -= litLength;
ip = anchor + lastRunSize;
if (lastRunSize >= RUN_MASK) {
size_t accumulator = lastRunSize - RUN_MASK;
*op++ = (RUN_MASK << ML_BITS);
for(; accumulator >= 255 ; accumulator -= 255) *op++ = 255;
*op++ = (BYTE) accumulator;
} else {
*op++ = (BYTE)(lastRunSize << ML_BITS);
memcpy(op, anchor, lastRunSize);
op += lastRunSize;
/* End */
*srcSizePtr = (int) (((const char*)ip) - source);
return (int) ((char*)op-dst);
if (limit == limitedDestSize) {
op = opSaved; /* restore correct out pointer */
goto _last_literals;
return 0;