#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eu -o pipefail # shellcheck source=../lib/utils.sh source "$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)/../lib/utils.sh" install_nodejs() { local install_type="$1" version_query="$2" install_path="$3" local version= version="$(resolve_version_query "$version_query")" if [ "$version" != "$version_query" ]; then install_aliased_version "$version" "$version_query" "$install_path" else install_canon_version "$install_type" "$version" "$install_path" fi } try_to_update_nodebuild() { local exit_code=0 "$ASDF_NODEJS_PLUGIN_DIR/lib/commands/command-update-nodebuild.bash" 2> /dev/null || exit_code=$? if [ "$exit_code" != 0 ]; then printf " %s: Updating node-build failed with exit code %s. The installation will try to continue with already installed local defintions. To debug what went wrong try to manually updating node-build by running: \`asdf %s update nodebuild\` \n" "$(colored $YELLOW WARNING)" "$exit_code" "$ASDF_NODEJS_PLUGIN_NAME" fi } nodebuild_wrapped() { "$ASDF_NODEJS_PLUGIN_DIR/lib/commands/command-nodebuild.bash" "$@" } install_canon_version() { local install_type="$1" version="$2" install_path="$3" local nodebuild_args=() if [ "$install_type" = ref ]; then nodebuild_args+=(-c) fi try_to_update_nodebuild NODE_BUILD_BUILD_PATH="$ASDF_DOWNLOAD_PATH" NODE_BUILD_CACHE_PATH="$ASDF_DOWNLOAD_PATH" \ nodebuild_wrapped "${nodebuild_args[@]}" "$version" "$install_path" } install_aliased_version() { local version=$1 local version_query=$2 local install_path=$3 # install the true version and only symlink it to the alias >&2 echo "Installing alias $version_query as $version" asdf install "$(plugin_name)" "$version" \ || die "Could not install version $version" if [ -L "$install_path" ]; then rm "$install_path" else rmdir "$install_path" fi >&2 echo "Linking \"$version_query\" to \"$version\"" ln -s "$(asdf where "$(plugin_name)" "$version")" "$install_path" } resolve_version_query() { local version_query="$1" local canon_version="$( # Find the first candidate which the alias match, then print it version print_index_tab \ | awk -F'\t' -v "alias=$version_query" '$1 == alias { print $2; exit }' )" if [ -z "$canon_version" ]; then echo "$version_query" else echo "$canon_version" fi } install_default_npm_packages() { local default_npm_packages="${ASDF_NPM_DEFAULT_PACKAGES_FILE:=$HOME/.default-npm-packages}" local name if [ ! -f "$default_npm_packages" ]; then return; fi while read -r name; do ( printf "Installing $(colord $YELLOW %s) npm package...\n" "$name" source "$(dirname "$0")/exec-env" PATH="$ASDF_INSTALL_PATH/bin:$PATH" npm install -g "$name" > /dev/null 2>&1 && rc=$? || rc=$? if [[ $rc -eq 0 ]]; then printf "$(colored $GREEN SUCCESS)\n" else printf "$(colored $RED FAIL)\n" fi ) done < "$default_npm_packages" } install_nodejs "$ASDF_INSTALL_TYPE" "$ASDF_INSTALL_VERSION" "$ASDF_INSTALL_PATH" install_default_npm_packages asdf reshim "$(plugin_name)" "$ASDF_INSTALL_VERSION"