# bash utils from angularjs # This file provides: # - a default control flow # * initializes the environment # * call a function in your script based on the arguments # - named argument parsing and automatic generation of the "usage" for your script # - utility functions # # Usage: # - define the variable ARGS_DEF (see below) with the arguments for your script # - include this file using `source utils.inc` at the end of your script. # # Default control flow: # 0. Set the current directory to the directory of the script. By this # the script can be called from anywhere. # 1. Parse the named arguments # 2. [Redacted] # 3. If the parameter "verbose" is set, the `-x` flag will be set in bash. # 4. The function "init" will be called if it exists # 5. If the parameter "action" is set, it will call the function with the name of that parameter. # Otherwise the function "run" will be called. # # Named Argument Parsing: # - The variable ARGS_DEF defines the valid command arguments # * Required args syntax: --paramName=paramRegex # * Optional args syntax: [--paramName=paramRegex] # * e.g. ARG_DEFS=("--required_param=(.+)" "[--optional_param=(.+)]") # - Checks that: # * all arguments match to an entry in ARGS_DEF # * all required arguments are present # * all arguments match their regex # - Afterwards, every paramter value will be stored in a variable # with the name of the parameter in upper case (with dash converted to underscore). # # Special arguments that are always available: # - "--action=.*": This parameter will be used to dispatch to a function with that name when the # script is started # - "--verbose=true": This will set the `-x` flag in bash so that all calls will be logged # # Utility functions: # - readJsonProp # - replaceJsonProp # - resolveDir # - getVar # - serVar # - isFunction # always stop on errors set -e function usage { echo "Usage: ${0} ${ARG_DEFS[@]}" exit 1 } function parseArgs { local REQUIRED_ARG_NAMES=() # -- helper functions function varName { # everything to upper case and dash to underscore echo ${1//-/_} | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' } function readArgDefs { local ARG_DEF local AD_OPTIONAL local AD_NAME local AD_RE # -- helper functions function parseArgDef { local ARG_DEF_REGEX="(\[?)--([^=]+)=(.*)" if [[ ! $1 =~ $ARG_DEF_REGEX ]]; then echo "Internal error: arg def has wrong format: $ARG_DEF" exit 1 fi AD_OPTIONAL="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" AD_NAME="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" AD_RE="${BASH_REMATCH[3]}" if [[ $AD_OPTIONAL ]]; then # Remove last bracket for optional args. # Can't put this into the ARG_DEF_REGEX somehow... AD_RE=${AD_RE%?} fi } # -- run for ARG_DEF in "${ARG_DEFS[@]}" do parseArgDef $ARG_DEF local AD_NAME_UPPER=$(varName $AD_NAME) setVar "${AD_NAME_UPPER}_OPTIONAL" "$AD_OPTIONAL" setVar "${AD_NAME_UPPER}_RE" "$AD_RE" if [[ ! $AD_OPTIONAL ]]; then REQUIRED_ARG_NAMES+=($AD_NAME) fi done } function readAndValidateArgs { local ARG_NAME local ARG_VALUE local ARG_NAME_UPPER # -- helper functions function parseArg { local ARG_REGEX="--([^=]+)=?(.*)" if [[ ! $1 =~ $ARG_REGEX ]]; then echo "Can't parse argument $i" usage fi ARG_NAME="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" ARG_VALUE="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" ARG_NAME_UPPER=$(varName $ARG_NAME) } function validateArg { local AD_RE=$(getVar ${ARG_NAME_UPPER}_RE) if [[ ! $AD_RE ]]; then echo "Unknown option: $ARG_NAME" usage fi if [[ ! $ARG_VALUE =~ ^${AD_RE}$ ]]; then echo "Wrong format: $ARG_NAME" usage; fi # validate that the "action" option points to a valid function if [[ $ARG_NAME == "action" ]] && ! isFunction $ARG_VALUE; then echo "No action $ARG_VALUE defined in this script" usage; fi } # -- run for i in "$@" do parseArg $i validateArg setVar "${ARG_NAME_UPPER}" "$ARG_VALUE" done } function checkMissingArgs { local ARG_NAME for ARG_NAME in "${REQUIRED_ARG_NAMES[@]}" do ARG_VALUE=$(getVar $(varName $ARG_NAME)) if [[ ! $ARG_VALUE ]]; then echo "Missing: $ARG_NAME" usage; fi done } # -- run readArgDefs readAndValidateArgs "$@" checkMissingArgs } # getVar(varName) function getVar { echo ${!1} } # setVar(varName, varValue) function setVar { eval "$1=\"$2\"" } # isFunction(name) # - to be used in an if, so return 0 if successful and 1 if not! function isFunction { if [[ $(type -t $1) == "function" ]]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } # readJsonProp(jsonFile, property) # - restriction: property needs to be on an own line! function readJsonProp { echo $(sed -En 's/.*"'$2'"[ ]*:[ ]*"(.*)".*/\1/p' $1) } # replaceJsonProp(jsonFile, property, newValue) # - note: propertyRegex will be automatically placed into a # capturing group! -> all other groups start at index 2! function replaceJsonProp { replaceInFile $1 "\"$2\": \".*?\"" "\"$2\": \"$3\"" } # replaceInFile(file, findPattern, replacePattern) function replaceInFile { perl -pi -e "s/$2/$3/g;" $1 } # resolveDir(relativeDir) # - resolves a directory relative to the current script function resolveDir { echo $(cd $SCRIPT_DIR; cd $1; pwd) } function main { # normalize the working dir to the directory of the script cd $(dirname $0);SCRIPT_DIR=$(pwd) ARG_DEFS+=("[--verbose=(true|false)]") parseArgs "$@" # --verbose argument if [[ $VERBOSE == "true" ]]; then set -x fi if isFunction init; then init "$@" fi # jump to the function denoted by the --action argument, # otherwise call the "run" function if [[ $ACTION ]]; then $ACTION "$@" else run "$@" fi } main "$@"