/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ const execa = require('execa'); var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs-extra'); const { forgivingWhichSync, isWindows, isDarwin } = require('./utils'); const java = require('./env/java'); const { CordovaError, ConfigParser, events } = require('cordova-common'); var android_sdk = require('./android_sdk'); const { SDK_VERSION } = require('./gradle-config-defaults'); // Re-exporting these for backwards compatibility and for unit testing. // TODO: Remove uses and use the ./utils module directly. Object.assign(module.exports, { isWindows, isDarwin }); /** * @param {string} projectRoot * @returns {string} The android target in format "android-${target}" */ module.exports.get_target = function (projectRoot) { const userTargetSdkVersion = getUserTargetSdkVersion(projectRoot); if (userTargetSdkVersion && userTargetSdkVersion < SDK_VERSION) { events.emit('warn', `android-targetSdkVersion should be greater than or equal to ${SDK_VERSION}.`); } return `android-${Math.max(userTargetSdkVersion, SDK_VERSION)}`; }; /** * @param {string} projectRoot * @returns {number} target sdk or 0 if undefined */ function getUserTargetSdkVersion (projectRoot) { // If the repo config.xml file exists, find the desired targetSdkVersion. // We need to use the cordova project's config.xml here, since the platform // project's config.xml does not yet have the user's preferences when this // function is called during `Api.createPlatform`. const configFile = path.join(projectRoot, '../../config.xml'); if (!fs.existsSync(configFile)) return 0; const configParser = new ConfigParser(configFile); const targetSdkVersion = parseInt(configParser.getPreference('android-targetSdkVersion', 'android'), 10); return isNaN(targetSdkVersion) ? 0 : targetSdkVersion; } module.exports.get_gradle_wrapper = function () { var androidStudioPath; var i = 0; var foundStudio = false; var program_dir; // OK, This hack only works on Windows, not on Mac OS or Linux. We will be deleting this eventually! if (module.exports.isWindows()) { var result = execa.sync(path.join(__dirname, 'getASPath.bat')); // console.log('result.stdout =' + result.stdout.toString()); // console.log('result.stderr =' + result.stderr.toString()); if (result.stderr.toString().length > 0) { var androidPath = path.join(process.env.ProgramFiles, 'Android') + '/'; if (fs.existsSync(androidPath)) { program_dir = fs.readdirSync(androidPath); while (i < program_dir.length && !foundStudio) { if (program_dir[i].startsWith('Android Studio')) { foundStudio = true; androidStudioPath = path.join(process.env.ProgramFiles, 'Android', program_dir[i], 'gradle'); } else { ++i; } } } } else { // console.log('got android studio path from registry'); // remove the (os independent) new line char at the end of stdout // add gradle to match the above. androidStudioPath = path.join(result.stdout.toString().split('\r\n')[0], 'gradle'); } } if (androidStudioPath !== null && fs.existsSync(androidStudioPath)) { var dirs = fs.readdirSync(androidStudioPath); if (dirs[0].split('-')[0] === 'gradle') { return path.join(androidStudioPath, dirs[0], 'bin', 'gradle'); } } else { // OK, let's try to check for Gradle! return forgivingWhichSync('gradle'); } }; // Returns a promise. Called only by build and clean commands. module.exports.check_gradle = function () { var sdkDir = process.env.ANDROID_SDK_ROOT || process.env.ANDROID_HOME; if (!sdkDir) { return Promise.reject(new CordovaError('Could not find gradle wrapper within Android SDK. Could not find Android SDK directory.\n' + 'Might need to install Android SDK or set up \'ANDROID_SDK_ROOT\' env variable.')); } var gradlePath = module.exports.get_gradle_wrapper(); if (gradlePath.length !== 0) return Promise.resolve(gradlePath); return Promise.reject(new CordovaError('Could not find an installed version of Gradle either in Android Studio,\n' + 'or on your system to install the gradle wrapper. Please include gradle \n' + 'in your path, or install Android Studio')); }; /** * Checks for the java installation and correct version * * Despite the name, it should return the Java version value, it's used by the Cordova CLI. */ module.exports.check_java = async function () { const javaVersion = await java.getVersion(); return javaVersion; }; // Returns a promise. module.exports.check_android = function () { return Promise.resolve().then(function () { function maybeSetAndroidHome (value) { if (!hasAndroidHome && fs.existsSync(value)) { hasAndroidHome = true; process.env.ANDROID_SDK_ROOT = value; } } var adbInPath = forgivingWhichSync('adb'); var avdmanagerInPath = forgivingWhichSync('avdmanager'); var hasAndroidHome = false; if (process.env.ANDROID_SDK_ROOT) { maybeSetAndroidHome(path.resolve(process.env.ANDROID_SDK_ROOT)); } // First ensure ANDROID_HOME is set // If we have no hints (nothing in PATH), try a few default locations if (!hasAndroidHome && !adbInPath && !avdmanagerInPath) { if (process.env.ANDROID_HOME) { // Fallback to deprecated `ANDROID_HOME` variable maybeSetAndroidHome(path.join(process.env.ANDROID_HOME)); } if (module.exports.isWindows()) { // Android Studio 1.0 installer if (process.env.LOCALAPPDATA) { maybeSetAndroidHome(path.join(process.env.LOCALAPPDATA, 'Android', 'sdk')); } if (process.env.ProgramFiles) { maybeSetAndroidHome(path.join(process.env.ProgramFiles, 'Android', 'sdk')); } // Android Studio pre-1.0 installer if (process.env.LOCALAPPDATA) { maybeSetAndroidHome(path.join(process.env.LOCALAPPDATA, 'Android', 'android-studio', 'sdk')); } if (process.env.ProgramFiles) { maybeSetAndroidHome(path.join(process.env.ProgramFiles, 'Android', 'android-studio', 'sdk')); } // Stand-alone installer if (process.env.LOCALAPPDATA) { maybeSetAndroidHome(path.join(process.env.LOCALAPPDATA, 'Android', 'android-sdk')); } if (process.env.ProgramFiles) { maybeSetAndroidHome(path.join(process.env.ProgramFiles, 'Android', 'android-sdk')); } } else if (module.exports.isDarwin()) { // Android Studio 1.0 installer if (process.env.HOME) { maybeSetAndroidHome(path.join(process.env.HOME, 'Library', 'Android', 'sdk')); } // Android Studio pre-1.0 installer maybeSetAndroidHome('/Applications/Android Studio.app/sdk'); // Stand-alone zip file that user might think to put under /Applications maybeSetAndroidHome('/Applications/android-sdk-macosx'); maybeSetAndroidHome('/Applications/android-sdk'); } if (process.env.HOME) { // Stand-alone zip file that user might think to put under their home directory maybeSetAndroidHome(path.join(process.env.HOME, 'android-sdk-macosx')); maybeSetAndroidHome(path.join(process.env.HOME, 'android-sdk')); } } if (!hasAndroidHome) { // If we dont have ANDROID_SDK_ROOT, but we do have some tools on the PATH, try to infer from the tooling PATH. var parentDir, grandParentDir; if (adbInPath) { parentDir = path.dirname(adbInPath); grandParentDir = path.dirname(parentDir); if (path.basename(parentDir) === 'platform-tools') { maybeSetAndroidHome(grandParentDir); } else { throw new CordovaError('Failed to find \'ANDROID_SDK_ROOT\' environment variable. Try setting it manually.\n' + 'Detected \'adb\' command at ' + parentDir + ' but no \'platform-tools\' directory found near.\n' + 'Try reinstall Android SDK or update your PATH to include valid path to SDK' + path.sep + 'platform-tools directory.'); } } if (avdmanagerInPath) { parentDir = path.dirname(avdmanagerInPath); grandParentDir = path.dirname(parentDir); if (path.basename(parentDir) === 'bin' && path.basename(grandParentDir) === 'tools') { maybeSetAndroidHome(path.dirname(grandParentDir)); } else { throw new CordovaError('Failed to find \'ANDROID_SDK_ROOT\' environment variable. Try setting it manually.\n' + 'Detected \'avdmanager\' command at ' + parentDir + ' but no \'tools' + path.sep + 'bin\' directory found near.\n' + 'Try reinstall Android SDK or update your PATH to include valid path to SDK' + path.sep + 'tools' + path.sep + 'bin directory.'); } } } if (!process.env.ANDROID_SDK_ROOT) { throw new CordovaError('Failed to find \'ANDROID_SDK_ROOT\' environment variable. Try setting it manually.\n' + 'Failed to find \'android\' command in your \'PATH\'. Try update your \'PATH\' to include path to valid SDK directory.'); } if (!fs.existsSync(process.env.ANDROID_SDK_ROOT)) { throw new CordovaError('\'ANDROID_SDK_ROOT\' environment variable is set to non-existent path: ' + process.env.ANDROID_SDK_ROOT + '\nTry update it manually to point to valid SDK directory.'); } // Next let's make sure relevant parts of the SDK tooling is in our PATH if (hasAndroidHome && !adbInPath) { process.env.PATH += path.delimiter + path.join(process.env.ANDROID_SDK_ROOT, 'platform-tools'); } if (hasAndroidHome && !avdmanagerInPath) { process.env.PATH += path.delimiter + path.join(process.env.ANDROID_SDK_ROOT, 'tools', 'bin'); } return hasAndroidHome; }); }; module.exports.check_android_target = function (projectRoot) { // valid_target can look like: // android-19 // android-L // Google Inc.:Google APIs:20 // Google Inc.:Glass Development Kit Preview:20 var desired_api_level = module.exports.get_target(projectRoot); return android_sdk.list_targets().then(function (targets) { if (targets.indexOf(desired_api_level) >= 0) { return targets; } throw new CordovaError(`Please install the Android SDK Platform "platforms;${desired_api_level}"`); }); }; // Returns a promise. module.exports.run = function () { console.log('Checking Java JDK and Android SDK versions'); console.log('ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=' + process.env.ANDROID_SDK_ROOT + ' (recommended setting)'); console.log('ANDROID_HOME=' + process.env.ANDROID_HOME + ' (DEPRECATED)'); return Promise.all([this.check_java(), this.check_android()]).then(function (values) { console.log('Using Android SDK: ' + process.env.ANDROID_SDK_ROOT); if (!values[1]) { throw new CordovaError('Requirements check failed for Android SDK! Android SDK was not detected.'); } }); }; /** * Object thar represents one of requirements for current platform. * @param {String} id The unique identifier for this requirements. * @param {String} name The name of requirements. Human-readable field. * @param {String} version The version of requirement installed. In some cases could be an array of strings * (for example, check_android_target returns an array of android targets installed) * @param {Boolean} installed Indicates whether the requirement is installed or not */ var Requirement = function (id, name, version, installed) { this.id = id; this.name = name; this.installed = installed || false; this.metadata = { version: version }; }; /** * Methods that runs all checks one by one and returns a result of checks * as an array of Requirement objects. This method intended to be used by cordova-lib check_reqs method * * @param {string} projectRoot * @return Promise Array of requirements. Due to implementation, promise is always fulfilled. */ module.exports.check_all = function (projectRoot) { var requirements = [ new Requirement('java', 'Java JDK'), new Requirement('androidSdk', 'Android SDK'), new Requirement('androidTarget', 'Android target'), new Requirement('gradle', 'Gradle') ]; var checkFns = [ this.check_java, this.check_android, this.check_android_target.bind(this, projectRoot), this.check_gradle ]; // Then execute requirement checks one-by-one return checkFns.reduce(function (promise, checkFn, idx) { // Update each requirement with results var requirement = requirements[idx]; return promise.then(checkFn).then(function (version) { requirement.installed = true; requirement.metadata.version = version; }, function (err) { requirement.metadata.reason = err instanceof Error ? err.message : err; }); }, Promise.resolve()).then(function () { // When chain is completed, return requirements array to upstream API return requirements; }); };