var project_path = '/tmp/example', package_name = 'org.apache.cordova.example', package_as_path = 'org/apache/cordova/example', project_name = 'cordovaExample'; var path = require('path'), fs = require('fs'), util = require('util'), assert = require('assert'), spawn = require('child_process').spawn; var version = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../VERSION').toString().replace('\n', ''); assert(version !== undefined); assert(version !== ''); var create_project = spawn(__dirname + '/create', [project_path, package_name, project_name]); create_project.on('exit', function(code) { assert.equal(code, 0, 'Project did not get created'); // make sure the project was created path.exists(project_path, function(exists) { assert(exists, 'Project path does not exist'); }); // make sure the build directory was cleaned up path.exists(__dirname + '/framework/libs', function(exists) { assert(!exists, 'libs directory did not get cleaned up'); }); path.exists(__dirname + util.format('/framework/assets/cordova-%s.js', version), function(exists) { assert(!exists, 'javascript file did not get cleaned up'); }); path.exists(__dirname + util.format('/framework/cordova-%s.jar', version), function(exists) { assert(!exists, 'jar file did not get cleaned up'); }); // make sure AndroidManifest.xml was added path.exists(util.format('%s/AndroidManifest.xml', project_path), function(exists) { assert(exists, 'AndroidManifest.xml did not get created'); // TODO check that the activity name was properly substituted }); // make sure main Activity was added path.exists(util.format('%s/src/%s/', project_path, package_as_path, project_name), function(exists) { assert(exists, 'Activity did not get created'); // TODO check that package name and activity name were substitued properly }); // make sure plugins.xml was added path.exists(util.format('%s/res/xml/plugins.xml', project_path), function(exists) { assert(exists, 'plugins.xml did not get created'); }); // make sure cordova.xml was added path.exists(util.format('%s/res/xml/cordova.xml', project_path), function(exists) { assert(exists, 'plugins.xml did not get created'); }); // make sure cordova.jar was added path.exists(util.format('%s/libs/cordova-%s.jar', project_path, version), function(exists) { assert(exists, 'cordova.jar did not get added'); }); // make sure cordova.js was added path.exists(util.format('%s/assets/www/cordova-%s.js', project_path, version), function(exists) { assert(exists, 'cordova.js did not get added'); }); // check that project compiles && creates a cordovaExample-debug.apk var compile_project = spawn('ant', ['debug'], {cwd: project_path}); compile_project.on('exit', function(code) { assert.equal(code, 0, 'Cordova Android Project does not compile'); // make sure cordovaExample-debug.apk was created path.exists(util.format('%s/bin/%s-debug.apk', project_path, project_name), function(exists) { assert(exists, 'Package did not get created'); // if project compiles properly just AXE it spawn('rm', ['-rf', project_path], function(code) { assert.equal(code, 0, 'Could not remove project directory'); }); }); }); });