/** * The order of events during page load and PhoneGap startup is as follows: * * onDOMContentLoaded Internal event that is received when the web page is loaded and parsed. * window.onload Body onload event. * onNativeReady Internal event that indicates the PhoneGap native side is ready. * onPhoneGapInit Internal event that kicks off creation of all PhoneGap JavaScript objects (runs constructors). * onPhoneGapReady Internal event fired when all PhoneGap JavaScript objects have been created * onPhoneGapInfoReady Internal event fired when device properties are available * onDeviceReady User event fired to indicate that PhoneGap is ready * onResume User event fired to indicate a start/resume lifecycle event * * The only PhoneGap events that user code should register for are: * onDeviceReady * onResume * * Listeners can be registered as: * document.addEventListener("deviceready", myDeviceReadyListener, false); * document.addEventListener("resume", myResumeListener, false); */ if (typeof(DeviceInfo) != 'object') DeviceInfo = {}; /** * This represents the PhoneGap API itself, and provides a global namespace for accessing * information about the state of PhoneGap. * @class */ var PhoneGap = { queue: { ready: true, commands: [], timer: null } }; /** * Custom pub-sub channel that can have functions subscribed to it */ PhoneGap.Channel = function(type) { this.type = type; this.handlers = {}; this.guid = 0; this.fired = false; this.enabled = true; }; /** * Subscribes the given function to the channel. Any time that * Channel.fire is called so too will the function. * Optionally specify an execution context for the function * and a guid that can be used to stop subscribing to the channel. * Returns the guid. */ PhoneGap.Channel.prototype.subscribe = function(f, c, g) { // need a function to call if (f == null) { return; } var func = f; if (typeof c == "object" && f instanceof Function) { func = PhoneGap.close(c, f); } g = g || func.observer_guid || f.observer_guid || this.guid++; func.observer_guid = g; f.observer_guid = g; this.handlers[g] = func; return g; }; /** * Like subscribe but the function is only called once and then it * auto-unsubscribes itself. */ PhoneGap.Channel.prototype.subscribeOnce = function(f, c) { var g = null; var _this = this; var m = function() { f.apply(c || null, arguments); _this.unsubscribe(g); } if (this.fired) { if (typeof c == "object" && f instanceof Function) { f = PhoneGap.close(c, f); } f.apply(this, this.fireArgs); } else { g = this.subscribe(m); } return g; }; /** * Unsubscribes the function with the given guid from the channel. */ PhoneGap.Channel.prototype.unsubscribe = function(g) { if (g instanceof Function) { g = g.observer_guid; } this.handlers[g] = null; delete this.handlers[g]; }; /** * Calls all functions subscribed to this channel. */ PhoneGap.Channel.prototype.fire = function(e) { if (this.enabled) { var fail = false; for (var item in this.handlers) { var handler = this.handlers[item]; if (handler instanceof Function) { var rv = (handler.apply(this, arguments)==false); fail = fail || rv; } } this.fired = true; this.fireArgs = arguments; return !fail; } return true; }; /** * Calls the provided function only after all of the channels specified * have been fired. */ PhoneGap.Channel.join = function(h, c) { var i = c.length; var f = function() { if (!(--i)) h(); } for (var j=0; j 0) { s = s + ","; } var type = typeof args[i]; if ((type == "number") || (type == "boolean")) { s = s + args[i]; } else if (args[i] instanceof Array) { s = s + "[" + args[i] + "]"; } else if (args[i] instanceof Object) { var start = true; s = s + '{'; for (var name in args[i]) { if (!start) { s = s + ','; } s = s + '"' + name + '":'; var nameType = typeof args[i][name]; if ((nameType == "number") || (nameType == "boolean")) { s = s + args[i][name]; } else { s = s + '"' + args[i][name] + '"'; } start=false; } s = s + '}'; } else { s = s + '"' + args[i] + '"'; } } s = s + "]"; return s; } else { return JSON.stringify(args); } }; /** * Does a deep clone of the object. * * @param obj * @return */ PhoneGap.clone = function(obj) { if(!obj) { return obj; } if(obj instanceof Array){ var retVal = new Array(); for(var i = 0; i < obj.length; ++i){ retVal.push(PhoneGap.clone(obj[i])); } return retVal; } if (obj instanceof Function) { return obj; } if(!(obj instanceof Object)){ return obj; } retVal = new Object(); for(i in obj){ if(!(i in retVal) || retVal[i] != obj[i]) { retVal[i] = PhoneGap.clone(obj[i]); } } return retVal; }; PhoneGap.callbackId = 0; PhoneGap.callbacks = {}; /** * Execute a PhoneGap command in a queued fashion, to ensure commands do not * execute with any race conditions, and only run when PhoneGap is ready to * recieve them. * @param {String} command Command to be run in PhoneGap, e.g. "ClassName.method" * @param {String[]} [args] Zero or more arguments to pass to the method */ // TODO: Not used anymore, should be removed. PhoneGap.exec = function(clazz, action, args) { try { var callbackId = 0; var r = PluginManager.exec(clazz, action, callbackId, this.stringify(args), false); eval("var v="+r+";"); // If status is OK, then return value back to caller if (v.status == 0) { return v.message; } // If error, then display error else { console.log("Error: Status="+r.status+" Message="+v.message); return null; } } catch (e) { console.log("Error: "+e); } }; /** * Execute a PhoneGap command. It is up to the native side whether this action is synch or async. * The native side can return: * Synchronous: PluginResult object as a JSON string * Asynchrounous: Empty string "" * If async, the native side will PhoneGap.callbackSuccess or PhoneGap.callbackError, * depending upon the result of the action. * * @param {Function} success The success callback * @param {Function} fail The fail callback * @param {String} service The name of the service to use * @param {String} action Action to be run in PhoneGap * @param {String[]} [args] Zero or more arguments to pass to the method */ PhoneGap.execAsync = function(success, fail, service, action, args) { try { var callbackId = service + PhoneGap.callbackId++; if (success || fail) { PhoneGap.callbacks[callbackId] = {success:success, fail:fail}; } // Note: Device returns string, but for some reason emulator returns object - so convert to string. var r = ""+PluginManager.exec(service, action, callbackId, this.stringify(args), true); // If a result was returned if (r.length > 0) { eval("var v="+r+";"); // If status is OK, then return value back to caller if (v.status == 0) { // If there is a success callback, then call it now with returned value if (success) { success(v.message); delete PhoneGap.callbacks[callbackId]; } return v.message; } // If error, then display error else { console.log("Error: Status="+r.status+" Message="+v.message); // If there is a fail callback, then call it now with returned value if (fail) { fail(v.message); delete PhoneGap.callbacks[callbackId]; } return null; } } } catch (e) { console.log("Error: "+e); } }; /** * Called by native code when returning successful result from an action. * * @param callbackId * @param args */ PhoneGap.callbackSuccess = function(callbackId, args) { if (PhoneGap.callbacks[callbackId]) { try { if (PhoneGap.callbacks[callbackId].success) { PhoneGap.callbacks[callbackId].success(args.message); } } catch (e) { console.log("Error in success callback: "+callbackId+" = "+e); } delete PhoneGap.callbacks[callbackId]; } }; /** * Called by native code when returning error result from an action. * * @param callbackId * @param args */ PhoneGap.callbackError = function(callbackId, args) { if (PhoneGap.callbacks[callbackId]) { try { if (PhoneGap.callbacks[callbackId].fail) { PhoneGap.callbacks[callbackId].fail(args.message); } } catch (e) { console.log("Error in error callback: "+callbackId+" = "+e); } delete PhoneGap.callbacks[callbackId]; } }; /** * Internal function used to dispatch the request to PhoneGap. It processes the * command queue and executes the next command on the list. If one of the * arguments is a JavaScript object, it will be passed on the QueryString of the * url, which will be turned into a dictionary on the other end. * @private */ // TODO: Is this used? PhoneGap.run_command = function() { if (!PhoneGap.available || !PhoneGap.queue.ready) return; PhoneGap.queue.ready = false; var args = PhoneGap.queue.commands.shift(); if (PhoneGap.queue.commands.length == 0) { clearInterval(PhoneGap.queue.timer); PhoneGap.queue.timer = null; } var uri = []; var dict = null; for (var i = 1; i < args.length; i++) { var arg = args[i]; if (arg == undefined || arg == null) arg = ''; if (typeof(arg) == 'object') dict = arg; else uri.push(encodeURIComponent(arg)); } var url = "gap://" + args[0] + "/" + uri.join("/"); if (dict != null) { var query_args = []; for (var name in dict) { if (typeof(name) != 'string') continue; query_args.push(encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(dict[name])); } if (query_args.length > 0) url += "?" + query_args.join("&"); } document.location = url; }; /** * This is only for Android. * * Internal function that uses XHR to call into PhoneGap Java code and retrieve * any JavaScript code that needs to be run. This is used for callbacks from * Java to JavaScript. */ PhoneGap.JSCallback = function() { var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); // Callback function when XMLHttpRequest is ready xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function(){ if(xmlhttp.readyState == 4){ // If callback has JavaScript statement to execute if (xmlhttp.status == 200) { var msg = xmlhttp.responseText; setTimeout(function() { try { var t = eval(msg); } catch (e) { console.log("JSCallback Error: "+e); } }, 1); setTimeout(PhoneGap.JSCallback, 1); } // If callback ping (used to keep XHR request from timing out) else if (xmlhttp.status == 404) { setTimeout(PhoneGap.JSCallback, 10); } // If error, restart callback server else { console.log("JSCallback Error: Request failed."); CallbackServer.restartServer(); setTimeout(PhoneGap.JSCallback, 100); } } } xmlhttp.open("GET", ""+CallbackServer.getPort()+"/" , true); xmlhttp.send(); }; /** * Create a UUID * * @return */ PhoneGap.createUUID = function() { return PhoneGap.UUIDcreatePart(4) + '-' + PhoneGap.UUIDcreatePart(2) + '-' + PhoneGap.UUIDcreatePart(2) + '-' + PhoneGap.UUIDcreatePart(2) + '-' + PhoneGap.UUIDcreatePart(6); }; PhoneGap.UUIDcreatePart = function(length) { var uuidpart = ""; for (var i=0; i frequency + 10 sec PhoneGap.execAsync( function(timeout) { if (timeout < (frequency + 10000)) { PhoneGap.execAsync(null, null, "Accelerometer", "setTimeout", [frequency + 10000]); } }, function(e) { }, "Accelerometer", "getTimeout", []); // Start watch timer var id = PhoneGap.createUUID(); navigator.accelerometer.timers[id] = setInterval(function() { PhoneGap.execAsync(successCallback, errorCallback, "Accelerometer", "getAcceleration", []); }, (frequency ? frequency : 1)); return id; }; /** * Clears the specified accelerometer watch. * * @param {String} id The id of the watch returned from #watchAcceleration. */ Accelerometer.prototype.clearWatch = function(id) { // Stop javascript timer & remove from timer list if (id && navigator.accelerometer.timers[id] != undefined) { clearInterval(navigator.accelerometer.timers[id]); delete navigator.accelerometer.timers[id]; } }; PhoneGap.addConstructor(function() { if (typeof navigator.accelerometer == "undefined") navigator.accelerometer = new Accelerometer(); }); /** * This class provides access to the device camera. * * @constructor */ Camera = function() { this.successCallback = null; this.errorCallback = null; this.options = null; }; /** * Format of image that returned from getPicture. * * Example: navigator.camera.getPicture(success, fail, * { quality: 80, * destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.DATA_URL, * sourceType: Camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY}) */ Camera.DestinationType = { DATA_URL: 0, // Return base64 encoded string FILE_URI: 1 // Return file uri (content://media/external/images/media/2 for Android) }; Camera.prototype.DestinationType = Camera.DestinationType; /** * Source to getPicture from. * * Example: navigator.camera.getPicture(success, fail, * { quality: 80, * destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.DATA_URL, * sourceType: Camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY}) */ Camera.PictureSourceType = { PHOTOLIBRARY : 0, // Choose image from picture library (same as SAVEDPHOTOALBUM for Android) CAMERA : 1, // Take picture from camera SAVEDPHOTOALBUM : 2 // Choose image from picture library (same as PHOTOLIBRARY for Android) }; Camera.prototype.PictureSourceType = Camera.PictureSourceType; /** * Gets a picture from source defined by "options.sourceType", and returns the * image as defined by the "options.destinationType" option. * The defaults are sourceType=CAMERA and destinationType=DATA_URL. * * @param {Function} successCallback * @param {Function} errorCallback * @param {Object} options */ Camera.prototype.getPicture = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) { // successCallback required if (typeof successCallback != "function") { console.log("Camera Error: successCallback is not a function"); return; } // errorCallback optional if (errorCallback && (typeof errorCallback != "function")) { console.log("Camera Error: errorCallback is not a function"); return; } this.successCallback = successCallback; this.errorCallback = errorCallback; this.options = options; var quality = 80; if (options.quality) { quality = this.options.quality; } var destinationType = Camera.DestinationType.DATA_URL; if (this.options.destinationType) { destinationType = this.options.destinationType; } var sourceType = Camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA; if (typeof this.options.sourceType == "number") { sourceType = this.options.sourceType; } PhoneGap.execAsync(null, null, "Camera", "takePicture", [quality, destinationType, sourceType]); }; /** * Callback function from native code that is called when image has been captured. * * @param picture The base64 encoded string of the image */ Camera.prototype.success = function(picture) { if (this.successCallback) { this.successCallback(picture); } }; /** * Callback function from native code that is called when there is an error * capturing an image, or the capture is cancelled. * * @param err The error message */ Camera.prototype.error = function(err) { if (this.errorCallback) { this.errorCallback(err); } }; PhoneGap.addConstructor(function() { if (typeof navigator.camera == "undefined") navigator.camera = new Camera(); }); /** * This class provides access to device Compass data. * @constructor */ function Compass() { /** * The last known Compass position. */ this.lastHeading = null; /** * List of compass watch timers */ this.timers = {}; }; Compass.ERROR_MSG = ["Not running", "Starting", "", "Failed to start"]; /** * Asynchronously aquires the current heading. * * @param {Function} successCallback The function to call when the heading data is available * @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error getting the heading data. (OPTIONAL) * @param {PositionOptions} options The options for getting the heading data such as timeout. (OPTIONAL) */ Compass.prototype.getCurrentHeading = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) { // successCallback required if (typeof successCallback != "function") { console.log("Compass Error: successCallback is not a function"); return; } // errorCallback optional if (errorCallback && (typeof errorCallback != "function")) { console.log("Compass Error: errorCallback is not a function"); return; } // Get heading PhoneGap.execAsync(successCallback, errorCallback, "Compass", "getHeading", []); }; /** * Asynchronously aquires the heading repeatedly at a given interval. * * @param {Function} successCallback The function to call each time the heading data is available * @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error getting the heading data. (OPTIONAL) * @param {HeadingOptions} options The options for getting the heading data such as timeout and the frequency of the watch. (OPTIONAL) * @return String The watch id that must be passed to #clearWatch to stop watching. */ Compass.prototype.watchHeading= function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) { // Default interval (100 msec) var frequency = (options != undefined) ? options.frequency : 100; // successCallback required if (typeof successCallback != "function") { console.log("Compass Error: successCallback is not a function"); return; } // errorCallback optional if (errorCallback && (typeof errorCallback != "function")) { console.log("Compass Error: errorCallback is not a function"); return; } // Make sure compass timeout > frequency + 10 sec PhoneGap.execAsync( function(timeout) { if (timeout < (frequency + 10000)) { PhoneGap.execAsync(null, null, "Compass", "setTimeout", [frequency + 10000]); } }, function(e) { }, "Compass", "getTimeout", []); // Start watch timer to get headings var id = PhoneGap.createUUID(); navigator.compass.timers[id] = setInterval( function() { PhoneGap.execAsync(successCallback, errorCallback, "Compass", "getHeading", []); }, (frequency ? frequency : 1)); return id; }; /** * Clears the specified heading watch. * * @param {String} id The ID of the watch returned from #watchHeading. */ Compass.prototype.clearWatch = function(id) { // Stop javascript timer & remove from timer list if (id && navigator.compass.timers[id]) { clearInterval(navigator.compass.timers[id]); delete navigator.compass.timers[id]; } }; PhoneGap.addConstructor(function() { if (typeof navigator.compass == "undefined") navigator.compass = new Compass(); }); var Contact = function(id, displayName, name, nickname, phoneNumbers, emails, addresses, ims, organizations, published, updated, birthday, anniversary, gender, note, preferredUsername, photos, tags, relationships, urls, accounts, utcOffset, connected) { this.id = id || null; this.displayName = displayName || null; this.name = name || null; // ContactName this.nickname = nickname || null; this.phoneNumbers = phoneNumbers || null; // ContactField[] this.emails = emails || null; // ContactField[] this.addresses = addresses || null; // ContactAddress[] this.ims = ims || null; // ContactField[] this.organizations = organizations || null; // ContactOrganization[] this.published = published || null; this.updated = updated || null; this.birthday = birthday || null; this.anniversary = anniversary || null; this.gender = gender || null; this.note = note || null; this.preferredUsername = preferredUsername || null; this.photos = photos || null; // ContactField[] this.tags = tags || null; // ContactField[] this.relationships = relationships || null; // ContactField[] this.urls = urls || null; // ContactField[] this.accounts = accounts || null; // ContactAccount[] this.utcOffset = utcOffset || null; this.connected = connected || null; }; Contact.prototype.remove = function(successCB, errorCB) { if (this.id == null) { var errorObj = new ContactError(); errorObj.code = ContactError.NOT_FOUND_ERROR; errorCB(errorObj); } PhoneGap.execAsync(successCB, errorCB, "Contacts", "remove", [this.id]); }; Contact.prototype.clone = function() { var clonedContact = PhoneGap.clone(this); clonedContact.id = null; return clonedContact; }; Contact.prototype.save = function(win, fail) { }; var ContactName = function(formatted, familyName, givenName, middle, prefix, suffix) { this.formatted = formatted || null; this.familyName = familyName || null; this.givenName = givenName || null; this.middleName = middle || null; this.honorificPrefix = prefix || null; this.honorificSuffix = suffix || null; }; var ContactField = function(type, value, primary) { this.type = type || null; this.value = value || null; this.primary = primary || null; }; var ContactAddress = function(formatted, streetAddress, locality, region, postalCode, country) { this.formatted = formatted || null; this.streetAddress = streetAddress || null; this.locality = locality || null; this.region = region || null; this.postalCode = postalCode || null; this.country = country || null; }; var ContactOrganization = function(name, dept, title, startDate, endDate, location, desc) { this.name = name || null; this.department = dept || null; this.title = title || null; this.startDate = startDate || null; this.endDate = endDate || null; this.location = location || null; this.description = desc || null; }; var ContactAccount = function(domain, username, userid) { this.domain = domain || null; this.username = username || null; this.userid = userid || null; } var Contacts = function() { this.inProgress = false; this.records = new Array(); } Contacts.prototype.find = function(fields, win, fail, options) { PhoneGap.execAsync(win, fail, "Contacts", "search", [fields, options]); }; //This function does not create a new contact in the db. //Must call contact.save() for it to be persisted in the db. Contacts.prototype.create = function(properties) { var contact = new Contact(); for (i in properties) { if (contact[i]!='undefined') { contact[i]=properties[i]; } } return contact; }; Contacts.prototype.droidDone = function(contacts) { this.win(eval('(' + contacts + ')')); }; Contacts.prototype.m_foundContacts = function(win, contacts) { this.inProgress = false; win(contacts); }; var ContactFindOptions = function(filter, multiple, limit, updatedSince) { this.filter = filter || ''; this.multiple = multiple || true; this.limit = limit || Number.MAX_VALUE; this.updatedSince = updatedSince || ''; }; var ContactError = function() { this.code=null; }; ContactError.UNKNOWN_ERROR = 0; ContactError.INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR = 1; ContactError.NOT_FOUND_ERROR = 2; ContactError.TIMEOUT_ERROR = 3; ContactError.PENDING_OPERATION_ERROR = 4; ContactError.IO_ERROR = 5; ContactError.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR = 6; ContactError.PERMISSION_DENIED_ERROR = 20; PhoneGap.addConstructor(function() { if(typeof navigator.service == "undefined") navigator.service = new Object(); if(typeof navigator.service.contacts == "undefined") navigator.service.contacts = new Contacts(); }); var Crypto = function() { }; Crypto.prototype.encrypt = function(seed, string, callback) { this.encryptWin = callback; PhoneGap.execAsync(null, null, "Crypto", "encrypt", [seed, string]); }; Crypto.prototype.decrypt = function(seed, string, callback) { this.decryptWin = callback; PhoneGap.execAsync(null, null, "Crypto", "decrypt", [seed, string]); }; Crypto.prototype.gotCryptedString = function(string) { this.encryptWin(string); }; Crypto.prototype.getPlainString = function(string) { this.decryptWin(string); }; PhoneGap.addConstructor(function() { if (typeof navigator.Crypto == "undefined") navigator.Crypto = new Crypto(); }); /** * This represents the mobile device, and provides properties for inspecting the model, version, UUID of the * phone, etc. * @constructor */ function Device() { this.available = PhoneGap.available; this.platform = null; this.version = null; this.name = null; this.uuid = null; this.phonegap = null; var me = this; this.getInfo( function(info) { me.available = true; me.platform = info.platform; me.version = info.version; me.uuid = info.uuid; me.phonegap = info.phonegap; PhoneGap.onPhoneGapInfoReady.fire(); }, function(e) { me.available = false; console.log("Error initializing PhoneGap: " + e); alert("Error initializing PhoneGap: "+e); }); } /** * Get device info * * @param {Function} successCallback The function to call when the heading data is available * @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error getting the heading data. (OPTIONAL) */ Device.prototype.getInfo = function(successCallback, errorCallback) { // successCallback required if (typeof successCallback != "function") { console.log("Device Error: successCallback is not a function"); return; } // errorCallback optional if (errorCallback && (typeof errorCallback != "function")) { console.log("Device Error: errorCallback is not a function"); return; } // Get info PhoneGap.execAsync(successCallback, errorCallback, "Device", "getDeviceInfo", []); }; /* * This is only for Android. * * You must explicitly override the back button. */ Device.prototype.overrideBackButton = function() { BackButton.override(); } /* * This is only for Android. * * This resets the back button to the default behaviour */ Device.prototype.resetBackButton = function() { BackButton.reset(); } /* * This is only for Android. * * This terminates the activity! */ Device.prototype.exitApp = function() { BackButton.exitApp(); } PhoneGap.addConstructor(function() { navigator.device = window.device = new Device(); }); /** * This class provides generic read and write access to the mobile device file system. * They are not used to read files from a server. */ /** * List of files */ function FileList() { this.files = {}; }; /** * Describes a single file in a FileList */ function File() { this.name = null; this.type = null; this.urn = null; }; /** * Create an event object since we can't set target on DOM event. * * @param type * @param target * */ File._createEvent = function(type, target) { // Can't create event object, since we can't set target (its readonly) //var evt = document.createEvent('Events'); //evt.initEvent("onload", false, false); var evt = {"type": type}; evt.target = target; return evt; }; function FileError() { // File error codes // Found in DOMException this.NOT_FOUND_ERR = 8; this.SECURITY_ERR = 18; this.ABORT_ERR = 20; // Added by this specification this.NOT_READABLE_ERR = 24; this.ENCODING_ERR = 26; this.code = null; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File manager //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function FileMgr() { }; FileMgr.prototype.getFileBasePaths = function() { }; FileMgr.prototype.testSaveLocationExists = function(successCallback, errorCallback) { PhoneGap.execAsync(successCallback, errorCallback, "File", "testSaveLocationExists", []); }; FileMgr.prototype.testFileExists = function(fileName, successCallback, errorCallback) { PhoneGap.execAsync(successCallback, errorCallback, "File", "testFileExists", [fileName]); }; FileMgr.prototype.testDirectoryExists = function(dirName, successCallback, errorCallback) { PhoneGap.execAsync(successCallback, errorCallback, "File", "testDirectoryExists", [dirName]); }; FileMgr.prototype.createDirectory = function(dirName, successCallback, errorCallback) { PhoneGap.execAsync(successCallback, errorCallback, "File", "createDirectory", [dirName]); }; FileMgr.prototype.deleteDirectory = function(dirName, successCallback, errorCallback) { PhoneGap.execAsync(successCallback, errorCallback, "File", "deleteDirectory", [dirName]); }; FileMgr.prototype.deleteFile = function(fileName, successCallback, errorCallback) { PhoneGap.execAsync(successCallback, errorCallback, "File", "deleteFile", [fileName]); }; FileMgr.prototype.getFreeDiskSpace = function(successCallback, errorCallback) { PhoneGap.execAsync(successCallback, errorCallback, "File", "getFreeDiskSpace", []); }; FileMgr.prototype.writeAsText = function(fileName, data, append, successCallback, errorCallback) { PhoneGap.execAsync(successCallback, errorCallback, "File", "writeAsText", [fileName, data, append]); }; FileMgr.prototype.readAsText = function(fileName, encoding, successCallback, errorCallback) { PhoneGap.execAsync(successCallback, errorCallback, "File", "readAsText", [fileName, encoding]); }; FileMgr.prototype.readAsDataURL = function(fileName, successCallback, errorCallback) { PhoneGap.execAsync(successCallback, errorCallback, "File", "readAsDataURL", [fileName]); }; PhoneGap.addConstructor(function() { if (typeof navigator.fileMgr == "undefined") navigator.fileMgr = new FileMgr(); }); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File Reader //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TODO: All other FileMgr function operate on the SD card as root. However, // for FileReader & FileWriter the root is not SD card. Should this be changed? /** * This class reads the mobile device file system. * * For Android: * The root directory is the root of the file system. * To read from the SD card, the file name is "sdcard/my_file.txt" */ function FileReader() { this.fileName = ""; this.readyState = 0; // File data this.result = null; // Error this.error = null; // Event handlers this.onloadstart = null; // When the read starts. this.onprogress = null; // While reading (and decoding) file or fileBlob data, and reporting partial file data (progess.loaded/progress.total) this.onload = null; // When the read has successfully completed. this.onerror = null; // When the read has failed (see errors). this.onloadend = null; // When the request has completed (either in success or failure). this.onabort = null; // When the read has been aborted. For instance, by invoking the abort() method. }; // States FileReader.EMPTY = 0; FileReader.LOADING = 1; FileReader.DONE = 2; /** * Abort reading file. */ FileReader.prototype.abort = function() { this.readyState = FileReader.DONE; // If abort callback if (typeof this.onabort == "function") { var evt = File._createEvent("abort", this); this.onabort(evt); } // TODO: Anything else to do? Maybe sent to native? }; /** * Read text file. * * @param file The name of the file * @param encoding [Optional] (see http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets) */ FileReader.prototype.readAsText = function(file, encoding) { this.fileName = file; // LOADING state this.readyState = FileReader.LOADING; // If loadstart callback if (typeof this.onloadstart == "function") { var evt = File._createEvent("loadstart", this); this.onloadstart(evt); } // Default encoding is UTF-8 var enc = encoding ? encoding : "UTF-8"; var me = this; // Read file navigator.fileMgr.readAsText(file, enc, // Success callback function(r) { // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything if (me.readyState == FileReader.DONE) { return; } // Save result me.result = r; // DONE state me.readyState = FileReader.DONE; // If onload callback if (typeof me.onload == "function") { var evt = File._createEvent("load", me); me.onload(evt); } // If onloadend callback if (typeof me.onloadend == "function") { var evt = File._createEvent("loadend", me); me.onloadend(evt); } }, // Error callback function(e) { // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything if (me.readyState == FileReader.DONE) { return; } // Save error me.error = e; // DONE state me.readyState = FileReader.DONE; // If onerror callback if (typeof me.onerror == "function") { var evt = File._createEvent("error", me); me.onerror(evt); } // If onloadend callback if (typeof me.onloadend == "function") { var evt = File._createEvent("loadend", me); me.onloadend(evt); } } ); }; /** * Read file and return data as a base64 encoded data url. * A data url is of the form: * data:[][;base64], * * @param file The name of the file */ FileReader.prototype.readAsDataURL = function(file) { this.fileName = file; // LOADING state this.readyState = FileReader.LOADING; // If loadstart callback if (typeof this.onloadstart == "function") { var evt = File._createEvent("loadstart", this); this.onloadstart(evt); } var me = this; // Read file navigator.fileMgr.readAsDataURL(file, // Success callback function(r) { // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything if (me.readyState == FileReader.DONE) { return; } // Save result me.result = r; // DONE state me.readyState = FileReader.DONE; // If onload callback if (typeof me.onload == "function") { var evt = File._createEvent("load", me); me.onload(evt); } // If onloadend callback if (typeof me.onloadend == "function") { var evt = File._createEvent("loadend", me); me.onloadend(evt); } }, // Error callback function(e) { // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything if (me.readyState == FileReader.DONE) { return; } // Save error me.error = e; // DONE state me.readyState = FileReader.DONE; // If onerror callback if (typeof me.onerror == "function") { var evt = File._createEvent("error", me); me.onerror(evt); } // If onloadend callback if (typeof me.onloadend == "function") { var evt = File._createEvent("loadend", me); me.onloadend(evt); } } ); }; /** * Read file and return data as a binary data. * * @param file The name of the file */ FileReader.prototype.readAsBinaryString = function(file) { // TODO - Can't return binary data to browser. this.fileName = file; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File Writer //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This class writes to the mobile device file system. * * For Android: * The root directory is the root of the file system. * To write to the SD card, the file name is "sdcard/my_file.txt" */ function FileWriter() { this.fileName = ""; this.result = null; this.readyState = 0; // EMPTY this.result = null; this.onerror = null; this.oncomplete = null; }; // States FileWriter.EMPTY = 0; FileWriter.LOADING = 1; FileWriter.DONE = 2; FileWriter.prototype.writeAsText = function(file, text, bAppend) { if (bAppend != true) { bAppend = false; // for null values } this.fileName = file; // LOADING state this.readyState = FileWriter.LOADING; var me = this; // Read file navigator.fileMgr.writeAsText(file, text, bAppend, // Success callback function(r) { // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything if (me.readyState == FileWriter.DONE) { return; } // Save result me.result = r; // DONE state me.readyState = FileWriter.DONE; // If oncomplete callback if (typeof me.oncomplete == "function") { var evt = File._createEvent("complete", me); me.oncomplete(evt); } }, // Error callback function(e) { // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything if (me.readyState == FileWriter.DONE) { return; } // Save error me.error = e; // DONE state me.readyState = FileWriter.DONE; // If onerror callback if (typeof me.onerror == "function") { var evt = File._createEvent("error", me); me.onerror(evt); } } ); }; /** * This class provides access to device GPS data. * @constructor */ function Geolocation() { // The last known GPS position. this.lastPosition = null; // Geolocation listeners this.listeners = {}; }; /** * Position error object * * @param code * @param message */ function PositionError(code, message) { this.code = code; this.message = message; }; PositionError.PERMISSION_DENIED = 1; PositionError.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE = 2; PositionError.TIMEOUT = 3; /** * Asynchronously aquires the current position. * * @param {Function} successCallback The function to call when the position data is available * @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error getting the heading position. (OPTIONAL) * @param {PositionOptions} options The options for getting the position data. (OPTIONAL) */ Geolocation.prototype.getCurrentPosition = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) { if (navigator._geo.listeners["global"]) { console.log("Geolocation Error: Still waiting for previous getCurrentPosition() request."); try { errorCallback(new PositionError(PositionError.TIMEOUT, "Geolocation Error: Still waiting for previous getCurrentPosition() request.")); } catch (e) { } return; } var maximumAge = 10000; var enableHighAccuracy = false; var timeout = 10000; if (typeof options != "undefined") { if (typeof options.maximumAge != "undefined") { maximumAge = options.maximumAge; } if (typeof options.enableHighAccuracy != "undefined") { enableHighAccuracy = options.enableHighAccuracy; } if (typeof options.timeout != "undefined") { timeout = options.timeout; } } navigator._geo.listeners["global"] = {"success" : successCallback, "fail" : errorCallback }; PhoneGap.execAsync(null, null, "Geolocation", "getCurrentLocation", [enableHighAccuracy, timeout, maximumAge]); } /** * Asynchronously watches the geolocation for changes to geolocation. When a change occurs, * the successCallback is called with the new location. * * @param {Function} successCallback The function to call each time the location data is available * @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error getting the location data. (OPTIONAL) * @param {PositionOptions} options The options for getting the location data such as frequency. (OPTIONAL) * @return String The watch id that must be passed to #clearWatch to stop watching. */ Geolocation.prototype.watchPosition = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) { var maximumAge = 10000; var enableHighAccuracy = false; var timeout = 10000; if (typeof options != "undefined") { if (typeof options.frequency != "undefined") { maximumAge = options.frequency; } if (typeof options.maximumAge != "undefined") { maximumAge = options.maximumAge; } if (typeof options.enableHighAccuracy != "undefined") { enableHighAccuracy = options.enableHighAccuracy; } if (typeof options.timeout != "undefined") { timeout = options.timeout; } } var id = PhoneGap.createUUID(); navigator._geo.listeners[id] = {"success" : successCallback, "fail" : errorCallback }; PhoneGap.execAsync(null, null, "Geolocation", "start", [id, enableHighAccuracy, timeout, maximumAge]); return id; }; /* * Native callback when watch position has a new position. * PRIVATE METHOD * * @param {String} id * @param {Number} lat * @param {Number} lng * @param {Number} alt * @param {Number} altacc * @param {Number} head * @param {Number} vel * @param {Number} stamp */ Geolocation.prototype.success = function(id, lat, lng, alt, altacc, head, vel, stamp) { var coords = new Coordinates(lat, lng, alt, altacc, head, vel); var loc = new Position(coords, stamp); try { if (lat == "undefined" || lng == "undefined") { navigator._geo.listeners[id].fail(new PositionError(PositionError.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE, "Lat/Lng are undefined.")); } else { navigator._geo.lastPosition = loc; navigator._geo.listeners[id].success(loc); } } catch (e) { console.log("Geolocation Error: Error calling success callback function."); } if (id == "global") { delete navigator._geo.listeners["global"]; } }; /** * Native callback when watch position has an error. * PRIVATE METHOD * * @param {String} id The ID of the watch * @param {Number} code The error code * @param {String} msg The error message */ Geolocation.prototype.fail = function(id, code, msg) { try { navigator._geo.listeners[id].fail(new PositionError(code, msg)); } catch (e) { console.log("Geolocation Error: Error calling error callback function."); } }; /** * Clears the specified heading watch. * * @param {String} id The ID of the watch returned from #watchPosition */ Geolocation.prototype.clearWatch = function(id) { PhoneGap.execAsync(null, null, "Geolocation", "stop", [id]); delete navigator._geo.listeners[id]; }; /** * Force the PhoneGap geolocation to be used instead of built-in. */ Geolocation.usingPhoneGap = false; Geolocation.usePhoneGap = function() { if (Geolocation.usingPhoneGap) { return; } Geolocation.usingPhoneGap = true; // Set built-in geolocation methods to our own implementations // (Cannot replace entire geolocation, but can replace individual methods) navigator.geolocation.setLocation = navigator._geo.setLocation; navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition = navigator._geo.getCurrentPosition; navigator.geolocation.watchPosition = navigator._geo.watchPosition; navigator.geolocation.clearWatch = navigator._geo.clearWatch; navigator.geolocation.start = navigator._geo.start; navigator.geolocation.stop = navigator._geo.stop; }; PhoneGap.addConstructor(function() { navigator._geo = new Geolocation(); // No native geolocation object for Android 1.x, so use PhoneGap geolocation if (typeof navigator.geolocation == 'undefined') { navigator.geolocation = navigator._geo; Geolocation.usingPhoneGap = true; } }); function KeyEvent() { } KeyEvent.prototype.backTrigger = function() { var e = document.createEvent('Events'); e.initEvent('backKeyDown'); document.dispatchEvent(e); } if (document.keyEvent == null || typeof document.keyEvent == 'undefined') { window.keyEvent = document.keyEvent = new KeyEvent(); } /** * List of media objects. * PRIVATE */ PhoneGap.mediaObjects = {}; /** * Object that receives native callbacks. * PRIVATE */ PhoneGap.Media = function() {}; /** * Get the media object. * PRIVATE * * @param id The media object id (string) */ PhoneGap.Media.getMediaObject = function(id) { return PhoneGap.mediaObjects[id]; }; /** * Audio has status update. * PRIVATE * * @param id The media object id (string) * @param status The status code (int) * @param msg The status message (string) */ PhoneGap.Media.onStatus = function(id, msg, value) { var media = PhoneGap.mediaObjects[id]; // If state update if (msg == Media.MEDIA_STATE) { if (value == Media.MEDIA_STOPPED) { if (media.successCallback) { media.successCallback(); } } if (media.statusCallback) { media.statusCallback(value); } } else if (msg == Media.MEDIA_DURATION) { media._duration = value; } else if (msg == Media.MEDIA_ERROR) { if (media.errorCallback) { media.errorCallback(value); } } }; /** * This class provides access to the device media, interfaces to both sound and video * * @param src The file name or url to play * @param successCallback The callback to be called when the file is done playing or recording. * successCallback() - OPTIONAL * @param errorCallback The callback to be called if there is an error. * errorCallback(int errorCode) - OPTIONAL * @param statusCallback The callback to be called when media status has changed. * statusCallback(int statusCode) - OPTIONAL * @param positionCallback The callback to be called when media position has changed. * positionCallback(long position) - OPTIONAL */ Media = function(src, successCallback, errorCallback, statusCallback, positionCallback) { // successCallback optional if (successCallback && (typeof successCallback != "function")) { console.log("Media Error: successCallback is not a function"); return; } // errorCallback optional if (errorCallback && (typeof errorCallback != "function")) { console.log("Media Error: errorCallback is not a function"); return; } // statusCallback optional if (statusCallback && (typeof statusCallback != "function")) { console.log("Media Error: statusCallback is not a function"); return; } // statusCallback optional if (positionCallback && (typeof positionCallback != "function")) { console.log("Media Error: positionCallback is not a function"); return; } this.id = PhoneGap.createUUID(); PhoneGap.mediaObjects[this.id] = this; this.src = src; this.successCallback = successCallback; this.errorCallback = errorCallback; this.statusCallback = statusCallback; this.positionCallback = positionCallback; this._duration = -1; this._position = -1; }; // Media messages Media.MEDIA_STATE = 1; Media.MEDIA_DURATION = 2; Media.MEDIA_ERROR = 9; // Media states Media.MEDIA_NONE = 0; Media.MEDIA_STARTING = 1; Media.MEDIA_RUNNING = 2; Media.MEDIA_PAUSED = 3; Media.MEDIA_STOPPED = 4; Media.MEDIA_MSG = ["None", "Starting", "Running", "Paused", "Stopped"]; // TODO: Will MediaError be used? /** * This class contains information about any Media errors. * @constructor */ function MediaError() { this.code = null, this.message = ""; }; MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED = 1; MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK = 2; MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_DECODE = 3; MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NONE_SUPPORTED = 4; /** * Start or resume playing audio file. */ Media.prototype.play = function() { PhoneGap.execAsync(null, null, "Media", "startPlayingAudio", [this.id, this.src]); }; /** * Stop playing audio file. */ Media.prototype.stop = function() { return PhoneGap.execAsync(null, null, "Media", "stopPlayingAudio", [this.id]); }; /** * Pause playing audio file. */ Media.prototype.pause = function() { PhoneGap.execAsync(null, null, "Media", "pausePlayingAudio", [this.id]); }; /** * Get duration of an audio file. * The duration is only set for audio that is playing, paused or stopped. * * @return duration or -1 if not known. */ Media.prototype.getDuration = function() { return this._duration; }; /** * Get position of audio. * * @return */ Media.prototype.getCurrentPosition = function(success, fail) { PhoneGap.execAsync(success, fail, "Media", "getCurrentPositionAudio", [this.id]); }; /** * Start recording audio file. */ Media.prototype.startRecord = function() { PhoneGap.execAsync(null, null, "Media", "startRecordingAudio", [this.id, this.src]); }; /** * Stop recording audio file. */ Media.prototype.stopRecord = function() { PhoneGap.execAsync(null, null, "Media", "stopRecordingAudio", [this.id]); }; /** * This class contains information about any NetworkStatus. * @constructor */ function NetworkStatus() { //this.code = null; //this.message = ""; }; NetworkStatus.NOT_REACHABLE = 0; NetworkStatus.REACHABLE_VIA_CARRIER_DATA_NETWORK = 1; NetworkStatus.REACHABLE_VIA_WIFI_NETWORK = 2; /** * This class provides access to device Network data (reachability). * @constructor */ function Network() { /** * The last known Network status. * { hostName: string, ipAddress: string, remoteHostStatus: int(0/1/2), internetConnectionStatus: int(0/1/2), localWiFiConnectionStatus: int (0/2) } */ this.lastReachability = null; }; /** * Called by the geolocation framework when the reachability status has changed. * @param {Reachibility} reachability The current reachability status. */ // TODO: Callback from native code not implemented for Android Network.prototype.updateReachability = function(reachability) { this.lastReachability = reachability; }; /** * Determine if a URI is reachable over the network. * @param {Object} uri * @param {Function} callback * @param {Object} options (isIpAddress:boolean) */ Network.prototype.isReachable = function(uri, callback, options) { var isIpAddress = false; if (options && options.isIpAddress) { isIpAddress = options.isIpAddress; } PhoneGap.execAsync(callback, null, "Network Status", "isReachable", [uri, isIpAddress]); }; PhoneGap.addConstructor(function() { if (typeof navigator.network == "undefined") navigator.network = new Network(); }); /** * This class provides access to notifications on the device. */ function Notification() { } /** * Open a native alert dialog, with a customizable title and button text. * @param {String} message Message to print in the body of the alert * @param {String} [title="Alert"] Title of the alert dialog (default: Alert) * @param {String} [buttonLabel="OK"] Label of the close button (default: OK) */ Notification.prototype.alert = function(message, title, buttonLabel) { var _title = (title || "Alert"); var _buttonLabel = (buttonLabel || "OK"); PhoneGap.execAsync(null, null, "Notification", "alert", [message,_title,_buttonLabel]); }; /** * Start spinning the activity indicator on the statusbar */ Notification.prototype.activityStart = function() { }; /** * Stop spinning the activity indicator on the statusbar, if it's currently spinning */ Notification.prototype.activityStop = function() { }; /** * Causes the device to blink a status LED. * @param {Integer} count The number of blinks. * @param {String} colour The colour of the light. */ Notification.prototype.blink = function(count, colour) { }; /** * Causes the device to vibrate. * @param {Integer} mills The number of milliseconds to vibrate for. */ Notification.prototype.vibrate = function(mills) { PhoneGap.execAsync(null, null, "Notification", "vibrate", [mills]); }; /** * Causes the device to beep. * On Android, the default notification ringtone is played. * * @param {Integer} count The number of beeps. */ Notification.prototype.beep = function(count) { PhoneGap.execAsync(null, null, "Notification", "beep", [count]); }; // TODO: of course on Blackberry and Android there notifications in the UI as well PhoneGap.addConstructor(function() { if (typeof navigator.notification == "undefined") navigator.notification = new Notification(); }); /** * This class contains position information. * @param {Object} lat * @param {Object} lng * @param {Object} acc * @param {Object} alt * @param {Object} altacc * @param {Object} head * @param {Object} vel * @constructor */ function Position(coords, timestamp) { this.coords = coords; this.timestamp = new Date().getTime(); } function Coordinates(lat, lng, alt, acc, head, vel, altacc) { /** * The latitude of the position. */ this.latitude = lat; /** * The longitude of the position, */ this.longitude = lng; /** * The accuracy of the position. */ this.accuracy = acc; /** * The altitude of the position. */ this.altitude = alt; /** * The direction the device is moving at the position. */ this.heading = head; /** * The velocity with which the device is moving at the position. */ this.speed = vel; /** * The altitude accuracy of the position. */ this.altitudeAccuracy = (altacc != 'undefined') ? altacc : null; } /** * This class specifies the options for requesting position data. * @constructor */ function PositionOptions() { /** * Specifies the desired position accuracy. */ this.enableHighAccuracy = true; /** * The timeout after which if position data cannot be obtained the errorCallback * is called. */ this.timeout = 10000; } /** * This class contains information about any GSP errors. * @constructor */ function PositionError() { this.code = null; this.message = ""; } PositionError.UNKNOWN_ERROR = 0; PositionError.PERMISSION_DENIED = 1; PositionError.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE = 2; PositionError.TIMEOUT = 3; PhoneGap.addConstructor(function() { if (typeof navigator.splashScreen == "undefined") { navigator.splashScreen = SplashScreen; // SplashScreen object come from native side through addJavaScriptInterface } }); /* * This is purely for the Android 1.5/1.6 HTML 5 Storage * I was hoping that Android 2.0 would deprecate this, but given the fact that * most manufacturers ship with Android 1.5 and do not do OTA Updates, this is required */ var DroidDB = function() { this.txQueue = []; }; DroidDB.prototype.addResult = function(rawdata, tx_id) { eval("var data = " + rawdata); var tx = this.txQueue[tx_id]; tx.resultSet.push(data); }; DroidDB.prototype.completeQuery = function(tx_id) { var tx = this.txQueue[tx_id]; var r = new result(); r.rows.resultSet = tx.resultSet; r.rows.length = tx.resultSet.length; tx.win(r); }; DroidDB.prototype.fail = function(reason, tx_id) { var tx = this.txQueue[tx_id]; tx.fail(reason); }; var DatabaseShell = function() { }; DatabaseShell.prototype.transaction = function(process) { tx = new Tx(); process(tx); }; var Tx = function() { droiddb.txQueue.push(this); this.id = droiddb.txQueue.length - 1; this.resultSet = []; }; Tx.prototype.executeSql = function(query, params, win, fail) { PhoneGap.execAsync(null, null, "Storage", "executeSql", [query, params, this.id]); tx.win = win; tx.fail = fail; }; var result = function() { this.rows = new Rows(); }; var Rows = function() { this.resultSet = []; this.length = 0; }; Rows.prototype.item = function(row_id) { return this.resultSet[id]; }; var dbSetup = function(name, version, display_name, size) { PhoneGap.execAsync(null, null, "Storage", "openDatabase", [name, version, display_name, size]); db_object = new DatabaseShell(); return db_object; }; PhoneGap.addConstructor(function() { if (typeof window.openDatabase == "undefined") { navigator.openDatabase = window.openDatabase = dbSetup; window.droiddb = new DroidDB(); } });