2012-05-07 10:56:37 -07:00

99 lines
4.3 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
<project name="cordova" default="create" basedir="../">
<property name="project.path" value="${basedir}/example"/>
<property name="package" value="org.apache.cordova.example"/>
<property name="activity" value="cordovaExample"/>
<target name="create">
<!-- this stuff is seriously stupid -->
<echo file="tmp/package.tmp">package-as-path=${package}</echo>
<replace file="tmp/package.tmp" token="." value="\\" />
<property file="tmp/package.tmp" />
<property name="activity.path" value="${project.path}/src/${package-as-path}/${activity}.java" />
<property name="manifest.path" value="${project.path}/AndroidManifest.xml" />
<!-- get the highest target on this machine -->
<!-- this stuff is also seriously stupid -->
<exec executable="cmd" osfamily="windows" output="tmp/target.list.tmp">
<arg line="/c android.bat list targets"/>
<exec executable="android" osfamily="mac" output="tmp/target.list.tmp">
<arg line="list targets"/>
<replaceregexp file="tmp/target.list.tmp" match=".*id:\s([0-9]).*" replace="target=\1" flags="s" />
<property file="tmp/target.list.tmp" />
<!-- var VERSION=read('VERSION').replace(/\r\n/,'').replace(/\n/,''); -->
<copy file="VERSION" tofile="tmp/VERSION.tmp" overwrite="true" />
<replaceregexp file="tmp/VERSION.tmp" match="^" replace="version=" />
<replaceregexp file="tmp/VERSION.tmp" match="\r\n" replace="" />
<property file="tmp/VERSION.tmp" />
<!-- clobber any existing example -->
<!-- create the project -->
<exec executable="cmd" osfamily="windows">
<arg line="/c android.bat create project --target ${target} --path ${project.path} --package ${package} --activity ${activity}"/>
<exec executable="android" osfamily="mac">
<arg line="create project --target ${target} --path ${project.path} --package ${package} --activity ${activity}"/>
<!-- update the framework dir -->
<exec executable="cmd" osfamily="windows">
<arg line="/c android.bat update project --target ${target} --path ${basedir}/framework"/>
<exec executable="android" osfamily="mac">
<arg line="update project --target ${target} --path ${basedir}/framework"/>
<!-- compile cordova.js and cordova.jar -->
<!-- // if you see an error about "Unable to resolve target" then you may need to
// update your android tools or install an additional Android platform version -->
<ant antfile="${basedir}/framework/build.xml" useNativeBasedir="true" inheritAll="false" />
<!-- copy in the project template -->
<copy todir="${project.path}" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="${basedir}/bin/templates/project"/>
<!-- copy in cordova.js -->
<copy file="${basedir}/framework/assets/www/cordova-${version}.js" todir="${project.path}/assets/www/" />
<!-- copy in cordova.jar -->
<copy file="${basedir}/framework/cordova-${version}.jar" todir="${project.path}/libs/" />
<!-- copy in default activity -->
<copy file="${basedir}/bin/templates/" tofile="${activity.path}" overwrite="true" />
<!-- interpolate the activity name and package -->
<replaceregexp file="${activity.path}" match="__ACTIVITY__" replace="${activity}" />
<replaceregexp file="${activity.path}" match="__ID__" replace="${package}" />
<replaceregexp file="${manifest.path}" match="__ACTIVITY__" replace="${activity}" />
<replaceregexp file="${manifest.path}" match="__PACKAGE__" replace="${package}" />