Dr. Stefan Schimanski 84833d0138 sample-controller: adapt to package moves
Kubernetes-commit: b671a06e46ced532c76136474afa8e88a136e99f
2019-02-15 13:08:42 +01:00

314 lines
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Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package main
import (
apps ""
metav1 ""
kubeinformers ""
k8sfake ""
core ""
samplecontroller ""
informers ""
var (
alwaysReady = func() bool { return true }
noResyncPeriodFunc = func() time.Duration { return 0 }
type fixture struct {
t *testing.T
client *fake.Clientset
kubeclient *k8sfake.Clientset
// Objects to put in the store.
fooLister []*samplecontroller.Foo
deploymentLister []*apps.Deployment
// Actions expected to happen on the client.
kubeactions []core.Action
actions []core.Action
// Objects from here preloaded into NewSimpleFake.
kubeobjects []runtime.Object
objects []runtime.Object
func newFixture(t *testing.T) *fixture {
f := &fixture{}
f.t = t
f.objects = []runtime.Object{}
f.kubeobjects = []runtime.Object{}
return f
func newFoo(name string, replicas *int32) *samplecontroller.Foo {
return &samplecontroller.Foo{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{APIVersion: samplecontroller.SchemeGroupVersion.String()},
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: name,
Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault,
Spec: samplecontroller.FooSpec{
DeploymentName: fmt.Sprintf("%s-deployment", name),
Replicas: replicas,
func (f *fixture) newController() (*Controller, informers.SharedInformerFactory, kubeinformers.SharedInformerFactory) {
f.client = fake.NewSimpleClientset(f.objects...)
f.kubeclient = k8sfake.NewSimpleClientset(f.kubeobjects...)
i := informers.NewSharedInformerFactory(f.client, noResyncPeriodFunc())
k8sI := kubeinformers.NewSharedInformerFactory(f.kubeclient, noResyncPeriodFunc())
c := NewController(f.kubeclient, f.client,
k8sI.Apps().V1().Deployments(), i.Samplecontroller().V1alpha1().Foos())
c.foosSynced = alwaysReady
c.deploymentsSynced = alwaysReady
c.recorder = &record.FakeRecorder{}
for _, f := range f.fooLister {
for _, d := range f.deploymentLister {
return c, i, k8sI
func (f *fixture) run(fooName string) {
f.runController(fooName, true, false)
func (f *fixture) runExpectError(fooName string) {
f.runController(fooName, true, true)
func (f *fixture) runController(fooName string, startInformers bool, expectError bool) {
c, i, k8sI := f.newController()
if startInformers {
stopCh := make(chan struct{})
defer close(stopCh)
err := c.syncHandler(fooName)
if !expectError && err != nil {
f.t.Errorf("error syncing foo: %v", err)
} else if expectError && err == nil {
f.t.Error("expected error syncing foo, got nil")
actions := filterInformerActions(f.client.Actions())
for i, action := range actions {
if len(f.actions) < i+1 {
f.t.Errorf("%d unexpected actions: %+v", len(actions)-len(f.actions), actions[i:])
expectedAction := f.actions[i]
checkAction(expectedAction, action, f.t)
if len(f.actions) > len(actions) {
f.t.Errorf("%d additional expected actions:%+v", len(f.actions)-len(actions), f.actions[len(actions):])
k8sActions := filterInformerActions(f.kubeclient.Actions())
for i, action := range k8sActions {
if len(f.kubeactions) < i+1 {
f.t.Errorf("%d unexpected actions: %+v", len(k8sActions)-len(f.kubeactions), k8sActions[i:])
expectedAction := f.kubeactions[i]
checkAction(expectedAction, action, f.t)
if len(f.kubeactions) > len(k8sActions) {
f.t.Errorf("%d additional expected actions:%+v", len(f.kubeactions)-len(k8sActions), f.kubeactions[len(k8sActions):])
// checkAction verifies that expected and actual actions are equal and both have
// same attached resources
func checkAction(expected, actual core.Action, t *testing.T) {
if !(expected.Matches(actual.GetVerb(), actual.GetResource().Resource) && actual.GetSubresource() == expected.GetSubresource()) {
t.Errorf("Expected\n\t%#v\ngot\n\t%#v", expected, actual)
if reflect.TypeOf(actual) != reflect.TypeOf(expected) {
t.Errorf("Action has wrong type. Expected: %t. Got: %t", expected, actual)
switch a := actual.(type) {
case core.CreateAction:
e, _ := expected.(core.CreateAction)
expObject := e.GetObject()
object := a.GetObject()
if !reflect.DeepEqual(expObject, object) {
t.Errorf("Action %s %s has wrong object\nDiff:\n %s",
a.GetVerb(), a.GetResource().Resource, diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(expObject, object))
case core.UpdateAction:
e, _ := expected.(core.UpdateAction)
expObject := e.GetObject()
object := a.GetObject()
if !reflect.DeepEqual(expObject, object) {
t.Errorf("Action %s %s has wrong object\nDiff:\n %s",
a.GetVerb(), a.GetResource().Resource, diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(expObject, object))
case core.PatchAction:
e, _ := expected.(core.PatchAction)
expPatch := e.GetPatch()
patch := a.GetPatch()
if !reflect.DeepEqual(expPatch, patch) {
t.Errorf("Action %s %s has wrong patch\nDiff:\n %s",
a.GetVerb(), a.GetResource().Resource, diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff(expPatch, patch))
// filterInformerActions filters list and watch actions for testing resources.
// Since list and watch don't change resource state we can filter it to lower
// nose level in our tests.
func filterInformerActions(actions []core.Action) []core.Action {
ret := []core.Action{}
for _, action := range actions {
if len(action.GetNamespace()) == 0 &&
(action.Matches("list", "foos") ||
action.Matches("watch", "foos") ||
action.Matches("list", "deployments") ||
action.Matches("watch", "deployments")) {
ret = append(ret, action)
return ret
func (f *fixture) expectCreateDeploymentAction(d *apps.Deployment) {
f.kubeactions = append(f.kubeactions, core.NewCreateAction(schema.GroupVersionResource{Resource: "deployments"}, d.Namespace, d))
func (f *fixture) expectUpdateDeploymentAction(d *apps.Deployment) {
f.kubeactions = append(f.kubeactions, core.NewUpdateAction(schema.GroupVersionResource{Resource: "deployments"}, d.Namespace, d))
func (f *fixture) expectUpdateFooStatusAction(foo *samplecontroller.Foo) {
action := core.NewUpdateAction(schema.GroupVersionResource{Resource: "foos"}, foo.Namespace, foo)
// TODO: Until #38113 is merged, we can't use Subresource
//action.Subresource = "status"
f.actions = append(f.actions, action)
func getKey(foo *samplecontroller.Foo, t *testing.T) string {
key, err := cache.DeletionHandlingMetaNamespaceKeyFunc(foo)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unexpected error getting key for foo %v: %v", foo.Name, err)
return ""
return key
func TestCreatesDeployment(t *testing.T) {
f := newFixture(t)
foo := newFoo("test", int32Ptr(1))
f.fooLister = append(f.fooLister, foo)
f.objects = append(f.objects, foo)
expDeployment := newDeployment(foo)
f.expectUpdateFooStatusAction(foo), t))
func TestDoNothing(t *testing.T) {
f := newFixture(t)
foo := newFoo("test", int32Ptr(1))
d := newDeployment(foo)
f.fooLister = append(f.fooLister, foo)
f.objects = append(f.objects, foo)
f.deploymentLister = append(f.deploymentLister, d)
f.kubeobjects = append(f.kubeobjects, d)
f.expectUpdateFooStatusAction(foo), t))
func TestUpdateDeployment(t *testing.T) {
f := newFixture(t)
foo := newFoo("test", int32Ptr(1))
d := newDeployment(foo)
// Update replicas
foo.Spec.Replicas = int32Ptr(2)
expDeployment := newDeployment(foo)
f.fooLister = append(f.fooLister, foo)
f.objects = append(f.objects, foo)
f.deploymentLister = append(f.deploymentLister, d)
f.kubeobjects = append(f.kubeobjects, d)
f.expectUpdateDeploymentAction(expDeployment), t))
func TestNotControlledByUs(t *testing.T) {
f := newFixture(t)
foo := newFoo("test", int32Ptr(1))
d := newDeployment(foo)
d.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences = []metav1.OwnerReference{}
f.fooLister = append(f.fooLister, foo)
f.objects = append(f.objects, foo)
f.deploymentLister = append(f.deploymentLister, d)
f.kubeobjects = append(f.kubeobjects, d)
f.runExpectError(getKey(foo, t))
func int32Ptr(i int32) *int32 { return &i }