import {ElementRef} from 'angular2/angular2'; import {Page, NavParams} from 'ionic/ionic'; import {Camera, StatusBar, Toast, ActionSheet} from 'ionic-native'; function safeJSONStringify (input, maxDepth) { var output, refs = [], refsPaths = []; maxDepth = maxDepth || 5; function recursion (input, path, depth) { var output = {}, pPath, refIdx; path = path || ""; depth = depth || 0; depth++; if (maxDepth && depth > maxDepth) { return "{depth over " + maxDepth + "}"; } for (var p in input) { pPath = (path ? (path+".") : "") + p; if (typeof input[p] === "function") { //output[p] = "{function}"; } else if (typeof input[p] === "object") { /* refIdx = refs.indexOf(input[p]); if (-1 !== refIdx) { output[p] = recursion(input[p])"{reference to " + refsPaths[refIdx] + "}"; } else { */ refs.push(input[p]); refsPaths.push(pPath); output[p] = recursion(input[p], pPath, depth); //} } else { output[p] = input[p]; } } return output; } if (typeof input === "object") { output = recursion(input); } else { output = input; } return JSON.stringify(output); } // To specify arguments for any plugin calls var demoArgs = {}; demoArgs[ActionSheet] = { show: { 'buttonLabels': ['Log out'], 'androidEnableCancelButton' : true, // default false 'winphoneEnableCancelButton' : true, // default false 'addCancelButtonWithLabel': 'Cancel' } } demoArgs[Toast] = { showWithOptions: [ { message: "hey there", duration: "short", position: "bottom", addPixelsY: -40 // added a negative value to move it up a bit (default 0) } ] } @Page({ templateUrl: 'app/plugin/plugin.html', }) export class Plugin { constructor(params: NavParams, elementRef: ElementRef) { let el = elementRef.nativeElement; this.textArea = el.querySelector('textarea'); this.content = { items: [], value: '' }; this.plugin = params.get('plugin'); console.log('Plugin', this.plugin); this.methods = Object.keys(this.plugin).filter((k) => { if(typeof this.plugin[k] === 'function') { return true; } return false; }); } output(...args) { var s = => { if(typeof v === 'object') { console.log('Stringifying', v); return safeJSONStringify(v, 4);//JSON.stringify(v); } return v; }); this.content.items.push(s.join(' ')); this.content.value = this.content.items.join(); this.textArea.scrollTop = this.textArea.scrollHeight; } doMethod(method) { let pluginMethodArgEntry = demoArgs[this.plugin]; let args = []; if(pluginMethodArgEntry) { args = [pluginMethodArgEntry[method]] || []; console.log('Found some default args', args); } Toast.showWithOptions({ message: 'Doing ' + + '.' + method + '()', duration: "short", position: "bottom", addPixelsY: -40 // added a negative value to move it up a bit (default 0) }); console.log('Doing method', method, 'on Plugin', this.plugin, 'args:', args); let v = this.plugin[method].apply(this.plugin, args); if(v && v.then) { v.then(() => { console.log('Success', arguments, this); this.output(arguments); }, (err) => { console.error('Error', err); this.output(err); }); } else { console.log('Response: ', v); this.output(v); if(v.subscribe) { console.log('Observable response, subscribing...'); v.subscribe((val) => { console.log('Observable val', val); this.output(val); }, (err) => { this.output(err); console.log('ERROR: Observable', err); }); } } } }