class Classic attr_reader :android_sdk_path, :name, :pkg, :www, :path def initialize(a) @android_sdk_path, @name, @pkg, @www, @path = a build end def build setup clobber build_jar create_android include_www generate_manifest copy_libs add_name_to_strings write_java end def setup @android_dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__).gsub('lib','')) @framework_dir = File.join(@android_dir, "framework") @icon = File.join(@www, 'icon.png') unless File.exists?(@icon) @app_js_dir = '' @content = 'index.html' end # replaces @path with new android project def clobber FileUtils.rm_r(@path) if File.exists? @path FileUtils.mkdir_p @path end # removes and recreates based on android_sdk_path # then generates framework/phonegap.jar def build_jar %w( phonegap.js phonegap.jar).each do |f| FileUtils.rm File.join(@framework_dir, f) if File.exists? File.join(@framework_dir, f) end open(File.join(@framework_dir, ""), 'w') do |f| f.puts "sdk.dir=#{ @android_sdk_path }" end Dir.chdir(@framework_dir) `ant jar` Dir.chdir(@android_dir) end # runs android create project # TODO need to allow more flexible SDK targetting via config.xml def create_android IO.popen("android list targets") { |f| targets = f.readlines(nil)[0].scan(/id\:.*$/) if (targets.length > 0) target_id = targets.last.match(/\d+/).to_a.first `android create project -t #{ target_id } -k #{ @pkg } -a #{ @name } -n #{ @name } -p #{ @path }` else puts "No Android targets found. Please run 'android' and install at least one SDK package." puts "If that makes no sense then you need to go read the Android SDK documentation." end } end # copies the project/www folder into tmp/android/www def include_www FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join(@path, "assets", "www") FileUtils.cp_r File.join(@www, "."), File.join(@path, "assets", "www") end # creates an AndroidManifest.xml for the project def generate_manifest manifest = "" open(File.join(@framework_dir, "AndroidManifest.xml"), 'r') do |old| manifest = manifest.gsub! 'android:versionCode="5"', 'android:versionCode="1"' manifest.gsub! 'package="com.phonegap"', "package=\"#{ @pkg }\"" manifest.gsub! 'android:name=".StandAlone"', "android:name=\".#{ @name.gsub(' ','') }\"" manifest.gsub! 'android:minSdkVersion="5"', 'android:minSdkVersion="3"' end open(File.join(@path, "AndroidManifest.xml"), 'w') { |x| x.puts manifest } end # copies stuff from src directory into the android project directory (@path) def copy_libs framework_res_dir = File.join(@framework_dir, "res") app_res_dir = File.join(@path, "res") # copies in the jar FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join(@path, "libs") FileUtils.cp File.join(@framework_dir, "phonegap.jar"), File.join(@path, "libs") # copies in the strings.xml FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join(app_res_dir, "values") FileUtils.cp File.join(framework_res_dir, "values","strings.xml"), File.join(app_res_dir, "values", "strings.xml") # drops in the layout files: main.xml and preview.xml FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join(app_res_dir, "layout") %w(main.xml).each do |f| FileUtils.cp File.join(framework_res_dir, "layout", f), File.join(app_res_dir, "layout", f) end # icon file copy # if it is not in the www directory use the default one in the src dir @icon = File.join(framework_res_dir, "drawable", "icon.png") unless File.exists?(@icon) %w(drawable-hdpi drawable-ldpi drawable-mdpi).each do |e| FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(app_res_dir, e)) FileUtils.cp(@icon, File.join(app_res_dir, e, "icon.png")) end # concat JS and put into www folder. this can be overridden in the config.xml via @app_js_dir js_dir = File.join(@framework_dir, "assets", "js") phonegapjs =, 'phonegap.js.base')) do |script| next if script[0].chr == "." or script == "phonegap.js.base" phonegapjs <<, script)) phonegapjs << "\n\n" end, "assets", "www", @app_js_dir, "phonegap.js"), 'w') {|f| f.write(phonegapjs) } end # puts app name in strings def add_name_to_strings x = " #{ @name } Snap " open(File.join(@path, "res", "values", "strings.xml"), 'w') do |f| f.puts x.gsub(' ','') end end # create java source file def write_java j = " package #{ @pkg }; import; import android.os.Bundle; import com.phonegap.*; public class #{ @name.gsub(' ','') } extends DroidGap { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); super.loadUrl(\"file:///android_asset/www/#{ @content }\"); } } " code_dir = File.join(@path, "src", @pkg.gsub('.', File::SEPARATOR)) FileUtils.mkdir_p(code_dir) open(File.join(code_dir, "#{ @name }.java"),'w') { |f| f.puts j } end # friendly output for now def msg puts "Created #{ @path }" end # end