filmaj 90053eb9df CB-12950: lots of tweaks for end-to-end test runs, especially on CI:
- rename npm tasks to reflect what they do (npm run unit-tests, npm run e2e-tests). main `npm test` runs linter, unit tests and e2e tests now.
- locked jasmine down to ~2.6.0.
- consolidate gitignores.
- updated travis to run `npm test`. add android sdk installation to appveyor ci run.align android dpendencies across travis and appveyor. have appveyor install gradle. force gradle to version 3.4.1 in appveyor, as that seems to be the only version choco has. explicitly invoke sdkmanager to move license accepting process along.
2017-06-27 15:59:16 -05:00

36 lines
1.4 KiB

ANDROID_HOME: "C:\\android"
- nodejs_version: "4"
- nodejs_version: "6"
- mkdir "%ANDROID_HOME%
- appveyor DownloadFile ""
- 7z x "" > nul
- cd "C:\projects\cordova-android"
- choco install gradle -version 3.4.1
- gradle -version
- echo y | "%ANDROID_HOME%\tools\android.bat" --silent update sdk --no-ui --all --filter platform-tools,tools,build-tools-26.0.0,android-26,android-25,extra-google-m2repository,extra-android-m2repository
# on windows we need to accept sublicenses for the new tooling, wee. 30 is an arbitrary number,
# but should be the maximum number of licenses we explicitly need to type "Y ENTER" for.
# also, the sdkmanager in all its glory leaks a bit of output to stderr, and powershell
# and appveyor interpret that as errors, and blows up. so, when piping in our "Y ENTER"
# responses, we invoke cmd so we can redirect stderr to stdout, and tell it to --update itself.
- ps: for($i=0;$i -lt 30;$i++) { $response += "y`n"}; $response | cmd /c 'C:\android\tools\bin\sdkmanager.bat 2>&1' --update
- cd test
- gradle :wrapper -b build.gradle
- cd ..
- ps: Install-Product node $env:nodejs_version
- npm install
build: off
- node --version
- npm --version
- npm test