2021-03-12 16:08:55 +08:00
<el-row style="height: 100%;overflow-y: hidden;width: 100%;">
<el-row style="display: flex;height: 100%">
<el-col class="view-list">
<el-tabs v-model="ViewActiveName">
<el-tab-pane name="Views" class="view-list-thumbnails-outline">
2021-03-16 12:02:30 +08:00
<span slot="label"><i class="el-icon-s-data" />视图</span>
2021-03-12 16:08:55 +08:00
:options="{group:{name: 'itxst',pull:'clone'},sort: true}"
style="height: 100%;overflow:auto"
2021-03-16 12:02:30 +08:00
<div v-for="item in thumbnails" :key="item.name" @dblclick="panelViewAdd(item)">
<span style="color: gray">{{ item.name }}</span>
<img class="view-list-thumbnails" :src="'/common-files/images/'+item.id" alt="">
2021-03-16 11:38:20 +08:00
2021-03-12 16:08:55 +08:00
<el-tab-pane name="PublicTools">
2021-03-16 12:02:30 +08:00
<span slot="label"><i class="el-icon-s-grid" />组件</span>
2021-03-12 16:08:55 +08:00
<el-col class="panel-design">
2021-03-16 11:38:20 +08:00
<!--TODO 仪表盘设计公共设置区域-->
<el-row class="panel-design-head">
2021-03-17 16:30:40 +08:00
<span style="float: left;line-height: 40px; color: gray">名称:{{panelInfo.name}}</span>
2021-03-16 12:02:30 +08:00
<span style="float: right;line-height: 40px;">
<el-button size="mini">
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" @click="save">
2021-03-16 11:38:20 +08:00
2021-03-12 16:08:55 +08:00
<el-row class="panel-design-show">
2021-03-16 11:38:20 +08:00
<div class="container" style="overflow-y: auto">
<div :style="gridStyle">
2021-03-16 12:02:30 +08:00
<!-- <draggable-->
<!-- v-model="thumbnailsTmp"-->
<!-- :options="{group:{name: 'itxst',pull:'clone'},sort: true}"-->
<!-- animation="300"-->
<!-- :move="onMove"-->
<!-- style="height: 100%;overflow:auto"-->
<!-- @end="end1"-->
<!-- >-->
<vdrr v-for="item in thumbnailsTmp" v-show="item.keepFlag" :key="item.name" :view-id="item.id" :parent="true" @newStyle="newStyle" @removeView="removeView">
<img class="view-list-thumbnails" :src="'/common-files/images/'+item.id" alt="">
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2021-03-16 12:02:30 +08:00
<!-- </draggable>-->
2021-03-16 11:38:20 +08:00
2021-03-16 12:02:30 +08:00
2021-03-12 16:08:55 +08:00
2021-03-16 11:38:20 +08:00
<!-- <div class="Echarts" style="height: 100%;display: flex;margin-top: 10px;">-->
<!-- <div id="echart" style="width: 100%;height: 80vh;"/>-->
<!-- </div>-->
2021-03-12 16:08:55 +08:00
2021-03-16 12:02:30 +08:00
import { post } from '@/api/dataset/dataset'
import draggable from 'vuedraggable'
import { BASE_BAR } from '../chart/chart'
2021-03-12 16:08:55 +08:00
2021-03-16 12:02:30 +08:00
export default {
name: 'PanelViewShow',
components: { draggable },
data() {
return {
gridStyle: {
position: 'relative',
height: '2000px',
width: '2000px',
backgroundColor: '#808080',
background: 'linear-gradient(-90deg, rgba(0, 0, 0, .1) 1px, transparent 1px), linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, .1) 1px, transparent 1px)',
backgroundSize: '20px 20px, 20px 20px'
2021-03-16 11:38:20 +08:00
2021-03-16 12:02:30 +08:00
ViewActiveName: 'Views',
table: {},
thumbnailsTmp: [
{ id: 'b4e3fd39-1424-4f22-bbac-07885829fb59', name: 'TEST1', keepFlag: true, style: '' },
{ id: 'bf91a1dc-10c1-4383-87ae-9ab1d6e57918', name: 'TEST2', keepFlag: true, style: '' }
thumbnails: [
{ id: 'e70d7955-44dc-4158-9002-7b48ed0d5d80', name: 'TEST1' },
{ id: 'bf91a1dc-10c1-4383-87ae-9ab1d6e57918', name: 'TEST2' },
{ id: 'aebc8346-c3f2-44ad-97d3-1e36a10dd0fa', name: 'TEST3' },
{ id: 'b4e3fd39-1424-4f22-bbac-07885829fb59', name: 'TEST4' }
quota: [],
view: {
xaxis: [],
yaxis: [],
show: true,
type: 'bar',
title: ''
2021-03-16 11:38:20 +08:00
2021-03-16 12:02:30 +08:00
// 定义要被拖拽对象的数组
arr1: [
{ id: 1, name: 'id' },
{ id: 2, name: '名称' },
{ id: 3, name: '类型' },
{ id: 5, name: '状态' },
{ id: 4, name: '指标指标指标' }
arr2: [
{ id: 11, name: '容量' }
moveId: -1
computed: {
2021-03-17 16:30:40 +08:00
panelInfo() {
return this.$store.state.panel.panelInfo
2021-03-16 12:02:30 +08:00
2021-03-16 11:38:20 +08:00
2021-03-16 12:02:30 +08:00
watch: {},
created() {
// this.get(this.$store.state.chart.viewId);
mounted() {
// this.get(this.$store.state.chart.viewId);
// this.myEcharts();
activated() {
methods: {
panelViewAdd(item) {
const pushItem = {
id: item.id,
name: item.name,
keepFlag: true
removeView(viewId) {
this.thumbnailsTmp.forEach(function(item, index) {
if (item.id === viewId) {
item.keepFlag = false
2021-03-16 11:38:20 +08:00
2021-03-16 12:02:30 +08:00
newStyle(viewId, newStyleInfo) {
initTableData(id) {
if (id != null) {
post('/dataset/table/get/' + id, null).then(response => {
this.table = response.data
2021-03-16 11:38:20 +08:00
2021-03-16 12:02:30 +08:00
initTableField(id) {
post('/dataset/table/getFieldsFromDE', this.table).then(response => {
this.thumbnails = response.data.thumbnails
this.quota = response.data.quota
click1(item) {
// console.log(item);
const c = this.view.xaxis.filter(function(ele) {
return ele.id === item.id
// console.log(c);
if (c && c.length === 0) {
click2(item) {
// console.log(item);
const c = this.view.yaxis.filter(function(ele) {
return ele.id === item.id
// console.log(c);
if (c && c.length === 0) {
clear1(index) {
this.view.xaxis.splice(index, 1)
clear2(index) {
this.view.yaxis.splice(index, 1)
get(id) {
if (id) {
post('/chart/view/get/' + id, null).then(response => {
this.view = response.data
this.view.xaxis = this.view.xaxis ? JSON.parse(this.view.xaxis) : []
this.view.yaxis = this.view.yaxis ? JSON.parse(this.view.yaxis) : []
2021-03-16 11:38:20 +08:00
2021-03-16 12:02:30 +08:00
} else {
this.view = {}
save() {
const view = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.view))
view.id = this.view.id
view.sceneId = this.sceneId
view.name = this.table.name
view.tableId = this.$store.state.chart.tableId
view.xaxis = JSON.stringify(view.xaxis)
view.yaxis = JSON.stringify(view.yaxis)
post('/chart/view/save', view).then(response => {
// this.get(response.data.id);
this.$store.dispatch('chart/setChartSceneData', null)
this.$store.dispatch('chart/setChartSceneData', this.sceneId)
getData(id) {
if (id) {
post('/chart/view/getData/' + id, null).then(response => {
this.view = response.data
this.view.xaxis = this.view.xaxis ? JSON.parse(this.view.xaxis) : []
this.view.yaxis = this.view.yaxis ? JSON.parse(this.view.yaxis) : []
2021-03-12 16:08:55 +08:00
2021-03-16 12:02:30 +08:00
const chart = response.data
const chart_option = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(BASE_BAR))
// console.log(chart_option);
if (chart.data) {
chart_option.title.text = chart.title
chart_option.xAxis.data = chart.data.x
chart.data.series.forEach(function(y) {
// console.log(chart_option);
} else {
this.view = {}
2021-03-12 16:08:55 +08:00
2021-03-16 12:02:30 +08:00
// 左边往右边拖动时的事件
end1(e) {
// console.log(e)
// var that = this;
// var items = this.arr2.filter(function (m) {
// return m.id == that.moveId
// })
// //如果左边
// if (items.length < 2) return;
// this.arr2.splice(e.newDraggableIndex, 1)
// 右边往左边拖动时的事件
end2(e) {
// console.log(e)
// var that = this;
// var items = this.yAxisData.filter(function (m) {
// return m.id == that.moveId
// })
// //如果左边
// if (items.length < 2) return;
// this.yAxisData.splice(e.newDraggableIndex, 1)
end3(e) {
2021-03-12 16:08:55 +08:00
2021-03-16 12:02:30 +08:00
end4(e) {
2021-03-12 16:08:55 +08:00
2021-03-16 12:02:30 +08:00
// move回调方法
onMove(e, originalEvent) {
// this.moveId = e.relatedContext.element.id;
// //不允许停靠
// if (e.relatedContext.element.id == 1) return false;
// //不允许拖拽
// if (e.draggedContext.element.id == 4) return false;
// if (e.draggedContext.element.id == 11) return false;
return true
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2021-03-16 12:02:30 +08:00
myEcharts(option) {
// 基于准备好的dom,初始化echarts实例
var myChart = this.$echarts.init(document.getElementById('echart'))
// 指定图表的配置项和数据
setTimeout(myChart.setOption(option, true), 500)
window.onresize = function() {
2021-03-12 16:08:55 +08:00
2021-03-16 12:02:30 +08:00
2021-03-12 16:08:55 +08:00
<style scoped>
.view-list {
height: 100%;
width: 20%;
min-width: 180px;
2021-03-16 11:38:20 +08:00
max-width: 220px;
2021-03-12 16:08:55 +08:00
border: 1px solid #E6E6E6;
border-left: 0 solid;
2021-03-16 11:38:20 +08:00
overflow-y: auto;
2021-03-12 16:08:55 +08:00
.view-list-thumbnails-outline {
height: 100%;
overflow-y: auto;
2021-03-16 11:38:20 +08:00
2021-03-12 16:08:55 +08:00
.view-list-thumbnails {
width: 100%;
padding: 0px 15px 15px 0px;
.panel-design {
height: 100%;
min-width: 500px;
border-top: 1px solid #E6E6E6;
.panel-design-head {
height: 40px;
.panel-design-show {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
border-top: 1px solid #E6E6E6;
.padding-lr {
padding: 0 6px;
.itxst {
margin: 10px;
text-align: left;
.col {
width: 40%;
flex: 1;
padding: 10px;
border: solid 1px #eee;
border-radius: 5px;
float: left;
.col + .col {
margin-left: 10px;
.item {
padding: 2px 12px;
margin: 3px 3px 0 3px;
border: solid 1px #eee;
background-color: #f1f1f1;
text-align: left;
display: block;
.item + .item {
border-top: none;
margin-top: 3px;
.item:hover {
background-color: #fdfdfd;
cursor: pointer;
.item-axis {
padding: 2px 12px;
margin: 3px 3px 0 3px;
border: solid 1px #eee;
background-color: #f1f1f1;
text-align: left;
.item-axis:hover {
background-color: #fdfdfd;
cursor: pointer;
.el-form-item {
margin-bottom: 0;
2021-03-16 11:38:20 +08:00
.container {
width: 100%;
height: 600px;
border: 1px solid #000;
position: relative;
box-sizing: border-box;
2021-03-12 16:08:55 +08:00
span {
font-size: 12px;