forked from github/dataease
feat(视图): 文本类型过滤组件支持枚举
This commit is contained in:
@ -770,79 +770,88 @@ public class CKQueryProvider extends QueryProvider {
for (ChartFieldCustomFilterDTO request : requestList) {
List<SQLObj> list = new ArrayList<>();
DatasetTableField field = request.getField();
List<ChartCustomFilterItemDTO> filter = request.getFilter();
for (ChartCustomFilterItemDTO filterItemDTO : filter) {
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(field)) {
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(field)) {
String whereName = "";
String originName;
if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 2) {
// 解析origin name中有关联的字段生成sql表达式
originName = calcFieldRegex(field.getOriginName(), tableObj);
} else if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 1) {
originName = String.format(CKConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
} else {
originName = String.format(CKConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
if (field.getDeType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_TIME) {
if (field.getDeExtractType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_STRING || field.getDeExtractType() == 5) {
whereName = String.format(CKConstants.toDateTime, originName);
String value = filterItemDTO.getValue();
String whereName = "";
String whereTerm = transMysqlFilterTerm(filterItemDTO.getTerm());
String whereValue = "";
String originName;
if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 2) {
// 解析origin name中有关联的字段生成sql表达式
originName = calcFieldRegex(field.getOriginName(), tableObj);
} else if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 1) {
originName = String.format(CKConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
} else {
originName = String.format(CKConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
if (field.getDeExtractType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_INT || field.getDeExtractType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_FLOAT || field.getDeExtractType() == 4) {
String cast = String.format(CKConstants.toFloat64, originName);
whereName = String.format(CKConstants.toDateTime, cast);
if (field.getDeType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_TIME) {
if (field.getDeExtractType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_STRING || field.getDeExtractType() == 5) {
whereName = String.format(CKConstants.toDateTime, originName);
if (field.getDeExtractType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_INT || field.getDeExtractType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_FLOAT || field.getDeExtractType() == 4) {
String cast = String.format(CKConstants.toFloat64, originName);
whereName = String.format(CKConstants.toDateTime, cast);
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 1) {
whereName = originName;
} else {
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 1) {
whereName = originName;
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "in")) {
whereValue = "('" + StringUtils.join(value, "','") + "')";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "like")) {
whereValue = "'%" + value + "%'";
} else {
if (field.getDeType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_TIME) {
whereValue = String.format(CKConstants.toDateTime, "'" + value + "'");
} else {
whereName = originName;
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(request.getFilterType(), "enum")) {
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(request.getEnumCheckField())) {
res.add("(" + whereName + " IN ('" + String.join("','", request.getEnumCheckField()) + "'))");
} else {
List<ChartCustomFilterItemDTO> filter = request.getFilter();
for (ChartCustomFilterItemDTO filterItemDTO : filter) {
String value = filterItemDTO.getValue();
String whereTerm = transMysqlFilterTerm(filterItemDTO.getTerm());
String whereValue = "";
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "in")) {
whereValue = "('" + StringUtils.join(value, "','") + "')";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "like")) {
whereValue = "'%" + value + "%'";
} else {
whereValue = String.format(CKConstants.WHERE_VALUE_VALUE, value);
if (field.getDeType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_TIME) {
whereValue = String.format(CKConstants.toDateTime, "'" + value + "'");
} else {
whereValue = String.format(CKConstants.WHERE_VALUE_VALUE, value);
if (field.getDeType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_TIME && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "null")) {
.whereTermAndValue("is null")
} else if (field.getDeType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_TIME && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_null")) {
.whereTermAndValue("is not null")
} else {
.whereTermAndValue(whereTerm + whereValue)
if (field.getDeType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_TIME && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "null")) {
.whereTermAndValue("is null")
} else if (field.getDeType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_TIME && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_null")) {
.whereTermAndValue("is not null")
} else {
.whereTermAndValue(whereTerm + whereValue)
List<String> strList = new ArrayList<>();
list.forEach(ele -> strList.add(ele.getWhereField() + " " + ele.getWhereTermAndValue()));
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(list)) {
res.add("(" + String.join(" " + getLogic(request.getLogic()) + " ", strList) + ")");
List<String> strList = new ArrayList<>();
list.forEach(ele -> strList.add(ele.getWhereField() + " " + ele.getWhereTermAndValue()));
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(list)) {
res.add("(" + String.join(" " + getLogic(request.getLogic()) + " ", strList) + ")");
return CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(res) ? "(" + String.join(" AND ", res) + ")" : null;
@ -737,68 +737,77 @@ public class Db2QueryProvider extends QueryProvider {
for (ChartFieldCustomFilterDTO request : requestList) {
List<SQLObj> list = new ArrayList<>();
DatasetTableField field = request.getField();
List<ChartCustomFilterItemDTO> filter = request.getFilter();
for (ChartCustomFilterItemDTO filterItemDTO : filter) {
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(field)) {
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(field)) {
String whereName = "";
String originName;
if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 2) {
// 解析origin name中有关联的字段生成sql表达式
originName = calcFieldRegex(field.getOriginName(), tableObj);
} else if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 1) {
originName = String.format(Db2Constants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
} else {
originName = String.format(Db2Constants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
if (field.getDeType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_TIME) {
if (field.getDeExtractType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_STRING || field.getDeExtractType() == 5) {
originName = String.format(Db2Constants.STR_TO_DATE, originName);
whereName = String.format(Db2Constants.DATE_FORMAT, originName, Db2Constants.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);
String value = filterItemDTO.getValue();
String whereName = "";
String whereTerm = transMysqlFilterTerm(filterItemDTO.getTerm());
String whereValue = "";
String originName;
if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 2) {
// 解析origin name中有关联的字段生成sql表达式
originName = calcFieldRegex(field.getOriginName(), tableObj);
} else if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 1) {
originName = String.format(Db2Constants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
} else {
originName = String.format(Db2Constants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
if (field.getDeExtractType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_INT || field.getDeExtractType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_FLOAT) {
String cast = String.format(Db2Constants.CAST, originName, Db2Constants.DEFAULT_INT_FORMAT);
whereName = String.format(Db2Constants.FROM_UNIXTIME, cast, Db2Constants.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);
if (field.getDeType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_TIME) {
if (field.getDeExtractType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_STRING || field.getDeExtractType() == 5) {
originName = String.format(Db2Constants.STR_TO_DATE, originName);
whereName = String.format(Db2Constants.DATE_FORMAT, originName, Db2Constants.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);
if (field.getDeExtractType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_INT || field.getDeExtractType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_FLOAT) {
String cast = String.format(Db2Constants.CAST, originName, Db2Constants.DEFAULT_INT_FORMAT);
whereName = String.format(Db2Constants.FROM_UNIXTIME, cast, Db2Constants.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);
if (field.getDeExtractType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_TIME) {
whereName = originName;
} else {
if (field.getDeExtractType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_TIME) {
whereName = originName;
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "in")) {
whereValue = "('" + StringUtils.join(value, "','") + "')";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "like")) {
whereValue = "'%" + value + "%'";
} else {
if (field.getDeType().equals(DeTypeConstants.DE_TIME)) {
whereValue = String.format(Db2Constants.DATE_FORMAT, "'" + value + "'", Db2Constants.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);
} else {
whereValue = String.format(Db2Constants.WHERE_VALUE_VALUE, value);
.whereTermAndValue(whereTerm + whereValue)
} else {
whereName = originName;
List<String> strList = new ArrayList<>();
list.forEach(ele -> strList.add(ele.getWhereField() + " " + ele.getWhereTermAndValue()));
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(list)) {
res.add("(" + String.join(" " + getLogic(request.getLogic()) + " ", strList) + ")");
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(request.getFilterType(), "enum")) {
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(request.getEnumCheckField())) {
res.add("(" + whereName + " IN ('" + String.join("','", request.getEnumCheckField()) + "'))");
} else {
List<ChartCustomFilterItemDTO> filter = request.getFilter();
for (ChartCustomFilterItemDTO filterItemDTO : filter) {
String value = filterItemDTO.getValue();
String whereTerm = transMysqlFilterTerm(filterItemDTO.getTerm());
String whereValue = "";
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "in")) {
whereValue = "('" + StringUtils.join(value, "','") + "')";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "like")) {
whereValue = "'%" + value + "%'";
} else {
if (field.getDeType().equals(DeTypeConstants.DE_TIME)) {
whereValue = String.format(Db2Constants.DATE_FORMAT, "'" + value + "'", Db2Constants.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);
} else {
whereValue = String.format(Db2Constants.WHERE_VALUE_VALUE, value);
.whereTermAndValue(whereTerm + whereValue)
List<String> strList = new ArrayList<>();
list.forEach(ele -> strList.add(ele.getWhereField() + " " + ele.getWhereTermAndValue()));
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(list)) {
res.add("(" + String.join(" " + getLogic(request.getLogic()) + " ", strList) + ")");
return CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(res) ? "(" + String.join(" AND ", res) + ")" : null;
@ -752,68 +752,76 @@ public class DorisQueryProvider extends QueryProvider {
for (ChartFieldCustomFilterDTO request : requestList) {
List<SQLObj> list = new ArrayList<>();
DatasetTableField field = request.getField();
List<ChartCustomFilterItemDTO> filter = request.getFilter();
for (ChartCustomFilterItemDTO filterItemDTO : filter) {
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(field)) {
String value = filterItemDTO.getValue();
String whereName = "";
String whereTerm = transMysqlFilterTerm(filterItemDTO.getTerm());
String whereValue = "";
String originName;
if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 2) {
// 解析origin name中有关联的字段生成sql表达式
originName = calcFieldRegex(field.getOriginName(), tableObj);
} else if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 1) {
originName = String.format(DorisConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getDataeaseName());
} else {
originName = String.format(DorisConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getDataeaseName());
if (field.getDeType() == 1) {
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 0 || field.getDeExtractType() == 5 || field.getDeExtractType() == 1) {
whereName = String.format(DorisConstants.STR_TO_DATE, originName, DorisConstants.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 2 || field.getDeExtractType() == 3 || field.getDeExtractType() == 4) {
String cast = String.format(DorisConstants.CAST, originName, DorisConstants.DEFAULT_INT_FORMAT) + "/1000";
whereName = String.format(DorisConstants.FROM_UNIXTIME, cast, DorisConstants.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);
} else if (field.getDeType() == 0) {
whereName = String.format(DorisConstants.CAST, originName, DorisConstants.VARCHAR);
} else {
whereName = originName;
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "in")) {
whereValue = "('" + StringUtils.join(value, "','") + "')";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "like")) {
whereValue = "'%" + value + "%'";
} else {
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 2 || field.getDeExtractType() == 3 || field.getDeExtractType() == 4) {
whereValue = String.format(DorisConstants.WHERE_NUMBER_VALUE, value);
} else {
whereValue = String.format(DorisConstants.WHERE_VALUE_VALUE, value);
.whereTermAndValue(whereTerm + whereValue)
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(field)) {
String whereName = "";
String originName;
if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 2) {
// 解析origin name中有关联的字段生成sql表达式
originName = calcFieldRegex(field.getOriginName(), tableObj);
} else if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 1) {
originName = String.format(DorisConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getDataeaseName());
} else {
originName = String.format(DorisConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getDataeaseName());
List<String> strList = new ArrayList<>();
list.forEach(ele -> strList.add(ele.getWhereField() + " " + ele.getWhereTermAndValue()));
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(list)) {
res.add("(" + String.join(" " + getLogic(request.getLogic()) + " ", strList) + ")");
if (field.getDeType() == 1) {
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 0 || field.getDeExtractType() == 5 || field.getDeExtractType() == 1) {
whereName = String.format(DorisConstants.STR_TO_DATE, originName, DorisConstants.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 2 || field.getDeExtractType() == 3 || field.getDeExtractType() == 4) {
String cast = String.format(DorisConstants.CAST, originName, DorisConstants.DEFAULT_INT_FORMAT) + "/1000";
whereName = String.format(DorisConstants.FROM_UNIXTIME, cast, DorisConstants.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);
} else if (field.getDeType() == 0) {
whereName = String.format(DorisConstants.CAST, originName, DorisConstants.VARCHAR);
} else {
whereName = originName;
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(request.getFilterType(), "enum")) {
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(request.getEnumCheckField())) {
res.add("(" + whereName + " IN ('" + String.join("','", request.getEnumCheckField()) + "'))");
} else {
List<ChartCustomFilterItemDTO> filter = request.getFilter();
for (ChartCustomFilterItemDTO filterItemDTO : filter) {
String value = filterItemDTO.getValue();
String whereTerm = transMysqlFilterTerm(filterItemDTO.getTerm());
String whereValue = "";
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "in")) {
whereValue = "('" + StringUtils.join(value, "','") + "')";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "like")) {
whereValue = "'%" + value + "%'";
} else {
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 2 || field.getDeExtractType() == 3 || field.getDeExtractType() == 4) {
whereValue = String.format(DorisConstants.WHERE_NUMBER_VALUE, value);
} else {
whereValue = String.format(DorisConstants.WHERE_VALUE_VALUE, value);
.whereTermAndValue(whereTerm + whereValue)
List<String> strList = new ArrayList<>();
list.forEach(ele -> strList.add(ele.getWhereField() + " " + ele.getWhereTermAndValue()));
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(list)) {
res.add("(" + String.join(" " + getLogic(request.getLogic()) + " ", strList) + ")");
return CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(res) ? "(" + String.join(" AND ", res) + ")" : null;
@ -704,63 +704,71 @@ public class EsQueryProvider extends QueryProvider {
for (ChartFieldCustomFilterDTO request : requestList) {
List<SQLObj> list = new ArrayList<>();
DatasetTableField field = request.getField();
List<ChartCustomFilterItemDTO> filter = request.getFilter();
for (ChartCustomFilterItemDTO filterItemDTO : filter) {
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(field)) {
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(field)) {
String whereName = "";
String originName;
if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 2) {
// 解析origin name中有关联的字段生成sql表达式
originName = calcFieldRegex(field.getOriginName(), tableObj);
} else if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 1) {
originName = String.format(EsSqlLConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
} else {
originName = String.format(EsSqlLConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
if (field.getDeType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_TIME) {
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 0 || field.getDeExtractType() == 5) {
whereName = String.format(EsSqlLConstants.CAST, originName, "timestamp");
String value = filterItemDTO.getValue();
String whereName = "";
String whereTerm = transMysqlFilterTerm(filterItemDTO.getTerm());
String whereValue = "";
String originName;
if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 2) {
// 解析origin name中有关联的字段生成sql表达式
originName = calcFieldRegex(field.getOriginName(), tableObj);
} else if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 1) {
originName = String.format(EsSqlLConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
} else {
originName = String.format(EsSqlLConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
if (field.getDeExtractType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_INT || field.getDeExtractType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_FLOAT || field.getDeExtractType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_BOOL) {
String cast = String.format(EsSqlLConstants.CAST, originName, "timestamp");
whereName = String.format(EsSqlLConstants.DATETIME_FORMAT, cast, EsSqlLConstants.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);
if (field.getDeType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_TIME) {
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 0 || field.getDeExtractType() == 5) {
whereName = String.format(EsSqlLConstants.CAST, originName, "timestamp");
if (field.getDeExtractType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_INT || field.getDeExtractType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_FLOAT || field.getDeExtractType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_BOOL) {
String cast = String.format(EsSqlLConstants.CAST, originName, "timestamp");
whereName = String.format(EsSqlLConstants.DATETIME_FORMAT, cast, EsSqlLConstants.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 1) {
whereName = originName;
} else {
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 1) {
whereName = originName;
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "in")) {
whereValue = "('" + StringUtils.join(value, "','") + "')";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "like")) {
whereValue = "'%" + value + "%'";
} else {
whereValue = String.format(EsSqlLConstants.WHERE_VALUE_VALUE, value);
.whereTermAndValue(whereTerm + whereValue)
} else {
whereName = originName;
List<String> strList = new ArrayList<>();
list.forEach(ele -> strList.add(ele.getWhereField() + " " + ele.getWhereTermAndValue()));
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(list)) {
res.add("(" + String.join(" " + getLogic(request.getLogic()) + " ", strList) + ")");
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(request.getFilterType(), "enum")) {
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(request.getEnumCheckField())) {
res.add("(" + whereName + " IN ('" + String.join("','", request.getEnumCheckField()) + "'))");
} else {
List<ChartCustomFilterItemDTO> filter = request.getFilter();
for (ChartCustomFilterItemDTO filterItemDTO : filter) {
String value = filterItemDTO.getValue();
String whereTerm = transMysqlFilterTerm(filterItemDTO.getTerm());
String whereValue = "";
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "in")) {
whereValue = "('" + StringUtils.join(value, "','") + "')";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "like")) {
whereValue = "'%" + value + "%'";
} else {
whereValue = String.format(EsSqlLConstants.WHERE_VALUE_VALUE, value);
.whereTermAndValue(whereTerm + whereValue)
List<String> strList = new ArrayList<>();
list.forEach(ele -> strList.add(ele.getWhereField() + " " + ele.getWhereTermAndValue()));
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(list)) {
res.add("(" + String.join(" " + getLogic(request.getLogic()) + " ", strList) + ")");
return CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(res) ? "(" + String.join(" AND ", res) + ")" : null;
@ -731,63 +731,72 @@ public class HiveQueryProvider extends QueryProvider {
for (ChartFieldCustomFilterDTO request : requestList) {
List<SQLObj> list = new ArrayList<>();
DatasetTableField field = request.getField();
List<ChartCustomFilterItemDTO> filter = request.getFilter();
for (ChartCustomFilterItemDTO filterItemDTO : filter) {
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(field)) {
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(field)) {
String whereName = "";
String originName;
if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 2) {
// 解析origin name中有关联的字段生成sql表达式
originName = calcFieldRegex(field.getOriginName(), tableObj);
} else if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 1) {
originName = String.format(HiveConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
} else {
originName = String.format(HiveConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
if (field.getDeType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_TIME) {
if (field.getDeExtractType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_STRING || field.getDeExtractType() == 5) {
whereName = String.format(HiveConstants.STR_TO_DATE, originName, HiveConstants.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);
String value = filterItemDTO.getValue();
String whereName = "";
String whereTerm = transMysqlFilterTerm(filterItemDTO.getTerm());
String whereValue = "";
String originName;
if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 2) {
// 解析origin name中有关联的字段生成sql表达式
originName = calcFieldRegex(field.getOriginName(), tableObj);
} else if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 1) {
originName = String.format(HiveConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
} else {
originName = String.format(HiveConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
if (field.getDeExtractType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_INT || field.getDeExtractType() == 3 || field.getDeExtractType() == 4) {
String cast = String.format(HiveConstants.CAST, originName, HiveConstants.DEFAULT_INT_FORMAT) + "/1000";
whereName = String.format(HiveConstants.FROM_UNIXTIME, cast, HiveConstants.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);
if (field.getDeType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_TIME) {
if (field.getDeExtractType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_STRING || field.getDeExtractType() == 5) {
whereName = String.format(HiveConstants.STR_TO_DATE, originName, HiveConstants.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);
if (field.getDeExtractType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_INT || field.getDeExtractType() == 3 || field.getDeExtractType() == 4) {
String cast = String.format(HiveConstants.CAST, originName, HiveConstants.DEFAULT_INT_FORMAT) + "/1000";
whereName = String.format(HiveConstants.FROM_UNIXTIME, cast, HiveConstants.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);
if (field.getDeExtractType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_TIME) {
whereName = originName;
} else {
if (field.getDeExtractType() == DeTypeConstants.DE_TIME) {
whereName = originName;
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "in")) {
whereValue = "('" + StringUtils.join(value, "','") + "')";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "like")) {
whereValue = "'%" + value + "%'";
} else {
whereValue = String.format(HiveConstants.WHERE_VALUE_VALUE, value);
.whereTermAndValue(whereTerm + whereValue)
} else {
whereName = originName;
List<String> strList = new ArrayList<>();
list.forEach(ele -> strList.add(ele.getWhereField() + " " + ele.getWhereTermAndValue()));
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(list)) {
res.add("(" + String.join(" " + getLogic(request.getLogic()) + " ", strList) + ")");
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(request.getFilterType(), "enum")) {
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(request.getEnumCheckField())) {
res.add("(" + whereName + " IN ('" + String.join("','", request.getEnumCheckField()) + "'))");
} else {
List<ChartCustomFilterItemDTO> filter = request.getFilter();
for (ChartCustomFilterItemDTO filterItemDTO : filter) {
String value = filterItemDTO.getValue();
String whereTerm = transMysqlFilterTerm(filterItemDTO.getTerm());
String whereValue = "";
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "in")) {
whereValue = "('" + StringUtils.join(value, "','") + "')";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "like")) {
whereValue = "'%" + value + "%'";
} else {
whereValue = String.format(HiveConstants.WHERE_VALUE_VALUE, value);
.whereTermAndValue(whereTerm + whereValue)
List<String> strList = new ArrayList<>();
list.forEach(ele -> strList.add(ele.getWhereField() + " " + ele.getWhereTermAndValue()));
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(list)) {
res.add("(" + String.join(" " + getLogic(request.getLogic()) + " ", strList) + ")");
return CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(res) ? "(" + String.join(" AND ", res) + ")" : null;
@ -710,50 +710,59 @@ public class MongoQueryProvider extends QueryProvider {
for (ChartFieldCustomFilterDTO request : requestList) {
List<SQLObj> list = new ArrayList<>();
DatasetTableField field = request.getField();
List<ChartCustomFilterItemDTO> filter = request.getFilter();
for (ChartCustomFilterItemDTO filterItemDTO : filter) {
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(field)) {
String value = filterItemDTO.getValue();
String whereName = "";
String whereTerm = transMysqlFilterTerm(filterItemDTO.getTerm());
String whereValue = "";
String originName;
if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == DeTypeConstants.DE_INT) {
// 解析origin name中有关联的字段生成sql表达式
originName = calcFieldRegex(field.getOriginName(), tableObj);
} else if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == DeTypeConstants.DE_TIME) {
originName = String.format(MongoConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
} else {
originName = String.format(MongoConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
whereName = originName;
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "in")) {
whereValue = "('" + StringUtils.join(value, "','") + "')";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "like")) {
whereValue = "'%" + value + "%'";
} else {
whereValue = String.format(MongoConstants.WHERE_VALUE_VALUE, value);
.whereTermAndValue(whereTerm + whereValue)
List<String> strList = new ArrayList<>();
list.forEach(ele -> strList.add(ele.getWhereField() + " " + ele.getWhereTermAndValue()));
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(list)) {
res.add("(" + String.join(" " + getLogic(request.getLogic()) + " ", strList) + ")");
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(field)) {
String whereName = "";
String originName;
if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == DeTypeConstants.DE_INT) {
// 解析origin name中有关联的字段生成sql表达式
originName = calcFieldRegex(field.getOriginName(), tableObj);
} else if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == DeTypeConstants.DE_TIME) {
originName = String.format(MongoConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
} else {
originName = String.format(MongoConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
whereName = originName;
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(request.getFilterType(), "enum")) {
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(request.getEnumCheckField())) {
res.add("(" + whereName + " IN ('" + String.join("','", request.getEnumCheckField()) + "'))");
} else {
List<ChartCustomFilterItemDTO> filter = request.getFilter();
for (ChartCustomFilterItemDTO filterItemDTO : filter) {
String value = filterItemDTO.getValue();
String whereTerm = transMysqlFilterTerm(filterItemDTO.getTerm());
String whereValue = "";
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "in")) {
whereValue = "('" + StringUtils.join(value, "','") + "')";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "like")) {
whereValue = "'%" + value + "%'";
} else {
whereValue = String.format(MongoConstants.WHERE_VALUE_VALUE, value);
.whereTermAndValue(whereTerm + whereValue)
List<String> strList = new ArrayList<>();
list.forEach(ele -> strList.add(ele.getWhereField() + " " + ele.getWhereTermAndValue()));
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(list)) {
res.add("(" + String.join(" " + getLogic(request.getLogic()) + " ", strList) + ")");
return CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(res) ? "(" + String.join(" AND ", res) + ")" : null;
@ -771,9 +771,6 @@ public class MysqlQueryProvider extends QueryProvider {
} else {
List<ChartCustomFilterItemDTO> filter = request.getFilter();
for (ChartCustomFilterItemDTO filterItemDTO : filter) {
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(field)) {
String value = filterItemDTO.getValue();
String whereTerm = transMysqlFilterTerm(filterItemDTO.getTerm());
String whereValue = "";
@ -786,69 +786,77 @@ public class OracleQueryProvider extends QueryProvider {
for (ChartFieldCustomFilterDTO request : requestList) {
List<SQLObj> list = new ArrayList<>();
DatasetTableField field = request.getField();
List<ChartCustomFilterItemDTO> filter = request.getFilter();
for (ChartCustomFilterItemDTO filterItemDTO : filter) {
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(field)) {
String value = filterItemDTO.getValue();
String whereName = "";
String whereTerm = transMysqlFilterTerm(filterItemDTO.getTerm());
String whereValue = "";
String originName;
if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 2) {
// 解析origin name中有关联的字段生成sql表达式
originName = calcFieldRegex(field.getOriginName(), tableObj);
} else if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 1) {
originName = String.format(OracleConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
} else {
originName = String.format(OracleConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
if (field.getDeType() == 1) {
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 0 || field.getDeExtractType() == 5) {
whereName = String.format(OracleConstants.TO_DATE, originName, OracleConstants.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 2 || field.getDeExtractType() == 3 || field.getDeExtractType() == 4) {
String cast = String.format(OracleConstants.CAST, originName, OracleConstants.DEFAULT_INT_FORMAT) + "/1000";
whereName = String.format(OracleConstants.FROM_UNIXTIME, cast, OracleConstants.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 1) {
whereName = originName;
} else {
whereName = originName;
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "in")) {
whereValue = "('" + StringUtils.join(value, "','") + "')";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "like")) {
whereValue = "'%" + value + "%'";
} else {
if (field.getDeType() == 1) {
whereValue = String.format(OracleConstants.TO_DATE, "'" + value + "'", OracleConstants.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);
} else {
whereValue = String.format(OracleConstants.WHERE_VALUE_VALUE, value);
.whereTermAndValue(whereTerm + whereValue)
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(field)) {
String whereName = "";
String originName;
if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 2) {
// 解析origin name中有关联的字段生成sql表达式
originName = calcFieldRegex(field.getOriginName(), tableObj);
} else if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 1) {
originName = String.format(OracleConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
} else {
originName = String.format(OracleConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
List<String> strList = new ArrayList<>();
list.forEach(ele -> strList.add(ele.getWhereField() + " " + ele.getWhereTermAndValue()));
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(list)) {
res.add("(" + String.join(" " + getLogic(request.getLogic()) + " ", strList) + ")");
if (field.getDeType() == 1) {
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 0 || field.getDeExtractType() == 5) {
whereName = String.format(OracleConstants.TO_DATE, originName, OracleConstants.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 2 || field.getDeExtractType() == 3 || field.getDeExtractType() == 4) {
String cast = String.format(OracleConstants.CAST, originName, OracleConstants.DEFAULT_INT_FORMAT) + "/1000";
whereName = String.format(OracleConstants.FROM_UNIXTIME, cast, OracleConstants.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 1) {
whereName = originName;
} else {
whereName = originName;
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(request.getFilterType(), "enum")) {
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(request.getEnumCheckField())) {
res.add("(" + whereName + " IN ('" + String.join("','", request.getEnumCheckField()) + "'))");
} else {
List<ChartCustomFilterItemDTO> filter = request.getFilter();
for (ChartCustomFilterItemDTO filterItemDTO : filter) {
String value = filterItemDTO.getValue();
String whereTerm = transMysqlFilterTerm(filterItemDTO.getTerm());
String whereValue = "";
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "in")) {
whereValue = "('" + StringUtils.join(value, "','") + "')";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "like")) {
whereValue = "'%" + value + "%'";
} else {
if (field.getDeType() == 1) {
whereValue = String.format(OracleConstants.TO_DATE, "'" + value + "'", OracleConstants.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);
} else {
whereValue = String.format(OracleConstants.WHERE_VALUE_VALUE, value);
.whereTermAndValue(whereTerm + whereValue)
List<String> strList = new ArrayList<>();
list.forEach(ele -> strList.add(ele.getWhereField() + " " + ele.getWhereTermAndValue()));
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(list)) {
res.add("(" + String.join(" " + getLogic(request.getLogic()) + " ", strList) + ")");
return CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(res) ? "(" + String.join(" AND ", res) + ")" : null;
@ -762,63 +762,72 @@ public class PgQueryProvider extends QueryProvider {
for (ChartFieldCustomFilterDTO request : requestList) {
List<SQLObj> list = new ArrayList<>();
DatasetTableField field = request.getField();
List<ChartCustomFilterItemDTO> filter = request.getFilter();
for (ChartCustomFilterItemDTO filterItemDTO : filter) {
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(field)) {
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(field)) {
String whereName = "";
String originName;
if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 2) {
// 解析origin name中有关联的字段生成sql表达式
originName = calcFieldRegex(field.getOriginName(), tableObj);
} else if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 1) {
originName = String.format(PgConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
} else {
originName = String.format(PgConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
if (field.getDeType() == 1) {
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 0 || field.getDeExtractType() == 5) {
whereName = String.format(PgConstants.CAST, originName, "timestamp");
String value = filterItemDTO.getValue();
String whereName = "";
String whereTerm = transMysqlFilterTerm(filterItemDTO.getTerm());
String whereValue = "";
String originName;
if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 2) {
// 解析origin name中有关联的字段生成sql表达式
originName = calcFieldRegex(field.getOriginName(), tableObj);
} else if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 1) {
originName = String.format(PgConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
} else {
originName = String.format(PgConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 2 || field.getDeExtractType() == 3 || field.getDeExtractType() == 4) {
String cast = String.format(PgConstants.CAST, originName, "bigint");
whereName = String.format(PgConstants.FROM_UNIXTIME, cast);
if (field.getDeType() == 1) {
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 0 || field.getDeExtractType() == 5) {
whereName = String.format(PgConstants.CAST, originName, "timestamp");
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 2 || field.getDeExtractType() == 3 || field.getDeExtractType() == 4) {
String cast = String.format(PgConstants.CAST, originName, "bigint");
whereName = String.format(PgConstants.FROM_UNIXTIME, cast);
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 1) {
whereName = originName;
} else {
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 1) {
whereName = originName;
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "in")) {
whereValue = "('" + StringUtils.join(value, "','") + "')";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "like")) {
whereValue = "'%" + value + "%'";
} else {
whereValue = String.format(PgConstants.WHERE_VALUE_VALUE, value);
.whereTermAndValue(whereTerm + whereValue)
} else {
whereName = originName;
List<String> strList = new ArrayList<>();
list.forEach(ele -> strList.add(ele.getWhereField() + " " + ele.getWhereTermAndValue()));
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(list)) {
res.add("(" + String.join(" " + getLogic(request.getLogic()) + " ", strList) + ")");
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(request.getFilterType(), "enum")) {
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(request.getEnumCheckField())) {
res.add("(" + whereName + " IN ('" + String.join("','", request.getEnumCheckField()) + "'))");
} else {
List<ChartCustomFilterItemDTO> filter = request.getFilter();
for (ChartCustomFilterItemDTO filterItemDTO : filter) {
String value = filterItemDTO.getValue();
String whereTerm = transMysqlFilterTerm(filterItemDTO.getTerm());
String whereValue = "";
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "in")) {
whereValue = "('" + StringUtils.join(value, "','") + "')";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "like")) {
whereValue = "'%" + value + "%'";
} else {
whereValue = String.format(PgConstants.WHERE_VALUE_VALUE, value);
.whereTermAndValue(whereTerm + whereValue)
List<String> strList = new ArrayList<>();
list.forEach(ele -> strList.add(ele.getWhereField() + " " + ele.getWhereTermAndValue()));
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(list)) {
res.add("(" + String.join(" " + getLogic(request.getLogic()) + " ", strList) + ")");
return CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(res) ? "(" + String.join(" AND ", res) + ")" : null;
@ -703,59 +703,68 @@ public class RedshiftQueryProvider extends QueryProvider {
for (ChartFieldCustomFilterDTO request : requestList) {
List<SQLObj> list = new ArrayList<>();
DatasetTableField field = request.getField();
List<ChartCustomFilterItemDTO> filter = request.getFilter();
for (ChartCustomFilterItemDTO filterItemDTO : filter) {
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(field)) {
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(field)) {
String whereName = "";
String originName;
if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 2) {
// 解析origin name中有关联的字段生成sql表达式
originName = calcFieldRegex(field.getOriginName(), tableObj);
} else if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 1) {
originName = String.format(PgConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
} else {
originName = String.format(PgConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
if (field.getDeType() == 1) {
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 0 || field.getDeExtractType() == 5) {
whereName = String.format(PgConstants.CAST, originName, "timestamp");
String value = filterItemDTO.getValue();
String whereName = "";
String whereTerm = transMysqlFilterTerm(filterItemDTO.getTerm());
String whereValue = "";
String originName;
if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 2) {
// 解析origin name中有关联的字段生成sql表达式
originName = calcFieldRegex(field.getOriginName(), tableObj);
} else if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 1) {
originName = String.format(PgConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
} else {
originName = String.format(PgConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 2 || field.getDeExtractType() == 3 || field.getDeExtractType() == 4) {
String cast = String.format(PgConstants.CAST, originName, "bigint");
whereName = String.format(PgConstants.FROM_UNIXTIME, cast);
if (field.getDeType() == 1) {
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 0 || field.getDeExtractType() == 5) {
whereName = String.format(PgConstants.CAST, originName, "timestamp");
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 2 || field.getDeExtractType() == 3 || field.getDeExtractType() == 4) {
String cast = String.format(PgConstants.CAST, originName, "bigint");
whereName = String.format(PgConstants.FROM_UNIXTIME, cast);
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 1) {
whereName = originName;
} else {
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 1) {
whereName = originName;
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "null")) {
whereValue = PgConstants.WHERE_VALUE_NULL;
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_null")) {
whereTerm = String.format(whereTerm, originName);
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "in")) {
whereValue = "('" + StringUtils.join(value, "','") + "')";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "like")) {
whereValue = "'%" + value + "%'";
} else {
whereValue = String.format(PgConstants.WHERE_VALUE_VALUE, value);
.whereTermAndValue(whereTerm + whereValue)
} else {
whereName = originName;
List<String> strList = new ArrayList<>();
list.forEach(ele -> strList.add(ele.getWhereField() + " " + ele.getWhereTermAndValue()));
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(list)) {
res.add("(" + String.join(" " + getLogic(request.getLogic()) + " ", strList) + ")");
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(request.getFilterType(), "enum")) {
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(request.getEnumCheckField())) {
res.add("(" + whereName + " IN ('" + String.join("','", request.getEnumCheckField()) + "'))");
} else {
List<ChartCustomFilterItemDTO> filter = request.getFilter();
for (ChartCustomFilterItemDTO filterItemDTO : filter) {
String value = filterItemDTO.getValue();
String whereTerm = transMysqlFilterTerm(filterItemDTO.getTerm());
String whereValue = "";
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "null")) {
whereValue = PgConstants.WHERE_VALUE_NULL;
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_null")) {
whereTerm = String.format(whereTerm, originName);
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "in")) {
whereValue = "('" + StringUtils.join(value, "','") + "')";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "like")) {
whereValue = "'%" + value + "%'";
} else {
whereValue = String.format(PgConstants.WHERE_VALUE_VALUE, value);
.whereTermAndValue(whereTerm + whereValue)
List<String> strList = new ArrayList<>();
list.forEach(ele -> strList.add(ele.getWhereField() + " " + ele.getWhereTermAndValue()));
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(list)) {
res.add("(" + String.join(" " + getLogic(request.getLogic()) + " ", strList) + ")");
return CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(res) ? "(" + String.join(" AND ", res) + ")" : null;
@ -796,63 +796,72 @@ public class SqlserverQueryProvider extends QueryProvider {
for (ChartFieldCustomFilterDTO request : requestList) {
List<SQLObj> list = new ArrayList<>();
DatasetTableField field = request.getField();
List<ChartCustomFilterItemDTO> filter = request.getFilter();
for (ChartCustomFilterItemDTO filterItemDTO : filter) {
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(field)) {
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(field)) {
String whereName = "";
String originName;
if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 2) {
// 解析origin name中有关联的字段生成sql表达式
originName = calcFieldRegex(field.getOriginName(), tableObj);
} else if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 1) {
originName = String.format(SqlServerSQLConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
} else {
originName = String.format(SqlServerSQLConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
if (field.getDeType() == 1) {
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 0 || field.getDeExtractType() == 5) {
whereName = String.format(SqlServerSQLConstants.STRING_TO_DATE, originName);
String value = filterItemDTO.getValue();
String whereName = "";
String whereTerm = transMysqlFilterTerm(filterItemDTO.getTerm());
String whereValue = "";
String originName;
if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 2) {
// 解析origin name中有关联的字段生成sql表达式
originName = calcFieldRegex(field.getOriginName(), tableObj);
} else if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExtField()) && field.getExtField() == 1) {
originName = String.format(SqlServerSQLConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
} else {
originName = String.format(SqlServerSQLConstants.KEYWORD_FIX, tableObj.getTableAlias(), field.getOriginName());
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 2 || field.getDeExtractType() == 3 || field.getDeExtractType() == 4) {
String cast = String.format(SqlServerSQLConstants.LONG_TO_DATE, originName + "/1000");
whereName = String.format(SqlServerSQLConstants.FROM_UNIXTIME, cast);
if (field.getDeType() == 1) {
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 0 || field.getDeExtractType() == 5) {
whereName = String.format(SqlServerSQLConstants.STRING_TO_DATE, originName);
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 2 || field.getDeExtractType() == 3 || field.getDeExtractType() == 4) {
String cast = String.format(SqlServerSQLConstants.LONG_TO_DATE, originName + "/1000");
whereName = String.format(SqlServerSQLConstants.FROM_UNIXTIME, cast);
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 1) {
whereName = originName;
} else {
if (field.getDeExtractType() == 1) {
whereName = originName;
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "in")) {
whereValue = "('" + StringUtils.join(value, "','") + "')";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "like")) {
whereValue = "'%" + value + "%'";
} else {
whereValue = String.format(SqlServerSQLConstants.WHERE_VALUE_VALUE, value);
.whereTermAndValue(whereTerm + whereValue)
} else {
whereName = originName;
List<String> strList = new ArrayList<>();
list.forEach(ele -> strList.add(ele.getWhereField() + " " + ele.getWhereTermAndValue()));
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(list)) {
res.add("(" + String.join(" " + getLogic(request.getLogic()) + " ", strList) + ")");
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(request.getFilterType(), "enum")) {
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(request.getEnumCheckField())) {
res.add("(" + whereName + " IN ('" + String.join("','", request.getEnumCheckField()) + "'))");
} else {
List<ChartCustomFilterItemDTO> filter = request.getFilter();
for (ChartCustomFilterItemDTO filterItemDTO : filter) {
String value = filterItemDTO.getValue();
String whereTerm = transMysqlFilterTerm(filterItemDTO.getTerm());
String whereValue = "";
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_null")) {
whereValue = "";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "not_empty")) {
whereValue = "''";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "in")) {
whereValue = "('" + StringUtils.join(value, "','") + "')";
} else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filterItemDTO.getTerm(), "like")) {
whereValue = "'%" + value + "%'";
} else {
whereValue = String.format(SqlServerSQLConstants.WHERE_VALUE_VALUE, value);
.whereTermAndValue(whereTerm + whereValue)
List<String> strList = new ArrayList<>();
list.forEach(ele -> strList.add(ele.getWhereField() + " " + ele.getWhereTermAndValue()));
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(list)) {
res.add("(" + String.join(" " + getLogic(request.getLogic()) + " ", strList) + ")");
return CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(res) ? "(" + String.join(" AND ", res) + ")" : null;
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