style(图表-象限图): 优化象限图默认样式及修改图表的小图标

This commit is contained in:
jianneng-fit2cloud 2024-04-16 11:36:49 +08:00
parent 3c93768369
commit 8db4b9932c
5 changed files with 87 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -123,6 +123,10 @@ public class ChartDataManage {
List<ChartViewFieldDTO> sizeField = getSizeField(view);
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(view.getType(), "quadrant")) {
List<ChartViewFieldDTO> yAxisExt = new ArrayList<>(view.getYAxisExt());
List<ChartViewFieldDTO> extStack = new ArrayList<>(view.getExtStack());
List<ChartViewFieldDTO> extBubble = new ArrayList<>(view.getExtBubble());
if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(view.getExtLabel()) && enableExtData(view.getType())) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
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@ -674,19 +674,19 @@ export const DEFAULT_QUADRANT_STYLE: QuadrantAttr = {
regionStyle: [
fill: '#fdfcfc',
fillOpacity: 0.5
fillOpacity: 0
fill: '#fafdfa',
fillOpacity: 0.5
fillOpacity: 0
fill: '#fdfcfc',
fillOpacity: 0.5
fillOpacity: 0
fill: '#fafdfa',
fillOpacity: 0.5
fillOpacity: 0
labels: [
@ -1284,16 +1284,16 @@ export const CHART_TYPE_CONFIGS = [
render: 'antv',
category: 'distribute',
value: 'funnel',
title: t('chart.chart_funnel'),
icon: 'funnel'
value: 'quadrant',
title: t('chart.chart_quadrant'),
icon: 'quadrant'
render: 'antv',
category: 'distribute',
value: 'quadrant',
title: t('chart.chart_quadrant'),
icon: 'scatter'
value: 'funnel',
title: t('chart.chart_funnel'),
icon: 'funnel'

View File

@ -72,7 +72,16 @@ export class Quadrant extends G2PlotChartView<ScatterOptions, G2Scatter> {
'legend-selector': ['icon', 'orient', 'color', 'fontSize', 'hPosition', 'vPosition'],
'quadrant-selector': ['regionStyle', 'label', 'lineStyle']
axis: AxisType[] = ['xAxis', 'yAxis', 'extBubble', 'filter', 'drill', 'extLabel', 'extTooltip']
axis: AxisType[] = [
axisConfig: AxisConfig = {
extBubble: {
@ -81,14 +90,19 @@ export class Quadrant extends G2PlotChartView<ScatterOptions, G2Scatter> {
limit: 1
xAxis: {
name: `${t('chart.drag_block_table_data_column')} / ${t('chart.dimension')}`,
name: `${t('chart.form_type')} / ${t('chart.dimension')}`,
type: 'd',
limit: 1
yAxis: {
name: `${t('chart.drag_block_table_data_column')} / ${t('chart.quota')}`,
name: `${t('chart.x_axis')} / ${t('chart.quota')}`,
type: 'q',
limit: 2
limit: 1
yAxisExt: {
name: `${t('chart.y_axis')} / ${t('chart.quota')}`,
type: 'q',
limit: 1
@ -96,7 +110,7 @@ export class Quadrant extends G2PlotChartView<ScatterOptions, G2Scatter> {
const colorFieldObj = { id: chart.xAxis[0]?.id, name: chart.xAxis[0]?.['originName'] }
const sizeFieldObj = { id: chart.extBubble[0]?.id, name: chart.extBubble[0]?.['originName'] }
const xFieldObj = { id: chart.yAxis[0]?.id, name: chart.yAxis[0]?.['originName'] }
const yFieldObj = { id: chart.yAxis[1]?.id, name: chart.yAxis[1]?.['originName'] }
const yFieldObj = { id: chart.yAxisExt[0]?.id, name: chart.yAxisExt[0]?.['originName'] }
return { colorFieldObj, sizeFieldObj, xFieldObj, yFieldObj }
public getUniqueObjects<T>(arr: T[]): T[] {
@ -295,7 +309,8 @@ export class Quadrant extends G2PlotChartView<ScatterOptions, G2Scatter> {
const tooltipAttr = customAttr.tooltip
const xAxisTitle = chart.xAxis[0]
const yAxisTitle = chart.yAxis[0]
if (! || (!xAxisTitle && !yAxisTitle)) {
const yAxisExtTitle = chart.yAxisExt[0]
if (! || (!xAxisTitle && !yAxisTitle && !yAxisExtTitle)) {
return {
tooltip: false
@ -303,8 +318,8 @@ export class Quadrant extends G2PlotChartView<ScatterOptions, G2Scatter> {
xAxisTitle['show'] = true
yAxisTitle['show'] = true
yAxisExtTitle['show'] = true
const formatterMap = tooltipAttr.seriesTooltipFormatter
?.filter(i =>
.reduce((pre, next) => {
@ -312,23 +327,30 @@ export class Quadrant extends G2PlotChartView<ScatterOptions, G2Scatter> {
return pre
}, {}) as Record<string, SeriesFormatter>
const tooltip: ScatterOptions['tooltip'] = {
showTitle: false,
showTitle: true,
title: (_title, datum) => {
return datum?.[xAxisTitle['originName']]
customItems(originalItems) {
if (!tooltipAttr.seriesTooltipFormatter?.length) {
return originalItems
const result = []
originalItems?.forEach(item => {
const formatter = formatterMap[]
if (formatter) {
const value =
formatter.groupType === 'q'
? valueFormatter(parseFloat(item.value as string), formatter.formatterCfg)
: item.value
const name = isEmpty(formatter.chartShowName) ? : formatter.chartShowName
result.push({ color: item.color, name, value })
?.filter(i => !== xAxisTitle['originName'])
.forEach(item => {
const formatter = formatterMap[]
if (formatter) {
const value =
formatter.groupType === 'q'
? valueFormatter(parseFloat(item.value as string), formatter.formatterCfg)
: item.value
const name = isEmpty(formatter.chartShowName)
: formatter.chartShowName
result.push({ color: item.color, name, value })
return result
@ -343,10 +365,18 @@ export class Quadrant extends G2PlotChartView<ScatterOptions, G2Scatter> {
show: false
chart.customStyle.yAxisExt.splitLine = {
show: false
chart.customStyle.yAxis.axisLine = {
show: true
chart.customStyle.yAxisExt.axisLine = {
show: true
chart.customAttr.quadrant = {