SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1; SET NAMES utf8mb4; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for sys_auth -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sys_auth`; CREATE TABLE `sys_auth` ( `id` varchar(50) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL, `auth_source` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '授权资产源 数据集 视图 仪表板', `auth_source_type` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '授权资产类型 dataset 数据集 view 视图 panel 仪表板', `auth_target` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '授权目标 用户 角色 组织 ', `auth_target_type` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '授权目标类型 user 用户 role 角色 org dept 组织', `auth_time` bigint(13) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '授权时间', `auth_details` varchar(2000) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '授权明细 privilegename 名称 privilegeType 权限类型 1 查看 2 管理 3 导出 4 使用 ; privilegeValue 1 不可用 2 可用 3 部分可用', `auth_user` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '授权人员', `update_time` datetime(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for sys_auth_detail -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sys_auth_detail`; CREATE TABLE `sys_auth_detail` ( `id` varchar(50) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL, `auth_id` varchar(50) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL, `privilege_name` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '权限名称', `privilege_type` int(6) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '权限类型', `privilege_value` int(6) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '权限值 1 可用 2 不用', `privilege_extend` varchar(2000) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '权限扩展', `remark` varchar(2000) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '备注', `create_user` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL, `create_time` bigint(13) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `update_time` bigint(13) NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of sys_auth_detail -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `sys_auth_detail` VALUES ('chart_grant', 'chart', 'i18n_auth_grant', 15, 0, 'grant', '基础权限-授权', 'system', NULL, NULL), ('chart_manage', 'chart', 'i18n_auth_manage', 3, 0, 'manage', '基础权限-管理', 'system', NULL, NULL), ('chart_use', 'chart', 'i18n_auth_use', 1, 0, 'use', '基础权限-使用', 'system', NULL, NULL), ('dataset_grant', 'dataset', 'i18n_auth_grant', 15, 0, 'grant', '基础权限-授权', 'system', NULL, NULL), ('dataset_manege', 'dataset', 'i18n_auth_manage', 3, 0, 'manage', '基础权限-管理', 'system', NULL, NULL), ('dataset_use', 'dataset', 'i18n_auth_use', 1, 0, 'use', '基础权限-使用', 'system', NULL, NULL), ('link_grant', 'link', 'i18n_auth_grant', 15, 0, 'grant', '基础权限-授权', 'system', NULL, NULL), ('link_manage', 'link', 'i18n_auth_manage', 3, 0, 'manage', '基础权限-管理', 'system', NULL, NULL), ('link_use', 'link', 'i18n_auth_use', 1, 0, 'use', '基础权限-使用', 'system', NULL, NULL), ('menu_grant', 'menu', 'i18n_auth_grant', 15, 0, 'grant', '基础权限-授权', 'system', NULL, NULL), ('menu_use', 'menu', 'i18n_auth_use', 1, 0, 'use', '基础权限-使用', 'system', NULL, NULL), ('panel_export', 'panel', 'i18n_auth_export', 3, 0, 'export', '基础权限-导出', 'system', NULL, NULL), ('panel_grant', 'panel', 'i18n_auth_grant', 15, 0, 'grant', '基础权限-授权', 'system', NULL, NULL), ('panel_manage', 'panel', 'i18n_auth_manage', 5, 0, 'manage', '基础权限-管理', 'system', NULL, NULL), ('panel_use', 'panel', 'i18n_auth_view', 1, 0, 'view', '基础权限-查看', 'system', NULL, NULL); COMMIT; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1; SET NAMES utf8mb4; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0; -- ---------------------------- -- View structure for v_auth_model -- ---------------------------- DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `v_auth_model`; CREATE ALGORITHM = UNDEFINED SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `v_auth_model` AS select `sys_user`.`user_id` AS `id`,`sys_user`.`username` AS `name`,`sys_user`.`username` AS `label`,'0' AS `pid`,'leaf' AS `node_type`,'user' AS `model_type`,'user' AS `model_inner_type`,'target' AS `auth_type`,`sys_user`.`create_by` AS `create_by` from `sys_user` union all select `sys_role`.`role_id` AS `id`,`sys_role`.`name` AS `name`,`sys_role`.`name` AS `label`,'0' AS `pid`,'leaf' AS `node_type`,'role' AS `model_type`,'role' AS `model_inner_type`,'target' AS `auth_type`,`sys_role`.`create_by` AS `create_by` from `sys_role` union all select `sys_dept`.`dept_id` AS `id`,`sys_dept`.`name` AS `name`,`sys_dept`.`name` AS `lable`,cast(`sys_dept`.`pid` as char charset utf8mb4) AS `pid`,if((`sys_dept`.`sub_count` = 0),'leaf','spine') AS `node_type`,'dept' AS `model_type`,'dept' AS `model_inner_type`,'target' AS `auth_type`,`sys_dept`.`create_by` AS `create_by` from `sys_dept` union all select `datasource`.`id` AS `id`,`datasource`.`name` AS `NAME`,`datasource`.`name` AS `label`,'0' AS `pid`,'leaf' AS `node_type`,'link' AS `model_type`,`datasource`.`type` AS `model_inner_type`,'source' AS `auth_type`,`datasource`.`create_by` AS `create_by` from `datasource` union all select `dataset_group`.`id` AS `id`,`dataset_group`.`name` AS `NAME`,`dataset_group`.`name` AS `lable`,if(isnull(`dataset_group`.`pid`),'0',`dataset_group`.`pid`) AS `pid`,'spine' AS `node_type`,'dataset' AS `model_type`,`dataset_group`.`type` AS `model_inner_type`,'source' AS `auth_type`,`dataset_group`.`create_by` AS `create_by` from `dataset_group` union all select `dataset_table`.`id` AS `id`,`dataset_table`.`name` AS `NAME`,`dataset_table`.`name` AS `lable`,`dataset_table`.`scene_id` AS `pid`,'leaf' AS `node_type`,'dataset' AS `model_type`,`dataset_table`.`type` AS `model_inner_type`,'source' AS `auth_type`,`dataset_table`.`create_by` AS `create_by` from `dataset_table` union all select `chart_group`.`id` AS `id`,`chart_group`.`name` AS `name`,`chart_group`.`name` AS `label`,if(isnull(`chart_group`.`pid`),'0',`chart_group`.`pid`) AS `pid`,'spine' AS `node_type`,'chart' AS `model_type`,`chart_group`.`type` AS `model_inner_type`,'source' AS `auth_type`,`chart_group`.`create_by` AS `create_by` from `chart_group` union all select `chart_view`.`id` AS `id`,`chart_view`.`name` AS `name`,`chart_view`.`name` AS `label`,`chart_view`.`scene_id` AS `pid`,'leaf' AS `node_type`,'chart' AS `model_type`,`chart_view`.`type` AS `model_inner_type`,'source' AS `auth_type`,`chart_view`.`create_by` AS `create_by` from `chart_view` union all select `panel_group`.`id` AS `id`,`panel_group`.`name` AS `NAME`,`panel_group`.`name` AS `label`,(case `panel_group`.`id` when 'panel_list' then '0' when 'default_panel' then '0' else `panel_group`.`pid` end) AS `pid`,if((`panel_group`.`node_type` = 'folder'),'spine','leaf') AS `node_type`,'panel' AS `model_type`,`panel_group`.`panel_type` AS `model_inner_type`,'source' AS `auth_type`,`panel_group`.`create_by` AS `create_by` from `panel_group` union all select `sys_menu`.`menu_id` AS `menu_id`,`sys_menu`.`title` AS `name`,`sys_menu`.`title` AS `label`,`sys_menu`.`pid` AS `pid`,if((`sys_menu`.`sub_count` > 0),'spine','leaf') AS `node_type`,'menu' AS `model_type`,(case `sys_menu`.`type` when 0 then 'folder' when 1 then 'menu' when 2 then 'button' end) AS `model_inner_type`,'source' AS `auth_type`,`sys_menu`.`create_by` AS `create_by` from `sys_menu` where (`sys_menu`.`hidden` = 0); -- ---------------------------- -- View structure for v_auth_privilege -- ---------------------------- DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `v_auth_privilege`; CREATE ALGORITHM = UNDEFINED SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `v_auth_privilege` AS select `sys_auth`.`auth_source` AS `auth_source`,`sys_auth`.`auth_source_type` AS `auth_source_type`,group_concat(`sys_auth_detail`.`privilege_extend` separator ',') AS `privileges` from (`sys_auth` left join `sys_auth_detail` on((`sys_auth`.`id` = `sys_auth_detail`.`auth_id`))) where ((`sys_auth_detail`.`privilege_value` = 1) and (((`sys_auth`.`auth_target_type` = 'dept') and (`sys_auth`.`auth_target` = (select `sys_user`.`dept_id` from `sys_user` where (`sys_user`.`user_id` = '4')))) or ((`sys_auth`.`auth_target_type` = 'user') and (`sys_auth`.`auth_target` = '4')) or ((`sys_auth`.`auth_target_type` = 'role') and (`sys_auth`.`auth_target` = (select `sys_users_roles`.`role_id` from `sys_users_roles` where (`sys_users_roles`.`user_id` = '4')))))) group by `sys_auth`.`auth_source`,`sys_auth`.`auth_source_type`; -- ---------------------------- -- Function structure for copy_auth -- ---------------------------- DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `copy_auth`; delimiter ;; CREATE FUNCTION `copy_auth`(authSource varchar(255),authSourceType varchar(255),authUser varchar(255)) RETURNS varchar(255) CHARSET utf8 READS SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE authId varchar(255); DECLARE userId varchar(255); select uuid() into authId; select max(sys_user.user_id) into userId from sys_user where username= authUser; delete from sys_auth_detail where auth_id in ( select id from sys_auth where sys_auth.auth_source=authSource and sys_auth.auth_source_type=authSourceType ); delete from sys_auth where sys_auth.auth_source=authSource and sys_auth.auth_source_type=authSourceType; INSERT INTO sys_auth ( id, auth_source, auth_source_type, auth_target, auth_target_type, auth_time, auth_user ) VALUES ( authId, authSource, authSourceType, userId, 'user', unix_timestamp( now())* 1000,'auto'); INSERT INTO sys_auth_detail ( id, auth_id, privilege_name, privilege_type, privilege_value, privilege_extend, remark, create_user, create_time ) SELECT uuid() AS id, authId AS auth_id, sys_auth_detail.privilege_name, sys_auth_detail.privilege_type, 1, sys_auth_detail.privilege_extend, sys_auth_detail.remark, 'auto' AS create_user, unix_timestamp(now())* 1000 AS create_time FROM sys_auth_detail where auth_id =authSourceType; RETURN 'sucess'; END ;; delimiter ; -- ---------------------------- -- Function structure for delete_auth_source -- ---------------------------- DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `delete_auth_source`; delimiter ;; CREATE FUNCTION `delete_auth_source`(authSource varchar(255),authSourceType varchar(255)) RETURNS varchar(255) CHARSET utf8 READS SQL DATA BEGIN delete from sys_auth_detail where auth_id in ( select id from sys_auth where sys_auth.auth_source=authSource and sys_auth.auth_source_type=authSourceType ); delete from sys_auth where sys_auth.auth_source=authSource and sys_auth.auth_source_type=authSourceType; RETURN 'sucess'; END ;; delimiter ; -- ---------------------------- -- Function structure for delete_auth_target -- ---------------------------- DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `delete_auth_target`; delimiter ;; CREATE FUNCTION `delete_auth_target`(authTarget varchar(255),authTargetType varchar(255)) RETURNS varchar(255) CHARSET utf8 READS SQL DATA BEGIN delete from sys_auth_detail where auth_id in ( select id from sys_auth where sys_auth.auth_target=authTarget and sys_auth.auth_target_type=authTargetType ); delete from sys_auth where sys_auth.auth_target=authTarget and sys_auth.auth_target_type=authTargetType; RETURN 'sucess'; END ;; delimiter ; -- ---------------------------- -- Function structure for get_auths -- ---------------------------- DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `get_auths`; delimiter ;; CREATE FUNCTION `get_auths`(authSource varchar(255),modelType varchar(255),userId varchar(255)) RETURNS longtext CHARSET utf8 READS SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE oTemp longtext; SELECT group_concat( DISTINCT sys_auth_detail.privilege_extend) into oTemp FROM ( `sys_auth` LEFT JOIN `sys_auth_detail` ON (( `sys_auth`.`id` = `sys_auth_detail`.`auth_id` ))) where sys_auth_detail.privilege_value =1 and sys_auth.auth_source=authSource AND ( ( sys_auth.auth_target_type = 'dept' AND sys_auth.auth_target in ( SELECT dept_id FROM sys_user WHERE user_id = userId ) ) OR ( sys_auth.auth_target_type = 'user' AND sys_auth.auth_target = userId ) OR ( sys_auth.auth_target_type = 'role' AND sys_auth.auth_target in ( SELECT role_id FROM sys_users_roles WHERE user_id = userId ) ) ) GROUP BY `sys_auth`.`auth_source`, `sys_auth`.`auth_source_type`; RETURN oTemp; END ;; delimiter ; -- ---------------------------- -- Function structure for get_auth_children_count -- ---------------------------- DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `get_auth_children_count`; delimiter ;; CREATE FUNCTION `get_auth_children_count`(pidInfo varchar(255),modelType varchar(255),userName varchar(255)) RETURNS varchar(255) CHARSET utf8 READS SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE childrenCount INTEGER; select count(1)-1 into childrenCount from v_auth_model where FIND_IN_SET(, GET_V_AUTH_MODEL_WITH_CHILDREN ( pidInfo, modelType )) AND create_by = userName AND v_auth_model.node_type = 'leaf'; RETURN childrenCount; END ;; delimiter ; -- ---------------------------- -- Function structure for get_grant_auths -- ---------------------------- DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `get_grant_auths`; delimiter ;; CREATE FUNCTION `get_grant_auths`(modelType VARCHAR ( 255 ), userId VARCHAR ( 255 )) RETURNS longtext CHARSET utf8 READS SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE oTemp LONGTEXT; SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT ) into oTemp FROM v_auth_model LEFT JOIN sys_auth ON = sys_auth.auth_source AND v_auth_model.model_type = sys_auth.auth_source_type LEFT JOIN sys_auth_detail ON = sys_auth_detail.auth_id WHERE privilege_type = 15 AND privilege_value = 1 AND v_auth_model.model_type = modelType AND ( ( sys_auth.auth_target_type = 'dept' AND sys_auth.auth_target IN ( SELECT dept_id FROM sys_user WHERE user_id = userId ) ) OR ( sys_auth.auth_target_type = 'user' AND sys_auth.auth_target = userId ) OR ( sys_auth.auth_target_type = 'role' AND sys_auth.auth_target IN ( SELECT role_id FROM sys_users_roles WHERE user_id = userId ) ) ); RETURN oTemp; END ;; delimiter ; -- ---------------------------- -- Function structure for GET_PANEL_GROUP_WITH_CHILDREN -- ---------------------------- DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `GET_PANEL_GROUP_WITH_CHILDREN`; delimiter ;; CREATE FUNCTION `GET_PANEL_GROUP_WITH_CHILDREN`(parentId varchar(8000)) RETURNS varchar(8000) CHARSET utf8 READS SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE oTemp VARCHAR(8000); DECLARE oTempChild VARCHAR(8000); SET oTemp = ''; SET oTempChild = CAST(parentId AS CHAR); WHILE oTempChild IS NOT NULL DO SET oTemp = CONCAT(oTemp,',',oTempChild); SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(id) INTO oTempChild FROM panel_group WHERE FIND_IN_SET(pid,oTempChild) > 0; END WHILE; RETURN oTemp; END ;; delimiter ; -- ---------------------------- -- Function structure for GET_PANEL_TEMPLATE_WITH_CHILDREN -- ---------------------------- DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `GET_PANEL_TEMPLATE_WITH_CHILDREN`; delimiter ;; CREATE FUNCTION `GET_PANEL_TEMPLATE_WITH_CHILDREN`(parentId varchar(8000)) RETURNS varchar(8000) CHARSET utf8 READS SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE oTemp VARCHAR(8000); DECLARE oTempChild VARCHAR(8000); SET oTemp = ''; SET oTempChild = CAST(parentId AS CHAR); WHILE oTempChild IS NOT NULL DO SET oTemp = CONCAT(oTemp,',',oTempChild); SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(id) INTO oTempChild FROM panel_template WHERE FIND_IN_SET(pid,oTempChild) > 0; END WHILE; RETURN oTemp; END ;; delimiter ; -- ---------------------------- -- Function structure for GET_V_AUTH_MODEL_ID_P_USE -- ---------------------------- DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `GET_V_AUTH_MODEL_ID_P_USE`; delimiter ;; CREATE FUNCTION `GET_V_AUTH_MODEL_ID_P_USE`(userId longtext,modelType varchar(255)) RETURNS longtext CHARSET utf8 READS SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE oTempLeafIds longtext; DECLARE oTempAllIds longtext; select GROUP_CONCAT(auth_source) into oTempLeafIds from ( SELECT sys_auth.auth_source_type, sys_auth.auth_source FROM sys_auth LEFT JOIN sys_auth_detail ON = sys_auth_detail.auth_id WHERE sys_auth_detail.privilege_type = 1 and sys_auth.auth_source_type = modelType AND ( ( sys_auth.auth_target_type = 'dept' AND sys_auth.auth_target in ( SELECT dept_id FROM sys_user WHERE user_id = userId ) ) OR ( sys_auth.auth_target_type = 'user' AND sys_auth.auth_target = userId ) OR ( sys_auth.auth_target_type = 'role' AND sys_auth.auth_target in ( SELECT role_id FROM sys_users_roles WHERE user_id = userId ) ) ) GROUP BY sys_auth.auth_source_type, sys_auth.auth_source having sum( sys_auth_detail.privilege_value )> 0) temp; select GROUP_CONCAT(id) into oTempAllIds from v_auth_model where v_auth_model.model_type=modelType and FIND_IN_SET(,GET_V_AUTH_MODEL_WITH_PARENT ( oTempLeafIds ,modelType)); RETURN oTempAllIds; END ;; delimiter ; -- ---------------------------- -- Function structure for GET_V_AUTH_MODEL_WITH_CHILDREN -- ---------------------------- DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `GET_V_AUTH_MODEL_WITH_CHILDREN`; delimiter ;; CREATE FUNCTION `GET_V_AUTH_MODEL_WITH_CHILDREN`(parentId longtext,modelType varchar(255)) RETURNS longtext CHARSET utf8 READS SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE oTemp longtext; DECLARE oTempChild longtext; SET oTemp = ''; SET oTempChild = CAST(parentId AS CHAR); WHILE oTempChild IS NOT NULL DO SET oTemp = CONCAT(oTemp,',',oTempChild); SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(id) INTO oTempChild FROM V_AUTH_MODEL WHERE FIND_IN_SET(pid,oTempChild) > 0 and V_AUTH_MODEL.model_type=modelType; END WHILE; RETURN oTemp; END ;; delimiter ; -- ---------------------------- -- Function structure for GET_V_AUTH_MODEL_WITH_PARENT -- ---------------------------- DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `GET_V_AUTH_MODEL_WITH_PARENT`; delimiter ;; CREATE FUNCTION `GET_V_AUTH_MODEL_WITH_PARENT`(childrenId longtext,modelType varchar(255)) RETURNS longtext CHARSET utf8 READS SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE oTemp longtext; DECLARE oTempParent longtext; SET oTemp = ''; SET oTempParent = CAST(childrenId AS CHAR); WHILE oTempParent IS NOT NULL DO SET oTemp = CONCAT(oTemp,',',oTempParent); SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(pid) INTO oTempParent FROM V_AUTH_MODEL WHERE FIND_IN_SET(id,oTempParent) > 0 and V_AUTH_MODEL.model_type=modelType; END WHILE; RETURN oTemp; END ;; delimiter ; DROP TRIGGER if exists`new_auth_link`; DROP TRIGGER if exists`delete_auth_link`; CREATE TRIGGER `new_auth_link` AFTER INSERT ON `datasource` FOR EACH ROW select copy_auth(,'link',NEW.create_by) into @ee; CREATE TRIGGER `delete_auth_link` AFTER DELETE ON `datasource` FOR EACH ROW select delete_auth_source(,'link') into @ee; DROP TRIGGER if exists`new_auth_dataset_group`; DROP TRIGGER if exists`delete_auth_dataset_group`; DROP TRIGGER if exists`new_auth_dataset_table`; DROP TRIGGER if exists`delete_auth_dataset_table`; CREATE TRIGGER `new_auth_dataset_group` AFTER INSERT ON `dataset_group` FOR EACH ROW select copy_auth(,'dataset',NEW.create_by) into @ee; CREATE TRIGGER `delete_auth_dataset_group` AFTER DELETE ON `dataset_group` FOR EACH ROW select delete_auth_source(,'dataset') into @ee; CREATE TRIGGER `new_auth_dataset_table` AFTER INSERT ON `dataset_table` FOR EACH ROW select copy_auth(,'dataset',NEW.create_by) into @ee; CREATE TRIGGER `delete_auth_dataset_table` AFTER DELETE ON `dataset_table` FOR EACH ROW select delete_auth_source(,'dataset') into @ee; DROP TRIGGER if exists `new_auth_chart_group`; DROP TRIGGER if exists`delete_auth_chart_group`; DROP TRIGGER if exists`new_auth_chart_view`; DROP TRIGGER if exists`delete_auth_chart_view`; CREATE TRIGGER `new_auth_chart_group` AFTER INSERT ON `chart_group` FOR EACH ROW select copy_auth(,'chart',NEW.create_by) into @ee; CREATE TRIGGER `delete_auth_chart_group` AFTER DELETE ON `chart_group` FOR EACH ROW select delete_auth_source(,'chart') into @ee; CREATE TRIGGER `new_auth_chart_view` AFTER INSERT ON `chart_view` FOR EACH ROW select copy_auth(,'chart',NEW.create_by) into @ee; CREATE TRIGGER `delete_auth_chart_view` AFTER DELETE ON `chart_view` FOR EACH ROW select delete_auth_source(,'chart') into @ee; DROP TRIGGER if exists`new_auth_panel`; DROP TRIGGER if exists`delete_auth_panel`; CREATE TRIGGER `new_auth_panel` AFTER INSERT ON `panel_group` FOR EACH ROW select copy_auth(,'panel',NEW.create_by) into @ee; CREATE TRIGGER `delete_auth_panel` AFTER DELETE ON `panel_group` FOR EACH ROW select delete_auth_source(,'panel') into @ee; DROP TRIGGER if exists`delete_auth_user_target`; DROP TRIGGER if exists`delete_auth_role_target`; DROP TRIGGER if exists`delete_auth_dept_target`; CREATE TRIGGER `delete_auth_user_target` AFTER DELETE ON `sys_user` FOR EACH ROW select delete_auth_target(OLD.user_id,'user') into @ee; CREATE TRIGGER `delete_auth_role_target` AFTER DELETE ON `sys_role` FOR EACH ROW select delete_auth_target(OLD.role_id,'role') into @ee; CREATE TRIGGER `delete_auth_dept_target` AFTER DELETE ON `sys_dept` FOR EACH ROW select delete_auth_target(OLD.dept_id,'dept') into @ee;