name: 💬 Support Question
about: If you have a question, please check out our Slack or StackOverflow!


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Apache Cordova uses GitHub Issues as a feature request and bug tracker _only_.
For usage and support questions, please check out the resources below. Thanks!


You can get answers to your usage and support questions about **Apache Cordova** on:

* Slack Community Chat: https://cordova.slack.com (you can sign-up at http://slack.cordova.io/)
* StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/cordova using the tag `cordova`


If you are using a tool that uses Cordova internally, like e.g. Ionic, check their support channels:

* **Ionic Framework**
  * [Ionic Community Forum](https://forum.ionicframework.com/)
  * [Ionic Worldwide Slack](https://ionicworldwide.herokuapp.com/)
* **PhoneGap**
  * [PhoneGap Developer Community](https://forums.adobe.com/community/phonegap)