2016-08-27 00:06:26 +08:00
import { Cordova , Plugin } from './plugin' ;
2016-09-22 04:04:46 +08:00
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable' ;
2016-08-27 00:06:26 +08:00
// below are taken from
// https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Microsoft/cordova-plugin-code-push/master/typings/codePush.d.ts
// and adjusted to remove warnings and access control
namespace Http {
export const enum Verb {
export interface Response {
statusCode : number ;
body? : string ;
export interface Requester {
request ( verb : Verb , url : string , callback : Callback < Response > ) : void ;
request ( verb : Verb , url : string , requestBody : string , callback : Callback < Response > ) : void ;
/ * *
* Defines a package . All fields are non - nullable , except when retrieving the currently running package on the first run of the app ,
* in which case only the appVersion is compulsory .
* /
export interface IPackage {
deploymentKey : string ;
description : string ;
label : string ;
appVersion : string ;
isMandatory : boolean ;
packageHash : string ;
packageSize : number ;
failedInstall : boolean ;
/ * *
* Defines a remote package , which represents an update package available for download .
* /
export interface IRemotePackage extends IPackage {
/ * *
* The URL at which the package is available for download .
* /
downloadUrl : string ;
/ * *
* Downloads the package update from the CodePush service .
* @param downloadSuccess Called with one parameter , the downloaded package information , once the download completed successfully .
* @param downloadError Optional callback invoked in case of an error .
* @param downloadProgress Optional callback invoked during the download process . It is called several times with one DownloadProgress parameter .
* /
download ( downloadSuccess : SuccessCallback < ILocalPackage > , downloadError? : ErrorCallback , downloadProgress? : SuccessCallback < DownloadProgress > ) : void ;
/ * *
* Aborts the current download session , previously started with download ( ) .
* @param abortSuccess Optional callback invoked if the abort operation succeeded .
* @param abortError Optional callback invoked in case of an error .
* /
abortDownload ( abortSuccess? : SuccessCallback < void > , abortError? : ErrorCallback ) : void ;
/ * *
* Defines a local package .
* /
export interface ILocalPackage extends IPackage {
/ * *
* The local storage path where this package is located .
* /
localPath : string ;
/ * *
* Indicates if the current application run is the first one after the package was applied .
* /
isFirstRun : boolean ;
/ * *
* Applies this package to the application . The application will be reloaded with this package and on every application launch this package will be loaded .
* On the first run after the update , the application will wait for a codePush . notifyApplicationReady ( ) call . Once this call is made , the install operation is considered a success .
* Otherwise , the install operation will be marked as failed , and the application is reverted to its previous version on the next run .
* @param installSuccess Callback invoked if the install operation succeeded .
* @param installError Optional callback inovoked in case of an error .
* @param installOptions Optional parameter used for customizing the installation behavior .
* /
install ( installSuccess : SuccessCallback < InstallMode > , errorCallback? : ErrorCallback , installOptions? : InstallOptions ) : void ;
/ * *
* Decomposed static side of RemotePackage .
* For Class Decomposition guidelines see http : //www.typescriptlang.org/Handbook#writing-dts-files-guidelines-and-specifics
* /
/* tslint:disable */
interface RemotePackage_Static {
new ( ) : IRemotePackage ;
/* tslint:enable */
/ * *
* Decomposed static side of LocalPackage .
* For Class Decomposition guidelines see http : //www.typescriptlang.org/Handbook#writing-dts-files-guidelines-and-specifics
* /
/* tslint:disable */
interface LocalPackage_Static {
new ( ) : ILocalPackage ;
/* tslint:enable */
declare var RemotePackage : RemotePackage_Static ;
declare var LocalPackage : LocalPackage_Static ;
/ * *
* Defines the JSON format of the current package information file .
* This file is stored in the local storage of the device and persists between store updates and code - push updates .
* /
interface IPackageInfoMetadata extends ILocalPackage {
nativeBuildTime : string ;
interface NativeUpdateNotification {
updateAppVersion : boolean ; // Always true
appVersion : string ;
export interface Callback < T > { ( error : Error , parameter : T ) : void ; }
export interface SuccessCallback < T > { ( result? : T ) : void ; }
export interface ErrorCallback { ( error? : Error ) : void ; }
interface Configuration {
appVersion : string ;
clientUniqueId : string ;
deploymentKey : string ;
serverUrl : string ;
ignoreAppVersion? : boolean ;
declare class AcquisitionStatus {
static DeploymentSucceeded : string ;
static DeploymentFailed : string ;
declare class AcquisitionManager {
constructor ( httpRequester : Http.Requester , configuration : Configuration ) ;
public queryUpdateWithCurrentPackage ( currentPackage : IPackage , callback? : Callback < IRemotePackage | NativeUpdateNotification > ) : void ;
public reportStatusDeploy ( pkg? : IPackage , status? : string , previousLabelOrAppVersion? : string , previousDeploymentKey? : string , callback? : Callback < void > ) : void ;
public reportStatusDownload ( pkg : IPackage , callback? : Callback < void > ) : void ;
interface CodePushCordovaPlugin {
/ * *
* Get the current package information .
* @param packageSuccess Callback invoked with the currently deployed package information .
* @param packageError Optional callback invoked in case of an error .
* /
getCurrentPackage ( packageSuccess : SuccessCallback < ILocalPackage > , packageError? : ErrorCallback ) : void ;
/ * *
* Gets the pending package information , if any . A pending package is one that has been installed but the application still runs the old code .
* This happends only after a package has been installed using ON_NEXT_RESTART or ON_NEXT_RESUME mode , but the application was not restarted / resumed yet .
* /
getPendingPackage ( packageSuccess : SuccessCallback < ILocalPackage > , packageError? : ErrorCallback ) : void ;
/ * *
* Checks with the CodePush server if an update package is available for download .
* @param querySuccess Callback invoked in case of a successful response from the server .
* The callback takes one RemotePackage parameter . A non - null package is a valid update .
* A null package means the application is up to date for the current native application version .
* @param queryError Optional callback invoked in case of an error .
* @param deploymentKey Optional deployment key that overrides the config . xml setting .
* /
checkForUpdate ( querySuccess : SuccessCallback < IRemotePackage > , queryError? : ErrorCallback , deploymentKey? : string ) : void ;
/ * *
* Notifies the plugin that the update operation succeeded and that the application is ready .
* Calling this function is required on the first run after an update . On every subsequent application run , calling this function is a noop .
* If using sync API , calling this function is not required since sync calls it internally .
* @param notifySucceeded Optional callback invoked if the plugin was successfully notified .
* @param notifyFailed Optional callback invoked in case of an error during notifying the plugin .
* /
notifyApplicationReady ( notifySucceeded? : SuccessCallback < void > , notifyFailed? : ErrorCallback ) : void ;
/ * *
* Reloads the application . If there is a pending update package installed using ON_NEXT_RESTART or ON_NEXT_RESUME modes , the update
* will be immediately visible to the user . Otherwise , calling this function will simply reload the current version of the application .
* /
restartApplication ( installSuccess : SuccessCallback < void > , errorCallback? : ErrorCallback ) : void ;
/ * *
* Convenience method for installing updates in one method call .
* This method is provided for simplicity , and its behavior can be replicated by using window . codePush . checkForUpdate ( ) , RemotePackage 's download() and LocalPackage' s install ( ) methods .
* The algorithm of this method is the following :
* - Checks for an update on the CodePush server .
* - If an update is available
* - If the update is mandatory and the alertMessage is set in options , the user will be informed that the application will be updated to the latest version .
* The update package will then be downloaded and applied .
* - If the update is not mandatory and the confirmMessage is set in options , the user will be asked if they want to update to the latest version .
* If they decline , the syncCallback will be invoked with SyncStatus . UPDATE_IGNORED .
* - Otherwise , the update package will be downloaded and applied with no user interaction .
* - If no update is available on the server , or if a previously rolled back update is available and the ignoreFailedUpdates is set to true , the syncCallback will be invoked with the SyncStatus . UP_TO_DATE .
* - If an error occurs during checking for update , downloading or installing it , the syncCallback will be invoked with the SyncStatus . ERROR .
* @param syncCallback Optional callback to be called with the status of the sync operation .
* The callback will be called only once , and the possible statuses are defined by the SyncStatus enum .
* @param syncOptions Optional SyncOptions parameter configuring the behavior of the sync operation .
* @param downloadProgress Optional callback invoked during the download process . It is called several times with one DownloadProgress parameter .
* /
sync ( syncCallback? : SuccessCallback < SyncStatus > , syncOptions? : SyncOptions , downloadProgress? : SuccessCallback < DownloadProgress > ) : void ;
/ * *
* Defines the possible result statuses of the window . codePush . sync operation .
* /
export enum SyncStatus {
/ * *
* The application is up to date .
* /
/ * *
* An update is available , it has been downloaded , unzipped and copied to the deployment folder .
* After the completion of the callback invoked with SyncStatus . UPDATE_INSTALLED , the application will be reloaded with the updated code and resources .
* /
/ * *
* An optional update is available , but the user declined to install it . The update was not downloaded .
* /
/ * *
* An error happened during the sync operation . This might be an error while communicating with the server , downloading or unziping the update .
* The console logs should contain more information about what happened . No update has been applied in this case .
* /
/ * *
* There is an ongoing sync in progress , so this attempt to sync has been aborted .
* /
/ * *
* Intermediate status - the plugin is about to check for updates .
* /
/ * *
* Intermediate status - a user dialog is about to be displayed . This status will be reported only if user interaction is enabled .
* /
/ * *
* Intermediate status - the update package is about to be downloaded .
* /
/ * *
* Intermediate status - the update package is about to be installed .
* /
/ * *
* Defines the available install modes for updates .
* /
export enum InstallMode {
/ * *
* The update will be applied to the running application immediately . The application will be reloaded with the new content immediately .
* /
/ * *
* The update is downloaded but not installed immediately . The new content will be available the next time the application is started .
* /
/ * *
* The udpate is downloaded but not installed immediately . The new content will be available the next time the application is resumed or restarted , whichever event happends first .
* /
/ * *
* Defines the install operation options .
* /
export interface InstallOptions {
/ * *
* Used to specify the InstallMode used for the install operation . This is optional and defaults to InstallMode . ON_NEXT_RESTART .
* /
installMode? : InstallMode ;
/ * *
* If installMode === ON_NEXT_RESUME , the minimum amount of time ( in seconds ) which needs to pass with the app in the background before an update install occurs when the app is resumed .
* /
minimumBackgroundDuration? : number ;
/ * *
* Used to specify the InstallMode used for the install operation if the update is mandatory . This is optional and defaults to InstallMode . IMMEDIATE .
* /
mandatoryInstallMode? : InstallMode ;
/ * *
* Defines the sync operation options .
* /
export interface SyncOptions extends InstallOptions {
/ * *
* Optional boolean flag . If set , previous updates which were rolled back will be ignored . Defaults to true .
* /
ignoreFailedUpdates? : boolean ;
/ * *
* Used to enable , disable or customize the user interaction during sync .
* If set to false , user interaction will be disabled . If set to true , the user will be alerted or asked to confirm new updates , based on whether the update is mandatory .
* To customize the user dialog , this option can be set to a custom UpdateDialogOptions instance .
* /
updateDialog? : boolean | UpdateDialogOptions ;
/ * *
* Overrides the config . xml deployment key when checking for updates .
* /
deploymentKey? : string ;
/ * *
* Defines the configuration options for the alert or confirmation dialog
* /
export interface UpdateDialogOptions {
/ * *
* If a mandatory update is available and this option is set , the message will be displayed to the user in an alert dialog before downloading and installing the update .
* The user will not be able to cancel the operation , since the update is mandatory .
* /
mandatoryUpdateMessage? : string ;
/ * *
* If an optional update is available and this option is set , the message will be displayed to the user in a confirmation dialog .
* If the user confirms the update , it will be downloaded and installed . Otherwise , the update update is not downloaded .
* /
optionalUpdateMessage? : string ;
/ * *
* The title of the dialog box used for interacting with the user in case of a mandatory or optional update .
* This title will only be used if at least one of mandatoryUpdateMessage or optionalUpdateMessage options are set .
* /
updateTitle? : string ;
/ * *
* The label of the confirmation button in case of an optional update .
* /
optionalInstallButtonLabel? : string ;
/ * *
* The label of the cancel button in case of an optional update .
* /
optionalIgnoreButtonLabel? : string ;
/ * *
* The label of the continue button in case of a mandatory update .
* /
mandatoryContinueButtonLabel? : string ;
/ * *
* Flag indicating if the update description provided by the CodePush server should be displayed in the dialog box appended to the update message .
* /
appendReleaseDescription? : boolean ;
/ * *
* Optional prefix to add to the release description .
* /
descriptionPrefix? : string ;
/ * *
* Defines the JSON format of the package diff manifest file .
* /
interface IDiffManifest {
deletedFiles : string [ ] ;
/ * *
* Defines the format of the DownloadProgress object , used to send periodical update notifications on the progress of the update download .
* /
export interface DownloadProgress {
totalBytes : number ;
receivedBytes : number ;
/ * *
* @name CodePush
2016-08-27 01:08:13 +08:00
* @description
2016-08-27 00:06:26 +08:00
* CodePush plugin for Cordova by Microsoft that supports iOS and Android .
* For more info , please see https : //github.com/ksachdeva/ionic2-code-push-example
* @usage
* ` ` ` typescript
* import { CodePush } from 'ionic-native' ;
* // note - mostly error & completed methods of observable will not fire
* // as syncStatus will contain the current state of the update
* CodePush . sync ( ) . subscribe ( ( syncStatus ) = > console . log ( syncStatus ) ) ;
* const downloadProgress = ( progress ) = > { console . log ( ` Downloaded ${ progress . receivedBytes } of ${ progress . totalBytes } ` ) ; }
* CodePush . sync ( { } , downloadProgress ) . subscribe ( ( syncStatus ) = > console . log ( syncStatus ) ) ;
* ` ` `
* /
@Plugin ( {
2016-10-18 09:33:17 +08:00
name : 'CodePush' ,
2016-08-27 00:06:26 +08:00
plugin : 'cordova-plugin-code-push' ,
pluginRef : 'codePush' ,
repo : 'https://github.com/Microsoft/cordova-plugin-code-push' ,
platforms : [ 'Android' , 'iOS' ]
} )
export class CodePush {
/ * *
* Get the current package information .
* @param packageSuccess Callback invoked with the currently deployed package information .
* @param packageError Optional callback invoked in case of an error .
* /
@Cordova ( )
static getCurrentPackage ( ) : Promise < ILocalPackage > {
return ;
/ * *
* Gets the pending package information , if any . A pending package is one that has been installed but the application still runs the old code .
* This happends only after a package has been installed using ON_NEXT_RESTART or ON_NEXT_RESUME mode , but the application was not restarted / resumed yet .
* /
@Cordova ( )
static getPendingPackage ( ) : Promise < ILocalPackage > {
return ;
/ * *
* Checks with the CodePush server if an update package is available for download .
* @param querySuccess Callback invoked in case of a successful response from the server .
* The callback takes one RemotePackage parameter . A non - null package is a valid update .
* A null package means the application is up to date for the current native application version .
* @param queryError Optional callback invoked in case of an error .
* @param deploymentKey Optional deployment key that overrides the config . xml setting .
* /
@Cordova ( {
callbackOrder : 'reverse'
} )
static checkForUpdate ( deploymentKey? : string ) : Promise < IRemotePackage > {
return ;
/ * *
* Notifies the plugin that the update operation succeeded and that the application is ready .
* Calling this function is required on the first run after an update . On every subsequent application run , calling this function is a noop .
* If using sync API , calling this function is not required since sync calls it internally .
* @param notifySucceeded Optional callback invoked if the plugin was successfully notified .
* @param notifyFailed Optional callback invoked in case of an error during notifying the plugin .
* /
@Cordova ( )
static notifyApplicationReady ( ) : Promise < void > {
return ;
/ * *
* Reloads the application . If there is a pending update package installed using ON_NEXT_RESTART or ON_NEXT_RESUME modes , the update
* will be immediately visible to the user . Otherwise , calling this function will simply reload the current version of the application .
* /
@Cordova ( )
static restartApplication ( ) : Promise < void > {
return ;
/ * *
* Convenience method for installing updates in one method call .
* This method is provided for simplicity , and its behavior can be replicated by using window . codePush . checkForUpdate ( ) , RemotePackage 's download() and LocalPackage' s install ( ) methods .
* The algorithm of this method is the following :
* - Checks for an update on the CodePush server .
* - If an update is available
* - If the update is mandatory and the alertMessage is set in options , the user will be informed that the application will be updated to the latest version .
* The update package will then be downloaded and applied .
* - If the update is not mandatory and the confirmMessage is set in options , the user will be asked if they want to update to the latest version .
* If they decline , the syncCallback will be invoked with SyncStatus . UPDATE_IGNORED .
* - Otherwise , the update package will be downloaded and applied with no user interaction .
* - If no update is available on the server , or if a previously rolled back update is available and the ignoreFailedUpdates is set to true , the syncCallback will be invoked with the SyncStatus . UP_TO_DATE .
* - If an error occurs during checking for update , downloading or installing it , the syncCallback will be invoked with the SyncStatus . ERROR .
* @param syncCallback Optional callback to be called with the status of the sync operation .
* @param syncOptions Optional SyncOptions parameter configuring the behavior of the sync operation .
* @param downloadProgress Optional callback invoked during the download process . It is called several times with one DownloadProgress parameter .
* /
@Cordova ( {
observable : true ,
successIndex : 0 ,
errorIndex : 3 // we don't need this, so we set it to a value higher than # of args
} )
static sync ( syncOptions? : SyncOptions , downloadProgress? : SuccessCallback < DownloadProgress > ) : Observable < SyncStatus > {
return ;