feat(foreground-service): allows background services

This commit is contained in:
Marc Kassay 2019-05-13 18:10:42 -04:00
parent 25ef7c98bc
commit 5b5c6e61ac

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@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Cordova, IonicNativePlugin, Plugin } from '@ionic-native/core';
* @name Foreground Service
* @description
* This plugin allows for android devices to continue running services in the background, using a
* foreground ongoing notification. This is targeted towards use with plugins such as
* 'cordova-geolocation' that will not run while the app is in the background on android API 26+.
* For android API 28+, the following xml snippet should be inserted into ```config.xml```:
* ```
* ...
* <platform name="android">
* <config-file parent="/*" target="AndroidManifest.xml">
* <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />
* </config-file>
* ...
* ```
* @usage
* ```typescript
* import { ForegroundService } from '@ionic-native/foreground-service/ngx';
* constructor(public foregroundService: ForegroundService) { }
* ...
* startService() {
* // Notification importance is optional, the default is 1 - Low (no sound or vibration)
* this.foregroundService.start('GPS Running', 'Background Service', 'drawable/fsicon');
* }
* stopService() {
* // Disable the foreground service
* this.foregroundService.stop();
* }
* ```
pluginName: 'ForegroundService',
plugin: 'cordova-plugin-foreground-service',
pluginRef: 'cordova.plugins.foregroundService',
repo: 'https://github.com/DavidBriglio/cordova-plugin-foreground-service',
platforms: ['Android']
export class ForegroundService extends IonicNativePlugin {
* Enables the foreground service
* @param {string} title (content title) A brief headline for the notification
* @param {string} text (content text) Supporting information
* @param {string} icon The drawable icon can be any drawable image that exists in the resource folder. This means you must copy the icon you want to use into the platforms/android/app/src/main/res/drawable folder set. If no icon can be found using the icon name parameter, a default star icon will be used.
* For an example, if the `fsicon.png` (see xml below) resides here: ```src/assets/icon/fsicon.png```. Then ```icon``` parameter value would be ```'drawable/fsicon'```. In order for this example to work, the following xml snippet must be in ```config.xml```.
* ```
* <platform name="android">
* <resource-file src="www/assets/icon/fsicon.png" target="app/src/main/res/drawable/fsicon.png" />
* ...
* ```
* @param {number} importance Notification importance dictates how the notification is initially presented:
* Value | Importance | Description | Examples
* --- | --- | --- | ---
* 1|IMPORTANCE_LOW|Does not make a sound or heads-up display (plugin's default)|New content the user has subscribed to, social network invitations
* 2|IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT|Makes a sound, but no heads-up display|Traffic alerts, task reminders
* 3|IMPORTANCE_HIGH|Makes a sound and heads-up display|Text messages, alarms, phone calls
* @param {number} id The notification id is a customizable integer that is used to reference the notification that will be launched. This is customizable to avoid conflicting with any other notifications. If this is not included, a [*unique*] default id will be used.
* @see https://material.io/design/platform-guidance/android-notifications.html
sync: true
start(title: string, text: string, icon?: string, importance: 1 | 2 | 3 = 1, id = 0): void {
* Disables the foreground service
sync: true
stop(): void {