From 652431206c51f5f66e88786d4bffa4ccca6331b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Sogl <>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 10:02:23 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Revert "feat(in-app-purchase-3) new InAppPurchase3 plugin
 (#4849)" (#4871)

This reverts commit be6000f13cc4b357247080e97ecc874074532107.
 .../plugins/in-app-purchase-3/index.ts        | 1234 -----------------
 1 file changed, 1234 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/@awesome-cordova-plugins/plugins/in-app-purchase-3/index.ts

diff --git a/src/@awesome-cordova-plugins/plugins/in-app-purchase-3/index.ts b/src/@awesome-cordova-plugins/plugins/in-app-purchase-3/index.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ba16574f..000000000
--- a/src/@awesome-cordova-plugins/plugins/in-app-purchase-3/index.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1234 +0,0 @@
-import { Cordova, CordovaProperty, AwesomeCordovaNativePlugin, Plugin } from '@awesome-cordova-plugins/core';
-import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
-export interface IAPAdapter {
-  id: Platform;
-  name: string;
-  ready: boolean;
-  products: IAPProduct[];
-  receipts: IAPReceipt[];
-  isSupported: boolean;
-  initialize(): Promise<IAPError | undefined>;
-  loadProducts(products: IAPProductOptions[]): Promise<(IAPProduct | IAPError)[]>;
-  loadReceipts(): Promise<IAPReceipt[]>;
-  supportsParallelLoading: boolean;
-  order(offer: IAPOffer, additionalData: IAPAdditionalData): Promise<IAPError | undefined>;
-  finish(transaction: IAPTransaction): Promise<IAPError | undefined>;
-  receiptValidationBody(receipt: IAPReceipt): Promise<object | undefined>;
-  handleReceiptValidationResponse(receipt: IAPReceipt, response: object): Promise<void>;
-  requestPayment(
-    payment: PaymentRequest,
-    additionalData?: IAPAdditionalData
-  ): Promise<IAPError | IAPTransaction | undefined>;
-  manageSubscriptions(): Promise<IAPError | undefined>;
-  manageBilling(): Promise<IAPError | undefined>;
-  checkSupport(functionality: string): boolean;
-  restorePurchases(): Promise<IAPError | undefined>;
-export interface IAPProductOptions {
-  id: string;
-  /** @see {@link ProductType} */
-  type: string;
-  /** @see {@link Platform} */
-  platform: string;
-  group?: string;
- * Data to attach to a transaction.
- * @see {@link IAPOffer.order}
- * @see {@link InAppPurchase3.requestPayment}
- */
-export interface IAPAdditionalData {
-  /** The application's user identifier, will be obfuscated with md5 to fill `accountId` if necessary */
-  applicationUsername?: string;
-  /** GooglePlay specific additional data. See cordova-plugin-purchase documentation.*/
-  googlePlay?: object;
-  /** Braintree specific additional data. See cordova-plugin-purchase documentation.*/
-  braintree?: object;
-  /** Apple AppStore specific additional data. See cordova-plugin-purchase documentation.*/
-  appStore?: object;
-export type Callback<T> = (t: T) => void;
-export interface IAPProduct {
-  platform: Platform;
-  type: ProductType;
-  id: string;
-  offers: IAPOffer[];
-  title: string;
-  description: string;
-  group?: string;
-  pricing: IAPPricingPhase | undefined;
-  canPurchase: boolean;
-  owned: boolean;
-  getOffer(id?: string): IAPOffer | undefined;
-  addOffer(offer: IAPOffer): this;
-export interface IAPOffer {
-  id: string;
-  productId: string;
-  productType: ProductType;
-  productGroup: string | undefined;
-  platform: Platform;
-  pricingPhases: IAPPricingPhase[];
-  canPurchase: boolean;
-  /**
-   * Initiate a purchase of this offer.
-   * @example
-   * store.get("my-product").getOffer().order();
-   */
-  order(additionnalData?: IAPAdditionalData): Promise<IAPError | undefined>;
-export interface IAPPricingPhase {
-  price: string;
-  priceMicros: number;
-  currency: string;
-  billingPeriod?: number;
-  billingCycles?: number;
-  recurrenceMode?: RecurrenceMode;
-  paymentMode?: PaymentMode;
-export interface IAPReceipt {
-  platform: Platform;
-  transactions: IAPTransaction[];
-  verify(): Promise<void>;
-  finish(): Promise<void>;
-  hasTransaction(value: IAPTransaction): boolean;
-  lastTransaction(): IAPTransaction | undefined;
-export interface IAPVerifiedReceipt {
-  id: string;
-  validationDate: Date;
-  plaform: Platform;
-  sourceReceipt: IAPReceipt;
-  collection: IAPVerifiedPurchase[];
-  latestReceipt: boolean;
-  nativeTransactions: { type: string; data?: object }[];
-  warning?: string;
-  raw: object;
-  set(receipt: IAPReceipt, response: object): void;
-  finish(): Promise<void>;
-export interface IAPUnverifiedReceipt {
-  receipt: IAPReceipt;
-  payload: object;
-export interface IAPTransaction {
-  platform: Platform;
-  transactionId: string;
-  purchaseId?: string;
-  purchaseDate?: Date;
-  lastRenewalDate?: Date;
-  expirationDate?: Date;
-  isAcknowledged?: boolean;
-  isPending?: boolean;
-  isConsumed?: boolean;
-  renewalIntent?: RenewalIntent;
-  renewalIntentChangeDate?: Date;
-  state: TransactionState;
-  amountMicros?: number;
-  currency?: string;
-  products: { id: string; offerId?: string }[];
-  /**
-   * Finish a transaction.
-   * When the application has delivered the product, it should finalize the order.
-   * Only after that, money will be transferred to your account.
-   * This method ensures that no customers is charged for a product that couldn't be delivered.
-   * @example
-   * store.when()
-   *   .approved(transaction => transaction.verify())
-   *   .verified(receipt => receipt.finish())
-   */
-  finish(): Promise<void>;
-  /**
-   * Verify a transaction.
-   * This will trigger a call to the receipt validation service for the attached receipt.
-   * Once the receipt has been verified, you can finish the transaction.
-   * @example
-   * store.when()
-   *   .approved(transaction => transaction.verify())
-   *   .verified(receipt => receipt.finish())
-   */
-  verify(): Promise<void>;
-  parentReceipt: IAPReceipt;
-export interface IAPVerifiedPurchase {
-  id: string;
-  platform?: Platform;
-  purchaseId?: string;
-  purchaseDate?: number;
-  expiryDate?: number;
-  isExpired?: boolean;
-  renewalIntent?: string;
-  renewalIntentChangeDate?: number;
-  cancelationReason?: CancelationReason;
-  isBillingRetryPeriod?: boolean;
-  isTrialPeriod?: boolean;
-  isIntroPeriod?: boolean;
-  discountId?: string;
-  priceConsentStatus?: PriceConsentStatus;
-  lastRenewalDate?: number;
-export interface IAPProductEvents {
-  /**
-   * Register a function called when a product or receipt is updated.
-   * @deprecated - Use `productUpdated` or `receiptUpdated`.
-   */
-  updated(cb: Callback<IAPProduct | IAPReceipt>, callbackName?: string): IAPProductEvents;
-  /** Register a function called when a receipt is updated. */
-  receiptUpdated(cb: Callback<IAPReceipt>, callbackName?: string): IAPProductEvents;
-  /** Register a function called when a product is updated. */
-  productUpdated(cb: Callback<IAPProduct>, callbackName?: string): IAPProductEvents;
-  // /** Register a function called when a product is owned. */
-  // owned(cb: Callback<Product>): When;
-  /** Register a function called when a transaction is initiated. */
-  initiated(cb: Callback<IAPTransaction>, callbackName?: string): IAPProductEvents;
-  /** Register a function called when a transaction is approved. */
-  approved(cb: Callback<IAPTransaction>, callbackName?: string): IAPProductEvents;
-  /** Register a function called when a transaction is pending. */
-  pending(cb: Callback<IAPTransaction>, callbackName?: string): IAPProductEvents;
-  /** Register a function called when a transaction is finished. */
-  finished(cb: Callback<IAPTransaction>, callbackName?: string): IAPProductEvents;
-  /** Register a function called when a receipt is verified. */
-  verified(cb: Callback<IAPVerifiedReceipt>, callbackName?: string): IAPProductEvents;
-  /** Register a function called when a receipt failed validation. */
-  unverified(cb: Callback<IAPUnverifiedReceipt>, callbackName?: string): IAPProductEvents;
-  /**
-   * Register a function called when all receipts have been loaded.
-   *
-   * This handler is called only once. Use this when you want to run some code at startup after
-   * all the local receipts have been loaded, for example to process the initial ownership status
-   * of your products. When you have a receipt validation server in place, a better option is to
-   * use the sister method "receiptsVerified".
-   *
-   * If no platforms have any receipts (the user made no purchase), this will also get called.
-   */
-  receiptsReady(cb: Callback<void>, callbackName?: string): IAPProductEvents;
-  /**
-   * Register a function called when all receipts have been verified.
-   *
-   * If no platforms have any receipts (user made no purchase), this will also get called.
-   */
-  receiptsVerified(cb: Callback<void>, callbackName?: string): IAPProductEvents;
-export interface IAPPaymentRequest {
-  items: (
-    | {
-        id: string;
-        title: string;
-        pricing?: {
-          priceMicros: number;
-          currency?: string;
-        };
-      }
-    | undefined
-  )[];
-  platform: Platform;
-  amountMicros?: number;
-  currency?: string;
-  description?: string;
-  email?: string;
-  mobilePhoneNumber?: string;
-  billingAddress?: {
-    givenName?: string;
-    surname?: string;
-    streetAddress1?: string;
-    streetAddress2?: string;
-    streetAddress3?: string;
-    locality?: string;
-    region?: string;
-    postalCode?: string;
-    phoneNumber?: string;
-    countryCode?: string;
-  };
- * Purchase platforms supported by the plugin
- */
-export enum Platform {
-  /** Apple AppStore */
-  APPLE_APPSTORE = 'ios-appstore',
-  /** Google Play */
-  GOOGLE_PLAY = 'android-playstore',
-  /** Windows Store */
-  WINDOWS_STORE = 'windows-store-transaction',
-  /** Braintree */
-  BRAINTREE = 'braintree',
-  // /** Stripe */
-  // STRIPE = 'stripe',
-  /** Test platform */
-  TEST = 'test',
-/** Types of In-App Products */
-export enum ProductType {
-  /** Type: An consumable product, that can be purchased multiple time */
-  CONSUMABLE = 'consumable',
-  /** Type: A non-consumable product, that can purchased only once and the user keeps forever */
-  NON_CONSUMABLE = 'non consumable',
-  /** @deprecated use PAID_SUBSCRIPTION */
-  FREE_SUBSCRIPTION = 'free subscription',
-  /** Type: An auto-renewable subscription */
-  PAID_SUBSCRIPTION = 'paid subscription',
-  /** Type: An non-renewing subscription */
-  NON_RENEWING_SUBSCRIPTION = 'non renewing subscription',
-  /** Type: The application bundle */
-  APPLICATION = 'application',
-/** Mode of payment */
-export enum PaymentMode {
-  /** Used for subscriptions, pay at the beginning of each billing period */
-  PAY_AS_YOU_GO = 'PayAsYouGo',
-  /** Pay the whole amount up front */
-  UP_FRONT = 'UpFront',
-  /** Nothing to be paid */
-  FREE_TRIAL = 'FreeTrial',
- * Type of recurring payment
- *
- * - FINITE_RECURRING: Payment recurs for a fixed number of billing period set in `paymentPhase.cycles`.
- * - INFINITE_RECURRING: Payment recurs for infinite billing periods unless cancelled.
- * - NON_RECURRING: A one time charge that does not repeat.
- */
-export enum RecurrenceMode {
-/** Unit for measuring durations */
-export type IPeriodUnit = 'Minute' | 'Hour' | 'Day' | 'Week' | 'Month' | 'Year';
-/** Possible states of a product */
-export enum TransactionState {
-  // REQUESTED = 'requested',
-  INITIATED = 'initiated',
-  PENDING = 'pending',
-  APPROVED = 'approved',
-  CANCELLED = 'cancelled',
-  FINISHED = 'finished',
-  // OWNED = 'owned',
-  // EXPIRED = 'expired',
-/** Whether or not the user was notified or agreed to a price change */
-export enum PriceConsentStatus {
-  NOTIFIED = 'Notified',
-  AGREED = 'Agreed',
-/** Whether or not the user intends to let the subscription auto-renew. */
-export enum RenewalIntent {
-  /** The user intends to let the subscription expire without renewing. */
-  LAPSE = 'Lapse',
-  /** The user intends to renew the subscription. */
-  RENEW = 'Renew',
-/** Reason why a subscription has been canceled */
-export enum CancelationReason {
-  /** Not canceled */
-  /** Subscription canceled by the developer. */
-  DEVELOPER = 'Developer',
-  /** Subscription canceled by the system for an unspecified reason. */
-  SYSTEM = 'System',
-  /** Subscription upgraded or downgraded to a new subscription. */
-  SYSTEM_REPLACED = 'System.Replaced',
-  /** Product not available for purchase at the time of renewal. */
-  SYSTEM_PRODUCT_UNAVAILABLE = 'System.ProductUnavailable',
-  /** Billing error; for example customer’s payment information is no longer valid. */
-  SYSTEM_BILLING_ERROR = 'System.BillingError',
-  /** Transaction is gone; It has been deleted. */
-  SYSTEM_DELETED = 'System.Deleted',
-  /** Subscription canceled by the user for an unspecified reason. */
-  CUSTOMER = 'Customer',
-  /** Customer canceled their transaction due to an actual or perceived issue within your app. */
-  CUSTOMER_TECHNICAL_ISSUES = 'Customer.TechnicalIssues',
-  /** Customer did not agree to a recent price increase. See also priceConsentStatus. */
-  CUSTOMER_PRICE_INCREASE = 'Customer.PriceIncrease',
-  /** Customer canceled for cost-related reasons. */
-  CUSTOMER_COST = 'Customer.Cost',
-  /** Customer claimed to have found a better app. */
-  CUSTOMER_FOUND_BETTER_APP = 'Customer.FoundBetterApp',
-  /** Customer did not feel he is using this service enough. */
-  CUSTOMER_NOT_USEFUL_ENOUGH = 'Customer.NotUsefulEnough',
-  /** Subscription canceled for another reason; for example, if the customer made the purchase accidentally. */
-  CUSTOMER_OTHER_REASON = 'Customer.OtherReason',
-  /** Subscription canceled for unknown reasons. */
-  UNKNOWN = 'Unknown',
-export enum LogLevel {
-  /** Disable all logging (default) */
-  QUIET = 0,
-  /** Show only error messages */
-  ERROR = 1,
-  /** Show warnings and errors */
-  WARNING = 2,
-  /** Also show information messages */
-  INFO = 3,
-  /** Enable internal debugging messages. */
-  DEBUG = 4,
- * @hidden
- */
-export class IAPError {
-  isError: true;
-  code: number;
-  message: string;
-  platform: Platform | null;
-  productId: string | null;
- * @name In App Purchase 3
- * @description
- * In-App Purchase on iOS, Android, Windows, macOS and XBox.
- *
- * This plugin replace the previous InAppPurchase2, due to backward compatibility issue with the wrapped
- * cordova-plugin-purchase version 13.0
- *
- * ## Features
- *
- * |  | ios | android | win-8 | win-10/uwp | mac |
- * |--|--|--|--|--|--|
- * | consumables | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
- * | non consumables | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
- * | subscriptions | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
- * | restore purchases | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
- * | receipt validations | ✅ | ✅ |  | ✅ | ✅ |
- * | downloadable content | ✅ |   |   |   | ✅ |
- * | introductory prices | ✅ | ✅ |   | ✅ | ✅ |
- *
- * Supports:
- *
- *  - **iOS** version 7.0 or higher.
- *  - **Android** version 2.2 (API level 8) or higher
- *    - with Google Play client version 3.9.16 or higher
- *  - **Windows** Store/Phone 8.1 or higher
- *  - **Windows 10 Mobile**
- *  - **macOS** version 10
- *  - **Xbox One**
- *    - (and any platform supporting Microsoft's UWP)
- *  - **cordova-plugin-purchase** version 13.0 or higher
- * @usage
- * ```typescript
- * import { InAppPurchase3, Platform, ProductType } from '@awesome-cordova-plugins/in-app-purchase-3/ngx';
- *
- * constructor(public platform: Platform, private store: InAppPurchase3) {
- *   platform.ready().then(() => {
- *{
- *      id: "my_product_id",
- *      type: ProductType.NON_RENEWING_SUBSCRIPTION,
- *      platform: Platform.TEST
- *    });
- *
- *      .approved(p => p.verify())
- *      .verified(p => p.finish());
- *;
- *   });
- * }
- *
- * ...
- *
- *"my_product_id");
- *
- * ```
- *
- * ## Full example
- *
- * ```typescript
- *  // After platform ready
- * =;
- *{
- *    id: "my_product_id",
- *    type: ProductType.PAID_SUBSCRIPTION,
- *    platform: Platform.TEST,
- *  });
- *
- *  // Register event handlers for the specific product
- * (product: IAPProduct) => {
- *    console.log('Registered: ' + JSON.stringify(product));
- *  });
- *
- *  // Updated
- * (product: IAPProduct) => {
- *    console.log('Updated' + JSON.stringify(product));
- *  });
- *
- *  // User closed the native purchase dialog
- * (product) => {
- *      console.error('Purchase was Cancelled');
- *  });
- *
- *  // Track all store errors
- * (err) => {
- *    console.error('Store Error ' + JSON.stringify(err));
- *  });
- *
- *  // Run some code only when the store is ready to be used
- * =>  {
- *    console.log('Store is ready');
- *    console.log('Products: ' + JSON.stringify(;
- *    console.log(JSON.stringify("my_product_id")));
- *  });
- *
- *  // Refresh the status of in-app products
- *;
- *
- *  ...
- *
- *  // To make a purchase
- *"my_product_id");
- *
- * ```
- *
- * ## Philosophy
- *
- * The API is mostly events based. As a user of this plugin,
- * you will have to register listeners to changes happening to the products
- * you register.
- *
- * The core of the listening mechanism is the `when()` method. It allows you to
- * be notified of changes to one or a set of products using a query mechanism:
- * ```typescript
- *; // match any product
- *; // match a specific product
- *; // match all subscriptions
- *;
- * ```
- *
- * The `updated` event is fired whenever one of the fields of a product is
- * changed (its `owned` status for instance).
- *
- * This event provides a generic way to track the statuses of your purchases,
- * to unlock features when needed and to refresh your views accordingly.
- *
- * ## Registering products
- *
- * The store needs to know the type and identifiers of your products before you
- * can use them in your code.
- *
- * Use `store.register()` to define them before your first call to `store.refresh()`.
- *
- * Once registered, you can use `store.get()` to retrieve an `IAPProduct` object.
- *
- * ```typescript
- *{
- *    id: "my_consumable1",
- *    type: ProductType.CONSUMABLE
- *    platform: Platform.TEST,
- *  });
- *  ...
- *  const p ="my_consumable1");
- * ```
- *
- * The product `id` and `type` have to match products defined in your
- * Apple, Google or Microsoft developer consoles.
- *
- * Learn more about it [from the wiki](
- *
- * ## Displaying products
- *
- * Right after you registered your products, nothing much is known about them
- * except their `id`, `type` and an optional `alias`.
- *
- * When you perform the initial call to `store.refresh()`, the platforms' server will
- * be contacted to load informations about the registered products: human
- * readable `title` and `description`, `price`, etc.
- *
- * This isn't an optional step, store owners require you
- * to display information about a product exactly as retrieved from their server: no
- * hard-coding of price and title allowed! This is also convenient for you
- * as you can change the price of your items knowing that it'll be reflected instantly
- * on your clients' devices.
- *
- * Note that the information may not be available when the first view that needs
- * them appears on screen. For you, the best option is to have your view monitor
- * changes made to the product.
- *
- * ## Purchasing
- *
- * #### initiate a purchase
- *
- * Purchases are initiated using the `store.order("some_product_id")` method.
- *
- * The store will manage the internal purchase flow. It'll end:
- *
- *  - with an `approved` event. The product enters the `APPROVED` state.
- *  - with a `cancelled` event. The product gets back to the `VALID` state.
- *  - with an `error` event. The product gets back to the `VALID` state.
- *
- * See the product life-cycle section for details about product states.
- *
- * #### finish a purchase
- *
- * Once the transaction is approved, the product still isn't owned: the store needs
- * confirmation that the purchase was delivered before closing the transaction.
- *
- * To confirm delivery, you'll use the `product.finish()` method.
- *
- * #### example usage
- *
- * During initialization:
- * ```typescript
- * IAPProduct) => {
- *   // download the feature
- *   app.downloadExtraChapter()
- *   .then(() => product.finish());
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * When the purchase button is clicked:
- * ```typescript
- *"extra_chapter");
- * ```
- *
- * #### un-finished purchases
- *
- * If your app wasn't able to deliver the content, `product.finish()` won't be called.
- *
- * Don't worry: the `approved` event will be re-triggered the next time you
- * call `store.refresh()`, which can very well be the next time
- * the application starts. Pending transactions are persistant.
- *
- * #### simple case
- *
- * In the most simple case, where:
- *
- *  - delivery of purchases is only local ;
- *  - you don't want (or need) to implement receipt validation ;
- *
- * You may just want to finish all purchases automatically. You can do it this way:
- * ```js
- * IAPProduct) => p.finish());
- * ```
- *
- * NOTE: the "product" query will match any purchases (see "queries" to learn more details about queries).
- *
- * ## Receipt validation
- *
- * To get the most up-to-date information about purchases (in case a purchase have been canceled, or a subscription renewed),
- * you should implement server side receipt validation.
- *
- * This also protects you against fake "purchases", made by some users using
- * "free in-app purchase" apps on their devices.
- *
- * When a purchase has been approved by the store, it's enriched with
- * transaction information (see `product.transaction` attribute).
- *
- * To verify a purchase you'll have to do three things:
- *
- *  - configure the validator.
- *  - call `product.verify()` from the `approved` event, before finishing the transaction.
- *  - finish the transaction when transaction is `verified`.
- *
- * Shameless Plug**: this is a feature many users struggle with, so as the author of this plugin, we can provide it to you as-a-service:
- * (which is free until you start making serious money)
- *
- * #### example using a validation URL
- *
- * ```js
- * = "";
- *
- *
- *   .approved((p: IAPProduct) => p.verify())
- *   .verified((p: IAPProduct) => p.finish());
- * ```
- *
- * ## Subscriptions
- *
- * For subscription, you MUST implement remote receipt validation.
- *
- * When the receipt validator returns a `store.PURCHASE_EXPIRED` error code, the subscription will
- * automatically loose its `owned` status.
- *
- * Typically, you'll enable and disable access to your content this way.
- * ```typescript
- * IAPProduct) => {
- *   if (product.owned)
- *     app.subscriberMode();
- *   else
- *     app.guestMode();
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * ## Product life-cycle
- *
- * A product will change state during the application execution.
- *
- * Find below a diagram of the different states a product can pass by.
- *
- * ```
- *            |
- *            +--> VALID +--> REQUESTED +--> INITIATED +-+
- *                                                       |
- *                 ^      +------------------------------+
- *                 |      |
- *                 |      |
- *                 |      |
- *                 |      +--> APPROVED +--------------------------------+--> FINISHED +--> OWNED
- *                 |                                                             |
- *                 +-------------------------------------------------------------+
- * ```
- *
- * #### Notes
- *
- *  - When finished, a consumable product will get back to the `VALID` state, while other will enter the `OWNED` state.
- *  - Any error in the purchase process will bring a product back to the `VALID` state.
- *  - During application startup, products may go instantly from `REGISTERED` to `APPROVED` or `OWNED`, for example if they are purchased non-consumables or non-expired subscriptions.
- *  - Non-Renewing Subscriptions are iOS products only. Please see the [iOS Non Renewing Subscriptions documentation]( for a detailed explanation.
- *
- * ## events
- *
- *  - `loaded(IAPProduct)`
- *    - Called when product data is loaded from the store.
- *  - `updated(IAPProduct)`
- *    - Called when any change occured to a product.
- *  - `error(err)`
- *    - Called when an order failed.
- *    - The `err` parameter is an error object
- *  - `approved(IAPProduct)`
- *    - Called when a product order is approved.
- *  - `owned(IAPProduct)`
- *    - Called when a non-consumable product or subscription is owned.
- *  - `cancelled(IAPProduct)`
- *    - Called when a product order is cancelled by the user.
- *  - `refunded(IAPProduct)`
- *    - Called when an order is refunded by the user.
- *  - Actually, all other product states have their promise
- *    - `registered`, `valid`, `invalid`, `requested`,
- *      `initiated` and `finished`
- *  - `verified(IAPProduct)`
- *    - Called when receipt validation successful
- *  - `unverified(IAPProduct)`
- *    - Called when receipt verification failed
- *  - `expired(IAPProduct)`
- *    - Called when validation find a subscription to be expired
- *  - `downloading(IAPProduct, progress, time_remaining)`
- *    - Called when content download is started
- *  - `downloaded(IAPProduct)`
- *    - Called when content download has successfully completed
- *
- * ## Learn More
- *
- *  - [GitHub](
- *  - [GitBook](
- *  - [Wiki](
- *  - [API reference](
- *
- * ## Technical Support or Questions
- *
- * If you have questions or need help integrating In-App Purchase, [Open an Issue on GitHub]( or email us at _support@fovea.cc_.
- * @interfaces
- * IAPAdapter
- * IAPProductOptions
- * IAPProduct
- * IAPOffer
- * IAPPricingPhase
- * IAPReceipt
- * IAPVerifiedReceipt
- * IAPUnverifiedReceipt
- * IAPTransaction
- * IAPVerifiedPurchase
- * IAPProductEvents
- * IAPPaymentRequest
- * ```
- */
-  pluginName: 'InAppPurchase3',
-  plugin: 'cordova-plugin-purchase',
-  pluginRef: '',
-  repo: '',
-  platforms: ['iOS', 'Android', 'Windows'],
-  install: 'ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-purchase --variable BILLING_KEY="<ANDROID_BILLING_KEY>"',
-export class InAppPurchase3 extends AwesomeCordovaNativePlugin {
-  @Cordova({ sync: true })
-  getAdapter(platform: Platform): IAPAdapter | undefined {
-    return;
-  }
-  @CordovaProperty()
-  log: {
-    error: (message: string) => void;
-    warn: (message: string) => void;
-    info: (message: string) => void;
-    debug: (message: string) => void;
-  };
-  /**
-   * Verbosity level used by the plugin logger
-   * Set to:
-   *  - LogLevel.QUIET or 0 to disable all logging (default)
-   *  - LogLevel.ERROR or 1 to show only error messages
-   *  - LogLevel.WARNING or 2 to show warnings and errors
-   *  - LogLevel.INFO or 3 to also show information messages
-   *  - LogLevel.DEBUG or 4 to enable internal debugging messages.
-   * @see {@link LogLevel}
-   */
-  @CordovaProperty()
-  verbosity: number;
-  /** Return the identifier of the user for your application */
-  @CordovaProperty()
-  applicationUsername: string | (() => string);
-  /**
-   * Get the application username as a string by either calling or returning {@link InAppPurchase3.applicationUsername}
-   */
-  @Cordova({ sync: true })
-  getApplicationUsername(): string {
-    return;
-  }
-  /**
-   * URL or implementation of the receipt validation service
-   * @example
-   * Define the validator as a string
-   * ```ts
-   * InAppPurchase3.validator = ""
-   * ```
-   * @example
-   * Define the validator as a function
-   * ```ts
-   * InAppPurchase3.validator = (receipt, callback) => {
-   *   callback({
-   *     ok: true,
-   *     data: {
-   *       // see CdvPurchase.Validator.Response.Payload for details
-   *     }
-   *   })
-   * }
-   * ```
-   */
-  @CordovaProperty()
-  validator:
-    | string
-    | ((receipt: object, callback: Callback<object>) => void)
-    | { url: string; headers?: { [token: string]: string }; timeout?: number }
-    | undefined;
-  /**
-   * When adding information to receipt validation requests, those can serve different functions:
-   *  - handling support requests
-   *  - fraud detection
-   *  - analytics
-   *  - tracking
-   * Make sure the value your select is in line with your application's privacy policy and your users' tracking preference.
-   * @example
-   * = [
-   *   'fraud', 'support', 'analytics', 'tracking'
-   * ]
-   */
-  @CordovaProperty()
-  validator_privacy_policy:
-    | 'fraud'
-    | 'support'
-    | 'analytics'
-    | 'tracking'
-    | ('fraud' | 'support' | 'analytics' | 'tracking')[]
-    | undefined;
-  /**
-   * Register a product.
-   * @example
-   * store.register([{
-   *       id: 'subscription1',
-   *       type: ProductType.PAID_SUBSCRIPTION,
-   *       platform: Platform.APPLE_APPSTORE,
-   *   }, {
-   *       id: 'subscription1',
-   *       type: ProductType.PAID_SUBSCRIPTION,
-   *       platform: Platform.GOOGLE_PLAY,
-   *   }, {
-   *       id: 'consumable1',
-   *       type: ProductType.CONSUMABLE,
-   *       platform: Platform.BRAINTREE,
-   *   }]);
-   * @param {IAPProductOptions | IAPProductOptions[]} product - one product or a list of products to register.
-   */
-  @Cordova({ sync: true })
-  register(product: IAPProductOptions | IAPProductOptions[]): void {}
-  /**
-   * Call to initialize the in-app purchase plugin.
-   * @param {(Platform | { platform: Platform; options?: object })[]} platforms - List of payment platforms to initialize, default to Store.defaultPlatform().
-   */
-  @Cordova({ sync: true })
-  initialize(platforms: (Platform | { platform: Platform; options?: object })[]): void {}
-  /**
-   * Avoid invoking store.update() if the most recent call occurred within this specific number of milliseconds.
-   */
-  @CordovaProperty()
-  minTimeBetweenUpdates: number;
-  /** Call to refresh the price of products and status of purchases */
-  @Cordova({ sync: true })
-  update(): void {}
-  /**
-   * Register a callback to be called when the plugin is ready.
-   * This happens when all the platforms are initialized and their products loaded.
-   * @param {Callback<void>} callback called when ready
-   */
-  @Cordova()
-  ready(callback: Callback<void>): void {
-    return;
-  }
-  @CordovaProperty()
-  isReady: boolean;
-  /**
-   * Setup events listener.
-   * @example
-   * store.when()
-   *      .productUpdated(product => updateUI(product))
-   *      .approved(transaction => transaction.verify())
-   *      .verified(receipt => receipt.finish());
-   */
-  @Cordova({ sync: true })
-  when(): IAPProductEvents {
-    return;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Remove a callback from any listener it might have been added to.
-   * @param {Callback} callback
-   */
-  @Cordova({ sync: true })
-  off<T>(callback: Callback<T>): void {}
-  /**
-   * Setup a function to be notified of changes to a transaction state.
-   * @param {IAPTransaction} transaction The transaction to monitor.
-   * @param {Callback<TransactionState>} onChange Function to be called when the transaction status changes.
-   * @param {string} callbackName
-   * Returns A monitor which can be stopped with `monitor.stop()`
-   * @example
-   * const monitor = store.monitor(transaction, state => {
-   *   console.log('new state: ' + state);
-   *   if (state === TransactionState.FINISHED)
-   *     monitor.stop();
-   * });
-   */
-  @Cordova({ sync: true })
-  monitor(
-    transaction: IAPTransaction,
-    onChange: Callback<TransactionState>,
-    callbackName: string
-  ): {
-    stop(): void;
-    transaction: IAPTransaction;
-  } {
-    return;
-  }
-  /**
-   * List of all active products.
-   * Products are active if their details have been successfully loaded from the store.
-   */
-  @CordovaProperty()
-  products: IAPProduct[];
-  /**
-   * Find a product from its id and platform
-   * @param {string} productId Product identifier on the platform.
-   * @param {Platform} platform The product the product exists in. Can be omitted if you're only using a single payment platform.
-   */
-  @Cordova({ sync: true })
-  get(productId: string, platform: Platform): IAPProduct {
-    return;
-  }
-  /** List of all receipts present on the device. */
-  @CordovaProperty()
-  localReceipts: IAPReceipt[];
-  /** List of all transaction from the local receipts. */
-  @CordovaProperty()
-  localTransactions: IAPTransaction[];
-  /**
-   * List of receipts verified with the receipt validation service.
-   * Those receipt contains more information and are generally more up-to-date than the local ones.
-   */
-  @CordovaProperty()
-  verifiedReceipts: IAPVerifiedReceipt[];
-  /**
-   * List of all purchases from the verified receipts.
-   */
-  verifiedPurchases: IAPVerifiedPurchase[];
-  /**
-   * Find the last verified purchase for a given product, from those verified by the receipt validator.
-   * @param {IAPProduct} product
-   */
-  @Cordova({ sync: true })
-  findInVerifiedReceipts(product: IAPProduct): IAPVerifiedPurchase | undefined {
-    return;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Find the latest transaction for a given product, from those reported by the device.
-   * @param {IAPProduct} product
-   */
-  @Cordova({ sync: true })
-  findInLocalReceipts(product: IAPProduct): IAPTransaction | undefined {
-    return;
-  }
-  /**
-   * @param {{id: string, platform?: Platform} | string} product - The product object or identifier of the product.
-   * @returns {boolean} true if a product is owned
-   */
-  @Cordova({ sync: true })
-  owned(
-    product:
-      | {
-          id: string;
-          platform?: Platform;
-        }
-      | string
-  ): boolean {
-    return;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Place an order for a given offer.
-   * @param {IAPOffer} offer
-   * @param {IAPAdditionalData?} additionalData
-   */
-  @Cordova({ sync: false })
-  order(offer: IAPOffer, additionalData?: IAPAdditionalData): Promise<IAPError | undefined> {
-    return;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Request a payment.
-   * A payment is a custom amount to charge the user. Make sure the selected payment platform
-   * supports Payment Requests.
-   * @param {IAPPaymentRequest} paymentRequest Parameters of the payment request
-   * @param {IAPAdditionalData?} additionalData Additional parameters
-   */
-  @Cordova({ sync: false })
-  requestPayment(paymentRequest: IAPPaymentRequest, additionalData?: IAPAdditionalData): object {
-    return;
-  }
-  /**
-   * @returns true if a platform supports the requested functionality.
-   * @example
-   * store.checkSupport(Platform.APPLE_APPSTORE, 'requestPayment');
-   * // => false
-   * @param {Platform} platform
-   * @param {functionality} functionality
-   */
-  @Cordova({ sync: false })
-  checkSupport(platform: Platform, functionality: string): boolean {
-    return;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Replay the users transactions.
-   * This method exists to cover an Apple App Store requirement.
-   */
-  @Cordova({ sync: false })
-  restorePurchases(): Promise<IAPError | undefined> {
-    return;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Open the subscription management interface for the selected platform.
-   * If platform is not specified, the first available platform will be used.
-   * @example
-   * const activeSubscription: Purchase = // ...
-   * store.manageSubscriptions(activeSubscription.platform);
-   * @param {Platform?} platform
-   */
-  @Cordova({ sync: false })
-  manageSubscriptions(platform?: Platform): Promise<IAPError | undefined> {
-    return;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Opens the billing methods page on App Store, Play, Microsoft, ...
-   * From this page, the user can update their payment methods.
-   * If platform is not specified, the first available platform will be used.
-   * @example
-   * if (purchase.isBillingRetryPeriod)
-   *     store.manageBilling(purchase.platform);
-   */
-  @Cordova({ sync: false })
-  manageBilling(): Promise<IAPError | undefined> {
-    return;
-  }
-  /**
-   * The default payment platform to use depending on the OS.
-   * - on iOS: `APPLE_APPSTORE`
-   * - on Android: `GOOGLE_PLAY`
-   */
-  @Cordova({ sync: true })
-  defaultPlatform(): Platform {
-    return;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Register an error handler.
-   * @param {Callback<IAPError>} error An error callback that takes the error as an argument
-   * @example
-   * store.error(function(error) {
-   *   console.error('CdvPurchase ERROR: ' + error.message);
-   * });
-   */
-  @Cordova({ sync: true })
-  error(error: Callback<IAPError>): void {}
-  /**
-   * Version of the plugin currently installed.
-   */
-  @CordovaProperty()
-  version: string;