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synced 2025-03-03 16:03:02 +08:00
feat(admob): add plugin (#2864)
* feat(admob): add plugin * Update index.ts
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@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Cordova, CordovaProperty, IonicNativePlugin, Plugin } from '@ionic-native/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
export interface AdmobOptions {
* Your publisher id code from your AdMob account
publisherId: string;
* (Optional) Your interstitial id code from your AdMob account. Defaults to publisherId
interstitialAdId?: string;
* (Optional) Your rewarded id code from your AdMob account. Defaults to publisherId
rewardedAdId?: string;
* (Optional) Your tappx id for iOS apps. If Admob is configured, it is also used to backfill your lost inventory when there are no Admob ads available
tappxIdiOS?: string;
* (Optional) Your tappx id for Android apps. Admob is configured, it is also used to backfill your lost inventory when there are no Admob ads available
tappxIdAndroid?: string;
* (Optional) If any of tappxId is present, it tells the percentage of traffic diverted to tappx. Defaults to 0.5 (50% of the traffic will be requested to Tappx)
tappxShare?: number;
* (Optional) Indicates whether to put banner ads at top when set to true or at bottom when set to false. Defaults to false
bannerAtTop?: boolean;
* (Optional) Indicates the size of banner ads
adSize?: string;
* (Optional) Allow banner overlap webview. Default false
overlap?: boolean;
* (Optional) Set to true to avoid ios7 status bar overlap. Default false
offsetStatusBar?: boolean;
* (Optional) Set to true to receive test ads (do not test with real ads as your account may be banned). Defaults to false
isTesting?: boolean;
* (Options) A JSON object with additional {key: value} pairs
adExtras?: any;
* (Optional) Auto show banner ads when available (onAdLoaded event is called). Defaults to true
autoShowBanner?: boolean;
* (Optional) Auto show interstitial asd when available (onAdLoaded event is called). Defaults to true
autoShowInterstitial?: boolean;
* (Optional) Auto show rewarded ads when available (onAdLoaded event is called). Defaults to true
autoShowRewarded?: boolean;
* @name Admob
* @description
* Most complete Admob plugin with support for [Tappx](http://www.tappx.com/?h=dec334d63287772de859bdb4e977fce6) ads.
* Monetize your apps and games with AdMob ads, using latest Google AdMob SDK. With this plugin you can show AdMob ads easily!
* **Supports:**
* - Banner ads (top and bottom)
* - Interstitial ads
* - Rewarded ads
* - [Tappx](http://www.tappx.com/?h=dec334d63287772de859bdb4e977fce6) ads
* @usage
* ```typescript
* import { Admob, AdmobOptions } from '@ionic-native/admob';
* constructor(private admob: Admob) {
* // Admob options config
* const admobOptions: AdmobOptions = {
* publisherId: 'XXX-XXXX-XXXX',
* interstitialAdId: 'XXX-XXXX-XXXX',
* rewardedAdId: 'XXX-XXXX-XXXX',
* isTesting: true,
* autoShowBanner: false,
* autoShowInterstitial: false,
* autoShowRewarded: false,
* adSize: this.admob.AD_SIZE.BANNER
* };
* // Set admob options
* this.admob.setOptions(admobOptions)
* .then(() => console.log('Admob options have been successfully set'))
* .catch(err => console.error('Error setting admob options:', err));
* }
* // (Optionally) Load banner ad, in order to have it ready to show
* this.admob.createBannerView()
* .then(() => console.log('Banner ad loaded'))
* .catch(err => console.error('Error loading banner ad:', err));
* // Show banner ad (createBannerView must be called before and onAdLoaded() event raised)
* this.admob.onAdLoaded().subscribe((ad) => {
* if (ad.adType === this.admob.AD_TYPE.BANNER) {
* this.admob.showBannerAd()
* .then(() => console.log('Banner ad shown'))
* .catch(err => console.error('Error showing banner ad:', err));
* }
* });
* // Hide banner ad, but do not destroy it, so it can be shown later on
* // See destroyBannerView in order to hide and destroy banner ad
* this.admob.showBannerAd(false)
* .then(() => console.log('Banner ad hidden'))
* .catch(err => console.error('Error hiding banner ad:', err));
* // Request an interstitial ad, in order to be shown later on
* // It is possible to autoshow it via options parameter, see docs
* this.admob.requestInterstitialAd()
* .then(() => console.log('Interstitial ad loaded'))
* .catch(err => console.error('Error loading interstitial ad:', err));
* // Show an interstitial ad (requestInterstitialAd must be called before)
* this.admob.onAdLoaded().subscribe((ad) => {
* if (ad.adType === this.admob.AD_TYPE.INTERSTITIAL) {
* this.admob.showInterstitialAd()
* .then(() => console.log('Interstitial ad shown'))
* .catch(err => console.error('Error showing interstitial ad:', err));
* }
* });
* // Request a rewarded ad
* this.admob.requestRewardedAd()
* .then(() => console.log('Rewarded ad loaded'))
* .catch(err => console.error('Error loading rewarded ad:', err));
* // Show rewarded ad (requestRewardedAd must be called before)
* this.admob.onAdLoaded().subscribe((ad) => {
* if (ad.adType === this.admob.AD_TYPE.REWARDED) {
* this.admob.showRewardedAd()
* .then(() => console.log('Rewarded ad shown'))
* .catch(err => console.error('Error showing rewarded ad:', err));
* }
* });
* // Hide and destroy banner or interstitial ad
* this.admob.destroyBannerView()
* .then(() => console.log('Banner or interstitial ad destroyed'))
* .catch(err => console.error('Error destroying banner or interstitial ad:', err));
* // On Ad loaded event
* this.admob.onAdLoaded().subscribe((ad) => {
* if (ad.adType === this.admob.AD_TYPE.BANNER) {
* console.log('Banner ad is loaded');
* this.admob.showBannerAd();
* } else if (ad.adType === this.admob.AD_TYPE.INTERSTITIAL) {
* console.log('Interstitial ad is loaded');
* this.admob.showInterstitialAd();
* } else if (ad.adType === this.admob.AD_TYPE.REWARDED) {
* console.log('Rewarded ad is loaded');
* this.admob.showRewardedAd();
* }
* });
* // On ad failed to load
* this.admob.onAdFailedToLoad().subscribe(err => console.log('Error loading ad:', err));
* // On interstitial ad opened
* this.admob.onAdOpened().subscribe(() => console.log('Interstitial ad opened'));
* // On interstitial ad closed
* this.admob.onAdClosed().subscribe(() => console.log('Interstitial ad closed'));
* // On ad clicked and left application
* this.admob.onAdLeftApplication().subscribe(() => console.log('Ad lefted application'));
* // On user ad rewarded
* this.admob.onRewardedAd().subscribe(() => console.log('The user has been rewarded'));
* // On rewarded ad video started
* this.admob.onRewardedAdVideoStarted().subscribe(() => console.log('Rewarded ad vieo started'));
* // On rewarded ad video completed
* this.admob.onRewardedAdVideoCompleted().subscribe(() => console.log('Rewarded ad video completed'));
* ```
pluginName: 'Admob',
plugin: 'cordova-admob',
pluginRef: 'admob',
repo: 'https://github.com/appfeel/admob-google-cordova',
platforms: ['Android', 'iOS']
export class Admob extends IonicNativePlugin {
* This enum represents AdMob's supported ad sizes.
* Use one of these constants as adSize option when calling createBannerView
* @readonly
readonly AD_SIZE: {
BANNER: string;
IAB_MRECT: string;
IAB_BANNER: string;
* This enum represents AdMob's supported ad types
* @readonly
readonly AD_TYPE: {
BANNER: string;
REWARDED: string;
* Set the options to start displaying ads.
* Although it is not required to call this method, as options can be specified in other methods, it is highly recommended
* @param options {AdmobOptions} Some param to configure something
* @return {Promise<any>} Returns a promise that resolves when the options are set
setOptions(options: AdmobOptions): Promise<any> {
* Creates a new banner ad view. Call this method in order to be able to start showing banners
* @param options {AdmobOptions} (Optional) Setup options
* @return {Promise<any>} Returns a promise that resolves when the banner view is created
createBannerView(options?: AdmobOptions): Promise<any> {
* Show banner ads. You must call createBannerView first, otherwise it will result in failure callback and no ads will be shown
* @param show {boolean} (Optional) Indicates whether to show or hide banner ads. Defaults to `true`
* @return {Promise<any>} Returns a promise that resolves when the banner shown or hidden
showBannerAd(show?: boolean): Promise<any> {
* Hide and destroy banner view. Call this method when you want to destroy banner view.
* It is not necessary to call this method when the app closed, as it will be automatically called by the plugin
destroyBannerView() {}
* Request an interstitial ad
* If `options.autoShowInterstitial` is set to `true` (default), the ad will automatically be displayed.
* Otherwise you need to subscribe to `onAdLoaded()` event and call `showInterstitialAd()` after it will be raised specifying that an interstitial ad is available.
* If you already called `requestInterstitialAd()` but the interstitial has never been shown, the successive calls to `requestInterstitialAd()` will result in the ad being inmediately available (the one that was obtained on the first call)
* @param options {AdmobOptions} (Optional) Setup options
* @return {Promise<any>} Returns a promise that resolves when the interstitial ad is loaded
requestInterstitialAd(options?: AdmobOptions): Promise<any> {
* Show an interstitial ad. Call it after `requestInterstitialAd()` and `onAdLoaded()` event raised.
* @return {Promise<any>} Returns a promise that resolves when the interstitial ad is shown
showInterstitialAd(): Promise<any> {
* Request an rewarded ad
* If `options.autoShowRewarded` is set to `true` (default), the ad will automatically be displayed.
* Otherwise you need to subscribe to `onAdLoaded()` enent and call `showRewardedAd()` after it will be raised specifying that a rewarded ad is available.
* If you already called `requestRewardedAd()` but the rewarded has never been shown, the successive calls to `requestRewardedAd()` will result in the ad being inmediately available (the one that was obtained on the first call)
* @param options {AdmobOptions} (Optional) Setup options
* @return {Promise<any>} Returns a promise that resolves when the rewarded ad is loaded
requestRewardedAd(options?: AdmobOptions): Promise<any> {
* Show a rewarded ad
* @return {Promise<any>} Returns a promise that resolves when the rewarded ad is shown
showRewardedAd(): Promise<any> {
* Called when an ad is received
* @returns {Observable<any>} Returns an observable when an ad is received
eventObservable: true,
event: 'appfeel.cordova.admob.onAdLoaded',
element: document
onAdLoaded(): Observable<any> {
* Called when an ad request failed
* @returns {Observable<any>} Returns an observable when an ad request is failed
eventObservable: true,
event: 'appfeel.cordova.admob.onAdFailedToLoad',
element: document
onAdFailedToLoad(): Observable<any> {
* Called when an ad opens an overlay that covers the screen.
* Please note that onPause cordova event is raised when an interstitial is shown
* @returns {Observable<any>} Returns an observable when an ad is opened
eventObservable: true,
event: 'appfeel.cordova.admob.onAdOpened',
element: document
onAdOpened(): Observable<any> {
* Called when the user is about to return to the application after clicking on an ad.
* Please note that onResume cordova event is raised when an interstitial is closed
* @returns {Observable<any>} Returns an observable when an ad is closed
eventObservable: true,
event: 'appfeel.cordova.admob.onAdClosed',
element: document
onAdClosed(): Observable<any> {
* Called when the user leaves the application after clicking an ad (e.g., to go to the browser)
* @returns {Observable<any>} Returns an observable when an ad leaves the application
eventObservable: true,
event: 'appfeel.cordova.admob.onAdLeftApplication',
element: document
onAdLeftApplication(): Observable<any> {
* Called when the user has been rewarded by an ad
* @returns {Observable<any>} Returns an observable when the user rewards an ad
eventObservable: true,
event: 'appfeel.cordova.admob.onRewardedAd',
element: document
onRewardedAd(): Observable<any> {
* Called when the video of a rewarded ad started
* @returns {Observable<any>} Returns an observable when the video is started
eventObservable: true,
event: 'appfeel.cordova.admob.onRewardedAdVideoStarted',
element: document
onRewardedAdVideoStarted(): Observable<any> {
* Called when the video of a rewarded ad has completed
* @returns {Observable<any>} Returns an observable when the video is completed
eventObservable: true,
event: 'appfeel.cordova.admob.onRewardedAdVideoCompleted',
element: document
onRewardedAdVideoCompleted(): Observable<any> {
Reference in New Issue
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