diff --git a/src/index.ts b/src/index.ts
index a3be13d2e..de1d6bd1e 100644
--- a/src/index.ts
+++ b/src/index.ts
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ import { TouchID } from './plugins/touchid';
 import { TextToSpeech } from './plugins/text-to-speech';
 import { TwitterConnect } from './plugins/twitter-connect';
 import { Vibration } from './plugins/vibration';
+import { VideoEditor } from './plugins/video-editor';
 import { VideoPlayer } from './plugins/video-player';
 import { WebIntent } from './plugins/webintent';
 import { Zip } from './plugins/zip';
@@ -118,6 +119,7 @@ export * from './plugins/sms';
 export * from './plugins/spinnerdialog';
 export * from './plugins/toast';
 export * from './plugins/twitter-connect';
+export * from './plugins/video-editor';
 export * from './plugins/video-player';
 export {
@@ -254,6 +256,7 @@ window['IonicNative'] = {
   Transfer: Transfer,
   TextToSpeech: TextToSpeech,
   TwitterConnect: TwitterConnect,
+  VideoEditor: VideoEditor,
   VideoPlayer: VideoPlayer,
   Vibration: Vibration,
   WebIntent: WebIntent,
diff --git a/src/plugins/video-editor.ts b/src/plugins/video-editor.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8b6c2b636
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/video-editor.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+import {Plugin, Cordova} from './plugin';
+export interface TranscodeOptions {
+  /** The path to the video on the device. */
+  fileUri: string;
+  /** The file name for the transcoded video */
+  outputFileName: string;
+  /** Instructions on how to encode the video. Android is always mp4 */
+  outputFileType?: number;
+  /** Should the video be processed with quailty or speed in mind. iOS only */
+  optimizeForNetworkUse?: number;
+  /** Save the new video the library. Not supported in windows. Defaults to true */
+  saveToLibrary?: boolean;
+  /** Delete the original video. Android only. Defaults to false */
+  deleteInputFile?: boolean;
+  /** iOS only. Defaults to true */
+  maintainAspectRatio?: boolean;
+  /** Width of the result */
+  width?: number;
+  /** Height of the result */
+  height?: number;
+  /** Bitrate in bits. Defaults to 1 megabit (1000000). */
+  videoBitrate?: number;
+  /** Frames per second of the result. Android only. Defaults to 24. */
+  fps?: number;
+  /** Number of audio channels. iOS only. Defaults to 2. */
+  audioChannels?: number;
+  /** Sample rate for the audio. iOS only. Defaults to 44100*/
+  audioSampleRate?: number;
+  /** Sample rate for the audio. iOS only. Defaults to 128 kilobits (128000). */
+  audioBitrate?: number;
+  /** Not supported in windows, progress on the transcode. info will be a number from 0 to 100 */
+  progress?: (info: number) => void;
+export interface TrimOptions {
+  /** Path to input video. */
+  fileUri: string;
+  /** Time to start trimming in seconds */
+  trimStart: number;
+  /** Time to end trimming in seconds */
+  trimEnd: number;
+  /** Output file name */
+  outputFileName: string;
+  /** Progress on transcode. info will be a number from 0 to 100 */
+  progress?: (info: any) => void;
+export interface CreateThumbnailOptions {
+  /** The path to the video on the device */
+  fileUri: string;
+  /** The file name for the JPEG image */
+  outputFileName: string;
+  /** Location in the video to create the thumbnail (in seconds) */
+  atTime?: number;
+  /** Width of the thumbnail. */
+  width?: number;
+  /** Height of the thumbnail. */
+  height?: number;
+  /** Quality of the thumbnail (between 1 and 100). */
+  quality?: number;
+export interface GetVideoInfoOptions {
+  /** The path to the video on the device. */
+  fileUri: string
+export interface VideoInfo {
+  /** Width of the video in pixels. */
+  width: number;
+  /** Height of the video in pixels. */
+  height: number;
+  /** Orientation of the video. Will be either portrait or landscape. */
+  orientation: 'portrait' | 'landscape';
+  /** Duration of the video in seconds. */
+  duration: number;
+  /** Size of the video in bytes. */
+  size: number;
+  /** Bitrate of the video in bits per second. */
+  bitrate: number;
+ * @name VideoEditor
+ * @description Edit videos using native device APIs
+ *
+ * @usage
+ * ```
+ * import {VideoEditor} from 'ionic-native';
+ *
+ * VideoEditor.transcodeVideo({
+ *   fileUri: '/path/to/input.mov',
+ *   outputFileName: 'output.mp4',
+ *   outputFileType: VideoEditor.OutputFileType.MPEG4
+ * })
+ * .then((fileUri: string) => console.log('video transcode success', fileUri))
+ * .catch((error: any) => console.log('video transcode error', error));
+ *
+ * ```
+ */
+  plugin: 'cordova-plugin-video-editor',
+  pluginRef: 'VideoEditor',
+  repo: 'https://github.com/jbavari/cordova-plugin-video-editor',
+  platforms: ['Android', 'iOS', 'Windows Phone 8']
+export class VideoEditor {
+  static OptimizeForNetworkUse = {
+    NO: 0,
+    YES: 1
+  };
+  static OutputFileType = {
+    M4V: 0,
+    MPEG4: 1,
+    M4A: 2,
+    QUICK_TIME: 3
+  };
+  /**
+   * Transcode a video
+   * @param options {TranscodeOptions} Options
+   * @return {Promise<string>} Returns a promise that resolves to the path of the transcoded video
+   */
+  @Cordova({
+    callbackOrder: 'reverse'
+  })
+  static transcodeVideo(options: TranscodeOptions): Promise<string> { return; }
+  /**
+   * Trim a video
+   * @param options {TrimOptions} Options
+   * @return {Promise<string>} Returns a promise that resolves to the path of the trimmed video
+   */
+  @Cordova({
+    callbackOrder: 'reverse',
+    platforms: ['iOS']
+  })
+  static trim(options: TrimOptions): Promise<string> { return; }
+  /**
+   * Create a JPEG thumbnail from a video
+   * @param options {CreateThumbnailOptions} Options
+   * @return {Promise<string>} Returns a promise that resolves to the path to the jpeg image on the device
+   */
+  @Cordova({
+    callbackOrder: 'reverse'
+  })
+  static createThumbnail(options: CreateThumbnailOptions): Promise<string> { return; }
+  /**
+   * Get info on a video (width, height, orientation, duration, size, & bitrate)
+   * @param options {GetVideoInfoOptions} Options
+   * @return {Promise<VideoInfo>} Returns a promise that resolves to an object containing info on the video
+   */
+  @Cordova({
+    callbackOrder: 'reverse'
+  })
+  static getVideoInfo(options: GetVideoInfoOptions): Promise<VideoInfo> { return; }