From 80af55100e88a1d529b1412210aadfb54b40d056 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Fabriece Sumuni Date: Sun, 7 May 2017 15:35:41 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] docs(): clarify the options for target (#1493) I struggled to figure out what options I had for target until I read them from the github repo. I'm assuming that the documentation is generated from the comments and I think addition clarifies the intent of `target` a bit. --- src/@ionic-native/plugins/in-app-browser/index.ts | 3 +++ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+) diff --git a/src/@ionic-native/plugins/in-app-browser/index.ts b/src/@ionic-native/plugins/in-app-browser/index.ts index cab5b9d8c..8a9ab0ef9 100644 --- a/src/@ionic-native/plugins/in-app-browser/index.ts +++ b/src/@ionic-native/plugins/in-app-browser/index.ts @@ -71,6 +71,9 @@ export class InAppBrowserObject { * Opens a URL in a new InAppBrowser instance, the current browser instance, or the system browser. * @param {string} url The URL to load. * @param {string} [target="self"] The target in which to load the URL, an optional parameter that defaults to _self. + * _self: Opens in the WebView if the URL is in the white list, otherwise it opens in the InAppBrowser. + * _blank: Opens in the InAppBrowser. + * _system: Opens in the system's web browser. * @param {string | InAppBrowserOptions} [options] Options for the InAppBrowser. Optional, defaulting to: location=yes. * The options string must not contain any blank space, and each feature's * name/value pairs must be separated by a comma. Feature names are case insensitive.