The most important change here is to point to the BlyncSync version of the plugin, which is actively maintained. The jins-meme version lacks a package.json, which causes issues on some platforms that will result in an inability to build.
The BlyncSync plugin uses standard naming convention for cordova plugins (cordova-plugin-jins-meme-es)
The plugin name should be JINS MEME ES (ES for Eye-Sensing,) as this is how the product is actually named: not "Jins Meme."
* Update index.ts
* Update index.ts
* Add missing features, and bug fix of methods
* update: classname must be in pascal case
* remove: duplicated class definition
* export encode and spherical static classes
* Add comma
* Fix Encoding and Spherical
* Add convenience methods
* Fix decorators for Encoding and Spherical
* Update: getMap() methods return the instance of the wrapper plugin
* Update: getMap() methods return the instance of the wrapper plugin
* Remove `@CordovaInstance` decorators from getMap()
* Update: GoogleMapOptions (all fields are not optional).
* Follow up: version `2.0.0-beta2-20170719-2226` of cordova-plugin-googlemaps
* Fix: tslint error
* Fix: tslint error
* No more isAvailable() method.
* Bug fix: description is incorrect
* Bug fix: example code was wrong.
* Bug fix: HtmlInfoWindow does not work
* Bug fix: HtmlInfoWindow does not work
* Bug fix: HtmlInfoWindow does not work
* Bug fix: HtmlInfoWindow does not work
* Bug fix: HtmlInfoWindow does not work
* It seems the ionViewDidLoad() is enough delayed after platform.ready()
* Bug fix: map.setDiv()
* Bug fix: HtmlInfoWindow does not work
* Bug fix: BaseArrayClass definition is incorrect
* Bug fix: BaseArrayClass constructor is wrong
* Bug fix: Geocoder class does not work
* Bug fix: LatLngBounds constructor is wrong
* update: noNotify option is not declared
* Bug fix: Geocoder.geocode() returns array of GeocoderResult
* Update: clarify acceptable parameters of BaseArrayClass
* Add: AnimateCameraOption.padding is missing
* Revert: BaseClass.empty() method does not have the noNotify option
* Add `destruct` option to the CordovaOption.
- This allows BaseClass.on() is able to pass multiple retuned values from the cordova plugin side to the event lister.
* A semicolon is mixing
* update: event names
* Update: BaseClass.addEventListener(), addEventListenerOnce(), on(), and one()
* Add: destruct option for otherPromise
Change: inside event names (must use the version 2.0.0-beta3-20170808-1950 or higher)
* Build for working group
* Bug fix: map.getCameraTarget() definition is incorrect
* Bug fix: The definition of VisibleRegion interface is incorrect
* Fix: LatLng, LatLngBounds, and PolylineOptions classes
Update: map.getVisibleRegion()
Add: VisibleRegion class
* Bug fix: the definition of map.clear() method is incorrect
* Fix: map.fromLatLngToPoint()
* Ignore the dist directory on the master branch
* Remove the dist folder on the master branch
* fixes and tweaks
* use union types for CameraPosition
fixes issue mentioned on slack by @wf9a5m75
* fix types
* update AnimateCameraOptions interface
* remove AnimateCameraOptions interface
* add MarkerCluster class
* Bug fix: Can not create an instance of BaseArrayClass
* Bug fix: the icons property of MarkerClusterOptions
* Bug fix: the zoom option is missing
* Update index.ts
* fix: need to convert instance type from the JS class to the wrapper class
* remove test file
* fix: Error: Illegal use of "@private" tag.
* fix: The Environment, Encode, and Spherical are static class
* fix: convert JS instance to the ionic instance
add: BaseClass.destroy()
add: getId() method for all instance classes
* Documentation Error
* Need to create another way to convert the instance for marker cluster
* save
* Remove the instance of wrapper class if the JS instance is removed.
* Bug fix: HtmlInfoWindow missing .on and .one methods
* Bug fix: HtmlInfoWindow constructor cause the error
* Fix: Error when removing map
* Add: the cssOptions argument for HtmlInfoWindow.setContent() method
* Bug fix: Polyline.getPoints(), Polygon.getPoints() and Polygon.getHoles()
Those methods need to create new instance of BaseArrayClass of wrapper plugin.
* Add: forEachAsync(), mapAsync(), and filterAsync() methods into BaseArray class
* update: use document.querySelector() instead of document.getElementById() if the passed element is string
update: map.setDiv()
Bug fix: can not create empty GoogleMap (pure JS version is available way)
* Fix: wait until the page is fully ready
* Fix: missing `clickable` option for PolygonOptions and PolylineOptions
* Add: accept own properties for `addMarker()` and others #2087
Fix: some properties are required, but specified as optional.
Add: descriptions for properties
* Bug fix: Static classes are defined as non static class
* Add: poly class ( namespace)
* Update index.ts
* Update index.ts
* Add missing features, and bug fix of methods
* update: classname must be in pascal case
* remove: duplicated class definition
* export encode and spherical static classes
* Add comma
* Fix Encoding and Spherical
* Add convenience methods
* Fix decorators for Encoding and Spherical
* Update: getMap() methods return the instance of the wrapper plugin
* Update: getMap() methods return the instance of the wrapper plugin
* Remove `@CordovaInstance` decorators from getMap()
* Update: GoogleMapOptions (all fields are not optional).
* Follow up: version `2.0.0-beta2-20170719-2226` of cordova-plugin-googlemaps
* Fix: tslint error
* Fix: tslint error
* No more isAvailable() method.
* Bug fix: description is incorrect
* Bug fix: example code was wrong.
* Bug fix: HtmlInfoWindow does not work
* Bug fix: HtmlInfoWindow does not work
* Bug fix: HtmlInfoWindow does not work
* Bug fix: HtmlInfoWindow does not work
* Bug fix: HtmlInfoWindow does not work
* It seems the ionViewDidLoad() is enough delayed after platform.ready()
* Bug fix: map.setDiv()
* Bug fix: HtmlInfoWindow does not work
* Bug fix: BaseArrayClass definition is incorrect
* Bug fix: BaseArrayClass constructor is wrong
* Bug fix: Geocoder class does not work
* Bug fix: LatLngBounds constructor is wrong
* update: noNotify option is not declared
* Bug fix: Geocoder.geocode() returns array of GeocoderResult
* Update: clarify acceptable parameters of BaseArrayClass
* Add: AnimateCameraOption.padding is missing
* Revert: BaseClass.empty() method does not have the noNotify option
* Add `destruct` option to the CordovaOption.
- This allows BaseClass.on() is able to pass multiple retuned values from the cordova plugin side to the event lister.
* A semicolon is mixing
* update: event names
* Update: BaseClass.addEventListener(), addEventListenerOnce(), on(), and one()
* Add: destruct option for otherPromise
Change: inside event names (must use the version 2.0.0-beta3-20170808-1950 or higher)
* Build for working group
* Bug fix: map.getCameraTarget() definition is incorrect
* Bug fix: The definition of VisibleRegion interface is incorrect
* Fix: LatLng, LatLngBounds, and PolylineOptions classes
Update: map.getVisibleRegion()
Add: VisibleRegion class
* Bug fix: the definition of map.clear() method is incorrect
* Fix: map.fromLatLngToPoint()
* Ignore the dist directory on the master branch
* Remove the dist folder on the master branch
* fixes and tweaks
* use union types for CameraPosition
fixes issue mentioned on slack by @wf9a5m75
* fix types
* update AnimateCameraOptions interface
* remove AnimateCameraOptions interface
* add MarkerCluster class
* Bug fix: Can not create an instance of BaseArrayClass
* Bug fix: the icons property of MarkerClusterOptions
* Bug fix: the zoom option is missing
* Update index.ts
* fix: need to convert instance type from the JS class to the wrapper class
* remove test file
* fix: Error: Illegal use of "@private" tag.
* fix: The Environment, Encode, and Spherical are static class
* fix: convert JS instance to the ionic instance
add: BaseClass.destroy()
add: getId() method for all instance classes
* Documentation Error
* Need to create another way to convert the instance for marker cluster
* save
* Remove the instance of wrapper class if the JS instance is removed.
* Bug fix: HtmlInfoWindow missing .on and .one methods
* Bug fix: HtmlInfoWindow constructor cause the error
* Fix: Error when removing map
* Add: the cssOptions argument for HtmlInfoWindow.setContent() method
* Bug fix: Polyline.getPoints(), Polygon.getPoints() and Polygon.getHoles()
Those methods need to create new instance of BaseArrayClass of wrapper plugin.
* Add: forEachAsync(), mapAsync(), and filterAsync() methods into BaseArray class
* update: use document.querySelector() instead of document.getElementById() if the passed element is string
update: map.setDiv()
Bug fix: can not create empty GoogleMap (pure JS version is available way)
* Fix: wait until the page is fully ready
* Fix: missing `clickable` option for PolygonOptions and PolylineOptions
Hello guys,
I make this pull request to add the installation variable `GEOLOCATION_USAGE_DESCRIPTION` needed on iOS, since version 10.
Without this variable, using `getCurrentPosition` do nothing on iOS because phone wait user authorization. But that authorization is not display because there is no message defined.
This variable make this part of code in `info.plist` :
<string>To allow locate you</string>
Source :
Have a good coding day :)
* Update index.ts
* Update index.ts
* Add missing features, and bug fix of methods
* update: classname must be in pascal case
* remove: duplicated class definition
* export encode and spherical static classes
* Add comma
* Fix Encoding and Spherical
* Add convenience methods
* Fix decorators for Encoding and Spherical
* Update: getMap() methods return the instance of the wrapper plugin
* Update: getMap() methods return the instance of the wrapper plugin
* Remove `@CordovaInstance` decorators from getMap()
* Update: GoogleMapOptions (all fields are not optional).
* Follow up: version `2.0.0-beta2-20170719-2226` of cordova-plugin-googlemaps
* Fix: tslint error
* Fix: tslint error
* No more isAvailable() method.
* Bug fix: description is incorrect
* Bug fix: example code was wrong.
* Bug fix: HtmlInfoWindow does not work
* Bug fix: HtmlInfoWindow does not work
* Bug fix: HtmlInfoWindow does not work
* Bug fix: HtmlInfoWindow does not work
* Bug fix: HtmlInfoWindow does not work
* It seems the ionViewDidLoad() is enough delayed after platform.ready()
* Bug fix: map.setDiv()
* Bug fix: HtmlInfoWindow does not work
* Bug fix: BaseArrayClass definition is incorrect
* Bug fix: BaseArrayClass constructor is wrong
* Bug fix: Geocoder class does not work
* Bug fix: LatLngBounds constructor is wrong
* update: noNotify option is not declared
* Bug fix: Geocoder.geocode() returns array of GeocoderResult
* Update: clarify acceptable parameters of BaseArrayClass
* Add: AnimateCameraOption.padding is missing
* Revert: BaseClass.empty() method does not have the noNotify option
* Add `destruct` option to the CordovaOption.
- This allows BaseClass.on() is able to pass multiple retuned values from the cordova plugin side to the event lister.
* A semicolon is mixing
* update: event names
* Update: BaseClass.addEventListener(), addEventListenerOnce(), on(), and one()
* Add: destruct option for otherPromise
Change: inside event names (must use the version 2.0.0-beta3-20170808-1950 or higher)
* Build for working group
* Bug fix: map.getCameraTarget() definition is incorrect
* Bug fix: The definition of VisibleRegion interface is incorrect
* Fix: LatLng, LatLngBounds, and PolylineOptions classes
Update: map.getVisibleRegion()
Add: VisibleRegion class
* Bug fix: the definition of map.clear() method is incorrect
* Fix: map.fromLatLngToPoint()
* Ignore the dist directory on the master branch
* Remove the dist folder on the master branch
* fixes and tweaks
* use union types for CameraPosition
fixes issue mentioned on slack by @wf9a5m75
* fix types
* update AnimateCameraOptions interface
* remove AnimateCameraOptions interface
* add MarkerCluster class
* Bug fix: Can not create an instance of BaseArrayClass
* Bug fix: the icons property of MarkerClusterOptions
* Bug fix: the zoom option is missing
* Update index.ts
* fix: need to convert instance type from the JS class to the wrapper class
* remove test file
* fix: Error: Illegal use of "@private" tag.
* fix: The Environment, Encode, and Spherical are static class
* fix: convert JS instance to the ionic instance
add: BaseClass.destroy()
add: getId() method for all instance classes
* Documentation Error
* Need to create another way to convert the instance for marker cluster
* save
* Remove the instance of wrapper class if the JS instance is removed.
Variable REVERSED_CLIENT_ID can be found in your GoogleService-Info.plist under the same key name.
Variable PHOTO_LIBRARY_USAGE_DESCRIPTION specifies required value for NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription on iOS.
This now includes the value 'resolved', as it is a valid action passed by the service browser on iOS (at least) when IP addresses for the chosen service have been resolved.