* Removes preview settings from options obj and creates proper rect interface
* Changes startCamera() signature to match plugin
* Adds alpha to function signature
* Removes CameraPreviewOptions and CameraPreviewSize interfaces that don't match plugin
* Adds back CameraPreviewSize interface - oops
* Updates docs for startCamera()
* Changes CameraPreviewSize interface to Size to match plugin
* Adds docs for takePicture
* Reverts change to signature of setOnPictureTakenHandler
* Adds CameraPreview prefix to interfaces
We don't want that the reject cb takes the position of an optional
argument that has not been defined
For example the Dialogs.alert method takes an optional 'buttonLabel'
string. In case we do not set this value, and thus want to use the
default value, the 'reject'
callback get spliced into this position due the fact that the splice
start index is bigger than the array length.
Dialogs.alert("title", "message", "My button text") --> args =
["title", resolve, "message", "My button text", reject]
Dialogs.alert("title", "message") --> args = ["title", resolve,
"message", reject] --> reject is on the position of the buttontitle!
The cordova-plugin-dialogs alert function receives the wrong arguments
—> alert: function(message, completeCallback, title, buttonLabel)
The buttonLabel will receive the "reject" callback instead of a
undefined value.
* Additions to documentations and type definitions
Added return types to documentation as well as modified return type definition to match actual types returned.
Used union types for promises where applicable.
Builds and gulp docs ok.
* Update file.ts
* feat(inappbrowser): the inAppBrowser class is no longer static
* feat(inappbrowser): fallback on window.open if plugin not available
* change warning text to match expected release version
Since the plugin's methods return already a promise, the workaround with the `sync` option was used. This worked well for the method calls. However, when either cordova or the plugin was not available, an error was thrown, instead of rejecting the returned promise.
Therefore a better way is to use the `otherPromise` option, introduced with https://github.com/driftyco/ionic-native/releases/tag/v1.3.8.