import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; import * as path from 'path'; import { merge } from 'lodash'; import { exec } from 'child_process'; import { PLUGIN_PATHS, ROOT } from '../build/helpers'; const MAIN_PACKAGE_JSON = require('../../package.json'); const VERSION = MAIN_PACKAGE_JSON.version; const FLAGS = '--access public --tag beta'; const PACKAGE_JSON_BASE = { "description": "Ionic Native - Native plugins for ionic apps", "module": "index.js", "typings": "index.d.ts", "author": "ionic", "license": "MIT", "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "" } }; const DIST = path.resolve(ROOT, 'dist'); const PACKAGES = []; const RXJS_VEERSION = '^5.0.1'; const CORE_VERSION = '^5.0.0'; const PLUGIN_PEER_DEPENDENCIES = { '@ionic-native/core': VERSION, // TODO change this in production 'rxjs': RXJS_VEERSION }; function getPackageJsonContent(name, peerDependencies = {}) { return merge(PACKAGE_JSON_BASE, { name: '@ionic-native/' + name, peerDependencies, version: VERSION }); } function writePackageJson(data: any, dir: string) { const filePath = path.resolve(dir, 'package.json'); fs.writeJSONSync(filePath, data); PACKAGES.push(dir); } function prepare() { // write @ionic-native/core package.json writePackageJson( getPackageJsonContent('core', { 'rxjs': RXJS_VEERSION }), path.resolve(DIST, 'core') ); // write plugin package.json files PLUGIN_PATHS.forEach((pluginPath: string) => { const pluginName = pluginPath.split(/[\/\\]+/).slice(-2)[0]; const packageJsonContents = getPackageJsonContent(pluginName, PLUGIN_PEER_DEPENDENCIES); const dir = path.resolve(DIST, 'plugins', pluginName); writePackageJson(packageJsonContents, dir); }); } function publish() { // TODO apply queue system so it doesn't publish everything at once PACKAGES.forEach((pkg: string) => { // console.log('Going to run the following command: ', `npm publish ${ pkg } ${ FLAGS }`); exec(`npm publish ${ pkg } ${ FLAGS }`); }); } prepare(); publish();