import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { Cordova, CordovaProperty, Plugin } from '@ionic-native/core'; declare var window; export interface AppRatePreferences { /** * Custom BCP 47 language tag */ useLanguage?: string; /** * Custom application title */ displayAppName?: string; /** * Show dialog again when application version will be updated. Defaults to `true` */ promptAgainForEachNewVersion?: boolean; /** * count of runs of application before dialog will be displayed. Defaults to `3` */ usesUntilPrompt?: number; /** * leave app or no when application page opened in app store (now supported only for iOS). Defaults to `false` */ openStoreInApp?: boolean; /** * use custom view for rate dialog. Defaults to `false` */ useCustomRateDialog?: boolean; /** * Custom locale object */ customLocale?: any; /** * Callbacks for events */ callbacks?: AppRateCallbacks; /** * App Store URLS */ storeAppURL?: AppUrls; } export interface AppRateCallbacks { /** * call back function. called when user clicked on rate-dialog buttons */ onButtonClicked?: Function; /** * call back function. called when rate-dialog showing */ onRateDialogShow?: Function; } export interface AppUrls { /** * application id in AppStore */ ios?: string; /** * application URL in GooglePlay */ android?: string; /** * application URL in Windows Store */ windows?: string; /** * application URL in AppWorld */ blackberry?: string; /** * application URL in WindowsStore */ windows8?: string; } /** * @name App Rate * @description * The AppRate plugin makes it easy to prompt the user to rate your app, either now, later, or never. * * Requires Cordova plugin: cordova-plugin-apprate. For more info, please see the [AppRate plugin docs]( * * @usage * ```typescript * import { AppRate } from '@ionic-native/app-rate'; * * constructor(private appRate: AppRate) { } * * ... * * this.appRate.preferences.storeAppURL = { * ios: '', * android: 'market://details?id=', * windows: 'ms-windows-store://review/?ProductId=' * }; * * this.appRate.promptForRating(false); * ``` * * @interfaces * AppRatePreferences * AppUrls * AppRateCallbacks * */ @Plugin({ pluginName: 'AppRate', plugin: 'cordova-plugin-apprate', pluginRef: 'AppRate', repo: '', platforms: ['Android', 'iOS', 'Windows (experimental)'] }) @Injectable() export class AppRate { /** * Configure various settings for the Rating View. * See table below for options */ @CordovaProperty preferences: AppRatePreferences; /** * Prompts the user for rating * @param {boolean} immediately Show the rating prompt immediately. */ @Cordova() promptForRating(immediately: boolean): void { }; }