import { Plugin, Cordova } from './plugin'; /** * @name Stepcounter * @description * Cordova plugin for using device's stepcounter on Android (API > 19) * * Use to * - start and stop stepcounter service * - read device's stepcounter data * * @usage * ``` * import { Stepcounter } from 'ionic-native'; * * let startingOffset = 0; * Stepcounter.start(startingOffset).then(onSuccess => console.log('stepcounter-start success', onSuccess), onFailure => console.log('stepcounter-start error', onFailure)); * * Stepcounter.getHistory().then(historyObj => console.log('stepcounter-history success', historyObj), onFailure => console.log('stepcounter-history error', onFailure)); * * ``` */ @Plugin({ pluginName: 'Stepcounter', plugin: '', pluginRef: 'stepcounter', repo: '', platforms: ['Android'] }) export class Stepcounter { /** * Start the step counter * * @param startingOffset {number} will be added to the total steps counted in this session * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves on success or rejects on failure */ @Cordova() static start(startingOffset: number): Promise { return; } /** * Stop the step counter * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves on success with the amount of steps since the start command has been called, or rejects on failure */ @Cordova() static stop(): Promise { return; } /** * Get the amount of steps for today (or -1 if it no data given) * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves on success with the amount of steps today, or rejects on failure */ @Cordova() static getTodayStepCount(): Promise { return; } /** * Get the amount of steps since the start command has been called * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves on success with the amount of steps since the start command has been called, or rejects on failure */ @Cordova() static getStepCount(): Promise { return; } /** * Returns true/false if Android device is running >API level 19 && has the step counter API available * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves on success, or rejects on failure */ @Cordova() static deviceCanCountSteps(): Promise { return; } /** * Get the step history (JavaScript object) * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves on success, or rejects on failure */ @Cordova() static getHistory(): Promise { return; } }