import {Cordova, CordovaProperty, Plugin} from './plugin'; declare var window; /** * @name WebIntent * @description * @usage * For usage information please refer to the plugin's Github repo. */ @Plugin({ plugin: '', pluginRef: 'window.plugins.webintent', repo: '', platforms: ['Android'] }) export class WebIntent { @CordovaProperty static get ACTION_VIEW () { return window.plugins.webintent.ACTION_VIEW; } @CordovaProperty static get EXTRA_TEXT () { return window.plugins.webintent.EXTRA_TEXT; } @Cordova() static startActivity (options: {action: any, url: string}): Promise {return; } @Cordova() static hasExtra (extra: any): Promise {return; } @Cordova() static getExtra (extra: any): Promise {return; } @Cordova() static getUri (): Promise {return; }; @Cordova() static onNewIntent(): Promise {return; }; @Cordova() static sendBroadcast(options: {action: string, extras?: {option: boolean}}): Promise {return; } }