import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { Plugin, Cordova, IonicNativePlugin } from '@ionic-native/core'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; export interface IChannelOptions { /** * Channel ID - must be unique per app package */ id: string; /** * Channel name. Default: empty string */ name?: string; /** * The sound to play once a push comes. Default value: 'default' * Values allowed: * 'default' - plays the default notification sound * 'ringtone' - plays the currently set ringtone * 'false' - silent; don't play any sound * filename - the filename of the sound file located in '/res/raw' without file extension (mysound.mp3 -> mysound) */ sound?: string; /** * Vibrate on new notification. Default value: true * Possible values: * Boolean - vibrate or not * Array - vibration pattern - e.g. [500, 200, 500] - milliseconds vibrate, milliseconds pause, vibrate, pause, etc. */ vibration?: boolean; /** * Whether to blink the LED */ light?: boolean; /** * LED color in ARGB format - this example BLUE color. If set to -1, light color will be default. Default value: -1. */ lightColor?: string; /** * Importance - integer from 0 to 4. Default value: 4 * 0 - none - no sound, does not show in the shade * 1 - min - no sound, only shows in the shade, below the fold * 2 - low - no sound, shows in the shade, and potentially in the status bar * 3 - default - shows everywhere, makes noise, but does not visually intrude * 4 - high - shows everywhere, makes noise and peeks */ importance?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4; /** * Show badge over app icon when non handled pushes are present. Default value: true */ badge?: boolean; /** * Show message on locked screen. Default value: 1 * Possible values (default 1): * -1 - secret - Do not reveal any part of the notification on a secure lockscreen. * 0 - private - Show the notification on all lockscreens, but conceal sensitive or private information on secure lockscreens. * 1 - public - Show the notification in its entirety on all lockscreens. */ visibility?: -1 | 0 | 1; } /** * @name Firebase X * @description * This plugin brings push notifications, analytics, event tracking, crash reporting and more from Google Firebase to your Cordova project! Android and iOS supported. * It is a maintained fork from unmaintained ionic-navite plugin called Firebase. * * @usage * ```typescript * import { FirebaseX } from '@ionic-native/firebase-x'; * * * constructor(private firebaseX: FirebaseX) { } * * ... * * * this.firebaseX.getToken() * .then(token => console.log(`The token is ${token}`)) // save the token server-side and use it to push notifications to this device * .catch(error => console.error('Error getting token', error)); * * this.firebaseX.onMessageReceived() * .subscribe(data => console.log(`User opened a notification ${data}`)); * * this.firebaseX.onTokenRefresh() * .subscribe((token: string) => console.log(`Got a new token ${token}`)); * ``` * @interfaces * IChannelOptions * */ @Plugin({ pluginName: 'FirebaseX', plugin: 'cordova-plugin-firebasex', pluginRef: 'FirebasePlugin', repo: '', platforms: ['Android', 'iOS'] }) @Injectable() export class FirebaseX extends IonicNativePlugin { /** * Get the device token. * @return {Promise} Note that token will be null if it has not been established yet */ @Cordova() getToken(): Promise { return; } /** * Get notified when a token is refreshed. * @return {Observable} */ @Cordova({ observable: true }) onTokenRefresh(): Observable { return; } /** * Registers a callback function to invoke when: * - a notification or data message is received by the app * - a system notification is tapped by the user * @return {Observable} */ @Cordova({ observable: true }) onMessageReceived(): Observable { return; } /** * Grant permission to receive push notifications (will trigger prompt) and return hasPermission: true. iOS only (Android will always return true). * @return {Promise} */ @Cordova({ platforms: ['iOS'] }) grantPermission(): Promise { return; } /** * Check permission to receive push notifications and return hasPermission: true. iOS only (Android will always return true). * @return {Promise} */ @Cordova() hasPermission(): Promise { return; } /** * Unregister from firebase, used to stop receiving push notifications. Call this when you logout user from your app. */ @Cordova() unregister(): Promise { return; } /** * Set a number on the icon badge. Set 0 to clear the badge * @param {number} badgeNumber * @return {Promise} */ @Cordova() setBadgeNumber(badgeNumber: number): Promise { return; } /** * Get icon badge number. * @return {Promise} */ @Cordova() getBadgeNumber(): Promise { return; } /** * Clear all pending notifications from the drawer. * @return {Promise} */ @Cordova({ platforms: ['Android'] }) clearAllNotifications(): Promise { return; } /** * Subscribe to a topic. Topic messaging allows you to send a message to multiple devices that have opted in to a particular topic. * @param {string} topic * @return {Promise} */ @Cordova() subscribe(topic: string): Promise { return; } /** * Unsubscribe from a topic. This will stop you receiving messages for that topic. * @param {string} topic * @return {Promise} */ @Cordova() unsubscribe(topic: string): Promise { return; } /** * Android 8+ only. Creates a custom channel to be used by notification messages which have the channel property set in the message payload to the id of the created channel: * - for background (system) notifications: android.notification.channel_id * - for foreground/data notifications: data.notification_android_channel_id * * Calling on Android 7 or below or another platform will have no effect. * @param {IChannelOptions} channelOptions * @return {Promise} */ @Cordova() createChannel(channelOptions: IChannelOptions): Promise { return; } /** * Android 8+ only. Overrides the properties for the default channel. * The default channel is used if no other channel exists or is specified in the notification. * Any options not specified will not be overridden. Should be called as soon as possible (on app start) so default notifications will work as expected. * Calling on Android 7 or below or another platform will have no effect. * @param {IChannelOptions} channelOptions * @return {Promise} */ @Cordova() setDefaultChannel(channelOptions: IChannelOptions): Promise { return; } /** * Android 8+ only. Removes a previously defined channel. * Calling on Android 7 or below or another platform will have no effect. * @param {string} channelID * @return {Promise} */ @Cordova() deleteChannel(channelID: string): Promise { return; } /** * Android 8+ only. Gets a list of all channels. * Calling on Android 7 or below or another platform will have no effect. * @return {Promise} */ @Cordova() listChannels(): Promise { return; } /** * Enable/disable analytics collection (useful for GDPR/privacy settings). * @param {boolean} enabled * @returns {Promise} */ @Cordova() setAnalyticsCollectionEnabled(enabled: boolean): Promise { return; } /** * Log an event using Analytics * @param {string} type * @param {Object} data * @return {Promise} */ @Cordova() logEvent(type: string, data: any): Promise { return; } /** * Set the name of the current screen in Analytics * @param {string} name Screen name * @return {Promise} */ @Cordova() setScreenName(name: string): Promise { return; } /** * Set a user id for use in Analytics * @param {string} userId * @return {Promise} */ @Cordova() setUserId(userId: string): Promise { return; } /** * Set a user property for use in Analytics * @param {string} name * @param {string} value * @return {Promise} */ @Cordova() setUserProperty(name: string, value: string): Promise { return; } /** * Set Crashlytics user identifier. * To diagnose an issue, it’s often helpful to know which of your users experienced a given crash. * Crashlytics includes a way to anonymously identify users in your crash reports. * To add user IDs to your reports, assign each user a unique identifier in the form of an ID number, token, or hashed value. * * More info * @param {string} userId * @returns {Promise} */ @Cordova() setCrashlyticsUserId(userId: string): Promise { return; } /** * Simulates (causes) a fatal native crash which causes a crash event to be sent to Crashlytics (useful for testing). * See the Firebase documentation regarding crash testing. * Crashes will appear under Event type = "Crashes" in the Crashlytics console. * @return {Promise} */ @Cordova() sendCrash(): Promise { return; } /** * Sends a crash-related log message that will appear in the Logs section of the next native crash event. * Note: if you don't then crash, the message won't be sent! Also logs the message to the native device console. * @param {string} message * @return {Promise} */ @Cordova() logMessage(message: string): Promise { return; } /** * Sends a non-fatal error event to Crashlytics. In a Cordova app, you may use this to log unhandled Javascript exceptions, for example. * The event will appear under Event type = "Non-fatals" in the Crashlytics console. * The error message will appear in the Logs section of the non-fatal error event. * Also logs the error message to the native device console. * @param {string} error * @return {Promise} */ @Cordova() logError(error: string): Promise { return; } /** * Request a verification ID and send a SMS with a verification code. Use them to construct a credential to sign in the user (in your app). * * More info: * * * * * * NOTE: This will only work on physical devices. * * iOS will return: credential (string) * * Android will return: * credential.verificationId (object and with key verificationId) * credential.instantVerification (boolean) credential.code (string) * (note that this key only exists if instantVerification is true) * * You need to use device plugin in order to access the right key. * IMPORTANT NOTE: Android supports auto-verify and instant device verification. * Therefore in that case it doesn't make sense to ask for an sms code as you won't receive one. * In this case you'll get a credential.verificationId and a credential.code where code is the auto received verification code * that would normally be sent via sms. To log in using this procedure you must pass this code to * PhoneAuthProvider.credential(verificationId, code). You'll find an implementation example further below. * * When using node.js Firebase Admin-SDK, follow this tutorial: * * * Pass back your custom generated token and call * firebase.auth().signInWithCustomToken(customTokenFromYourServer); * instead of * firebase.auth().signInWithCredential(credential) * * YOU HAVE TO COVER THIS PROCESS, OR YOU WILL HAVE ABOUT 5% OF USERS STICKING ON YOUR SCREEN, NOT RECEIVING ANYTHING * If this process is too complex for you, use this awesome plugin * * It's not perfect but it fits for the most use cases and doesn't require calling your endpoint, as it has native phone auth support. * * Android * To use this auth you need to configure your app SHA hash in the android app configuration in the firebase console. * See to know how to get SHA app hash. * * iOS * Setup your push notifications first, and verify that they are arriving on your physical device before you test this method. * Use the APNs auth key to generate the .p8 file and upload it to firebase. When you call this method, * FCM sends a silent push to the device to verify it. * * @param {string} phoneNumber The phone number, including '+' and country code * @param {number} timeoutDuration (Android only) The timeout in sec - no more SMS will be sent to this number until this timeout expires * @returns {Promise} */ @Cordova() verifyPhoneNumber( phoneNumber: string, timeoutDuration = 0 ): Promise { return; } /** * Fetch Remote Config parameter values for your app. * @param {number} cacheExpirationSeconds specify the cacheExpirationSeconds * @return {Promise} */ @Cordova() fetch(cacheExpirationSeconds?: number): Promise { return; } /** * Activate the Remote Config fetched config. * @return {Promise} */ @Cordova() activateFetched(): Promise { return; } /** * Retrieve a Remote Config value. * @param {string} key * @return {Promise} */ @Cordova() getValue(key: string): Promise { return; } /** * Android only. Retrieve a Remote Config byte array. * @param {string} key * @return {Promise} */ @Cordova() getByteArray(key: string): Promise { return; } /** * Android only. Get the current state of the FirebaseRemoteConfig singleton object. * @return {Promise} */ @Cordova() getInfo(): Promise { return; } /** * Android only. Change the settings for the FirebaseRemoteConfig object's operations. * @param {Object} settings * @return {Promise} */ @Cordova() setConfigSettings(settings: any): Promise { return; } /** * Android only. Set defaults in the Remote Config. * @param {Object} settings * @return {Promise} */ @Cordova() setDefaults(settings: any): Promise { return; } /** * Start a trace. * @param {string} name * @return {Promise} */ @Cordova() startTrace(name: string): Promise { return; } /** * To count the performance-related events that occur in your app (such as cache hits or retries), * add a line of code similar to the following whenever the event occurs, * using a string other than retry to name that event if you are counting a different type of event. * @param {string} name * @return {Promise} */ @Cordova() incrementCounter(name: string): Promise { return; } /** * Stop the trace. * @param {string} name * @return {Promise} */ @Cordova() stopTrace(name: string): Promise { return; } }