# AdMob ``` $ ionic cordova plugin add cordova-admob $ npm install @awesome-cordova-plugins/admob ``` ## [Usage Documentation](https://danielsogl.gitbook.io/awesome-cordova-plugins/plugins/admob/) Plugin Repo: [https://github.com/appfeel/admob-google-cordova](https://github.com/appfeel/admob-google-cordova) Most complete Admob plugin with support for [Tappx](http://www.tappx.com/?h=dec334d63287772de859bdb4e977fce6) ads. Monetize your apps and games with AdMob ads, using latest Google AdMob SDK. With this plugin you can show AdMob ads easily! Supports:** - Banner ads (top and bottom) - Interstitial ads - Rewarded ads - [Tappx](http://www.tappx.com/?h=dec334d63287772de859bdb4e977fce6) ads ## Supported platforms - Android - iOS - Browser