import {Plugin, Cordova} from './plugin'; /** * @name Pin Dialog * @description * * @usage * ```typescript * import {PinDialog} from 'ionic-native'; * * ... * * PinDialog.prompt('Enter your PIN', 'Verify PIN', ['OK', 'Cancel']) * .then( * (result: any) => { * if(result.buttonIndex == 1) console.log('User clicked OK, value is: ', result.input1); * else if(result.buttonIndex == 2) console.log('User cancelled'); * } * ); * ``` */ @Plugin({ plugin: 'cordova-plugin-pin-dialog', pluginRef: 'plugins.pinDialog', repo: '' }) export class PinDialog { /** * Show pin dialog * @param {string} message Message to show the user * @param {string} title Title of the dialog * @param {string[]} buttons Buttons to show */ @Cordova({ successIndex: 1 }) static prompt(message: string, title: string, buttons: string[]): Promise<{buttonIndex: number, input1: string}> {return; } }