import {Plugin, Cordova} from './plugin'; export interface datePickerOptions { /** * Platforms: iOS, Android, Windows * The mode of the date picker * Values: date | time | datetime */ mode: string, /** * Platforms: iOS, Android, Windows * Selected date */ date: Date, /** * Platforms: iOS, Android, Windows * Minimum date * Type: Date | empty String * Default: empty String */ minDate?: Date, /** * Platforms?: iOS, Android, Windows * Maximum date * Type?: Date | empty String * Default?: empty String */ maxDate?: Date, /** * Platforms?: Android * Label for the dialog title. If empty, uses android default (Set date/Set time). * Type?: String * Default?: empty String */ titleText?: string, /** * Platforms?: Android * Label of BUTTON_POSITIVE (done button) on Android */ okText?: string, // TODO complete documentation here, and copy params & docs to main plugin docs cancelText?: string, todayText?: string, nowText?: string, is24Hour?: boolean, androidTheme?: number, allowOldDate?: boolean, allowFutureDates?: boolean, doneButtonLabel?: string, doneButtonColor?: string, cancelButtonLabel?: string, cancelButtonColor?: string, x?: number, y?: number, minuteInterval?: number, popoverArrowDirection?: string, locale?: string } /** * @name Date Picker * @description * The DatePicker plugin allows the user to fetch date or time using native dialogs. * * Platforms supported: iOS, Android, Windows * * Requires Cordova plugin: `cordova-plugin-datepicker`. For more info, please see the [DatePicker plugin docs]( * * @usage * ```js * import {DatePicker} from 'ionic-native'; * * * *{ * date: new Date(), * mode: 'date' * }).then( * date => console.log("Got date: ", date), * err => console.log("Error occurred while getting date:", err) * ); * ``` * */ @Plugin({ plugin: 'cordova-plugin-datepicker', pluginRef: 'datePicker', repo: '' }) export class DatePicker { /** * Shows the date and/or time picker dialog(s) * @param options * @returns {Promise} Returns a promise that resolves with the picked date and/or time, or rejects with an error. */ @Cordova() static show(options: datePickerOptions): Promise { return } }