--- layout: "fluid/docs_base" version: "<$ version.current.name $>" versionHref: "<$ version.current.href.replace('content/','') $>" path: "<$ doc.path $>" category: native id: "<$ doc.name|lower|replace(' ','-') $>" title: "<@ if doc.docType == "directive" @><$ doc.name | dashCase $><@ else @><$ doc.name $><@ endif @>" header_sub_title: "<$ doc.docType | capital $> in module <$ doc.module $>" doc: "<$ doc.name $>" docType: "<$ doc.docType $>" --- <@- macro interfaceTable(interface) -@> <@ for export in doc.moduleDoc.exports -@> <@ if export.name == interface @> <table class="table param-table" style="margin:0;"> <thead> <tr> <th>Param</th> <th>Type</th> <th>Details</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <@ for param in export.members @> <tr> <td> <$ param.name $> </td> <td> <code><$ param.returnType | escape $></code> </td> <td> <$ param.description | marked $> <@ if param.optional @><em>(optional)</em><@ endif @> </td> </tr> <@ endfor @> </tbody> </table> <@ endif @> <@- endfor @> <@- endmacro -@> <@- macro githubViewLink(doc) -@> <a href="https://github.com/driftyco/ionic-native/tree/master/<$ doc.fileInfo.relativePath $>#L<$ doc.location.start.line+1 $>-L<$ doc.location.end.line+1 $>"><$ doc.fileInfo.relativePath $> (line <$ doc.location.start.line+1 $>)</a> <@- endmacro -@> <@- macro paramTable(params, isDirective) -@> <table class="table param-table" style="margin:0;"> <thead> <tr> <th><@ if isDirective @>Attr<@ else @>Param<@ endif @></th> <th>Type</th> <th>Details</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <@- for param in params @> <tr> <td> <$ param.name $> <@- if param.alias @>| <$ param.alias $><@ endif -@> </td> <td> <$ typeList(param.typeList) $> </td> <td> <$ param.description | marked $> <@- if param.defaultValue @><p><em>(default: <$ param.defaultValue $>)</em></p><@ endif -@> </td> </tr> <@ endfor -@> </tbody> </table> <@- endmacro -@> <@- macro functionSyntax(fn) @> <@- set sep = joiner(', ') -@> <code><$ fn.name $><@- if not fn.isProperty @>(<@ endif -@><@- for param in fn.params @><$ sep() $> <@- if param.type.optional @>[<@- endif -@> <$ param.name $> <@- if param.type.optional -@>]<@- endif -@> <@- endfor -@><@- if not fn.isProperty @>)<@- endif -@></code> <@- endmacro -@> <@- macro typeList(types) -@> <@ set separator = joiner("|") @> <@- for type in types @><$ separator() $><$ type | code $><@ endfor -@> <@- endmacro -@> <@- macro typeInfo(fn) -@> <$ typeList(fn.typeList) $> <$ fn.description $> <@- endmacro -@> <@- macro documentPlatforms(method) -@> <@- if method.decorators @> <@ for prop in method.decorators[0].argumentInfo @> <@ if prop.platforms @> <p> <strong>Platforms:</strong> <@- for platform in prop.platforms -@> <strong class="tag"><$ platform $></strong> <@- endfor -@> </p> <@ endif @> <@ endfor @> <@- endif @> <@- endmacro -@> <@ macro documentMethod(method) -@> <h3><a class="anchor" name="<$ method.name $>" href="#<$ method.name $>"></a><$ functionSyntax(method) $></h3> <$ documentPlatforms(method) $> <$ method.description $> <@ if method.params -@> <$ paramTable(method.params) $> <@- endif @> <@ if method.returns -@> <div class="return-value" markdown="1"> <i class="icon ion-arrow-return-left"></i> <b>Returns:</b> <$ typeInfo(method.returns) $> </div> <@- endif @> <@- endmacro -@> <@- macro documentClass(doc) @> <@- if doc.statics.length -@> <h2>Static Members</h2> <@ for method in doc.statics -@> <$ documentMethod(method) $> <@ endfor -@> <@ endif @> <# --- methods in class --- #> <@- if doc.members and doc.members.length @> <h2>Instance Members</h2> <@ for method in doc.members -@> <$ documentMethod(method) $> <@- endfor @> <@- endif -@> <@ endmacro @> <h1 class="api-title"><$ doc.name $> <@- if doc.beta == true -@> <span class="beta" title="beta">β</span> <@- endif -@> </h1> <a class="improve-v2-docs" href="http://github.com/driftyco/ionic-native/edit/master/<$ doc.fileInfo.relativePath|replace('/home/ubuntu/ionic-native/', '')|replace('//','/') $>#L<$ doc.location.start.line $>"> Improve this doc </a> <# --- Decorators --- #> <@- if doc.decorators @> <@ for prop in doc.decorators[0].argumentInfo @> <@ if doc.beta == true @> <p class="beta-notice"> This plugin is still in beta stage and may not work as expected. Please submit any issues to the <a target="_blank" href="<$ prop.repo $>/issues">plugin repo</a>. </p> <@ endif @> <# --- Plugin description --- #> <$ doc.description | marked $> <p>Repo: <a href="<$ prop.repo $>"> <$ prop.repo $> </a> </p> <# --- Install commands --- #> <h2>Installation</h2> <pre><code class="nohighlight">$ <@ if prop.install @><$ prop.install $><@ else @>ionic plugin add --save <$ prop.plugin $><@ endif @> $ npm install --save @ionic-native/<$ doc.npmId $> </code></pre> <# --- Plugin supported platforms --- #> <@ if prop.platforms @> <h2>Supported platforms</h2> <ul> <@ for platform in prop.platforms -@> <li><$ platform $></li> <@- endfor @> </ul> <@ endif @> <@ endfor @> <@ endif -@> <# --- end of: if doc.decorators --- #> <# --- Plugin usage --- #> <@ if doc.usage @> <h2>Usage</h2> <$ doc.usage | marked $> <@ endif @> <# --- Plugin attributes --- #> <@- if doc.properties -@> <h2>Attributes:</h2> <table class="table" style="margin:0;"> <thead> <tr> <th>Attribute</th> <@ set hasTypes = false @> <@ for prop in doc.properties @> <@ if prop.type @> <@ set hasTypes = true @> <@ endif @> <@ endfor @> <@ if hasTypes @> <th>Type</th> <@ endif @> <th>Description</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <@- for prop in doc.properties -@> <tr> <td> <$ prop.name $> </td> <@ if hasTypes @> <td> <$ prop.type.name $> </td> <@ endif @> <td> <$ prop.description $> </td> </tr> <@ endfor -@> </tbody> </table> <@- endif -@> <# --- Plugin class documentation --- #> <$ documentClass(doc) $> <# --- Advanced usage --- #> <@- if doc.advanced -@> <h2><a class="anchor" name="advanced" href="#advanced"></a>Advanced</h2> <$ doc.advanced | marked $> <@- endif -@> <# --- Other classes --- #> <@- for tag in doc.tags.tags -@> <@- if tag.tagName == 'classes' -@> <@- set classes = tag.description.split('\n') -@> <@- for item in classes -@> <@- if item.length > 1 -@> <@- for export in doc.moduleDoc.exports -@> <@- if export.name == item -@> <h2><a class="anchor" name="<$ item $>" href="#<$ item $>"></a><$ item $></h2> <$ documentClass(export) $> <@- endif -@> <@- endfor -@> <@- endif -@> <@- endfor -@> <@- endif -@> <@- endfor -@> <# --- Other interfaces --- #> <@ for tag in doc.tags.tags -@> <@ if tag.tagName == 'interfaces' @> <@ set interfaces = tag.description.split('\n') @> <@ for item in interfaces -@> <@ if item.length > 1 @> <h2><a class="anchor" name="<$ item $>" href="#<$ item $>"></a><$ item $></h2> <$ interfaceTable(item) $> <@ endif @> <@- endfor @> <@ endif @> <@- endfor @> <# --- Related links --- #> <@- if doc.see @> <h2><a class="anchor" name="related" href="#related"></a>Related</h2> <@ for s in doc.see @> <$ s | safe $> <@- endfor -@> <@- endif -@>