import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { Cordova, Plugin, CordovaProperty } from '@ionic-native/core'; export interface ActionSheetOptions { /** * The labels for the buttons. Uses the index x */ buttonLabels: string[]; /** * The title for the actionsheet */ title?: string; /** * The subtitle for the actionsheet (IOS only) */ subtitle?: string; /** * Theme to be used on Android */ androidTheme?: number; /** * Enable a cancel on Android */ androidEnableCancelButton?: boolean; /** * Enable a cancel on Windows Phone */ winphoneEnableCancelButton?: boolean; /** * Add a cancel button with text */ addCancelButtonWithLabel?: string; /** * Add a destructive button with text */ addDestructiveButtonWithLabel?: string; /** * On an iPad, set the X,Y position */ position?: number[]; /** * Choose if destructive button will be the last */ destructiveButtonLast: boolean; } /** * @name Action Sheet * @description * The ActionSheet plugin shows a native list of options the user can choose from. * * Requires Cordova plugin: `cordova-plugin-actionsheet`. For more info, please see the [ActionSheet plugin docs]( * * @usage * ```typescript * import { ActionSheet, ActionSheetOptions } from '@ionic-native/action-sheet'; * * constructor(private actionSheet: ActionSheet) { } * * ... * * * let buttonLabels = ['Share via Facebook', 'Share via Twitter']; * * const options: ActionSheetOptions = { * title: 'What do you want with this image?', * subtitle: 'Choose an action' * buttonLabels: buttonLabels, * addCancelButtonWithLabel: 'Cancel', * addDestructiveButtonWithLabel: 'Delete', * androidTheme: this.actionSheet.ANDROID_THEMES.THEME_HOLO_DARK, * destructiveButtonLast: true * }; * * number) => { * console.log('Button pressed: ' + buttonIndex); * }); * ``` * @interfaces * ActionSheetOptions */ @Plugin({ pluginName: 'ActionSheet', plugin: 'cordova-plugin-actionsheet', pluginRef: 'plugins.actionsheet', repo: '', platforms: ['Android', 'iOS', 'Windows Phone 8', 'Browser'] }) @Injectable() export class ActionSheet { @CordovaProperty ANDROID_THEMES: { THEME_TRADITIONAL: number; THEME_HOLO_DARK: number; THEME_HOLO_LIGHT: number; THEME_DEVICE_DEFAULT_DARK: number; THEME_DEVICE_DEFAULT_LIGHT: number; }; /** * Show a native ActionSheet component. See below for options. * @param options {ActionSheetOptions} Options See table below * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves with the index of the * button pressed (1 based, so 1, 2, 3, etc.) */ @Cordova() show(options?: ActionSheetOptions): Promise { return; } /** * Progamtically hide the native ActionSheet * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves when the actionsheet is closed */ @Cordova() hide(options?: any): Promise { return; } }