import { Plugin, Cordova, IonicNativePlugin } from '@ionic-native/core'; import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; /** * @name Mobile Accessibility * @description * This plugin exposes information on the status of various accessibility features of mobile operating systems, including, for example, whether a screen reader is running, invert colors is enabled, and the preferred scaling for text. * It also allows an application to send a string to be spoken by the screen reader, or a command to stop the screen reader from speaking. * * @usage * ```typescript * import { MobileAccessibility } from 'ionic-native'; * * * constructor(private mobileAccessibility: MobileAccessibility) { } * * ... * * if(this.mobileAccessibility.isScreenReaderRunningCallback(); * * ``` */ @Plugin({ pluginName: 'MobileAccessibility', plugin: 'phonegap-plugin-mobile-accessibility', pluginRef: 'MobileAccessibility', repo: '', platforms: ['Android Fire OS', 'Android', 'iOS', 'Windows'] }) @Injectable() export class MobileAccessibility extends IonicNativePlugin { MobileAccessibilityNotifications: { ANNOUNCEMENT: 'ANNOUNCEMENT', BOLD_TEXT_STATUS_CHANGED: 'BOLD_TEXT_STATUS_CHANGED', CLOSED_CAPTIONING_STATUS_CHANGED: 'CLOSED_CAPTIONING_STATUS_CHANGED', DARKER_SYSTEM_COLORS_STATUS_CHANGED: 'DARKER_SYSTEM_COLORS_STATUS_CHANGED', GRAYSCALE_STATUS_CHANGED: 'GRAYSCALE_STATUS_CHANGED', GUIDED_ACCESS_STATUS_CHANGED: 'GUIDED_ACCESS_STATUS_CHANGED', INVERT_COLORS_STATUS_CHANGED: 'INVERT_COLORS_STATUS_CHANGED', LAYOUT_CHANGED: 'LAYOUT_CHANGED', MONO_AUDIO_STATUS_CHANGED: 'MONO_AUDIO_STATUS_CHANGED', PAGE_SCROLLED: 'PAGE_SCROLLED', REDUCE_MOTION_STATUS_CHANGED: 'REDUCE_MOTION_STATUS_CHANGED', REDUCE_TRANSPARENCY_STATUS_CHANGED: 'REDUCE_TRANSPARENCY_STATUS_CHANGED', SCREEN_CHANGED: 'SCREEN_CHANGED', SCREEN_READER_STATUS_CHANGED: 'SCREEN_READER_STATUS_CHANGED', SPEAK_SCREEN_STATUS_CHANGED: 'SPEAK_SCREEN_STATUS_CHANGED', SPEAK_SELECTION_STATUS_CHANGED: 'SPEAK_SELECTION_STATUS_CHANGED', SWITCH_CONTROL_STATUS_CHANGED: 'SWITCH_CONTROL_STATUS_CHANGED', TOUCH_EXPLORATION_STATUS_CHANGED: 'TOUCH_EXPLORATION_STATUS_CHANGED' }; /** * Makes an asynchronous call to native MobileAccessibility to determine if a screen reader is running. * @returns {Promise} A result method to receive the boolean result asynchronously from the native MobileAccessibility plugin. */ @Cordova() isScreenReaderRunning(): Promise { return; } /** * An iOS-specific proxy for the MobileAccessibility.isScreenReaderRunning method * @returns {Promise} A result method to receive the boolean result asynchronously from the native MobileAccessibility plugin. */ @Cordova({ platforms: ['iOS'] }) isVoiceOverRunningCallback(): Promise { return; } /** * An Android/Amazon Fire OS-specific proxy for the MobileAccessibility.isScreenReaderRunning method. * @returns {Promise} A result method to receive the boolean result asynchronously from the native MobileAccessibility plugin. */ @Cordova({ platforms: ['Amazon Fire OS', 'Android'] }) isTalkBackRunningCallback(): Promise { return; } /** * On Android, this method returns true if ChromeVox is active and properly initialized with access to the text to speech API in the WebView. * If TalkBack is running but ChromeVox is not active, this method is useful to alert the user of a potential problem. * @returns {Promise} Returns the result */ @Cordova({ platforms: ['Amazon Fire OS', 'Android'] }) isChromeVoxActive(): Promise { return; } /** * * @returns {Promise} Returns the result */ @Cordova({ platforms: ['iOS'] }) isBoldTextEnabledCallback(): Promise { return; } /** * * @returns {Promise} Returns the result */ @Cordova() isClosedCaptioningEnabledCallback(): Promise { return; } /** * * @returns {Promise} Returns the result */ @Cordova({ platforms: ['iOS'] }) isDarkerSystemColorsEnabledCallback(): Promise { return; } /** * * @returns {Promise} Returns the result */ @Cordova({ platforms: ['iOS'] }) isGrayscaleEnabledCallback(): Promise { return; } /** * * @returns {Promise} Returns the result */ @Cordova({ platforms: ['iOS'] }) isGuidedAccessEnabledCallback(): Promise { return; } /** * * @returns {Promise} Returns the result */ @Cordova({ platforms: ['iOS'] }) isInvertColorsEnabledCallback(): Promise { return; } /** * * @returns {Promise} Returns the result */ @Cordova({ platforms: ['iOS'] }) isMonoAudioEnabledCallback(): Promise { return; } /** * * @returns {Promise} Returns the result */ @Cordova({ platforms: ['iOS'] }) isReduceMotionEnabledCallback(): Promise { return; } /** * * @returns {Promise} Returns the result */ @Cordova({ platforms: ['iOS'] }) isReduceTransparencyEnabledCallback(): Promise { return; } /** * * @returns {Promise} Returns the result */ @Cordova({ platforms: ['iOS'] }) isSpeakScreenEnabledCallback(): Promise { return; } /** * * @returns {Promise} Returns the result */ @Cordova({ platforms: ['iOS'] }) isSpeakSelectionEnabledCallback(): Promise { return; } /** * * @returns {Promise} Returns the result */ @Cordova({ platforms: ['iOS'] }) isSwitchControlRunningCallback(): Promise { return; } /** * * @returns {Promise} Returns the result */ @Cordova({ platforms: ['Amazon Fire OS', 'Android'] }) isTouchExplorationEnabledCallback(): Promise { return; } /** * * * @returns {Promise} Returns the result */ @Cordova() getTextZoomCallback(): Promise { return; } /** * @param textZoom {number} A percentage value by which text in the WebView should be scaled. */ @Cordova({ sync: true }) setTextZoom(textZoom: number): void { } /** * */ @Cordova({ sync: true }) updateTextZoom(): void { } /** * A Boolean value which specifies whether to use the preferred text zoom of a default percent value of 100. * @param value {boolean} Returns the result */ @Cordova({ sync: true }) usePreferredTextZoom(value: boolean): void { } /** * Posts a notification with a string for the screen reader to announce if it is running. * @param mobileAccessibilityNotification {any} * @param value {string} A string to be announced by a screen reader. * @returns {Promise} Returns the result */ @Cordova({ platforms: ['iOS'] }) postNotification(mobileAccessibilityNotification: any, value: string): Promise { return; } /** * Speaks a given string through the screenreader. On Android, if ChromeVox is active, it will use the specified queueMode and properties. * @param value {string} * @param queueMode {mumber} * @param properties {any} */ @Cordova({ sync: true }) speak(value: string, queueMode?: number, properties?: any): void { } /** * Stops speech. */ @Cordova({ sync: true }) stop(): void { } }