* Copyright 2014 Drifty Co.
* http://drifty.com/
* Ionic, v1.1.1
* A powerful HTML5 mobile app framework.
* http://ionicframework.com/
* By @maxlynch, @benjsperry, @adamdbradley <3
* Licensed under the MIT license. Please see LICENSE for more information.
(function() {
/* eslint no-unused-vars:0 */
var IonicModule = angular.module('ionic', ['ngAnimate', 'ngSanitize', 'ui.router', 'ngIOS9UIWebViewPatch']),
extend = angular.extend,
forEach = angular.forEach,
isDefined = angular.isDefined,
isNumber = angular.isNumber,
isString = angular.isString,
jqLite = angular.element,
noop = angular.noop;
* @ngdoc service
* @name $ionicActionSheet
* @module ionic
* @description
* The Action Sheet is a slide-up pane that lets the user choose from a set of options.
* Dangerous options are highlighted in red and made obvious.
* There are easy ways to cancel out of the action sheet, such as tapping the backdrop or even
* hitting escape on the keyboard for desktop testing.
* @usage
* To trigger an Action Sheet in your code, use the $ionicActionSheet service in your angular controllers:
* ```js
* angular.module('mySuperApp', ['ionic'])
* .controller(function($scope, $ionicActionSheet, $timeout) {
* // Triggered on a button click, or some other target
* $scope.show = function() {
* // Show the action sheet
* var hideSheet = $ionicActionSheet.show({
* buttons: [
* { text: 'Share This' },
* { text: 'Move' }
* ],
* destructiveText: 'Delete',
* titleText: 'Modify your album',
* cancelText: 'Cancel',
* cancel: function() {
// add cancel code..
* buttonClicked: function(index) {
* return true;
* }
* });
* // For example's sake, hide the sheet after two seconds
* $timeout(function() {
* hideSheet();
* }, 2000);
* };
* });
* ```
.factory('$ionicActionSheet', [
function($rootScope, $compile, $animate, $timeout, $ionicTemplateLoader, $ionicPlatform, $ionicBody, IONIC_BACK_PRIORITY) {
return {
show: actionSheet
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicActionSheet#show
* @description
* Load and return a new action sheet.
* A new isolated scope will be created for the
* action sheet and the new element will be appended into the body.
* @param {object} options The options for this ActionSheet. Properties:
* - `[Object]` `buttons` Which buttons to show. Each button is an object with a `text` field.
* - `{string}` `titleText` The title to show on the action sheet.
* - `{string=}` `cancelText` the text for a 'cancel' button on the action sheet.
* - `{string=}` `destructiveText` The text for a 'danger' on the action sheet.
* - `{function=}` `cancel` Called if the cancel button is pressed, the backdrop is tapped or
* the hardware back button is pressed.
* - `{function=}` `buttonClicked` Called when one of the non-destructive buttons is clicked,
* with the index of the button that was clicked and the button object. Return true to close
* the action sheet, or false to keep it opened.
* - `{function=}` `destructiveButtonClicked` Called when the destructive button is clicked.
* Return true to close the action sheet, or false to keep it opened.
* - `{boolean=}` `cancelOnStateChange` Whether to cancel the actionSheet when navigating
* to a new state. Default true.
* - `{string}` `cssClass` The custom CSS class name.
* @returns {function} `hideSheet` A function which, when called, hides & cancels the action sheet.
function actionSheet(opts) {
var scope = $rootScope.$new(true);
extend(scope, {
cancel: noop,
destructiveButtonClicked: noop,
buttonClicked: noop,
$deregisterBackButton: noop,
buttons: [],
cancelOnStateChange: true
}, opts || {});
function textForIcon(text) {
if (text && /icon/.test(text)) {
scope.$actionSheetHasIcon = true;
for (var x = 0; x < scope.buttons.length; x++) {
// Compile the template
var element = scope.element = $compile('')(scope);
// Grab the sheet element for animation
var sheetEl = jqLite(element[0].querySelector('.action-sheet-wrapper'));
var stateChangeListenDone = scope.cancelOnStateChange ?
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function() { scope.cancel(); }) :
// removes the actionSheet from the screen
scope.removeSheet = function(done) {
if (scope.removed) return;
scope.removed = true;
$timeout(function() {
// wait to remove this due to a 300ms delay native
// click which would trigging whatever was underneath this
}, 400);
$animate.removeClass(element, 'active').then(function() {
// scope.cancel.$scope is defined near the bottom
scope.cancel.$scope = sheetEl = null;
(done || noop)();
scope.showSheet = function(done) {
if (scope.removed) return;
$animate.addClass(element, 'active').then(function() {
if (scope.removed) return;
(done || noop)();
$timeout(function() {
if (scope.removed) return;
}, 20, false);
// registerBackButtonAction returns a callback to deregister the action
scope.$deregisterBackButton = $ionicPlatform.registerBackButtonAction(
function() {
// called when the user presses the cancel button
scope.cancel = function() {
// after the animation is out, call the cancel callback
scope.buttonClicked = function(index) {
// Check if the button click event returned true, which means
// we can close the action sheet
if (opts.buttonClicked(index, opts.buttons[index]) === true) {
scope.destructiveButtonClicked = function() {
// Check if the destructive button click event returned true, which means
// we can close the action sheet
if (opts.destructiveButtonClicked() === true) {
// Expose the scope on $ionicActionSheet's return value for the sake
// of testing it.
scope.cancel.$scope = scope;
return scope.cancel;
jqLite.prototype.addClass = function(cssClasses) {
var x, y, cssClass, el, splitClasses, existingClasses;
if (cssClasses && cssClasses != 'ng-scope' && cssClasses != 'ng-isolate-scope') {
for (x = 0; x < this.length; x++) {
el = this[x];
if (el.setAttribute) {
if (cssClasses.indexOf(' ') < 0 && el.classList.add) {
} else {
existingClasses = (' ' + (el.getAttribute('class') || '') + ' ')
.replace(/[\n\t]/g, " ");
splitClasses = cssClasses.split(' ');
for (y = 0; y < splitClasses.length; y++) {
cssClass = splitClasses[y].trim();
if (existingClasses.indexOf(' ' + cssClass + ' ') === -1) {
existingClasses += cssClass + ' ';
el.setAttribute('class', existingClasses.trim());
return this;
jqLite.prototype.removeClass = function(cssClasses) {
var x, y, splitClasses, cssClass, el;
if (cssClasses) {
for (x = 0; x < this.length; x++) {
el = this[x];
if (el.getAttribute) {
if (cssClasses.indexOf(' ') < 0 && el.classList.remove) {
} else {
splitClasses = cssClasses.split(' ');
for (y = 0; y < splitClasses.length; y++) {
cssClass = splitClasses[y];
el.setAttribute('class', (
(" " + (el.getAttribute('class') || '') + " ")
.replace(/[\n\t]/g, " ")
.replace(" " + cssClass.trim() + " ", " ")).trim()
return this;
* @ngdoc service
* @name $ionicBackdrop
* @module ionic
* @description
* Shows and hides a backdrop over the UI. Appears behind popups, loading,
* and other overlays.
* Often, multiple UI components require a backdrop, but only one backdrop is
* ever needed in the DOM at a time.
* Therefore, each component that requires the backdrop to be shown calls
* `$ionicBackdrop.retain()` when it wants the backdrop, then `$ionicBackdrop.release()`
* when it is done with the backdrop.
* For each time `retain` is called, the backdrop will be shown until `release` is called.
* For example, if `retain` is called three times, the backdrop will be shown until `release`
* is called three times.
* @usage
* ```js
* function MyController($scope, $ionicBackdrop, $timeout) {
* //Show a backdrop for one second
* $scope.action = function() {
* $ionicBackdrop.retain();
* $timeout(function() {
* $ionicBackdrop.release();
* }, 1000);
* };
* }
* ```
.factory('$ionicBackdrop', [
'$document', '$timeout', '$$rAF',
function($document, $timeout, $$rAF) {
var el = jqLite('
var backdropHolds = 0;
return {
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicBackdrop#retain
* @description Retains the backdrop.
retain: retain,
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicBackdrop#release
* @description
* Releases the backdrop.
release: release,
getElement: getElement,
// exposed for testing
_element: el
function retain() {
if (backdropHolds === 1) {
$$rAF(function() {
// If we're still at >0 backdropHolds after async...
if (backdropHolds >= 1) el.addClass('active');
function release() {
if (backdropHolds === 1) {
$timeout(function() {
// If we're still at 0 backdropHolds after async...
if (backdropHolds === 0) el.removeClass('visible');
}, 400, false);
backdropHolds = Math.max(0, backdropHolds - 1);
function getElement() {
return el;
* @private
.factory('$ionicBind', ['$parse', '$interpolate', function($parse, $interpolate) {
var LOCAL_REGEXP = /^\s*([@=&])(\??)\s*(\w*)\s*$/;
return function(scope, attrs, bindDefinition) {
forEach(bindDefinition || {}, function(definition, scopeName) {
//Adapted from angular.js $compile
var match = definition.match(LOCAL_REGEXP) || [],
attrName = match[3] || scopeName,
mode = match[1], // @, =, or &
switch (mode) {
case '@':
if (!attrs[attrName]) {
attrs.$observe(attrName, function(value) {
scope[scopeName] = value;
// we trigger an interpolation to ensure
// the value is there for use immediately
if (attrs[attrName]) {
scope[scopeName] = $interpolate(attrs[attrName])(scope);
case '=':
if (!attrs[attrName]) {
unwatch = scope.$watch(attrs[attrName], function(value) {
scope[scopeName] = value;
//Destroy parent scope watcher when this scope is destroyed
scope.$on('$destroy', unwatch);
case '&':
/* jshint -W044 */
if (attrs[attrName] && attrs[attrName].match(RegExp(scopeName + '\(.*?\)'))) {
throw new Error('& expression binding "' + scopeName + '" looks like it will recursively call "' +
attrs[attrName] + '" and cause a stack overflow! Please choose a different scopeName.');
parentGet = $parse(attrs[attrName]);
scope[scopeName] = function(locals) {
return parentGet(scope, locals);
* @ngdoc service
* @name $ionicBody
* @module ionic
* @description An angular utility service to easily and efficiently
* add and remove CSS classes from the document's body element.
.factory('$ionicBody', ['$document', function($document) {
return {
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicBody#addClass
* @description Add a class to the document's body element.
* @param {string} class Each argument will be added to the body element.
* @returns {$ionicBody} The $ionicBody service so methods can be chained.
addClass: function() {
for (var x = 0; x < arguments.length; x++) {
return this;
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicBody#removeClass
* @description Remove a class from the document's body element.
* @param {string} class Each argument will be removed from the body element.
* @returns {$ionicBody} The $ionicBody service so methods can be chained.
removeClass: function() {
for (var x = 0; x < arguments.length; x++) {
return this;
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicBody#enableClass
* @description Similar to the `add` method, except the first parameter accepts a boolean
* value determining if the class should be added or removed. Rather than writing user code,
* such as "if true then add the class, else then remove the class", this method can be
* given a true or false value which reduces redundant code.
* @param {boolean} shouldEnableClass A true/false value if the class should be added or removed.
* @param {string} class Each remaining argument would be added or removed depending on
* the first argument.
* @returns {$ionicBody} The $ionicBody service so methods can be chained.
enableClass: function(shouldEnableClass) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).slice(1);
if (shouldEnableClass) {
this.addClass.apply(this, args);
} else {
this.removeClass.apply(this, args);
return this;
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicBody#append
* @description Append a child to the document's body.
* @param {element} element The element to be appended to the body. The passed in element
* can be either a jqLite element, or a DOM element.
* @returns {$ionicBody} The $ionicBody service so methods can be chained.
append: function(ele) {
$document[0].body.appendChild(ele.length ? ele[0] : ele);
return this;
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicBody#get
* @description Get the document's body element.
* @returns {element} Returns the document's body element.
get: function() {
return $document[0].body;
.factory('$ionicClickBlock', [
function($document, $ionicBody, $timeout) {
var CSS_HIDE = 'click-block-hide';
var cbEle, fallbackTimer, pendingShow;
function preventClick(ev) {
function addClickBlock() {
if (pendingShow) {
if (cbEle) {
} else {
cbEle = $document[0].createElement('div');
cbEle.className = 'click-block';
cbEle.addEventListener('touchstart', preventClick);
cbEle.addEventListener('mousedown', preventClick);
pendingShow = false;
function removeClickBlock() {
cbEle && cbEle.classList.add(CSS_HIDE);
return {
show: function(autoExpire) {
pendingShow = true;
fallbackTimer = $timeout(this.hide, autoExpire || 310, false);
hide: function() {
pendingShow = false;
* @ngdoc service
* @name $ionicGesture
* @module ionic
* @description An angular service exposing ionic
* {@link ionic.utility:ionic.EventController}'s gestures.
.factory('$ionicGesture', [function() {
return {
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicGesture#on
* @description Add an event listener for a gesture on an element. See {@link ionic.utility:ionic.EventController#onGesture}.
* @param {string} eventType The gesture event to listen for.
* @param {function(e)} callback The function to call when the gesture
* happens.
* @param {element} $element The angular element to listen for the event on.
* @param {object} options object.
* @returns {ionic.Gesture} The gesture object (use this to remove the gesture later on).
on: function(eventType, cb, $element, options) {
return window.ionic.onGesture(eventType, cb, $element[0], options);
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicGesture#off
* @description Remove an event listener for a gesture on an element. See {@link ionic.utility:ionic.EventController#offGesture}.
* @param {ionic.Gesture} gesture The gesture that should be removed.
* @param {string} eventType The gesture event to remove the listener for.
* @param {function(e)} callback The listener to remove.
off: function(gesture, eventType, cb) {
return window.ionic.offGesture(gesture, eventType, cb);
* @ngdoc service
* @name $ionicHistory
* @module ionic
* @description
* $ionicHistory keeps track of views as the user navigates through an app. Similar to the way a
* browser behaves, an Ionic app is able to keep track of the previous view, the current view, and
* the forward view (if there is one). However, a typical web browser only keeps track of one
* history stack in a linear fashion.
* Unlike a traditional browser environment, apps and webapps have parallel independent histories,
* such as with tabs. Should a user navigate few pages deep on one tab, and then switch to a new
* tab and back, the back button relates not to the previous tab, but to the previous pages
* visited within _that_ tab.
* `$ionicHistory` facilitates this parallel history architecture.
.factory('$ionicHistory', [
function($rootScope, $state, $location, $window, $timeout, $ionicViewSwitcher, $ionicNavViewDelegate) {
// history actions while navigating views
var ACTION_INITIAL_VIEW = 'initialView';
var ACTION_NEW_VIEW = 'newView';
var ACTION_MOVE_BACK = 'moveBack';
var ACTION_MOVE_FORWARD = 'moveForward';
// direction of navigation
var DIRECTION_BACK = 'back';
var DIRECTION_FORWARD = 'forward';
var DIRECTION_ENTER = 'enter';
var DIRECTION_EXIT = 'exit';
var DIRECTION_SWAP = 'swap';
var DIRECTION_NONE = 'none';
var stateChangeCounter = 0;
var lastStateId, nextViewOptions, deregisterStateChangeListener, nextViewExpireTimer, forcedNav;
var viewHistory = {
histories: { root: { historyId: 'root', parentHistoryId: null, stack: [], cursor: -1 } },
views: {},
backView: null,
forwardView: null,
currentView: null
var View = function() {};
View.prototype.initialize = function(data) {
if (data) {
for (var name in data) this[name] = data[name];
return this;
return null;
View.prototype.go = function() {
if (this.stateName) {
return $state.go(this.stateName, this.stateParams);
if (this.url && this.url !== $location.url()) {
if (viewHistory.backView === this) {
return $window.history.go(-1);
} else if (viewHistory.forwardView === this) {
return $window.history.go(1);
return null;
View.prototype.destroy = function() {
if (this.scope) {
this.scope.$destroy && this.scope.$destroy();
this.scope = null;
function getViewById(viewId) {
return (viewId ? viewHistory.views[ viewId ] : null);
function getBackView(view) {
return (view ? getViewById(view.backViewId) : null);
function getForwardView(view) {
return (view ? getViewById(view.forwardViewId) : null);
function getHistoryById(historyId) {
return (historyId ? viewHistory.histories[ historyId ] : null);
function getHistory(scope) {
var histObj = getParentHistoryObj(scope);
if (!viewHistory.histories[ histObj.historyId ]) {
// this history object exists in parent scope, but doesn't
// exist in the history data yet
viewHistory.histories[ histObj.historyId ] = {
historyId: histObj.historyId,
parentHistoryId: getParentHistoryObj(histObj.scope.$parent).historyId,
stack: [],
cursor: -1
return getHistoryById(histObj.historyId);
function getParentHistoryObj(scope) {
var parentScope = scope;
while (parentScope) {
if (parentScope.hasOwnProperty('$historyId')) {
// this parent scope has a historyId
return { historyId: parentScope.$historyId, scope: parentScope };
// nothing found keep climbing up
parentScope = parentScope.$parent;
// no history for the parent, use the root
return { historyId: 'root', scope: $rootScope };
function setNavViews(viewId) {
viewHistory.currentView = getViewById(viewId);
viewHistory.backView = getBackView(viewHistory.currentView);
viewHistory.forwardView = getForwardView(viewHistory.currentView);
function getCurrentStateId() {
var id;
if ($state && $state.current && $state.current.name) {
id = $state.current.name;
if ($state.params) {
for (var key in $state.params) {
if ($state.params.hasOwnProperty(key) && $state.params[key]) {
id += "_" + key + "=" + $state.params[key];
return id;
// if something goes wrong make sure its got a unique stateId
return ionic.Utils.nextUid();
function getCurrentStateParams() {
var rtn;
if ($state && $state.params) {
for (var key in $state.params) {
if ($state.params.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
rtn = rtn || {};
rtn[key] = $state.params[key];
return rtn;
return {
register: function(parentScope, viewLocals) {
var currentStateId = getCurrentStateId(),
hist = getHistory(parentScope),
currentView = viewHistory.currentView,
backView = viewHistory.backView,
forwardView = viewHistory.forwardView,
viewId = null,
action = null,
direction = DIRECTION_NONE,
historyId = hist.historyId,
url = $location.url(),
tmp, x, ele;
if (lastStateId !== currentStateId) {
lastStateId = currentStateId;
if (forcedNav) {
// we've previously set exactly what to do
viewId = forcedNav.viewId;
action = forcedNav.action;
direction = forcedNav.direction;
forcedNav = null;
} else if (backView && backView.stateId === currentStateId) {
// they went back one, set the old current view as a forward view
viewId = backView.viewId;
historyId = backView.historyId;
if (backView.historyId === currentView.historyId) {
// went back in the same history
direction = DIRECTION_BACK;
} else if (currentView) {
direction = DIRECTION_EXIT;
tmp = getHistoryById(backView.historyId);
if (tmp && tmp.parentHistoryId === currentView.historyId) {
direction = DIRECTION_ENTER;
} else {
tmp = getHistoryById(currentView.historyId);
if (tmp && tmp.parentHistoryId === hist.parentHistoryId) {
direction = DIRECTION_SWAP;
} else if (forwardView && forwardView.stateId === currentStateId) {
// they went to the forward one, set the forward view to no longer a forward view
viewId = forwardView.viewId;
historyId = forwardView.historyId;
if (forwardView.historyId === currentView.historyId) {
} else if (currentView) {
direction = DIRECTION_EXIT;
if (currentView.historyId === hist.parentHistoryId) {
direction = DIRECTION_ENTER;
} else {
tmp = getHistoryById(currentView.historyId);
if (tmp && tmp.parentHistoryId === hist.parentHistoryId) {
direction = DIRECTION_SWAP;
tmp = getParentHistoryObj(parentScope);
if (forwardView.historyId && tmp.scope) {
// if a history has already been created by the forward view then make sure it stays the same
tmp.scope.$historyId = forwardView.historyId;
historyId = forwardView.historyId;
} else if (currentView && currentView.historyId !== historyId &&
hist.cursor > -1 && hist.stack.length > 0 && hist.cursor < hist.stack.length &&
hist.stack[hist.cursor].stateId === currentStateId) {
// they just changed to a different history and the history already has views in it
var switchToView = hist.stack[hist.cursor];
viewId = switchToView.viewId;
historyId = switchToView.historyId;
direction = DIRECTION_SWAP;
tmp = getHistoryById(currentView.historyId);
if (tmp && tmp.parentHistoryId === historyId) {
direction = DIRECTION_EXIT;
} else {
tmp = getHistoryById(historyId);
if (tmp && tmp.parentHistoryId === currentView.historyId) {
direction = DIRECTION_ENTER;
// if switching to a different history, and the history of the view we're switching
// to has an existing back view from a different history than itself, then
// it's back view would be better represented using the current view as its back view
tmp = getViewById(switchToView.backViewId);
if (tmp && switchToView.historyId !== tmp.historyId) {
hist.stack[hist.cursor].backViewId = currentView.viewId;
} else {
// create an element from the viewLocals template
ele = $ionicViewSwitcher.createViewEle(viewLocals);
if (this.isAbstractEle(ele, viewLocals)) {
void 0;
return {
action: 'abstractView',
direction: DIRECTION_NONE,
ele: ele
// set a new unique viewId
viewId = ionic.Utils.nextUid();
if (currentView) {
// set the forward view if there is a current view (ie: if its not the first view)
currentView.forwardViewId = viewId;
// check if there is a new forward view within the same history
if (forwardView && currentView.stateId !== forwardView.stateId &&
currentView.historyId === forwardView.historyId) {
// they navigated to a new view but the stack already has a forward view
// since its a new view remove any forwards that existed
tmp = getHistoryById(forwardView.historyId);
if (tmp) {
// the forward has a history
for (x = tmp.stack.length - 1; x >= forwardView.index; x--) {
// starting from the end destroy all forwards in this history from this point
var stackItem = tmp.stack[x];
stackItem && stackItem.destroy && stackItem.destroy();
historyId = forwardView.historyId;
// its only moving forward if its in the same history
if (hist.historyId === currentView.historyId) {
} else if (currentView.historyId !== hist.historyId) {
direction = DIRECTION_ENTER;
tmp = getHistoryById(currentView.historyId);
if (tmp && tmp.parentHistoryId === hist.parentHistoryId) {
direction = DIRECTION_SWAP;
} else {
tmp = getHistoryById(tmp.parentHistoryId);
if (tmp && tmp.historyId === hist.historyId) {
direction = DIRECTION_EXIT;
} else {
// there's no current view, so this must be the initial view
if (stateChangeCounter < 2) {
// views that were spun up on the first load should not animate
direction = DIRECTION_NONE;
// add the new view
viewHistory.views[viewId] = this.createView({
viewId: viewId,
index: hist.stack.length,
historyId: hist.historyId,
backViewId: (currentView && currentView.viewId ? currentView.viewId : null),
forwardViewId: null,
stateId: currentStateId,
stateName: this.currentStateName(),
stateParams: getCurrentStateParams(),
url: url,
canSwipeBack: canSwipeBack(ele, viewLocals)
// add the new view to this history's stack
deregisterStateChangeListener && deregisterStateChangeListener();
if (nextViewOptions) {
if (nextViewOptions.disableAnimate) direction = DIRECTION_NONE;
if (nextViewOptions.disableBack) viewHistory.views[viewId].backViewId = null;
if (nextViewOptions.historyRoot) {
for (x = 0; x < hist.stack.length; x++) {
if (hist.stack[x].viewId === viewId) {
hist.stack[x].index = 0;
hist.stack[x].backViewId = hist.stack[x].forwardViewId = null;
} else {
delete viewHistory.views[hist.stack[x].viewId];
hist.stack = [viewHistory.views[viewId]];
nextViewOptions = null;
if (viewHistory.backView && historyId == viewHistory.backView.historyId && currentStateId == viewHistory.backView.stateId && url == viewHistory.backView.url) {
for (x = 0; x < hist.stack.length; x++) {
if (hist.stack[x].viewId == viewId) {
action = 'dupNav';
direction = DIRECTION_NONE;
if (x > 0) {
hist.stack[x - 1].forwardViewId = null;
viewHistory.forwardView = null;
viewHistory.currentView.index = viewHistory.backView.index;
viewHistory.currentView.backViewId = viewHistory.backView.backViewId;
viewHistory.backView = getBackView(viewHistory.backView);
hist.stack.splice(x, 1);
void 0;
hist.cursor = viewHistory.currentView.index;
return {
viewId: viewId,
action: action,
direction: direction,
historyId: historyId,
enableBack: this.enabledBack(viewHistory.currentView),
isHistoryRoot: (viewHistory.currentView.index === 0),
ele: ele
registerHistory: function(scope) {
scope.$historyId = ionic.Utils.nextUid();
createView: function(data) {
var newView = new View();
return newView.initialize(data);
getViewById: getViewById,
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicHistory#viewHistory
* @description The app's view history data, such as all the views and histories, along
* with how they are ordered and linked together within the navigation stack.
* @returns {object} Returns an object containing the apps view history data.
viewHistory: function() {
return viewHistory;
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicHistory#currentView
* @description The app's current view.
* @returns {object} Returns the current view.
currentView: function(view) {
if (arguments.length) {
viewHistory.currentView = view;
return viewHistory.currentView;
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicHistory#currentHistoryId
* @description The ID of the history stack which is the parent container of the current view.
* @returns {string} Returns the current history ID.
currentHistoryId: function() {
return viewHistory.currentView ? viewHistory.currentView.historyId : null;
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicHistory#currentTitle
* @description Gets and sets the current view's title.
* @param {string=} val The title to update the current view with.
* @returns {string} Returns the current view's title.
currentTitle: function(val) {
if (viewHistory.currentView) {
if (arguments.length) {
viewHistory.currentView.title = val;
return viewHistory.currentView.title;
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicHistory#backView
* @description Returns the view that was before the current view in the history stack.
* If the user navigated from View A to View B, then View A would be the back view, and
* View B would be the current view.
* @returns {object} Returns the back view.
backView: function(view) {
if (arguments.length) {
viewHistory.backView = view;
return viewHistory.backView;
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicHistory#backTitle
* @description Gets the back view's title.
* @returns {string} Returns the back view's title.
backTitle: function(view) {
var backView = (view && getViewById(view.backViewId)) || viewHistory.backView;
return backView && backView.title;
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicHistory#forwardView
* @description Returns the view that was in front of the current view in the history stack.
* A forward view would exist if the user navigated from View A to View B, then
* navigated back to View A. At this point then View B would be the forward view, and View
* A would be the current view.
* @returns {object} Returns the forward view.
forwardView: function(view) {
if (arguments.length) {
viewHistory.forwardView = view;
return viewHistory.forwardView;
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicHistory#currentStateName
* @description Returns the current state name.
* @returns {string}
currentStateName: function() {
return ($state && $state.current ? $state.current.name : null);
isCurrentStateNavView: function(navView) {
return !!($state && $state.current && $state.current.views && $state.current.views[navView]);
goToHistoryRoot: function(historyId) {
if (historyId) {
var hist = getHistoryById(historyId);
if (hist && hist.stack.length) {
if (viewHistory.currentView && viewHistory.currentView.viewId === hist.stack[0].viewId) {
forcedNav = {
viewId: hist.stack[0].viewId,
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicHistory#goBack
* @param {number=} backCount Optional negative integer setting how many views to go
* back. By default it'll go back one view by using the value `-1`. To go back two
* views you would use `-2`. If the number goes farther back than the number of views
* in the current history's stack then it'll go to the first view in the current history's
* stack. If the number is zero or greater then it'll do nothing. It also does not
* cross history stacks, meaning it can only go as far back as the current history.
* @description Navigates the app to the back view, if a back view exists.
goBack: function(backCount) {
if (isDefined(backCount) && backCount !== -1) {
if (backCount > -1) return;
var currentHistory = viewHistory.histories[this.currentHistoryId()];
var newCursor = currentHistory.cursor + backCount + 1;
if (newCursor < 1) {
newCursor = 1;
currentHistory.cursor = newCursor;
var cursor = newCursor - 1;
var clearStateIds = [];
var fwdView = getViewById(currentHistory.stack[cursor].forwardViewId);
while (fwdView) {
clearStateIds.push(fwdView.stateId || fwdView.viewId);
if (cursor >= currentHistory.stack.length) break;
fwdView = getViewById(currentHistory.stack[cursor].forwardViewId);
var self = this;
if (clearStateIds.length) {
$timeout(function() {
}, 600);
viewHistory.backView && viewHistory.backView.go();
enabledBack: function(view) {
var backView = getBackView(view);
return !!(backView && backView.historyId === view.historyId);
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicHistory#clearHistory
* @description Clears out the app's entire history, except for the current view.
clearHistory: function() {
histories = viewHistory.histories,
currentView = viewHistory.currentView;
if (histories) {
for (var historyId in histories) {
if (histories[historyId].stack) {
histories[historyId].stack = [];
histories[historyId].cursor = -1;
if (currentView && currentView.historyId === historyId) {
currentView.backViewId = currentView.forwardViewId = null;
} else if (histories[historyId].destroy) {
for (var viewId in viewHistory.views) {
if (viewId !== currentView.viewId) {
delete viewHistory.views[viewId];
if (currentView) {
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicHistory#clearCache
* @return promise
* @description Removes all cached views within every {@link ionic.directive:ionNavView}.
* This both removes the view element from the DOM, and destroy it's scope.
clearCache: function(stateIds) {
return $timeout(function() {
$ionicNavViewDelegate._instances.forEach(function(instance) {
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicHistory#nextViewOptions
* @description Sets options for the next view. This method can be useful to override
* certain view/transition defaults right before a view transition happens. For example,
* the {@link ionic.directive:menuClose} directive uses this method internally to ensure
* an animated view transition does not happen when a side menu is open, and also sets
* the next view as the root of its history stack. After the transition these options
* are set back to null.
* Available options:
* * `disableAnimate`: Do not animate the next transition.
* * `disableBack`: The next view should forget its back view, and set it to null.
* * `historyRoot`: The next view should become the root view in its history stack.
* ```js
* $ionicHistory.nextViewOptions({
* disableAnimate: true,
* disableBack: true
* });
* ```
nextViewOptions: function(opts) {
deregisterStateChangeListener && deregisterStateChangeListener();
if (arguments.length) {
if (opts === null) {
nextViewOptions = opts;
} else {
nextViewOptions = nextViewOptions || {};
extend(nextViewOptions, opts);
if (nextViewOptions.expire) {
deregisterStateChangeListener = $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function() {
nextViewExpireTimer = $timeout(function() {
nextViewOptions = null;
}, nextViewOptions.expire);
return nextViewOptions;
isAbstractEle: function(ele, viewLocals) {
if (viewLocals && viewLocals.$$state && viewLocals.$$state.self['abstract']) {
return true;
return !!(ele && (isAbstractTag(ele) || isAbstractTag(ele.children())));
isActiveScope: function(scope) {
if (!scope) return false;
var climbScope = scope;
var currentHistoryId = this.currentHistoryId();
var foundHistoryId;
while (climbScope) {
if (climbScope.$$disconnected) {
return false;
if (!foundHistoryId && climbScope.hasOwnProperty('$historyId')) {
foundHistoryId = true;
if (currentHistoryId) {
if (climbScope.hasOwnProperty('$historyId') && currentHistoryId == climbScope.$historyId) {
return true;
if (climbScope.hasOwnProperty('$activeHistoryId')) {
if (currentHistoryId == climbScope.$activeHistoryId) {
if (climbScope.hasOwnProperty('$historyId')) {
return true;
if (!foundHistoryId) {
return true;
if (foundHistoryId && climbScope.hasOwnProperty('$activeHistoryId')) {
foundHistoryId = false;
climbScope = climbScope.$parent;
return currentHistoryId ? currentHistoryId == 'root' : true;
function isAbstractTag(ele) {
return ele && ele.length && /ion-side-menus|ion-tabs/i.test(ele[0].tagName);
function canSwipeBack(ele, viewLocals) {
if (viewLocals && viewLocals.$$state && viewLocals.$$state.self.canSwipeBack === false) {
return false;
if (ele && ele.attr('can-swipe-back') === 'false') {
return false;
return true;
function($rootScope, $state, $location, $document, $ionicPlatform, $ionicHistory, IONIC_BACK_PRIORITY) {
// always reset the keyboard state when change stage
$rootScope.$on('$ionicView.beforeEnter', function() {
ionic.keyboard && ionic.keyboard.hide && ionic.keyboard.hide();
$rootScope.$on('$ionicHistory.change', function(e, data) {
if (!data) return null;
var viewHistory = $ionicHistory.viewHistory();
var hist = (data.historyId ? viewHistory.histories[ data.historyId ] : null);
if (hist && hist.cursor > -1 && hist.cursor < hist.stack.length) {
// the history they're going to already exists
// go to it's last view in its stack
var view = hist.stack[ hist.cursor ];
return view.go(data);
// this history does not have a URL, but it does have a uiSref
// figure out its URL from the uiSref
if (!data.url && data.uiSref) {
data.url = $state.href(data.uiSref);
if (data.url) {
// don't let it start with a #, messes with $location.url()
if (data.url.indexOf('#') === 0) {
data.url = data.url.replace('#', '');
if (data.url !== $location.url()) {
// we've got a good URL, ready GO!
$rootScope.$ionicGoBack = function(backCount) {
// Set the document title when a new view is shown
$rootScope.$on('$ionicView.afterEnter', function(ev, data) {
if (data && data.title) {
$document[0].title = data.title;
// Triggered when devices with a hardware back button (Android) is clicked by the user
// This is a Cordova/Phonegap platform specifc method
function onHardwareBackButton(e) {
var backView = $ionicHistory.backView();
if (backView) {
// there is a back view, go to it
} else {
// there is no back view, so close the app instead
return false;
* @ngdoc provider
* @name $ionicConfigProvider
* @module ionic
* @description
* Ionic automatically takes platform configurations into account to adjust things like what
* transition style to use and whether tab icons should show on the top or bottom. For example,
* iOS will move forward by transitioning the entering view from right to center and the leaving
* view from center to left. However, Android will transition with the entering view going from
* bottom to center, covering the previous view, which remains stationary. It should be noted
* that when a platform is not iOS or Android, then it'll default to iOS. So if you are
* developing on a desktop browser, it's going to take on iOS default configs.
* These configs can be changed using the `$ionicConfigProvider` during the configuration phase
* of your app. Additionally, `$ionicConfig` can also set and get config values during the run
* phase and within the app itself.
* By default, all base config variables are set to `'platform'`, which means it'll take on the
* default config of the platform on which it's running. Config variables can be set at this
* level so all platforms follow the same setting, rather than its platform config.
* The following code would set the same config variable for all platforms:
* ```js
* $ionicConfigProvider.views.maxCache(10);
* ```
* Additionally, each platform can have it's own config within the `$ionicConfigProvider.platform`
* property. The config below would only apply to Android devices.
* ```js
* $ionicConfigProvider.platform.android.views.maxCache(5);
* ```
* @usage
* ```js
* var myApp = angular.module('reallyCoolApp', ['ionic']);
* myApp.config(function($ionicConfigProvider) {
* $ionicConfigProvider.views.maxCache(5);
* // note that you can also chain configs
* $ionicConfigProvider.backButton.text('Go Back').icon('ion-chevron-left');
* });
* ```
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicConfigProvider#views.transition
* @description Animation style when transitioning between views. Default `platform`.
* @param {string} transition Which style of view transitioning to use.
* * `platform`: Dynamically choose the correct transition style depending on the platform
* the app is running from. If the platform is not `ios` or `android` then it will default
* to `ios`.
* * `ios`: iOS style transition.
* * `android`: Android style transition.
* * `none`: Do not perform animated transitions.
* @returns {string} value
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicConfigProvider#views.maxCache
* @description Maximum number of view elements to cache in the DOM. When the max number is
* exceeded, the view with the longest time period since it was accessed is removed. Views that
* stay in the DOM cache the view's scope, current state, and scroll position. The scope is
* disconnected from the `$watch` cycle when it is cached and reconnected when it enters again.
* When the maximum cache is `0`, the leaving view's element will be removed from the DOM after
* each view transition, and the next time the same view is shown, it will have to re-compile,
* attach to the DOM, and link the element again. This disables caching, in effect.
* @param {number} maxNumber Maximum number of views to retain. Default `10`.
* @returns {number} How many views Ionic will hold onto until the a view is removed.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicConfigProvider#views.forwardCache
* @description By default, when navigating, views that were recently visited are cached, and
* the same instance data and DOM elements are referenced when navigating back. However, when
* navigating back in the history, the "forward" views are removed from the cache. If you
* navigate forward to the same view again, it'll create a new DOM element and controller
* instance. Basically, any forward views are reset each time. Set this config to `true` to have
* forward views cached and not reset on each load.
* @param {boolean} value
* @returns {boolean}
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicConfigProvider#scrolling.jsScrolling
* @description Whether to use JS or Native scrolling. Defaults to JS scrolling. Setting this to
* `false` has the same effect as setting each `ion-content` to have `overflow-scroll='true'`.
* @param {boolean} value Defaults to `true`
* @returns {boolean}
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicConfigProvider#backButton.icon
* @description Back button icon.
* @param {string} value
* @returns {string}
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicConfigProvider#backButton.text
* @description Back button text.
* @param {string} value Defaults to `Back`.
* @returns {string}
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicConfigProvider#backButton.previousTitleText
* @description If the previous title text should become the back button text. This
* is the default for iOS.
* @param {boolean} value
* @returns {boolean}
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicConfigProvider#form.checkbox
* @description Checkbox style. Android defaults to `square` and iOS defaults to `circle`.
* @param {string} value
* @returns {string}
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicConfigProvider#form.toggle
* @description Toggle item style. Android defaults to `small` and iOS defaults to `large`.
* @param {string} value
* @returns {string}
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicConfigProvider#spinner.icon
* @description Default spinner icon to use.
* @param {string} value Can be: `android`, `ios`, `ios-small`, `bubbles`, `circles`, `crescent`,
* `dots`, `lines`, `ripple`, or `spiral`.
* @returns {string}
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicConfigProvider#tabs.style
* @description Tab style. Android defaults to `striped` and iOS defaults to `standard`.
* @param {string} value Available values include `striped` and `standard`.
* @returns {string}
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicConfigProvider#tabs.position
* @description Tab position. Android defaults to `top` and iOS defaults to `bottom`.
* @param {string} value Available values include `top` and `bottom`.
* @returns {string}
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicConfigProvider#templates.maxPrefetch
* @description Sets the maximum number of templates to prefetch from the templateUrls defined in
* $stateProvider.state. If set to `0`, the user will have to wait
* for a template to be fetched the first time when navigating to a new page. Default `30`.
* @param {integer} value Max number of template to prefetch from the templateUrls defined in
* `$stateProvider.state()`.
* @returns {integer}
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicConfigProvider#navBar.alignTitle
* @description Which side of the navBar to align the title. Default `center`.
* @param {string} value side of the navBar to align the title.
* * `platform`: Dynamically choose the correct title style depending on the platform
* the app is running from. If the platform is `ios`, it will default to `center`.
* If the platform is `android`, it will default to `left`. If the platform is not
* `ios` or `android`, it will default to `center`.
* * `left`: Left align the title in the navBar
* * `center`: Center align the title in the navBar
* * `right`: Right align the title in the navBar.
* @returns {string} value
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicConfigProvider#navBar.positionPrimaryButtons
* @description Which side of the navBar to align the primary navBar buttons. Default `left`.
* @param {string} value side of the navBar to align the primary navBar buttons.
* * `platform`: Dynamically choose the correct title style depending on the platform
* the app is running from. If the platform is `ios`, it will default to `left`.
* If the platform is `android`, it will default to `right`. If the platform is not
* `ios` or `android`, it will default to `left`.
* * `left`: Left align the primary navBar buttons in the navBar
* * `right`: Right align the primary navBar buttons in the navBar.
* @returns {string} value
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicConfigProvider#navBar.positionSecondaryButtons
* @description Which side of the navBar to align the secondary navBar buttons. Default `right`.
* @param {string} value side of the navBar to align the secondary navBar buttons.
* * `platform`: Dynamically choose the correct title style depending on the platform
* the app is running from. If the platform is `ios`, it will default to `right`.
* If the platform is `android`, it will default to `right`. If the platform is not
* `ios` or `android`, it will default to `right`.
* * `left`: Left align the secondary navBar buttons in the navBar
* * `right`: Right align the secondary navBar buttons in the navBar.
* @returns {string} value
.provider('$ionicConfig', function() {
var provider = this;
provider.platform = {};
var PLATFORM = 'platform';
var configProperties = {
views: {
maxCache: PLATFORM,
forwardCache: PLATFORM,
transition: PLATFORM,
swipeBackEnabled: PLATFORM,
swipeBackHitWidth: PLATFORM
navBar: {
alignTitle: PLATFORM,
positionPrimaryButtons: PLATFORM,
positionSecondaryButtons: PLATFORM,
transition: PLATFORM
backButton: {
previousTitleText: PLATFORM
form: {
checkbox: PLATFORM,
toggle: PLATFORM
scrolling: {
jsScrolling: PLATFORM
spinner: {
tabs: {
style: PLATFORM,
position: PLATFORM
templates: {
maxPrefetch: PLATFORM
platform: {}
createConfig(configProperties, provider, '');
// Default
// -------------------------
setPlatformConfig('default', {
views: {
maxCache: 10,
forwardCache: false,
transition: 'ios',
swipeBackEnabled: true,
swipeBackHitWidth: 45
navBar: {
alignTitle: 'center',
positionPrimaryButtons: 'left',
positionSecondaryButtons: 'right',
transition: 'view'
backButton: {
icon: 'ion-ios-arrow-back',
text: 'Back',
previousTitleText: true
form: {
checkbox: 'circle',
toggle: 'large'
scrolling: {
jsScrolling: true
spinner: {
icon: 'ios'
tabs: {
style: 'standard',
position: 'bottom'
templates: {
maxPrefetch: 30
// iOS (it is the default already)
// -------------------------
setPlatformConfig('ios', {});
// Android
// -------------------------
setPlatformConfig('android', {
views: {
transition: 'android',
swipeBackEnabled: false
navBar: {
alignTitle: 'left',
positionPrimaryButtons: 'right',
positionSecondaryButtons: 'right'
backButton: {
icon: 'ion-android-arrow-back',
text: false,
previousTitleText: false
form: {
checkbox: 'square',
toggle: 'small'
spinner: {
icon: 'android'
tabs: {
style: 'striped',
position: 'top'
// Windows Phone
// -------------------------
setPlatformConfig('windowsphone', {
//scrolling: {
// jsScrolling: false
spinner: {
icon: 'android'
provider.transitions = {
views: {},
navBar: {}
// iOS Transitions
// -----------------------
provider.transitions.views.ios = function(enteringEle, leavingEle, direction, shouldAnimate) {
function setStyles(ele, opacity, x, boxShadowOpacity) {
var css = {};
css[ionic.CSS.TRANSITION_DURATION] = d.shouldAnimate ? '' : 0;
css.opacity = opacity;
if (boxShadowOpacity > -1) {
css.boxShadow = '0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,' + (d.shouldAnimate ? boxShadowOpacity * 0.45 : 0.3) + ')';
css[ionic.CSS.TRANSFORM] = 'translate3d(' + x + '%,0,0)';
ionic.DomUtil.cachedStyles(ele, css);
var d = {
run: function(step) {
if (direction == 'forward') {
setStyles(enteringEle, 1, (1 - step) * 99, 1 - step); // starting at 98% prevents a flicker
setStyles(leavingEle, (1 - 0.1 * step), step * -33, -1);
} else if (direction == 'back') {
setStyles(enteringEle, (1 - 0.1 * (1 - step)), (1 - step) * -33, -1);
setStyles(leavingEle, 1, step * 100, 1 - step);
} else {
// swap, enter, exit
setStyles(enteringEle, 1, 0, -1);
setStyles(leavingEle, 0, 0, -1);
shouldAnimate: shouldAnimate && (direction == 'forward' || direction == 'back')
return d;
provider.transitions.navBar.ios = function(enteringHeaderBar, leavingHeaderBar, direction, shouldAnimate) {
function setStyles(ctrl, opacity, titleX, backTextX) {
var css = {};
css[ionic.CSS.TRANSITION_DURATION] = d.shouldAnimate ? '' : '0ms';
css.opacity = opacity === 1 ? '' : opacity;
ctrl.setCss('buttons-left', css);
ctrl.setCss('buttons-right', css);
ctrl.setCss('back-button', css);
css[ionic.CSS.TRANSFORM] = 'translate3d(' + backTextX + 'px,0,0)';
ctrl.setCss('back-text', css);
css[ionic.CSS.TRANSFORM] = 'translate3d(' + titleX + 'px,0,0)';
ctrl.setCss('title', css);
function enter(ctrlA, ctrlB, step) {
if (!ctrlA || !ctrlB) return;
var titleX = (ctrlA.titleTextX() + ctrlA.titleWidth()) * (1 - step);
var backTextX = (ctrlB && (ctrlB.titleTextX() - ctrlA.backButtonTextLeft()) * (1 - step)) || 0;
setStyles(ctrlA, step, titleX, backTextX);
function leave(ctrlA, ctrlB, step) {
if (!ctrlA || !ctrlB) return;
var titleX = (-(ctrlA.titleTextX() - ctrlB.backButtonTextLeft()) - (ctrlA.titleLeftRight())) * step;
setStyles(ctrlA, 1 - step, titleX, 0);
var d = {
run: function(step) {
var enteringHeaderCtrl = enteringHeaderBar.controller();
var leavingHeaderCtrl = leavingHeaderBar && leavingHeaderBar.controller();
if (d.direction == 'back') {
leave(enteringHeaderCtrl, leavingHeaderCtrl, 1 - step);
enter(leavingHeaderCtrl, enteringHeaderCtrl, 1 - step);
} else {
enter(enteringHeaderCtrl, leavingHeaderCtrl, step);
leave(leavingHeaderCtrl, enteringHeaderCtrl, step);
direction: direction,
shouldAnimate: shouldAnimate && (direction == 'forward' || direction == 'back')
return d;
// Android Transitions
// -----------------------
provider.transitions.views.android = function(enteringEle, leavingEle, direction, shouldAnimate) {
shouldAnimate = shouldAnimate && (direction == 'forward' || direction == 'back');
function setStyles(ele, x) {
var css = {};
css[ionic.CSS.TRANSITION_DURATION] = d.shouldAnimate ? '' : 0;
css[ionic.CSS.TRANSFORM] = 'translate3d(' + x + '%,0,0)';
ionic.DomUtil.cachedStyles(ele, css);
var d = {
run: function(step) {
if (direction == 'forward') {
setStyles(enteringEle, (1 - step) * 99); // starting at 98% prevents a flicker
setStyles(leavingEle, step * -100);
} else if (direction == 'back') {
setStyles(enteringEle, (1 - step) * -100);
setStyles(leavingEle, step * 100);
} else {
// swap, enter, exit
setStyles(enteringEle, 0);
setStyles(leavingEle, 0);
shouldAnimate: shouldAnimate
return d;
provider.transitions.navBar.android = function(enteringHeaderBar, leavingHeaderBar, direction, shouldAnimate) {
function setStyles(ctrl, opacity) {
if (!ctrl) return;
var css = {};
css.opacity = opacity === 1 ? '' : opacity;
ctrl.setCss('buttons-left', css);
ctrl.setCss('buttons-right', css);
ctrl.setCss('back-button', css);
ctrl.setCss('back-text', css);
ctrl.setCss('title', css);
return {
run: function(step) {
setStyles(enteringHeaderBar.controller(), step);
setStyles(leavingHeaderBar && leavingHeaderBar.controller(), 1 - step);
shouldAnimate: shouldAnimate && (direction == 'forward' || direction == 'back')
// No Transition
// -----------------------
provider.transitions.views.none = function(enteringEle, leavingEle) {
return {
run: function(step) {
provider.transitions.views.android(enteringEle, leavingEle, false, false).run(step);
shouldAnimate: false
provider.transitions.navBar.none = function(enteringHeaderBar, leavingHeaderBar) {
return {
run: function(step) {
provider.transitions.navBar.ios(enteringHeaderBar, leavingHeaderBar, false, false).run(step);
provider.transitions.navBar.android(enteringHeaderBar, leavingHeaderBar, false, false).run(step);
shouldAnimate: false
// private: used to set platform configs
function setPlatformConfig(platformName, platformConfigs) {
configProperties.platform[platformName] = platformConfigs;
provider.platform[platformName] = {};
addConfig(configProperties, configProperties.platform[platformName]);
createConfig(configProperties.platform[platformName], provider.platform[platformName], '');
// private: used to recursively add new platform configs
function addConfig(configObj, platformObj) {
for (var n in configObj) {
if (n != PLATFORM && configObj.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
if (angular.isObject(configObj[n])) {
if (!isDefined(platformObj[n])) {
platformObj[n] = {};
addConfig(configObj[n], platformObj[n]);
} else if (!isDefined(platformObj[n])) {
platformObj[n] = null;
// private: create methods for each config to get/set
function createConfig(configObj, providerObj, platformPath) {
forEach(configObj, function(value, namespace) {
if (angular.isObject(configObj[namespace])) {
// recursively drill down the config object so we can create a method for each one
providerObj[namespace] = {};
createConfig(configObj[namespace], providerObj[namespace], platformPath + '.' + namespace);
} else {
// create a method for the provider/config methods that will be exposed
providerObj[namespace] = function(newValue) {
if (arguments.length) {
configObj[namespace] = newValue;
return providerObj;
if (configObj[namespace] == PLATFORM) {
// if the config is set to 'platform', then get this config's platform value
var platformConfig = stringObj(configProperties.platform, ionic.Platform.platform() + platformPath + '.' + namespace);
if (platformConfig || platformConfig === false) {
return platformConfig;
// didnt find a specific platform config, now try the default
return stringObj(configProperties.platform, 'default' + platformPath + '.' + namespace);
return configObj[namespace];
function stringObj(obj, str) {
str = str.split(".");
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
if (obj && isDefined(obj[str[i]])) {
obj = obj[str[i]];
} else {
return null;
return obj;
provider.setPlatformConfig = setPlatformConfig;
// private: Service definition for internal Ionic use
* @ngdoc service
* @name $ionicConfig
* @module ionic
* @private
provider.$get = function() {
return provider;
// Fix for URLs in Cordova apps on Windows Phone
// http://blogs.msdn.com/b/msdn_answers/archive/2015/02/10/
// running-cordova-apps-on-windows-and-windows-phone-8-1-using-ionic-angularjs-and-other-frameworks.aspx
.config(['$compileProvider', function($compileProvider) {
' +
' +
' +
var LOADING_HIDE_DEPRECATED = '$ionicLoading instance.hide() has been deprecated. Use $ionicLoading.hide().';
var LOADING_SHOW_DEPRECATED = '$ionicLoading instance.show() has been deprecated. Use $ionicLoading.show().';
var LOADING_SET_DEPRECATED = '$ionicLoading instance.setContent() has been deprecated. Use $ionicLoading.show({ template: \'my content\' }).';
* @ngdoc service
* @name $ionicLoading
* @module ionic
* @description
* An overlay that can be used to indicate activity while blocking user
* interaction.
* @usage
* ```js
* angular.module('LoadingApp', ['ionic'])
* .controller('LoadingCtrl', function($scope, $ionicLoading) {
* $scope.show = function() {
* $ionicLoading.show({
* template: 'Loading...'
* });
* };
* $scope.hide = function(){
* $ionicLoading.hide();
* };
* });
* ```
* @ngdoc object
* @name $ionicLoadingConfig
* @module ionic
* @description
* Set the default options to be passed to the {@link ionic.service:$ionicLoading} service.
* @usage
* ```js
* var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ionic'])
* app.constant('$ionicLoadingConfig', {
* template: 'Default Loading Template...'
* });
* app.controller('AppCtrl', function($scope, $ionicLoading) {
* $scope.showLoading = function() {
* $ionicLoading.show(); //options default to values in $ionicLoadingConfig
* };
* });
* ```
.constant('$ionicLoadingConfig', {
template: ''
.factory('$ionicLoading', [
function($ionicLoadingConfig, $ionicBody, $ionicTemplateLoader, $ionicBackdrop, $timeout, $q, $log, $compile, $ionicPlatform, $rootScope, IONIC_BACK_PRIORITY) {
var loaderInstance;
//default values
var deregisterBackAction = noop;
var deregisterStateListener1 = noop;
var deregisterStateListener2 = noop;
var loadingShowDelay = $q.when();
return {
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicLoading#show
* @description Shows a loading indicator. If the indicator is already shown,
* it will set the options given and keep the indicator shown.
* @param {object} opts The options for the loading indicator. Available properties:
* - `{string=}` `template` The html content of the indicator.
* - `{string=}` `templateUrl` The url of an html template to load as the content of the indicator.
* - `{object=}` `scope` The scope to be a child of. Default: creates a child of $rootScope.
* - `{boolean=}` `noBackdrop` Whether to hide the backdrop. By default it will be shown.
* - `{boolean=}` `hideOnStateChange` Whether to hide the loading spinner when navigating
* to a new state. Default false.
* - `{number=}` `delay` How many milliseconds to delay showing the indicator. By default there is no delay.
* - `{number=}` `duration` How many milliseconds to wait until automatically
* hiding the indicator. By default, the indicator will be shown until `.hide()` is called.
show: showLoader,
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicLoading#hide
* @description Hides the loading indicator, if shown.
hide: hideLoader,
* @private for testing
_getLoader: getLoader
function getLoader() {
if (!loaderInstance) {
loaderInstance = $ionicTemplateLoader.compile({
template: LOADING_TPL,
appendTo: $ionicBody.get()
.then(function(self) {
self.show = function(options) {
var templatePromise = options.templateUrl ?
$ionicTemplateLoader.load(options.templateUrl) :
//options.content: deprecated
$q.when(options.template || options.content || '');
self.scope = options.scope || self.scope;
if (!self.isShown) {
//options.showBackdrop: deprecated
self.hasBackdrop = !options.noBackdrop && options.showBackdrop !== false;
if (self.hasBackdrop) {
if (options.duration) {
self.durationTimeout = $timeout(
angular.bind(self, self.hide),
//Disable hardware back button while loading
deregisterBackAction = $ionicPlatform.registerBackButtonAction(
templatePromise.then(function(html) {
if (html) {
var loading = self.element.children();
//Don't show until template changes
if (self.isShown) {
ionic.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
if (self.isShown) {
self.isShown = true;
self.hide = function() {
if (self.isShown) {
if (self.hasBackdrop) {
setTimeout(function() {
!self.isShown && self.element.removeClass('visible');
}, 200);
self.isShown = false;
return self;
return loaderInstance;
function showLoader(options) {
options = extend({}, $ionicLoadingConfig || {}, options || {});
var delay = options.delay || options.showDelay || 0;
if (options.hideOnStateChange) {
deregisterStateListener1 = $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', hideLoader);
deregisterStateListener2 = $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeError', hideLoader);
//If loading.show() was called previously, cancel it and show with our new options
loadingShowDelay = $timeout(noop, delay);
loadingShowDelay.then(getLoader).then(function(loader) {
return loader.show(options);
return {
hide: function deprecatedHide() {
return hideLoader.apply(this, arguments);
show: function deprecatedShow() {
return showLoader.apply(this, arguments);
setContent: function deprecatedSetContent(content) {
return getLoader().then(function(loader) {
loader.show({ template: content });
function hideLoader() {
getLoader().then(function(loader) {
* @ngdoc service
* @name $ionicModal
* @module ionic
* @description
* Related: {@link ionic.controller:ionicModal ionicModal controller}.
* The Modal is a content pane that can go over the user's main view
* temporarily. Usually used for making a choice or editing an item.
* Put the content of the modal inside of an `` element.
* **Notes:**
* - A modal will broadcast 'modal.shown', 'modal.hidden', and 'modal.removed' events from its originating
* scope, passing in itself as an event argument. Both the modal.removed and modal.hidden events are
* called when the modal is removed.
* - This example assumes your modal is in your main index file or another template file. If it is in its own
* template file, remove the script tags and call it by file name.
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
* ```js
* angular.module('testApp', ['ionic'])
* .controller('MyController', function($scope, $ionicModal) {
* $ionicModal.fromTemplateUrl('my-modal.html', {
* scope: $scope,
* animation: 'slide-in-up'
* }).then(function(modal) {
* $scope.modal = modal;
* });
* $scope.openModal = function() {
* $scope.modal.show();
* };
* $scope.closeModal = function() {
* $scope.modal.hide();
* };
* //Cleanup the modal when we're done with it!
* $scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
* $scope.modal.remove();
* });
* // Execute action on hide modal
* $scope.$on('modal.hidden', function() {
* // Execute action
* });
* // Execute action on remove modal
* $scope.$on('modal.removed', function() {
* // Execute action
* });
* });
* ```
.factory('$ionicModal', [
function($rootScope, $ionicBody, $compile, $timeout, $ionicPlatform, $ionicTemplateLoader, $$q, $log, $ionicClickBlock, $window, IONIC_BACK_PRIORITY) {
* @ngdoc controller
* @name ionicModal
* @module ionic
* @description
* Instantiated by the {@link ionic.service:$ionicModal} service.
* Be sure to call [remove()](#remove) when you are done with each modal
* to clean it up and avoid memory leaks.
* Note: a modal will broadcast 'modal.shown', 'modal.hidden', and 'modal.removed' events from its originating
* scope, passing in itself as an event argument. Note: both modal.removed and modal.hidden are
* called when the modal is removed.
var ModalView = ionic.views.Modal.inherit({
* @ngdoc method
* @name ionicModal#initialize
* @description Creates a new modal controller instance.
* @param {object} options An options object with the following properties:
* - `{object=}` `scope` The scope to be a child of.
* Default: creates a child of $rootScope.
* - `{string=}` `animation` The animation to show & hide with.
* Default: 'slide-in-up'
* - `{boolean=}` `focusFirstInput` Whether to autofocus the first input of
* the modal when shown. Will only show the keyboard on iOS, to force the keyboard to show
* on Android, please use the [Ionic keyboard plugin](https://github.com/driftyco/ionic-plugin-keyboard#keyboardshow).
* Default: false.
* - `{boolean=}` `backdropClickToClose` Whether to close the modal on clicking the backdrop.
* Default: true.
* - `{boolean=}` `hardwareBackButtonClose` Whether the modal can be closed using the hardware
* back button on Android and similar devices. Default: true.
initialize: function(opts) {
ionic.views.Modal.prototype.initialize.call(this, opts);
this.animation = opts.animation || 'slide-in-up';
* @ngdoc method
* @name ionicModal#show
* @description Show this modal instance.
* @returns {promise} A promise which is resolved when the modal is finished animating in.
show: function(target) {
var self = this;
if (self.scope.$$destroyed) {
$log.error('Cannot call ' + self.viewType + '.show() after remove(). Please create a new ' + self.viewType + ' instance.');
return $$q.when();
// on iOS, clicks will sometimes bleed through/ghost click on underlying
// elements
var modalEl = jqLite(self.modalEl);
$timeout(function() {
if (!self._isShown) return;
$ionicBody.addClass(self.viewType + '-open');
}, 400, false);
if (!self.el.parentElement) {
// if modal was closed while the keyboard was up, reset scroll view on
// next show since we can only resize it once it's visible
var scrollCtrl = modalEl.data('$$ionicScrollController');
scrollCtrl && scrollCtrl.resize();
if (target && self.positionView) {
self.positionView(target, modalEl);
// set up a listener for in case the window size changes
self._onWindowResize = function() {
if (self._isShown) self.positionView(target, modalEl);
ionic.on('resize', self._onWindowResize, window);
modalEl.addClass('ng-enter active')
.removeClass('ng-leave ng-leave-active');
self._isShown = true;
self._deregisterBackButton = $ionicPlatform.registerBackButtonAction(
self.hardwareBackButtonClose ? angular.bind(self, self.hide) : noop,
$timeout(function() {
if (!self._isShown) return;
self.scope.$parent && self.scope.$parent.$broadcast(self.viewType + '.shown', self);
}, 20);
return $timeout(function() {
if (!self._isShown) return;
//After animating in, allow hide on backdrop click
self.$el.on('click', function(e) {
if (self.backdropClickToClose && e.target === self.el && stack.isHighest(self)) {
}, 400);
* @ngdoc method
* @name ionicModal#hide
* @description Hide this modal instance.
* @returns {promise} A promise which is resolved when the modal is finished animating out.
hide: function() {
var self = this;
var modalEl = jqLite(self.modalEl);
// on iOS, clicks will sometimes bleed through/ghost click on underlying
// elements
$timeout(function() {
if (self._isShown) return;
.removeClass('ng-enter ng-enter-active active');
}, 20, false);
self._isShown = false;
self.scope.$parent && self.scope.$parent.$broadcast(self.viewType + '.hidden', self);
self._deregisterBackButton && self._deregisterBackButton();
// clean up event listeners
if (self.positionView) {
ionic.off('resize', self._onWindowResize, window);
return $timeout(function() {
$ionicBody.removeClass(self.viewType + '-open');
}, self.hideDelay || 320);
* @ngdoc method
* @name ionicModal#remove
* @description Remove this modal instance from the DOM and clean up.
* @returns {promise} A promise which is resolved when the modal is finished animating out.
remove: function() {
var self = this;
self.scope.$parent && self.scope.$parent.$broadcast(self.viewType + '.removed', self);
return self.hide().then(function() {
* @ngdoc method
* @name ionicModal#isShown
* @returns boolean Whether this modal is currently shown.
isShown: function() {
return !!this._isShown;
var createModal = function(templateString, options) {
// Create a new scope for the modal
var scope = options.scope && options.scope.$new() || $rootScope.$new(true);
options.viewType = options.viewType || 'modal';
extend(scope, {
$hasHeader: false,
$hasSubheader: false,
$hasFooter: false,
$hasSubfooter: false,
$hasTabs: false,
$hasTabsTop: false
// Compile the template
var element = $compile('' + templateString + '')(scope);
options.$el = element;
options.el = element[0];
options.modalEl = options.el.querySelector('.' + options.viewType);
var modal = new ModalView(options);
modal.scope = scope;
// If this wasn't a defined scope, we can assign the viewType to the isolated scope
// we created
if (!options.scope) {
scope[ options.viewType ] = modal;
return modal;
var modalStack = [];
var stack = {
add: function(modal) {
remove: function(modal) {
var index = modalStack.indexOf(modal);
if (index > -1 && index < modalStack.length) {
modalStack.splice(index, 1);
isHighest: function(modal) {
var index = modalStack.indexOf(modal);
return (index > -1 && index === modalStack.length - 1);
return {
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicModal#fromTemplate
* @param {string} templateString The template string to use as the modal's
* content.
* @param {object} options Options to be passed {@link ionic.controller:ionicModal#initialize ionicModal#initialize} method.
* @returns {object} An instance of an {@link ionic.controller:ionicModal}
* controller.
fromTemplate: function(templateString, options) {
var modal = createModal(templateString, options || {});
return modal;
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicModal#fromTemplateUrl
* @param {string} templateUrl The url to load the template from.
* @param {object} options Options to be passed {@link ionic.controller:ionicModal#initialize ionicModal#initialize} method.
* options object.
* @returns {promise} A promise that will be resolved with an instance of
* an {@link ionic.controller:ionicModal} controller.
fromTemplateUrl: function(url, options, _) {
var cb;
//Deprecated: allow a callback as second parameter. Now we return a promise.
if (angular.isFunction(options)) {
cb = options;
options = _;
return $ionicTemplateLoader.load(url).then(function(templateString) {
var modal = createModal(templateString, options || {});
cb && cb(modal);
return modal;
stack: stack
* @ngdoc service
* @name $ionicNavBarDelegate
* @module ionic
* @description
* Delegate for controlling the {@link ionic.directive:ionNavBar} directive.
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
* ```js
* function MyCtrl($scope, $ionicNavBarDelegate) {
* $scope.setNavTitle = function(title) {
* $ionicNavBarDelegate.title(title);
* }
* }
* ```
.service('$ionicNavBarDelegate', ionic.DelegateService([
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicNavBarDelegate#align
* @description Aligns the title with the buttons in a given direction.
* @param {string=} direction The direction to the align the title text towards.
* Available: 'left', 'right', 'center'. Default: 'center'.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicNavBarDelegate#showBackButton
* @description
* Set/get whether the {@link ionic.directive:ionNavBackButton} is shown
* (if it exists and there is a previous view that can be navigated to).
* @param {boolean=} show Whether to show the back button.
* @returns {boolean} Whether the back button is shown.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicNavBarDelegate#showBar
* @description
* Set/get whether the {@link ionic.directive:ionNavBar} is shown.
* @param {boolean} show Whether to show the bar.
* @returns {boolean} Whether the bar is shown.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicNavBarDelegate#title
* @description
* Set the title for the {@link ionic.directive:ionNavBar}.
* @param {string} title The new title to show.
// DEPRECATED, as of v1.0.0-beta14 -------
.service('$ionicNavViewDelegate', ionic.DelegateService([
* @ngdoc service
* @name $ionicPlatform
* @module ionic
* @description
* An angular abstraction of {@link ionic.utility:ionic.Platform}.
* Used to detect the current platform, as well as do things like override the
* Android back button in PhoneGap/Cordova.
.constant('IONIC_BACK_PRIORITY', {
view: 100,
sideMenu: 150,
modal: 200,
actionSheet: 300,
popup: 400,
loading: 500
.provider('$ionicPlatform', function() {
return {
$get: ['$q', function($q) {
var self = {
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicPlatform#onHardwareBackButton
* @description
* Some platforms have a hardware back button, so this is one way to
* bind to it.
* @param {function} callback the callback to trigger when this event occurs
onHardwareBackButton: function(cb) {
ionic.Platform.ready(function() {
document.addEventListener('backbutton', cb, false);
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicPlatform#offHardwareBackButton
* @description
* Remove an event listener for the backbutton.
* @param {function} callback The listener function that was
* originally bound.
offHardwareBackButton: function(fn) {
ionic.Platform.ready(function() {
document.removeEventListener('backbutton', fn);
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicPlatform#registerBackButtonAction
* @description
* Register a hardware back button action. Only one action will execute
* when the back button is clicked, so this method decides which of
* the registered back button actions has the highest priority.
* For example, if an actionsheet is showing, the back button should
* close the actionsheet, but it should not also go back a page view
* or close a modal which may be open.
* The priorities for the existing back button hooks are as follows:
* Return to previous view = 100
* Close side menu = 150
* Dismiss modal = 200
* Close action sheet = 300
* Dismiss popup = 400
* Dismiss loading overlay = 500
* Your back button action will override each of the above actions
* whose priority is less than the priority you provide. For example,
* an action assigned a priority of 101 will override the 'return to
* previous view' action, but not any of the other actions.
* @param {function} callback Called when the back button is pressed,
* if this listener is the highest priority.
* @param {number} priority Only the highest priority will execute.
* @param {*=} actionId The id to assign this action. Default: a
* random unique id.
* @returns {function} A function that, when called, will deregister
* this backButtonAction.
$backButtonActions: {},
registerBackButtonAction: function(fn, priority, actionId) {
if (!self._hasBackButtonHandler) {
// add a back button listener if one hasn't been setup yet
self.$backButtonActions = {};
self._hasBackButtonHandler = true;
var action = {
id: (actionId ? actionId : ionic.Utils.nextUid()),
priority: (priority ? priority : 0),
fn: fn
self.$backButtonActions[action.id] = action;
// return a function to de-register this back button action
return function() {
delete self.$backButtonActions[action.id];
* @private
hardwareBackButtonClick: function(e) {
// loop through all the registered back button actions
// and only run the last one of the highest priority
var priorityAction, actionId;
for (actionId in self.$backButtonActions) {
if (!priorityAction || self.$backButtonActions[actionId].priority >= priorityAction.priority) {
priorityAction = self.$backButtonActions[actionId];
if (priorityAction) {
return priorityAction;
is: function(type) {
return ionic.Platform.is(type);
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicPlatform#on
* @description
* Add Cordova event listeners, such as `pause`, `resume`, `volumedownbutton`, `batterylow`,
* `offline`, etc. More information about available event types can be found in
* [Cordova's event documentation](https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/edge/cordova_events_events.md.html#Events).
* @param {string} type Cordova [event type](https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/edge/cordova_events_events.md.html#Events).
* @param {function} callback Called when the Cordova event is fired.
* @returns {function} Returns a deregistration function to remove the event listener.
on: function(type, cb) {
ionic.Platform.ready(function() {
document.addEventListener(type, cb, false);
return function() {
ionic.Platform.ready(function() {
document.removeEventListener(type, cb);
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicPlatform#ready
* @description
* Trigger a callback once the device is ready,
* or immediately if the device is already ready.
* @param {function=} callback The function to call.
* @returns {promise} A promise which is resolved when the device is ready.
ready: function(cb) {
var q = $q.defer();
ionic.Platform.ready(function() {
cb && cb();
return q.promise;
return self;
* @ngdoc service
* @name $ionicPopover
* @module ionic
* @description
* Related: {@link ionic.controller:ionicPopover ionicPopover controller}.
* The Popover is a view that floats above an app’s content. Popovers provide an
* easy way to present or gather information from the user and are
* commonly used in the following situations:
* - Show more info about the current view
* - Select a commonly used tool or configuration
* - Present a list of actions to perform inside one of your views
* Put the content of the popover inside of an `` element.
* @usage
* ```html
Hello! ';
* $scope.popover = $ionicPopover.fromTemplate(template, {
* scope: $scope
* });
* // .fromTemplateUrl() method
* $ionicPopover.fromTemplateUrl('my-popover.html', {
* scope: $scope
* }).then(function(popover) {
* $scope.popover = popover;
* });
* $scope.openPopover = function($event) {
* $scope.popover.show($event);
* };
* $scope.closePopover = function() {
* $scope.popover.hide();
* };
* //Cleanup the popover when we're done with it!
* $scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
* $scope.popover.remove();
* });
* // Execute action on hide popover
* $scope.$on('popover.hidden', function() {
* // Execute action
* });
* // Execute action on remove popover
* $scope.$on('popover.removed', function() {
* // Execute action
* });
* });
* ```
.factory('$ionicPopover', ['$ionicModal', '$ionicPosition', '$document', '$window',
function($ionicModal, $ionicPosition, $document, $window) {
viewType: 'popover',
hideDelay: 1,
animation: 'none',
positionView: positionView
function positionView(target, popoverEle) {
var targetEle = jqLite(target.target || target);
var buttonOffset = $ionicPosition.offset(targetEle);
var popoverWidth = popoverEle.prop('offsetWidth');
var popoverHeight = popoverEle.prop('offsetHeight');
// Use innerWidth and innerHeight, because clientWidth and clientHeight
// doesn't work consistently for body on all platforms
var bodyWidth = $window.innerWidth;
var bodyHeight = $window.innerHeight;
var popoverCSS = {
left: buttonOffset.left + buttonOffset.width / 2 - popoverWidth / 2
var arrowEle = jqLite(popoverEle[0].querySelector('.popover-arrow'));
if (popoverCSS.left < POPOVER_BODY_PADDING) {
} else if (popoverCSS.left + popoverWidth + POPOVER_BODY_PADDING > bodyWidth) {
popoverCSS.left = bodyWidth - popoverWidth - POPOVER_BODY_PADDING;
// If the popover when popped down stretches past bottom of screen,
// make it pop up if there's room above
if (buttonOffset.top + buttonOffset.height + popoverHeight > bodyHeight &&
buttonOffset.top - popoverHeight > 0) {
popoverCSS.top = buttonOffset.top - popoverHeight;
} else {
popoverCSS.top = buttonOffset.top + buttonOffset.height;
left: buttonOffset.left + buttonOffset.width / 2 -
arrowEle.prop('offsetWidth') / 2 - popoverCSS.left + 'px'
top: popoverCSS.top + 'px',
left: popoverCSS.left + 'px',
marginLeft: '0',
opacity: '1'
* @ngdoc controller
* @name ionicPopover
* @module ionic
* @description
* Instantiated by the {@link ionic.service:$ionicPopover} service.
* Be sure to call [remove()](#remove) when you are done with each popover
* to clean it up and avoid memory leaks.
* Note: a popover will broadcast 'popover.shown', 'popover.hidden', and 'popover.removed' events from its originating
* scope, passing in itself as an event argument. Both the popover.removed and popover.hidden events are
* called when the popover is removed.
* @ngdoc method
* @name ionicPopover#initialize
* @description Creates a new popover controller instance.
* @param {object} options An options object with the following properties:
* - `{object=}` `scope` The scope to be a child of.
* Default: creates a child of $rootScope.
* - `{boolean=}` `focusFirstInput` Whether to autofocus the first input of
* the popover when shown. Default: false.
* - `{boolean=}` `backdropClickToClose` Whether to close the popover on clicking the backdrop.
* Default: true.
* - `{boolean=}` `hardwareBackButtonClose` Whether the popover can be closed using the hardware
* back button on Android and similar devices. Default: true.
* @ngdoc method
* @name ionicPopover#show
* @description Show this popover instance.
* @param {$event} $event The $event or target element which the popover should align
* itself next to.
* @returns {promise} A promise which is resolved when the popover is finished animating in.
* @ngdoc method
* @name ionicPopover#hide
* @description Hide this popover instance.
* @returns {promise} A promise which is resolved when the popover is finished animating out.
* @ngdoc method
* @name ionicPopover#remove
* @description Remove this popover instance from the DOM and clean up.
* @returns {promise} A promise which is resolved when the popover is finished animating out.
* @ngdoc method
* @name ionicPopover#isShown
* @returns boolean Whether this popover is currently shown.
return {
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicPopover#fromTemplate
* @param {string} templateString The template string to use as the popovers's
* content.
* @param {object} options Options to be passed to the initialize method.
* @returns {object} An instance of an {@link ionic.controller:ionicPopover}
* controller (ionicPopover is built on top of $ionicPopover).
fromTemplate: function(templateString, options) {
return $ionicModal.fromTemplate(templateString, ionic.Utils.extend(POPOVER_OPTIONS, options || {}));
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicPopover#fromTemplateUrl
* @param {string} templateUrl The url to load the template from.
* @param {object} options Options to be passed to the initialize method.
* @returns {promise} A promise that will be resolved with an instance of
* an {@link ionic.controller:ionicPopover} controller (ionicPopover is built on top of $ionicPopover).
fromTemplateUrl: function(url, options) {
return $ionicModal.fromTemplateUrl(url, ionic.Utils.extend(POPOVER_OPTIONS, options || {}));
' +
' +
' +
'' +
'' +
' +
' +
' +
' +
'' +
' +
' +
* @ngdoc service
* @name $ionicPopup
* @module ionic
* @restrict E
* @codepen zkmhJ
* @description
* The Ionic Popup service allows programmatically creating and showing popup
* windows that require the user to respond in order to continue.
* The popup system has support for more flexible versions of the built in `alert()`, `prompt()`,
* and `confirm()` functions that users are used to, in addition to allowing popups with completely
* custom content and look.
* An input can be given an `autofocus` attribute so it automatically receives focus when
* the popup first shows. However, depending on certain use-cases this can cause issues with
* the tap/click system, which is why Ionic prefers using the `autofocus` attribute as
* an opt-in feature and not the default.
* @usage
* A few basic examples, see below for details about all of the options available.
* ```js
*angular.module('mySuperApp', ['ionic'])
*.controller('PopupCtrl',function($scope, $ionicPopup, $timeout) {
* // Triggered on a button click, or some other target
* $scope.showPopup = function() {
* $scope.data = {}
* // An elaborate, custom popup
* var myPopup = $ionicPopup.show({
* template: '',
* title: 'Enter Wi-Fi Password',
* subTitle: 'Please use normal things',
* scope: $scope,
* buttons: [
* { text: 'Cancel' },
* {
* text: 'Save',
* type: 'button-positive',
* onTap: function(e) {
* if (!$scope.data.wifi) {
* //don't allow the user to close unless he enters wifi password
* e.preventDefault();
* } else {
* return $scope.data.wifi;
* }
* }
* }
* ]
* });
* myPopup.then(function(res) {
* console.log('Tapped!', res);
* });
* $timeout(function() {
* myPopup.close(); //close the popup after 3 seconds for some reason
* }, 3000);
* };
* // A confirm dialog
* $scope.showConfirm = function() {
* var confirmPopup = $ionicPopup.confirm({
* title: 'Consume Ice Cream',
* template: 'Are you sure you want to eat this ice cream?'
* });
* confirmPopup.then(function(res) {
* if(res) {
* console.log('You are sure');
* } else {
* console.log('You are not sure');
* }
* });
* };
* // An alert dialog
* $scope.showAlert = function() {
* var alertPopup = $ionicPopup.alert({
* title: 'Don\'t eat that!',
* template: 'It might taste good'
* });
* alertPopup.then(function(res) {
* console.log('Thank you for not eating my delicious ice cream cone');
* });
* };
.factory('$ionicPopup', [
function($ionicTemplateLoader, $ionicBackdrop, $q, $timeout, $rootScope, $ionicBody, $compile, $ionicPlatform, $ionicModal, IONIC_BACK_PRIORITY) {
//TODO allow this to be configured
var config = {
stackPushDelay: 75
var popupStack = [];
var $ionicPopup = {
* @ngdoc method
* @description
* Show a complex popup. This is the master show function for all popups.
* A complex popup has a `buttons` array, with each button having a `text` and `type`
* field, in addition to an `onTap` function. The `onTap` function, called when
* the corresponding button on the popup is tapped, will by default close the popup
* and resolve the popup promise with its return value. If you wish to prevent the
* default and keep the popup open on button tap, call `event.preventDefault()` on the
* passed in tap event. Details below.
* @name $ionicPopup#show
* @param {object} options The options for the new popup, of the form:
* ```
* {
* title: '', // String. The title of the popup.
* cssClass: '', // String, The custom CSS class name
* subTitle: '', // String (optional). The sub-title of the popup.
* template: '', // String (optional). The html template to place in the popup body.
* templateUrl: '', // String (optional). The URL of an html template to place in the popup body.
* scope: null, // Scope (optional). A scope to link to the popup content.
* buttons: [{ // Array[Object] (optional). Buttons to place in the popup footer.
* text: 'Cancel',
* type: 'button-default',
* onTap: function(e) {
* // e.preventDefault() will stop the popup from closing when tapped.
* e.preventDefault();
* }
* }, {
* text: 'OK',
* type: 'button-positive',
* onTap: function(e) {
* // Returning a value will cause the promise to resolve with the given value.
* return scope.data.response;
* }
* }]
* }
* ```
* @returns {object} A promise which is resolved when the popup is closed. Has an additional
* `close` function, which can be used to programmatically close the popup.
show: showPopup,
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicPopup#alert
* @description Show a simple alert popup with a message and one button that the user can
* tap to close the popup.
* @param {object} options The options for showing the alert, of the form:
* ```
* {
* title: '', // String. The title of the popup.
* cssClass: '', // String, The custom CSS class name
* subTitle: '', // String (optional). The sub-title of the popup.
* template: '', // String (optional). The html template to place in the popup body.
* templateUrl: '', // String (optional). The URL of an html template to place in the popup body.
* okText: '', // String (default: 'OK'). The text of the OK button.
* okType: '', // String (default: 'button-positive'). The type of the OK button.
* }
* ```
* @returns {object} A promise which is resolved when the popup is closed. Has one additional
* function `close`, which can be called with any value to programmatically close the popup
* with the given value.
alert: showAlert,
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicPopup#confirm
* @description
* Show a simple confirm popup with a Cancel and OK button.
* Resolves the promise with true if the user presses the OK button, and false if the
* user presses the Cancel button.
* @param {object} options The options for showing the confirm popup, of the form:
* ```
* {
* title: '', // String. The title of the popup.
* cssClass: '', // String, The custom CSS class name
* subTitle: '', // String (optional). The sub-title of the popup.
* template: '', // String (optional). The html template to place in the popup body.
* templateUrl: '', // String (optional). The URL of an html template to place in the popup body.
* cancelText: '', // String (default: 'Cancel'). The text of the Cancel button.
* cancelType: '', // String (default: 'button-default'). The type of the Cancel button.
* okText: '', // String (default: 'OK'). The text of the OK button.
* okType: '', // String (default: 'button-positive'). The type of the OK button.
* }
* ```
* @returns {object} A promise which is resolved when the popup is closed. Has one additional
* function `close`, which can be called with any value to programmatically close the popup
* with the given value.
confirm: showConfirm,
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicPopup#prompt
* @description Show a simple prompt popup, which has an input, OK button, and Cancel button.
* Resolves the promise with the value of the input if the user presses OK, and with undefined
* if the user presses Cancel.
* ```javascript
* $ionicPopup.prompt({
* title: 'Password Check',
* template: 'Enter your secret password',
* inputType: 'password',
* inputPlaceholder: 'Your password'
* }).then(function(res) {
* console.log('Your password is', res);
* });
* ```
* @param {object} options The options for showing the prompt popup, of the form:
* ```
* {
* title: '', // String. The title of the popup.
* cssClass: '', // String, The custom CSS class name
* subTitle: '', // String (optional). The sub-title of the popup.
* template: '', // String (optional). The html template to place in the popup body.
* templateUrl: '', // String (optional). The URL of an html template to place in the popup body.
* inputType: // String (default: 'text'). The type of input to use
* inputPlaceholder: // String (default: ''). A placeholder to use for the input.
* cancelText: // String (default: 'Cancel'. The text of the Cancel button.
* cancelType: // String (default: 'button-default'). The type of the Cancel button.
* okText: // String (default: 'OK'). The text of the OK button.
* okType: // String (default: 'button-positive'). The type of the OK button.
* }
* ```
* @returns {object} A promise which is resolved when the popup is closed. Has one additional
* function `close`, which can be called with any value to programmatically close the popup
* with the given value.
prompt: showPrompt,
* @private for testing
_createPopup: createPopup,
_popupStack: popupStack
return $ionicPopup;
function createPopup(options) {
options = extend({
scope: null,
title: '',
buttons: []
}, options || {});
var self = {};
self.scope = (options.scope || $rootScope).$new();
self.element = jqLite(POPUP_TPL);
self.responseDeferred = $q.defer();
extend(self.scope, {
title: options.title,
buttons: options.buttons,
subTitle: options.subTitle,
cssClass: options.cssClass,
$buttonTapped: function(button, event) {
var result = (button.onTap || noop)(event);
event = event.originalEvent || event; //jquery events
if (!event.defaultPrevented) {
options.templateUrl ?
$ionicTemplateLoader.load(options.templateUrl) :
(options.template || options.content || '')
).then(function(template) {
var popupBody = jqLite(self.element[0].querySelector('.popup-body'));
if (template) {
} else {
self.show = function() {
if (self.isShown || self.removed) return;
self.isShown = true;
ionic.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
//if hidden while waiting for raf, don't show
if (!self.isShown) return;
self.element.addClass('popup-showing active');
self.hide = function(callback) {
callback = callback || noop;
if (!self.isShown) return callback();
self.isShown = false;
$timeout(callback, 250, false);
self.remove = function() {
if (self.removed) return;
self.hide(function() {
self.removed = true;
return self;
function onHardwareBackButton() {
var last = popupStack[popupStack.length - 1];
last && last.responseDeferred.resolve();
function showPopup(options) {
var popup = $ionicPopup._createPopup(options);
var showDelay = 0;
if (popupStack.length > 0) {
showDelay = config.stackPushDelay;
$timeout(popupStack[popupStack.length - 1].hide, showDelay, false);
} else {
//Add popup-open & backdrop if this is first popup
//only show the backdrop on the first popup
$ionicPopup._backButtonActionDone = $ionicPlatform.registerBackButtonAction(
// Expose a 'close' method on the returned promise
popup.responseDeferred.promise.close = function popupClose(result) {
if (!popup.removed) popup.responseDeferred.resolve(result);
//DEPRECATED: notify the promise with an object with a close method
popup.responseDeferred.notify({ close: popup.responseDeferred.close });
return popup.responseDeferred.promise;
function doShow() {
$timeout(popup.show, showDelay, false);
popup.responseDeferred.promise.then(function(result) {
var index = popupStack.indexOf(popup);
if (index !== -1) {
popupStack.splice(index, 1);
if (popupStack.length > 0) {
popupStack[popupStack.length - 1].show();
} else {
//Remove popup-open & backdrop if this is last popup
$timeout(function() {
// wait to remove this due to a 300ms delay native
// click which would trigging whatever was underneath this
if (!popupStack.length) {
}, 400, false);
($ionicPopup._backButtonActionDone || noop)();
return result;
function focusInput(element) {
var focusOn = element[0].querySelector('[autofocus]');
if (focusOn) {
function showAlert(opts) {
return showPopup(extend({
buttons: [{
text: opts.okText || 'OK',
type: opts.okType || 'button-positive',
onTap: function() {
return true;
}, opts || {}));
function showConfirm(opts) {
return showPopup(extend({
buttons: [{
text: opts.cancelText || 'Cancel',
type: opts.cancelType || 'button-default',
onTap: function() { return false; }
}, {
text: opts.okText || 'OK',
type: opts.okType || 'button-positive',
onTap: function() { return true; }
}, opts || {}));
function showPrompt(opts) {
var scope = $rootScope.$new(true);
scope.data = {};
var text = '';
if (opts.template && /<[a-z][\s\S]*>/i.test(opts.template) === false) {
text = '' + opts.template + '';
delete opts.template;
return showPopup(extend({
template: text + '',
scope: scope,
buttons: [{
text: opts.cancelText || 'Cancel',
type: opts.cancelType || 'button-default',
onTap: function() {}
}, {
text: opts.okText || 'OK',
type: opts.okType || 'button-positive',
onTap: function() {
return scope.data.response || '';
}, opts || {}));
* @ngdoc service
* @name $ionicPosition
* @module ionic
* @description
* A set of utility methods that can be use to retrieve position of DOM elements.
* It is meant to be used where we need to absolute-position DOM elements in
* relation to other, existing elements (this is the case for tooltips, popovers, etc.).
* Adapted from [AngularUI Bootstrap](https://github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap/blob/master/src/position/position.js),
* ([license](https://github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE))
.factory('$ionicPosition', ['$document', '$window', function($document, $window) {
function getStyle(el, cssprop) {
if (el.currentStyle) { //IE
return el.currentStyle[cssprop];
} else if ($window.getComputedStyle) {
return $window.getComputedStyle(el)[cssprop];
// finally try and get inline style
return el.style[cssprop];
* Checks if a given element is statically positioned
* @param element - raw DOM element
function isStaticPositioned(element) {
return (getStyle(element, 'position') || 'static') === 'static';
* returns the closest, non-statically positioned parentOffset of a given element
* @param element
var parentOffsetEl = function(element) {
var docDomEl = $document[0];
var offsetParent = element.offsetParent || docDomEl;
while (offsetParent && offsetParent !== docDomEl && isStaticPositioned(offsetParent)) {
offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;
return offsetParent || docDomEl;
return {
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicPosition#position
* @description Get the current coordinates of the element, relative to the offset parent.
* Read-only equivalent of [jQuery's position function](http://api.jquery.com/position/).
* @param {element} element The element to get the position of.
* @returns {object} Returns an object containing the properties top, left, width and height.
position: function(element) {
var elBCR = this.offset(element);
var offsetParentBCR = { top: 0, left: 0 };
var offsetParentEl = parentOffsetEl(element[0]);
if (offsetParentEl != $document[0]) {
offsetParentBCR = this.offset(jqLite(offsetParentEl));
offsetParentBCR.top += offsetParentEl.clientTop - offsetParentEl.scrollTop;
offsetParentBCR.left += offsetParentEl.clientLeft - offsetParentEl.scrollLeft;
var boundingClientRect = element[0].getBoundingClientRect();
return {
width: boundingClientRect.width || element.prop('offsetWidth'),
height: boundingClientRect.height || element.prop('offsetHeight'),
top: elBCR.top - offsetParentBCR.top,
left: elBCR.left - offsetParentBCR.left
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicPosition#offset
* @description Get the current coordinates of the element, relative to the document.
* Read-only equivalent of [jQuery's offset function](http://api.jquery.com/offset/).
* @param {element} element The element to get the offset of.
* @returns {object} Returns an object containing the properties top, left, width and height.
offset: function(element) {
var boundingClientRect = element[0].getBoundingClientRect();
return {
width: boundingClientRect.width || element.prop('offsetWidth'),
height: boundingClientRect.height || element.prop('offsetHeight'),
top: boundingClientRect.top + ($window.pageYOffset || $document[0].documentElement.scrollTop),
left: boundingClientRect.left + ($window.pageXOffset || $document[0].documentElement.scrollLeft)
* @ngdoc service
* @name $ionicScrollDelegate
* @module ionic
* @description
* Delegate for controlling scrollViews (created by
* {@link ionic.directive:ionContent} and
* {@link ionic.directive:ionScroll} directives).
* Methods called directly on the $ionicScrollDelegate service will control all scroll
* views. Use the {@link ionic.service:$ionicScrollDelegate#$getByHandle $getByHandle}
* method to control specific scrollViews.
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
* ```js
* function MainCtrl($scope, $ionicScrollDelegate) {
* $scope.scrollTop = function() {
* $ionicScrollDelegate.scrollTop();
* };
* }
* ```
* Example of advanced usage, with two scroll areas using `delegate-handle`
* for fine control.
* ```html
* ```
* ```js
* function MainCtrl($scope, $ionicScrollDelegate) {
* $scope.scrollMainToTop = function() {
* $ionicScrollDelegate.$getByHandle('mainScroll').scrollTop();
* };
* $scope.scrollSmallToTop = function() {
* $ionicScrollDelegate.$getByHandle('small').scrollTop();
* };
* }
* ```
.service('$ionicScrollDelegate', ionic.DelegateService([
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicScrollDelegate#resize
* @description Tell the scrollView to recalculate the size of its container.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicScrollDelegate#scrollTop
* @param {boolean=} shouldAnimate Whether the scroll should animate.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicScrollDelegate#scrollBottom
* @param {boolean=} shouldAnimate Whether the scroll should animate.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicScrollDelegate#scrollTo
* @param {number} left The x-value to scroll to.
* @param {number} top The y-value to scroll to.
* @param {boolean=} shouldAnimate Whether the scroll should animate.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicScrollDelegate#scrollBy
* @param {number} left The x-offset to scroll by.
* @param {number} top The y-offset to scroll by.
* @param {boolean=} shouldAnimate Whether the scroll should animate.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicScrollDelegate#zoomTo
* @param {number} level Level to zoom to.
* @param {boolean=} animate Whether to animate the zoom.
* @param {number=} originLeft Zoom in at given left coordinate.
* @param {number=} originTop Zoom in at given top coordinate.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicScrollDelegate#zoomBy
* @param {number} factor The factor to zoom by.
* @param {boolean=} animate Whether to animate the zoom.
* @param {number=} originLeft Zoom in at given left coordinate.
* @param {number=} originTop Zoom in at given top coordinate.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicScrollDelegate#getScrollPosition
* @returns {object} The scroll position of this view, with the following properties:
* - `{number}` `left` The distance the user has scrolled from the left (starts at 0).
* - `{number}` `top` The distance the user has scrolled from the top (starts at 0).
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicScrollDelegate#anchorScroll
* @description Tell the scrollView to scroll to the element with an id
* matching window.location.hash.
* If no matching element is found, it will scroll to top.
* @param {boolean=} shouldAnimate Whether the scroll should animate.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicScrollDelegate#freezeScroll
* @description Does not allow this scroll view to scroll either x or y.
* @param {boolean=} shouldFreeze Should this scroll view be prevented from scrolling or not.
* @returns {boolean} If the scroll view is being prevented from scrolling or not.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicScrollDelegate#freezeAllScrolls
* @description Does not allow any of the app's scroll views to scroll either x or y.
* @param {boolean=} shouldFreeze Should all app scrolls be prevented from scrolling or not.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicScrollDelegate#getScrollView
* @returns {object} The scrollView associated with this delegate.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicScrollDelegate#$getByHandle
* @param {string} handle
* @returns `delegateInstance` A delegate instance that controls only the
* scrollViews with `delegate-handle` matching the given handle.
* Example: `$ionicScrollDelegate.$getByHandle('my-handle').scrollTop();`
* @ngdoc service
* @name $ionicSideMenuDelegate
* @module ionic
* @description
* Delegate for controlling the {@link ionic.directive:ionSideMenus} directive.
* Methods called directly on the $ionicSideMenuDelegate service will control all side
* menus. Use the {@link ionic.service:$ionicSideMenuDelegate#$getByHandle $getByHandle}
* method to control specific ionSideMenus instances.
* @usage
* ```html
* Content!
* Left Menu!
* ```
* ```js
* function MainCtrl($scope, $ionicSideMenuDelegate) {
* $scope.toggleLeftSideMenu = function() {
* $ionicSideMenuDelegate.toggleLeft();
* };
* }
* ```
.service('$ionicSideMenuDelegate', ionic.DelegateService([
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicSideMenuDelegate#toggleLeft
* @description Toggle the left side menu (if it exists).
* @param {boolean=} isOpen Whether to open or close the menu.
* Default: Toggles the menu.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicSideMenuDelegate#toggleRight
* @description Toggle the right side menu (if it exists).
* @param {boolean=} isOpen Whether to open or close the menu.
* Default: Toggles the menu.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicSideMenuDelegate#getOpenRatio
* @description Gets the ratio of open amount over menu width. For example, a
* menu of width 100 that is opened by 50 pixels is 50% opened, and would return
* a ratio of 0.5.
* @returns {float} 0 if nothing is open, between 0 and 1 if left menu is
* opened/opening, and between 0 and -1 if right menu is opened/opening.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicSideMenuDelegate#isOpen
* @returns {boolean} Whether either the left or right menu is currently opened.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicSideMenuDelegate#isOpenLeft
* @returns {boolean} Whether the left menu is currently opened.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicSideMenuDelegate#isOpenRight
* @returns {boolean} Whether the right menu is currently opened.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicSideMenuDelegate#canDragContent
* @param {boolean=} canDrag Set whether the content can or cannot be dragged to open
* side menus.
* @returns {boolean} Whether the content can be dragged to open side menus.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicSideMenuDelegate#edgeDragThreshold
* @param {boolean|number=} value Set whether the content drag can only start if it is below a certain threshold distance from the edge of the screen. Accepts three different values:
* - If a non-zero number is given, that many pixels is used as the maximum allowed distance from the edge that starts dragging the side menu.
* - If true is given, the default number of pixels (25) is used as the maximum allowed distance.
* - If false or 0 is given, the edge drag threshold is disabled, and dragging from anywhere on the content is allowed.
* @returns {boolean} Whether the drag can start only from within the edge of screen threshold.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicSideMenuDelegate#$getByHandle
* @param {string} handle
* @returns `delegateInstance` A delegate instance that controls only the
* {@link ionic.directive:ionSideMenus} directives with `delegate-handle` matching
* the given handle.
* Example: `$ionicSideMenuDelegate.$getByHandle('my-handle').toggleLeft();`
* @ngdoc service
* @name $ionicSlideBoxDelegate
* @module ionic
* @description
* Delegate that controls the {@link ionic.directive:ionSlideBox} directive.
* Methods called directly on the $ionicSlideBoxDelegate service will control all slide boxes. Use the {@link ionic.service:$ionicSlideBoxDelegate#$getByHandle $getByHandle}
* method to control specific slide box instances.
* @usage
* ```html
* Slide 2!
* ```
* ```js
* function MyCtrl($scope, $ionicSlideBoxDelegate) {
* $scope.nextSlide = function() {
* $ionicSlideBoxDelegate.next();
* }
* }
* ```
.service('$ionicSlideBoxDelegate', ionic.DelegateService([
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicSlideBoxDelegate#update
* @description
* Update the slidebox (for example if using Angular with ng-repeat,
* resize it for the elements inside).
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicSlideBoxDelegate#slide
* @param {number} to The index to slide to.
* @param {number=} speed The number of milliseconds the change should take.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicSlideBoxDelegate#enableSlide
* @param {boolean=} shouldEnable Whether to enable sliding the slidebox.
* @returns {boolean} Whether sliding is enabled.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicSlideBoxDelegate#previous
* @param {number=} speed The number of milliseconds the change should take.
* @description Go to the previous slide. Wraps around if at the beginning.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicSlideBoxDelegate#next
* @param {number=} speed The number of milliseconds the change should take.
* @description Go to the next slide. Wraps around if at the end.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicSlideBoxDelegate#stop
* @description Stop sliding. The slideBox will not move again until
* explicitly told to do so.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicSlideBoxDelegate#start
* @description Start sliding again if the slideBox was stopped.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicSlideBoxDelegate#currentIndex
* @returns number The index of the current slide.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicSlideBoxDelegate#slidesCount
* @returns number The number of slides there are currently.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicSlideBoxDelegate#$getByHandle
* @param {string} handle
* @returns `delegateInstance` A delegate instance that controls only the
* {@link ionic.directive:ionSlideBox} directives with `delegate-handle` matching
* the given handle.
* Example: `$ionicSlideBoxDelegate.$getByHandle('my-handle').stop();`
* @ngdoc service
* @name $ionicTabsDelegate
* @module ionic
* @description
* Delegate for controlling the {@link ionic.directive:ionTabs} directive.
* Methods called directly on the $ionicTabsDelegate service will control all ionTabs
* directives. Use the {@link ionic.service:$ionicTabsDelegate#$getByHandle $getByHandle}
* method to control specific ionTabs instances.
* @usage
* ```html
* Hello tab 1!
* Hello tab 2!
* ```
* ```js
* function MyCtrl($scope, $ionicTabsDelegate) {
* $scope.selectTabWithIndex = function(index) {
* $ionicTabsDelegate.select(index);
* }
* }
* ```
.service('$ionicTabsDelegate', ionic.DelegateService([
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicTabsDelegate#select
* @description Select the tab matching the given index.
* @param {number} index Index of the tab to select.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicTabsDelegate#selectedIndex
* @returns `number` The index of the selected tab, or -1.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicTabsDelegate#$getByHandle
* @param {string} handle
* @returns `delegateInstance` A delegate instance that controls only the
* {@link ionic.directive:ionTabs} directives with `delegate-handle` matching
* the given handle.
* Example: `$ionicTabsDelegate.$getByHandle('my-handle').select(0);`
// closure to keep things neat
(function() {
var templatesToCache = [];
* @ngdoc service
* @name $ionicTemplateCache
* @module ionic
* @description A service that preemptively caches template files to eliminate transition flicker and boost performance.
* @usage
* State templates are cached automatically, but you can optionally cache other templates.
* ```js
* $ionicTemplateCache('myNgIncludeTemplate.html');
* ```
* Optionally disable all preemptive caching with the `$ionicConfigProvider` or individual states by setting `prefetchTemplate`
* in the `$state` definition
* ```js
* angular.module('myApp', ['ionic'])
* .config(function($stateProvider, $ionicConfigProvider) {
* // disable preemptive template caching globally
* $ionicConfigProvider.templates.prefetch(false);
* // disable individual states
* $stateProvider
* .state('tabs', {
* url: "/tab",
* abstract: true,
* prefetchTemplate: false,
* templateUrl: "tabs-templates/tabs.html"
* })
* .state('tabs.home', {
* url: "/home",
* views: {
* 'home-tab': {
* prefetchTemplate: false,
* templateUrl: "tabs-templates/home.html",
* controller: 'HomeTabCtrl'
* }
* }
* });
* });
* ```
.factory('$ionicTemplateCache', [
function($http, $templateCache, $timeout) {
var toCache = templatesToCache,
function $ionicTemplateCache(templates) {
if (typeof templates === 'undefined') {
return run();
if (isString(templates)) {
templates = [templates];
forEach(templates, function(template) {
if (hasRun) {
// run through methods - internal method
function run() {
var template;
hasRun = true;
// ignore if race condition already zeroed out array
if (toCache.length === 0) return;
var i = 0;
while (i < 4 && (template = toCache.pop())) {
// note that inline templates are ignored by this request
if (isString(template)) $http.get(template, { cache: $templateCache });
// only preload 3 templates a second
if (toCache.length) {
$timeout(run, 1000);
// exposing for testing
$ionicTemplateCache._runCount = 0;
// default method
return $ionicTemplateCache;
// Intercepts the $stateprovider.state() command to look for templateUrls that can be cached
function($stateProvider, $ionicConfigProvider) {
var stateProviderState = $stateProvider.state;
$stateProvider.state = function(stateName, definition) {
// don't even bother if it's disabled. note, another config may run after this, so it's not a catch-all
if (typeof definition === 'object') {
var enabled = definition.prefetchTemplate !== false && templatesToCache.length < $ionicConfigProvider.templates.maxPrefetch();
if (enabled && isString(definition.templateUrl)) templatesToCache.push(definition.templateUrl);
if (angular.isObject(definition.views)) {
for (var key in definition.views) {
enabled = definition.views[key].prefetchTemplate !== false && templatesToCache.length < $ionicConfigProvider.templates.maxPrefetch();
if (enabled && isString(definition.views[key].templateUrl)) templatesToCache.push(definition.views[key].templateUrl);
return stateProviderState.call($stateProvider, stateName, definition);
// process the templateUrls collected by the $stateProvider, adding them to the cache
.run(['$ionicTemplateCache', function($ionicTemplateCache) {
.factory('$ionicTemplateLoader', [
function($compile, $controller, $http, $q, $rootScope, $templateCache) {
return {
load: fetchTemplate,
compile: loadAndCompile
function fetchTemplate(url) {
return $http.get(url, {cache: $templateCache})
.then(function(response) {
return response.data && response.data.trim();
function loadAndCompile(options) {
options = extend({
template: '',
templateUrl: '',
scope: null,
controller: null,
locals: {},
appendTo: null
}, options || {});
var templatePromise = options.templateUrl ?
this.load(options.templateUrl) :
return templatePromise.then(function(template) {
var controller;
var scope = options.scope || $rootScope.$new();
//Incase template doesn't have just one root element, do this
var element = jqLite('
if (options.controller) {
controller = $controller(
extend(options.locals, {
$scope: scope
element.children().data('$ngControllerController', controller);
if (options.appendTo) {
return {
element: element,
scope: scope
* @private
* DEPRECATED, as of v1.0.0-beta14 -------
.factory('$ionicViewService', ['$ionicHistory', '$log', function($ionicHistory, $log) {
function warn(oldMethod, newMethod) {
$log.warn('$ionicViewService' + oldMethod + ' is deprecated, please use $ionicHistory' + newMethod + ' instead: http://ionicframework.com/docs/nightly/api/service/$ionicHistory/');
warn('', '');
var methodsMap = {
getCurrentView: 'currentView',
getBackView: 'backView',
getForwardView: 'forwardView',
getCurrentStateName: 'currentStateName',
nextViewOptions: 'nextViewOptions',
clearHistory: 'clearHistory'
forEach(methodsMap, function(newMethod, oldMethod) {
methodsMap[oldMethod] = function() {
warn('.' + oldMethod, '.' + newMethod);
return $ionicHistory[newMethod].apply(this, arguments);
return methodsMap;
* @private
* TODO document
IonicModule.factory('$ionicViewSwitcher', [
function($timeout, $document, $q, $ionicClickBlock, $ionicConfig, $ionicNavBarDelegate) {
var TRANSITIONEND_EVENT = 'webkitTransitionEnd transitionend';
var DATA_NO_CACHE = '$noCache';
var DATA_DESTROY_ELE = '$destroyEle';
var DATA_VIEW_ACCESSED = '$accessed';
var DATA_FALLBACK_TIMER = '$fallbackTimer';
var DATA_VIEW = '$viewData';
var NAV_VIEW_ATTR = 'nav-view';
var VIEW_STATUS_ACTIVE = 'active';
var VIEW_STATUS_CACHED = 'cached';
var VIEW_STATUS_STAGED = 'stage';
var transitionCounter = 0;
var nextTransition, nextDirection;
ionic.transition = ionic.transition || {};
ionic.transition.isActive = false;
var isActiveTimer;
var cachedAttr = ionic.DomUtil.cachedAttr;
var transitionPromises = [];
var defaultTimeout = 1100;
var ionicViewSwitcher = {
create: function(navViewCtrl, viewLocals, enteringView, leavingView, renderStart, renderEnd) {
// get a reference to an entering/leaving element if they exist
// loop through to see if the view is already in the navViewElement
var enteringEle, leavingEle;
var transitionId = ++transitionCounter;
var alreadyInDom;
var switcher = {
init: function(registerData, callback) {
switcher.render(registerData, function() {
callback && callback();
loadViewElements: function(registerData) {
var x, l, viewEle;
var viewElements = navViewCtrl.getViewElements();
var enteringEleIdentifier = getViewElementIdentifier(viewLocals, enteringView);
var navViewActiveEleId = navViewCtrl.activeEleId();
for (x = 0, l = viewElements.length; x < l; x++) {
viewEle = viewElements.eq(x);
if (viewEle.data(DATA_ELE_IDENTIFIER) === enteringEleIdentifier) {
// we found an existing element in the DOM that should be entering the view
if (viewEle.data(DATA_NO_CACHE)) {
// the existing element should not be cached, don't use it
viewEle.data(DATA_ELE_IDENTIFIER, enteringEleIdentifier + ionic.Utils.nextUid());
viewEle.data(DATA_DESTROY_ELE, true);
} else {
enteringEle = viewEle;
} else if (isDefined(navViewActiveEleId) && viewEle.data(DATA_ELE_IDENTIFIER) === navViewActiveEleId) {
leavingEle = viewEle;
if (enteringEle && leavingEle) break;
alreadyInDom = !!enteringEle;
if (!alreadyInDom) {
// still no existing element to use
// create it using existing template/scope/locals
enteringEle = registerData.ele || ionicViewSwitcher.createViewEle(viewLocals);
// existing elements in the DOM are looked up by their state name and state id
enteringEle.data(DATA_ELE_IDENTIFIER, enteringEleIdentifier);
if (renderEnd) {
registerData.ele = null;
render: function(registerData, callback) {
if (alreadyInDom) {
// it was already found in the DOM, just reconnect the scope
} else {
// the entering element is not already in the DOM
// set that the entering element should be "staged" and its
// styles of where this element will go before it hits the DOM
navViewAttr(enteringEle, VIEW_STATUS_STAGED);
var enteringData = getTransitionData(viewLocals, enteringEle, registerData.direction, enteringView);
var transitionFn = $ionicConfig.transitions.views[enteringData.transition] || $ionicConfig.transitions.views.none;
transitionFn(enteringEle, null, enteringData.direction, true).run(0);
enteringEle.data(DATA_VIEW, {
viewId: enteringData.viewId,
historyId: enteringData.historyId,
stateName: enteringData.stateName,
stateParams: enteringData.stateParams
// if the current state has cache:false
// or the element has cache-view="false" attribute
if (viewState(viewLocals).cache === false || viewState(viewLocals).cache === 'false' ||
enteringEle.attr('cache-view') == 'false' || $ionicConfig.views.maxCache() === 0) {
enteringEle.data(DATA_NO_CACHE, true);
// append the entering element to the DOM, create a new scope and run link
var viewScope = navViewCtrl.appendViewElement(enteringEle, viewLocals);
delete enteringData.direction;
delete enteringData.transition;
viewScope.$emit('$ionicView.loaded', enteringData);
// update that this view was just accessed
enteringEle.data(DATA_VIEW_ACCESSED, Date.now());
callback && callback();
transition: function(direction, enableBack, allowAnimate) {
var deferred;
var enteringData = getTransitionData(viewLocals, enteringEle, direction, enteringView);
var leavingData = extend(extend({}, enteringData), getViewData(leavingView));
enteringData.transitionId = leavingData.transitionId = transitionId;
enteringData.fromCache = !!alreadyInDom;
enteringData.enableBack = !!enableBack;
enteringData.renderStart = renderStart;
enteringData.renderEnd = renderEnd;
cachedAttr(enteringEle.parent(), 'nav-view-transition', enteringData.transition);
cachedAttr(enteringEle.parent(), 'nav-view-direction', enteringData.direction);
// cancel any previous transition complete fallbacks
// get the transition ready and see if it'll animate
var transitionFn = $ionicConfig.transitions.views[enteringData.transition] || $ionicConfig.transitions.views.none;
var viewTransition = transitionFn(enteringEle, leavingEle, enteringData.direction,
enteringData.shouldAnimate && allowAnimate && renderEnd);
if (viewTransition.shouldAnimate) {
// attach transitionend events (and fallback timer)
enteringEle.on(TRANSITIONEND_EVENT, completeOnTransitionEnd);
enteringEle.data(DATA_FALLBACK_TIMER, $timeout(transitionComplete, defaultTimeout));
if (renderStart) {
// notify the views "before" the transition starts
switcher.emit('before', enteringData, leavingData);
// stage entering element, opacity 0, no transition duration
navViewAttr(enteringEle, VIEW_STATUS_STAGED);
// render the elements in the correct location for their starting point
if (renderEnd) {
// create a promise so we can keep track of when all transitions finish
// only required if this transition should complete
deferred = $q.defer();
if (renderStart && renderEnd) {
// CSS "auto" transitioned, not manually transitioned
// wait a frame so the styles apply before auto transitioning
$timeout(onReflow, 16);
} else if (!renderEnd) {
// just the start of a manual transition
// but it will not render the end of the transition
navViewAttr(enteringEle, 'entering');
navViewAttr(leavingEle, 'leaving');
// return the transition run method so each step can be ran manually
return {
run: viewTransition.run,
cancel: function(shouldAnimate) {
if (shouldAnimate) {
enteringEle.on(TRANSITIONEND_EVENT, cancelOnTransitionEnd);
enteringEle.data(DATA_FALLBACK_TIMER, $timeout(cancelTransition, defaultTimeout));
} else {
viewTransition.shouldAnimate = shouldAnimate;
viewTransition = null;
} else if (renderEnd) {
// just the end of a manual transition
// happens after the manual transition has completed
// and a full history change has happened
function onReflow() {
// remove that we're staging the entering element so it can auto transition
navViewAttr(enteringEle, viewTransition.shouldAnimate ? 'entering' : VIEW_STATUS_ACTIVE);
navViewAttr(leavingEle, viewTransition.shouldAnimate ? 'leaving' : VIEW_STATUS_CACHED);
// start the auto transition and let the CSS take over
// trigger auto transitions on the associated nav bars
$ionicNavBarDelegate._instances.forEach(function(instance) {
if (!viewTransition.shouldAnimate) {
// no animated auto transition
// Make sure that transitionend events bubbling up from children won't fire
// transitionComplete. Will only go forward if ev.target == the element listening.
function completeOnTransitionEnd(ev) {
if (ev.target !== this) return;
function transitionComplete() {
if (transitionComplete.x) return;
transitionComplete.x = true;
enteringEle.off(TRANSITIONEND_EVENT, completeOnTransitionEnd);
leavingEle && $timeout.cancel(leavingEle.data(DATA_FALLBACK_TIMER));
// emit that the views have finished transitioning
// each parent nav-view will update which views are active and cached
switcher.emit('after', enteringData, leavingData);
// resolve that this one transition (there could be many w/ nested views)
deferred && deferred.resolve(navViewCtrl);
// the most recent transition added has completed and all the active
// transition promises should be added to the services array of promises
if (transitionId === transitionCounter) {
// tell the nav bars that the transition has ended
$ionicNavBarDelegate._instances.forEach(function(instance) {
// remove any references that could cause memory issues
nextTransition = nextDirection = enteringView = leavingView = enteringEle = leavingEle = null;
// Make sure that transitionend events bubbling up from children won't fire
// transitionComplete. Will only go forward if ev.target == the element listening.
function cancelOnTransitionEnd(ev) {
if (ev.target !== this) return;
function cancelTransition() {
navViewAttr(enteringEle, VIEW_STATUS_CACHED);
navViewAttr(leavingEle, VIEW_STATUS_ACTIVE);
enteringEle.off(TRANSITIONEND_EVENT, cancelOnTransitionEnd);
emit: function(step, enteringData, leavingData) {
var enteringScope = enteringEle.scope(),
leavingScope = leavingEle && leavingEle.scope();
if (step == 'after') {
if (enteringScope) {
enteringScope.$emit('$ionicView.enter', enteringData);
if (leavingScope) {
leavingScope.$emit('$ionicView.leave', leavingData);
} else if (enteringScope && leavingData && leavingData.viewId) {
enteringScope.$emit('$ionicNavView.leave', leavingData);
if (enteringScope) {
enteringScope.$emit('$ionicView.' + step + 'Enter', enteringData);
if (leavingScope) {
leavingScope.$emit('$ionicView.' + step + 'Leave', leavingData);
} else if (enteringScope && leavingData && leavingData.viewId) {
enteringScope.$emit('$ionicNavView.' + step + 'Leave', leavingData);
cleanup: function(transData) {
// check if any views should be removed
if (leavingEle && transData.direction == 'back' && !$ionicConfig.views.forwardCache()) {
// if they just navigated back we can destroy the forward view
// do not remove forward views if cacheForwardViews config is true
var viewElements = navViewCtrl.getViewElements();
var viewElementsLength = viewElements.length;
var x, viewElement;
var removeOldestAccess = (viewElementsLength - 1) > $ionicConfig.views.maxCache();
var removableEle;
var oldestAccess = Date.now();
for (x = 0; x < viewElementsLength; x++) {
viewElement = viewElements.eq(x);
if (removeOldestAccess && viewElement.data(DATA_VIEW_ACCESSED) < oldestAccess) {
// remember what was the oldest element to be accessed so it can be destroyed
oldestAccess = viewElement.data(DATA_VIEW_ACCESSED);
removableEle = viewElements.eq(x);
} else if (viewElement.data(DATA_DESTROY_ELE) && navViewAttr(viewElement) != VIEW_STATUS_ACTIVE) {
if (enteringEle.data(DATA_NO_CACHE)) {
enteringEle.data(DATA_DESTROY_ELE, true);
enteringEle: function() { return enteringEle; },
leavingEle: function() { return leavingEle; }
return switcher;
transitionEnd: function(navViewCtrls) {
forEach(navViewCtrls, function(navViewCtrl) {
transitionPromises = [];
nextTransition: function(val) {
nextTransition = val;
nextDirection: function(val) {
nextDirection = val;
isTransitioning: function(val) {
if (arguments.length) {
ionic.transition.isActive = !!val;
if (val) {
isActiveTimer = $timeout(function() {
}, 999);
return ionic.transition.isActive;
createViewEle: function(viewLocals) {
var containerEle = $document[0].createElement('div');
if (viewLocals && viewLocals.$template) {
containerEle.innerHTML = viewLocals.$template;
if (containerEle.children.length === 1) {
return jqLite(containerEle.children[0]);
containerEle.className = "pane";
return jqLite(containerEle);
viewEleIsActive: function(viewEle, isActiveAttr) {
navViewAttr(viewEle, isActiveAttr ? VIEW_STATUS_ACTIVE : VIEW_STATUS_CACHED);
getTransitionData: getTransitionData,
navViewAttr: navViewAttr,
destroyViewEle: destroyViewEle
return ionicViewSwitcher;
function getViewElementIdentifier(locals, view) {
if (viewState(locals)['abstract']) return viewState(locals).name;
if (view) return view.stateId || view.viewId;
return ionic.Utils.nextUid();
function viewState(locals) {
return locals && locals.$$state && locals.$$state.self || {};
function getTransitionData(viewLocals, enteringEle, direction, view) {
// Priority
// 1) attribute directive on the button/link to this view
// 2) entering element's attribute
// 3) entering view's $state config property
// 4) view registration data
// 5) global config
// 6) fallback value
var state = viewState(viewLocals);
var viewTransition = nextTransition || cachedAttr(enteringEle, 'view-transition') || state.viewTransition || $ionicConfig.views.transition() || 'ios';
var navBarTransition = $ionicConfig.navBar.transition();
direction = nextDirection || cachedAttr(enteringEle, 'view-direction') || state.viewDirection || direction || 'none';
return extend(getViewData(view), {
transition: viewTransition,
navBarTransition: navBarTransition === 'view' ? viewTransition : navBarTransition,
direction: direction,
shouldAnimate: (viewTransition !== 'none' && direction !== 'none')
function getViewData(view) {
view = view || {};
return {
viewId: view.viewId,
historyId: view.historyId,
stateId: view.stateId,
stateName: view.stateName,
stateParams: view.stateParams
function navViewAttr(ele, value) {
if (arguments.length > 1) {
cachedAttr(ele, NAV_VIEW_ATTR, value);
} else {
return cachedAttr(ele, NAV_VIEW_ATTR);
function destroyViewEle(ele) {
// we found an element that should be removed
// destroy its scope, then remove the element
if (ele && ele.length) {
var viewScope = ele.scope();
if (viewScope) {
viewScope.$emit('$ionicView.unloaded', ele.data(DATA_VIEW));
* ================== angular-ios9-uiwebview.patch.js v1.1.1 ==================
* This patch works around iOS9 UIWebView regression that causes infinite digest
* errors in Angular.
* The patch can be applied to Angular 1.2.0 – 1.4.5. Newer versions of Angular
* have the workaround baked in.
* To apply this patch load/bundle this file with your application and add a
* dependency on the "ngIOS9UIWebViewPatch" module to your main app module.
* For example:
* ```
* angular.module('myApp', ['ngRoute'])`
* ```
* becomes
* ```
* angular.module('myApp', ['ngRoute', 'ngIOS9UIWebViewPatch'])
* ```
* More info:
* - https://openradar.appspot.com/22186109
* - https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/12241
* - https://github.com/driftyco/ionic/issues/4082
* @license AngularJS
* (c) 2010-2015 Google, Inc. http://angularjs.org
* License: MIT
angular.module('ngIOS9UIWebViewPatch', ['ng']).config(['$provide', function($provide) {
'use strict';
$provide.decorator('$browser', ['$delegate', '$window', function($delegate, $window) {
if (isIOS9UIWebView($window.navigator.userAgent)) {
return applyIOS9Shim($delegate);
return $delegate;
function isIOS9UIWebView(userAgent) {
return /(iPhone|iPad|iPod).* OS 9_\d/.test(userAgent) && !/Version\/9\./.test(userAgent);
function applyIOS9Shim(browser) {
var pendingLocationUrl = null;
var originalUrlFn = browser.url;
browser.url = function() {
if (arguments.length) {
pendingLocationUrl = arguments[0];
return originalUrlFn.apply(browser, arguments);
return pendingLocationUrl || originalUrlFn.apply(browser, arguments);
window.addEventListener('popstate', clearPendingLocationUrl, false);
window.addEventListener('hashchange', clearPendingLocationUrl, false);
function clearPendingLocationUrl() {
pendingLocationUrl = null;
return browser;
* @private
* Parts of Ionic requires that $scope data is attached to the element.
* We do not want to disable adding $scope data to the $element when
* $compileProvider.debugInfoEnabled(false) is used.
IonicModule.config(['$provide', function($provide) {
$provide.decorator('$compile', ['$delegate', function($compile) {
$compile.$$addScopeInfo = function $$addScopeInfo($element, scope, isolated, noTemplate) {
var dataName = isolated ? (noTemplate ? '$isolateScopeNoTemplate' : '$isolateScope') : '$scope';
$element.data(dataName, scope);
return $compile;
* @private
function($provide) {
function $LocationDecorator($location, $timeout) {
$location.__hash = $location.hash;
//Fix: when window.location.hash is set, the scrollable area
//found nearest to body's scrollTop is set to scroll to an element
//with that ID.
$location.hash = function(value) {
if (isDefined(value) && value.length > 0) {
$timeout(function() {
var scroll = document.querySelector('.scroll-content');
if (scroll) {
scroll.scrollTop = 0;
}, 0, false);
return $location.__hash(value);
return $location;
$provide.decorator('$location', ['$delegate', '$timeout', $LocationDecorator]);
.controller('$ionicHeaderBar', [
function($scope, $element, $attrs, $q, $ionicConfig, $ionicHistory) {
var TITLE = 'title';
var BACK_TEXT = 'back-text';
var BACK_BUTTON = 'back-button';
var DEFAULT_TITLE = 'default-title';
var PREVIOUS_TITLE = 'previous-title';
var HIDE = 'hide';
var self = this;
var titleText = '';
var previousTitleText = '';
var titleLeft = 0;
var titleRight = 0;
var titleCss = '';
var isBackEnabled = false;
var isBackShown = true;
var isNavBackShown = true;
var isBackElementShown = false;
var titleTextWidth = 0;
self.beforeEnter = function(viewData) {
$scope.$broadcast('$ionicView.beforeEnter', viewData);
self.title = function(newTitleText) {
if (arguments.length && newTitleText !== titleText) {
getEle(TITLE).innerHTML = newTitleText;
titleText = newTitleText;
titleTextWidth = 0;
return titleText;
self.enableBack = function(shouldEnable, disableReset) {
// whether or not the back button show be visible, according
// to the navigation and history
if (arguments.length) {
isBackEnabled = shouldEnable;
if (!disableReset) self.updateBackButton();
return isBackEnabled;
self.showBack = function(shouldShow, disableReset) {
// different from enableBack() because this will always have the back
// visually hidden if false, even if the history says it should show
if (arguments.length) {
isBackShown = shouldShow;
if (!disableReset) self.updateBackButton();
return isBackShown;
self.showNavBack = function(shouldShow) {
// different from showBack() because this is for the entire nav bar's
// setting for all of it's child headers. For internal use.
isNavBackShown = shouldShow;
self.updateBackButton = function() {
var ele;
if ((isBackShown && isNavBackShown && isBackEnabled) !== isBackElementShown) {
isBackElementShown = isBackShown && isNavBackShown && isBackEnabled;
ele = getEle(BACK_BUTTON);
ele && ele.classList[ isBackElementShown ? 'remove' : 'add' ](HIDE);
if (isBackEnabled) {
ele = ele || getEle(BACK_BUTTON);
if (ele) {
if (self.backButtonIcon !== $ionicConfig.backButton.icon()) {
ele = getEle(BACK_BUTTON + ' .icon');
if (ele) {
self.backButtonIcon = $ionicConfig.backButton.icon();
ele.className = 'icon ' + self.backButtonIcon;
if (self.backButtonText !== $ionicConfig.backButton.text()) {
ele = getEle(BACK_BUTTON + ' .back-text');
if (ele) {
ele.textContent = self.backButtonText = $ionicConfig.backButton.text();
self.titleTextWidth = function() {
if (!titleTextWidth) {
var bounds = ionic.DomUtil.getTextBounds(getEle(TITLE));
titleTextWidth = Math.min(bounds && bounds.width || 30);
return titleTextWidth;
self.titleWidth = function() {
var titleWidth = self.titleTextWidth();
var offsetWidth = getEle(TITLE).offsetWidth;
if (offsetWidth < titleWidth) {
titleWidth = offsetWidth + (titleLeft - titleRight - 5);
return titleWidth;
self.titleTextX = function() {
return ($element[0].offsetWidth / 2) - (self.titleWidth() / 2);
self.titleLeftRight = function() {
return titleLeft - titleRight;
self.backButtonTextLeft = function() {
var offsetLeft = 0;
var ele = getEle(BACK_TEXT);
while (ele) {
offsetLeft += ele.offsetLeft;
ele = ele.parentElement;
return offsetLeft;
self.resetBackButton = function(viewData) {
if ($ionicConfig.backButton.previousTitleText()) {
var previousTitleEle = getEle(PREVIOUS_TITLE);
if (previousTitleEle) {
var view = (viewData && $ionicHistory.getViewById(viewData.viewId));
var newPreviousTitleText = $ionicHistory.backTitle(view);
if (newPreviousTitleText !== previousTitleText) {
previousTitleText = previousTitleEle.innerHTML = newPreviousTitleText;
var defaultTitleEle = getEle(DEFAULT_TITLE);
if (defaultTitleEle) {
self.align = function(textAlign) {
var titleEle = getEle(TITLE);
textAlign = textAlign || $attrs.alignTitle || $ionicConfig.navBar.alignTitle();
var widths = self.calcWidths(textAlign, false);
if (isBackShown && previousTitleText && $ionicConfig.backButton.previousTitleText()) {
var previousTitleWidths = self.calcWidths(textAlign, true);
var availableTitleWidth = $element[0].offsetWidth - previousTitleWidths.titleLeft - previousTitleWidths.titleRight;
if (self.titleTextWidth() <= availableTitleWidth) {
widths = previousTitleWidths;
return self.updatePositions(titleEle, widths.titleLeft, widths.titleRight, widths.buttonsLeft, widths.buttonsRight, widths.css, widths.showPrevTitle);
self.calcWidths = function(textAlign, isPreviousTitle) {
var titleEle = getEle(TITLE);
var backBtnEle = getEle(BACK_BUTTON);
var x, y, z, b, c, d, childSize, bounds;
var childNodes = $element[0].childNodes;
var buttonsLeft = 0;
var buttonsRight = 0;
var isCountRightOfTitle;
var updateTitleLeft = 0;
var updateTitleRight = 0;
var updateCss = '';
var backButtonWidth = 0;
// Compute how wide the left children are
// Skip all titles (there may still be two titles, one leaving the dom)
// Once we encounter a titleEle, realize we are now counting the right-buttons, not left
for (x = 0; x < childNodes.length; x++) {
c = childNodes[x];
childSize = 0;
if (c.nodeType == 1) {
// element node
if (c === titleEle) {
isCountRightOfTitle = true;
if (c.classList.contains(HIDE)) {
if (isBackShown && c === backBtnEle) {
for (y = 0; y < c.childNodes.length; y++) {
b = c.childNodes[y];
if (b.nodeType == 1) {
if (b.classList.contains(BACK_TEXT)) {
for (z = 0; z < b.children.length; z++) {
d = b.children[z];
if (isPreviousTitle) {
if (d.classList.contains(DEFAULT_TITLE)) continue;
backButtonWidth += d.offsetWidth;
} else {
if (d.classList.contains(PREVIOUS_TITLE)) continue;
backButtonWidth += d.offsetWidth;
} else {
backButtonWidth += b.offsetWidth;
} else if (b.nodeType == 3 && b.nodeValue.trim()) {
bounds = ionic.DomUtil.getTextBounds(b);
backButtonWidth += bounds && bounds.width || 0;
childSize = backButtonWidth || c.offsetWidth;
} else {
// not the title, not the back button, not a hidden element
childSize = c.offsetWidth;
} else if (c.nodeType == 3 && c.nodeValue.trim()) {
// text node
bounds = ionic.DomUtil.getTextBounds(c);
childSize = bounds && bounds.width || 0;
if (isCountRightOfTitle) {
buttonsRight += childSize;
} else {
buttonsLeft += childSize;
// Size and align the header titleEle based on the sizes of the left and
// right children, and the desired alignment mode
if (textAlign == 'left') {
updateCss = 'title-left';
if (buttonsLeft) {
updateTitleLeft = buttonsLeft + 15;
if (buttonsRight) {
updateTitleRight = buttonsRight + 15;
} else if (textAlign == 'right') {
updateCss = 'title-right';
if (buttonsLeft) {
updateTitleLeft = buttonsLeft + 15;
if (buttonsRight) {
updateTitleRight = buttonsRight + 15;
} else {
// center the default
var margin = Math.max(buttonsLeft, buttonsRight) + 10;
if (margin > 10) {
updateTitleLeft = updateTitleRight = margin;
return {
backButtonWidth: backButtonWidth,
buttonsLeft: buttonsLeft,
buttonsRight: buttonsRight,
titleLeft: updateTitleLeft,
titleRight: updateTitleRight,
showPrevTitle: isPreviousTitle,
css: updateCss
self.updatePositions = function(titleEle, updateTitleLeft, updateTitleRight, buttonsLeft, buttonsRight, updateCss, showPreviousTitle) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
// only make DOM updates when there are actual changes
if (titleEle) {
if (updateTitleLeft !== titleLeft) {
titleEle.style.left = updateTitleLeft ? updateTitleLeft + 'px' : '';
titleLeft = updateTitleLeft;
if (updateTitleRight !== titleRight) {
titleEle.style.right = updateTitleRight ? updateTitleRight + 'px' : '';
titleRight = updateTitleRight;
if (updateCss !== titleCss) {
updateCss && titleEle.classList.add(updateCss);
titleCss && titleEle.classList.remove(titleCss);
titleCss = updateCss;
if ($ionicConfig.backButton.previousTitleText()) {
var prevTitle = getEle(PREVIOUS_TITLE);
var defaultTitle = getEle(DEFAULT_TITLE);
prevTitle && prevTitle.classList[ showPreviousTitle ? 'remove' : 'add'](HIDE);
defaultTitle && defaultTitle.classList[ showPreviousTitle ? 'add' : 'remove'](HIDE);
ionic.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
if (titleEle && titleEle.offsetWidth + 10 < titleEle.scrollWidth) {
var minRight = buttonsRight + 5;
var testRight = $element[0].offsetWidth - titleLeft - self.titleTextWidth() - 20;
updateTitleRight = testRight < minRight ? minRight : testRight;
if (updateTitleRight !== titleRight) {
titleEle.style.right = updateTitleRight + 'px';
titleRight = updateTitleRight;
return deferred.promise;
self.setCss = function(elementClassname, css) {
ionic.DomUtil.cachedStyles(getEle(elementClassname), css);
var eleCache = {};
function getEle(className) {
if (!eleCache[className]) {
eleCache[className] = $element[0].querySelector('.' + className);
return eleCache[className];
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
for (var n in eleCache) eleCache[n] = null;
.controller('$ionInfiniteScroll', [
function($scope, $attrs, $element, $timeout) {
var self = this;
self.isLoading = false;
$scope.icon = function() {
return isDefined($attrs.icon) ? $attrs.icon : 'ion-load-d';
$scope.spinner = function() {
return isDefined($attrs.spinner) ? $attrs.spinner : '';
$scope.$on('scroll.infiniteScrollComplete', function() {
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
if (self.scrollCtrl && self.scrollCtrl.$element) self.scrollCtrl.$element.off('scroll', self.checkBounds);
if (self.scrollEl && self.scrollEl.removeEventListener) {
self.scrollEl.removeEventListener('scroll', self.checkBounds);
// debounce checking infinite scroll events
self.checkBounds = ionic.Utils.throttle(checkInfiniteBounds, 300);
function onInfinite() {
ionic.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
self.isLoading = true;
$scope.$parent && $scope.$parent.$apply($attrs.onInfinite || '');
function finishInfiniteScroll() {
ionic.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
$timeout(function() {
if (self.jsScrolling) self.scrollView.resize();
// only check bounds again immediately if the page isn't cached (scroll el has height)
if ((self.jsScrolling && self.scrollView.__container && self.scrollView.__container.offsetHeight > 0) ||
!self.jsScrolling) {
}, 30, false);
self.isLoading = false;
// check if we've scrolled far enough to trigger an infinite scroll
function checkInfiniteBounds() {
if (self.isLoading) return;
var maxScroll = {};
if (self.jsScrolling) {
maxScroll = self.getJSMaxScroll();
var scrollValues = self.scrollView.getValues();
if ((maxScroll.left !== -1 && scrollValues.left >= maxScroll.left) ||
(maxScroll.top !== -1 && scrollValues.top >= maxScroll.top)) {
} else {
maxScroll = self.getNativeMaxScroll();
if ((
maxScroll.left !== -1 &&
self.scrollEl.scrollLeft >= maxScroll.left - self.scrollEl.clientWidth
) || (
maxScroll.top !== -1 &&
self.scrollEl.scrollTop >= maxScroll.top - self.scrollEl.clientHeight
)) {
// determine the threshold at which we should fire an infinite scroll
// note: this gets processed every scroll event, can it be cached?
self.getJSMaxScroll = function() {
var maxValues = self.scrollView.getScrollMax();
return {
left: self.scrollView.options.scrollingX ?
calculateMaxValue(maxValues.left) :
top: self.scrollView.options.scrollingY ?
calculateMaxValue(maxValues.top) :
self.getNativeMaxScroll = function() {
var maxValues = {
left: self.scrollEl.scrollWidth,
top: self.scrollEl.scrollHeight
var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(self.scrollEl) || {};
return {
left: computedStyle.overflowX === 'scroll' ||
computedStyle.overflowX === 'auto' ||
self.scrollEl.style['overflow-x'] === 'scroll' ?
calculateMaxValue(maxValues.left) : -1,
top: computedStyle.overflowY === 'scroll' ||
computedStyle.overflowY === 'auto' ||
self.scrollEl.style['overflow-y'] === 'scroll' ?
calculateMaxValue(maxValues.top) : -1
// determine pixel refresh distance based on % or value
function calculateMaxValue(maximum) {
var distance = ($attrs.distance || '2.5%').trim();
var isPercent = distance.indexOf('%') !== -1;
return isPercent ?
maximum * (1 - parseFloat(distance) / 100) :
maximum - parseFloat(distance);
//for testing
self.__finishInfiniteScroll = finishInfiniteScroll;
* @ngdoc service
* @name $ionicListDelegate
* @module ionic
* @description
* Delegate for controlling the {@link ionic.directive:ionList} directive.
* Methods called directly on the $ionicListDelegate service will control all lists.
* Use the {@link ionic.service:$ionicListDelegate#$getByHandle $getByHandle}
* method to control specific ionList instances.
* @usage
* ````html
* {% raw %}Hello, {{i}}!{% endraw %}
* ```
* ```js
* function MyCtrl($scope, $ionicListDelegate) {
* $scope.showDeleteButtons = function() {
* $ionicListDelegate.showDelete(true);
* };
* }
* ```
IonicModule.service('$ionicListDelegate', ionic.DelegateService([
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicListDelegate#showReorder
* @param {boolean=} showReorder Set whether or not this list is showing its reorder buttons.
* @returns {boolean} Whether the reorder buttons are shown.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicListDelegate#showDelete
* @param {boolean=} showDelete Set whether or not this list is showing its delete buttons.
* @returns {boolean} Whether the delete buttons are shown.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicListDelegate#canSwipeItems
* @param {boolean=} canSwipeItems Set whether or not this list is able to swipe to show
* option buttons.
* @returns {boolean} Whether the list is able to swipe to show option buttons.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicListDelegate#closeOptionButtons
* @description Closes any option buttons on the list that are swiped open.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicListDelegate#$getByHandle
* @param {string} handle
* @returns `delegateInstance` A delegate instance that controls only the
* {@link ionic.directive:ionList} directives with `delegate-handle` matching
* the given handle.
* Example: `$ionicListDelegate.$getByHandle('my-handle').showReorder(true);`
.controller('$ionicList', [
function($scope, $attrs, $ionicListDelegate, $ionicHistory) {
var self = this;
var isSwipeable = true;
var isReorderShown = false;
var isDeleteShown = false;
var deregisterInstance = $ionicListDelegate._registerInstance(
self, $attrs.delegateHandle, function() {
return $ionicHistory.isActiveScope($scope);
$scope.$on('$destroy', deregisterInstance);
self.showReorder = function(show) {
if (arguments.length) {
isReorderShown = !!show;
return isReorderShown;
self.showDelete = function(show) {
if (arguments.length) {
isDeleteShown = !!show;
return isDeleteShown;
self.canSwipeItems = function(can) {
if (arguments.length) {
isSwipeable = !!can;
return isSwipeable;
self.closeOptionButtons = function() {
self.listView && self.listView.clearDragEffects();
.controller('$ionicNavBar', [
function($scope, $element, $attrs, $compile, $timeout, $ionicNavBarDelegate, $ionicConfig, $ionicHistory) {
var CSS_HIDE = 'hide';
var DATA_NAV_BAR_CTRL = '$ionNavBarController';
var PRIMARY_BUTTONS = 'primaryButtons';
var SECONDARY_BUTTONS = 'secondaryButtons';
var BACK_BUTTON = 'backButton';
var ITEM_TYPES = 'primaryButtons secondaryButtons leftButtons rightButtons title'.split(' ');
var self = this;
var headerBars = [];
var navElementHtml = {};
var isVisible = true;
var queuedTransitionStart, queuedTransitionEnd, latestTransitionId;
$element.parent().data(DATA_NAV_BAR_CTRL, self);
var delegateHandle = $attrs.delegateHandle || 'navBar' + ionic.Utils.nextUid();
var deregisterInstance = $ionicNavBarDelegate._registerInstance(self, delegateHandle);
self.init = function() {
ionic.DomUtil.cachedAttr($element, 'nav-bar-transition', $ionicConfig.views.transition());
// create two nav bar blocks which will trade out which one is shown
$scope.$emit('ionNavBar.init', delegateHandle);
self.createHeaderBar = function(isActive) {
var containerEle = jqLite('
ionic.DomUtil.cachedAttr(containerEle, 'nav-bar', isActive ? 'active' : 'cached');
var alignTitle = $attrs.alignTitle || $ionicConfig.navBar.alignTitle();
var headerBarEle = jqLite('').addClass($attrs['class']).attr('align-title', alignTitle);
if (isDefined($attrs.noTapScroll)) headerBarEle.attr('no-tap-scroll', $attrs.noTapScroll);
var titleEle = jqLite('
var navEle = {};
var lastViewItemEle = {};
var leftButtonsEle, rightButtonsEle;
navEle[BACK_BUTTON] = createNavElement(BACK_BUTTON);
navEle[BACK_BUTTON] && headerBarEle.append(navEle[BACK_BUTTON]);
// append title in the header, this is the rock to where buttons append
forEach(ITEM_TYPES, function(itemType) {
// create default button elements
navEle[itemType] = createNavElement(itemType);
// append and position buttons
positionItem(navEle[itemType], itemType);
// add header-item to the root children
for (var x = 0; x < headerBarEle[0].children.length; x++) {
// compile header and append to the DOM
var headerBarCtrl = headerBarEle.data('$ionHeaderBarController');
headerBarCtrl.backButtonIcon = $ionicConfig.backButton.icon();
headerBarCtrl.backButtonText = $ionicConfig.backButton.text();
var headerBarInstance = {
isActive: isActive,
title: function(newTitleText) {
setItem: function(navBarItemEle, itemType) {
// first make sure any exiting nav bar item has been removed
if (navBarItemEle) {
if (itemType === 'title') {
// clear out the text based title
// there's a custom nav bar item
positionItem(navBarItemEle, itemType);
if (navEle[itemType]) {
// make sure the default on this itemType is hidden
lastViewItemEle[itemType] = navBarItemEle;
} else if (navEle[itemType]) {
// there's a default button for this side and no view button
removeItem: function(itemType) {
if (lastViewItemEle[itemType]) {
lastViewItemEle[itemType] = null;
containerEle: function() {
return containerEle;
headerBarEle: function() {
return headerBarEle;
afterLeave: function() {
forEach(ITEM_TYPES, function(itemType) {
controller: function() {
return headerBarCtrl;
destroy: function() {
forEach(ITEM_TYPES, function(itemType) {
for (var n in navEle) {
if (navEle[n]) {
navEle[n] = null;
leftButtonsEle && leftButtonsEle.removeData();
rightButtonsEle && rightButtonsEle.removeData();
containerEle = headerBarEle = titleEle = leftButtonsEle = rightButtonsEle = null;
function positionItem(ele, itemType) {
if (!ele) return;
if (itemType === 'title') {
// title element
} else if (itemType == 'rightButtons' ||
(itemType == SECONDARY_BUTTONS && $ionicConfig.navBar.positionSecondaryButtons() != 'left') ||
(itemType == PRIMARY_BUTTONS && $ionicConfig.navBar.positionPrimaryButtons() == 'right')) {
// right side
if (!rightButtonsEle) {
rightButtonsEle = jqLite('
if (itemType == SECONDARY_BUTTONS) {
} else {
} else {
// left side
if (!leftButtonsEle) {
leftButtonsEle = jqLite('
if (navEle[BACK_BUTTON]) {
} else {
if (itemType == SECONDARY_BUTTONS) {
} else {
return headerBarInstance;
self.navElement = function(type, html) {
if (isDefined(html)) {
navElementHtml[type] = html;
return navElementHtml[type];
self.update = function(viewData) {
var showNavBar = !viewData.hasHeaderBar && viewData.showNavBar;
viewData.transition = $ionicConfig.views.transition();
if (!showNavBar) {
viewData.direction = 'none';
var enteringHeaderBar = self.isInitialized ? getOffScreenHeaderBar() : getOnScreenHeaderBar();
var leavingHeaderBar = self.isInitialized ? getOnScreenHeaderBar() : null;
var enteringHeaderCtrl = enteringHeaderBar.controller();
// update if the entering header should show the back button or not
enteringHeaderCtrl.enableBack(viewData.enableBack, true);
enteringHeaderCtrl.showBack(viewData.showBack, true);
// update the entering header bar's title
self.title(viewData.title, enteringHeaderBar);
// update the nav bar items, depending if the view has their own or not
if (viewData.navBarItems) {
forEach(ITEM_TYPES, function(itemType) {
enteringHeaderBar.setItem(viewData.navBarItems[itemType], itemType);
// begin transition of entering and leaving header bars
self.transition(enteringHeaderBar, leavingHeaderBar, viewData);
self.isInitialized = true;
self.transition = function(enteringHeaderBar, leavingHeaderBar, viewData) {
var enteringHeaderBarCtrl = enteringHeaderBar.controller();
var transitionFn = $ionicConfig.transitions.navBar[viewData.navBarTransition] || $ionicConfig.transitions.navBar.none;
var transitionId = viewData.transitionId;
var navBarTransition = transitionFn(enteringHeaderBar, leavingHeaderBar, viewData.direction, viewData.shouldAnimate && self.isInitialized);
ionic.DomUtil.cachedAttr($element, 'nav-bar-transition', viewData.navBarTransition);
ionic.DomUtil.cachedAttr($element, 'nav-bar-direction', viewData.direction);
if (navBarTransition.shouldAnimate && viewData.renderEnd) {
navBarAttr(enteringHeaderBar, 'stage');
} else {
navBarAttr(enteringHeaderBar, 'entering');
navBarAttr(leavingHeaderBar, 'leaving');
self.activeTransition = {
run: function(step) {
navBarTransition.shouldAnimate = false;
navBarTransition.direction = 'back';
cancel: function(shouldAnimate, speed, cancelData) {
navBarAttr(leavingHeaderBar, 'active');
navBarAttr(enteringHeaderBar, 'cached');
navBarTransition.shouldAnimate = shouldAnimate;
self.activeTransition = navBarTransition = null;
var runApply;
if (cancelData.showBar !== self.showBar()) {
if (cancelData.showBackButton !== self.showBackButton()) {
if (runApply) {
complete: function(shouldAnimate, speed) {
navBarTransition.shouldAnimate = shouldAnimate;
queuedTransitionEnd = transitionEnd;
$timeout(enteringHeaderBarCtrl.align, 16);
queuedTransitionStart = function() {
if (latestTransitionId !== transitionId) return;
navBarAttr(enteringHeaderBar, 'entering');
navBarAttr(leavingHeaderBar, 'leaving');
queuedTransitionEnd = function() {
if (latestTransitionId == transitionId || !navBarTransition.shouldAnimate) {
queuedTransitionStart = null;
function transitionEnd() {
for (var x = 0; x < headerBars.length; x++) {
headerBars[x].isActive = false;
enteringHeaderBar.isActive = true;
navBarAttr(enteringHeaderBar, 'active');
navBarAttr(leavingHeaderBar, 'cached');
self.activeTransition = navBarTransition = queuedTransitionEnd = null;
self.triggerTransitionStart = function(triggerTransitionId) {
latestTransitionId = triggerTransitionId;
queuedTransitionStart && queuedTransitionStart();
self.triggerTransitionEnd = function() {
queuedTransitionEnd && queuedTransitionEnd();
self.showBar = function(shouldShow) {
if (arguments.length) {
$scope.$parent.$hasHeader = !!shouldShow;
return !!$scope.$parent.$hasHeader;
self.visibleBar = function(shouldShow) {
if (shouldShow && !isVisible) {
} else if (!shouldShow && isVisible) {
isVisible = shouldShow;
self.enable = function(val) {
// set primary to show first
// set non primary to hide second
for (var x = 0; x < $ionicNavBarDelegate._instances.length; x++) {
if ($ionicNavBarDelegate._instances[x] !== self) $ionicNavBarDelegate._instances[x].visibleBar(false);
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicNavBar#showBackButton
* @description Show/hide the nav bar back button when there is a
* back view. If the back button is not possible, for example, the
* first view in the stack, then this will not force the back button
* to show.
self.showBackButton = function(shouldShow) {
if (arguments.length) {
for (var x = 0; x < headerBars.length; x++) {
$scope.$isBackButtonShown = !!shouldShow;
return $scope.$isBackButtonShown;
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicNavBar#showActiveBackButton
* @description Show/hide only the active header bar's back button.
self.showActiveBackButton = function(shouldShow) {
var headerBar = getOnScreenHeaderBar();
if (headerBar) {
if (arguments.length) {
return headerBar.controller().showBack(shouldShow);
return headerBar.controller().showBack();
self.title = function(newTitleText, headerBar) {
if (isDefined(newTitleText)) {
newTitleText = newTitleText || '';
headerBar = headerBar || getOnScreenHeaderBar();
headerBar && headerBar.title(newTitleText);
$scope.$title = newTitleText;
return $scope.$title;
self.align = function(val, headerBar) {
headerBar = headerBar || getOnScreenHeaderBar();
headerBar && headerBar.controller().align(val);
self.hasTabsTop = function(isTabsTop) {
$element[isTabsTop ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('nav-bar-tabs-top');
self.hasBarSubheader = function(isBarSubheader) {
$element[isBarSubheader ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('nav-bar-has-subheader');
// DEPRECATED, as of v1.0.0-beta14 -------
self.changeTitle = function(val) {
deprecatedWarning('changeTitle(val)', 'title(val)');
self.setTitle = function(val) {
deprecatedWarning('setTitle(val)', 'title(val)');
self.getTitle = function() {
deprecatedWarning('getTitle()', 'title()');
return self.title();
self.back = function() {
deprecatedWarning('back()', '$ionicHistory.goBack()');
self.getPreviousTitle = function() {
deprecatedWarning('getPreviousTitle()', '$ionicHistory.backTitle()');
function deprecatedWarning(oldMethod, newMethod) {
var warn = console.warn || console.log;
warn && warn.call(console, 'navBarController.' + oldMethod + ' is deprecated, please use ' + newMethod + ' instead');
function createNavElement(type) {
if (navElementHtml[type]) {
return jqLite(navElementHtml[type]);
function getOnScreenHeaderBar() {
for (var x = 0; x < headerBars.length; x++) {
if (headerBars[x].isActive) return headerBars[x];
function getOffScreenHeaderBar() {
for (var x = 0; x < headerBars.length; x++) {
if (!headerBars[x].isActive) return headerBars[x];
function navBarAttr(ctrl, val) {
ctrl && ionic.DomUtil.cachedAttr(ctrl.containerEle(), 'nav-bar', val);
function navSwipeAttr(val) {
ionic.DomUtil.cachedAttr($element, 'nav-swipe', val);
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
$scope.$parent.$hasHeader = false;
for (var x = 0; x < headerBars.length; x++) {
$element = headerBars = null;
.controller('$ionicNavView', [
function($scope, $element, $attrs, $compile, $controller, $ionicNavBarDelegate, $ionicNavViewDelegate, $ionicHistory, $ionicViewSwitcher, $ionicConfig, $ionicScrollDelegate) {
var DATA_DESTROY_ELE = '$destroyEle';
var DATA_NO_CACHE = '$noCache';
var VIEW_STATUS_ACTIVE = 'active';
var VIEW_STATUS_CACHED = 'cached';
var self = this;
var direction;
var isPrimary = false;
var navBarDelegate;
var activeEleId;
var navViewAttr = $ionicViewSwitcher.navViewAttr;
var disableRenderStartViewId, disableAnimation;
self.scope = $scope;
self.element = $element;
self.init = function() {
var navViewName = $attrs.name || '';
// Find the details of the parent view directive (if any) and use it
// to derive our own qualified view name, then hang our own details
// off the DOM so child directives can find it.
var parent = $element.parent().inheritedData('$uiView');
var parentViewName = ((parent && parent.state) ? parent.state.name : '');
if (navViewName.indexOf('@') < 0) navViewName = navViewName + '@' + parentViewName;
var viewData = { name: navViewName, state: null };
$element.data('$uiView', viewData);
var deregisterInstance = $ionicNavViewDelegate._registerInstance(self, $attrs.delegateHandle);
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
// ensure no scrolls have been left frozen
if (self.isSwipeFreeze) {
$scope.$on('$ionicHistory.deselect', self.cacheCleanup);
$scope.$on('$ionicTabs.top', onTabsTop);
$scope.$on('$ionicSubheader', onBarSubheader);
$scope.$on('$ionicTabs.beforeLeave', onTabsLeave);
$scope.$on('$ionicTabs.afterLeave', onTabsLeave);
$scope.$on('$ionicTabs.leave', onTabsLeave);
ionic.Platform.ready(function() {
if (ionic.Platform.isWebView() && $ionicConfig.views.swipeBackEnabled()) {
return viewData;
self.register = function(viewLocals) {
var leavingView = extend({}, $ionicHistory.currentView());
// register that a view is coming in and get info on how it should transition
var registerData = $ionicHistory.register($scope, viewLocals);
// update which direction
// begin rendering and transitioning
var enteringView = $ionicHistory.getViewById(registerData.viewId) || {};
var renderStart = (disableRenderStartViewId !== registerData.viewId);
self.render(registerData, viewLocals, enteringView, leavingView, renderStart, true);
self.update = function(registerData) {
// always reset that this is the primary navView
isPrimary = true;
// remember what direction this navView should use
// this may get updated later by a child navView
direction = registerData.direction;
var parentNavViewCtrl = $element.parent().inheritedData('$ionNavViewController');
if (parentNavViewCtrl) {
// this navView is nested inside another one
// update the parent to use this direction and not
// the other it originally was set to
// inform the parent navView that it is not the primary navView
if (direction === 'enter' || direction === 'exit') {
// they're entering/exiting a history
// find parent navViewController
if (direction === 'enter') {
// reset the direction so this navView doesn't animate
// because it's parent will
direction = 'none';
self.render = function(registerData, viewLocals, enteringView, leavingView, renderStart, renderEnd) {
// register the view and figure out where it lives in the various
// histories and nav stacks, along with how views should enter/leave
var switcher = $ionicViewSwitcher.create(self, viewLocals, enteringView, leavingView, renderStart, renderEnd);
// init the rendering of views for this navView directive
switcher.init(registerData, function() {
// the view is now compiled, in the dom and linked, now lets transition the views.
// this uses a callback incase THIS nav-view has a nested nav-view, and after the NESTED
// nav-view links, the NESTED nav-view would update which direction THIS nav-view should use
// kick off the transition of views
switcher.transition(self.direction(), registerData.enableBack, !disableAnimation);
// reset private vars for next time
disableRenderStartViewId = disableAnimation = null;
self.beforeEnter = function(transitionData) {
if (isPrimary) {
// only update this nav-view's nav-bar if this is the primary nav-view
navBarDelegate = transitionData.navBarDelegate;
var associatedNavBarCtrl = getAssociatedNavBarCtrl();
associatedNavBarCtrl && associatedNavBarCtrl.update(transitionData);
self.activeEleId = function(eleId) {
if (arguments.length) {
activeEleId = eleId;
return activeEleId;
self.transitionEnd = function() {
var viewElements = $element.children();
var x, l, viewElement;
for (x = 0, l = viewElements.length; x < l; x++) {
viewElement = viewElements.eq(x);
if (viewElement.data(DATA_ELE_IDENTIFIER) === activeEleId) {
// this is the active element
navViewAttr(viewElement, VIEW_STATUS_ACTIVE);
} else if (navViewAttr(viewElement) === 'leaving' || navViewAttr(viewElement) === VIEW_STATUS_ACTIVE || navViewAttr(viewElement) === VIEW_STATUS_CACHED) {
// this is a leaving element or was the former active element, or is an cached element
if (viewElement.data(DATA_DESTROY_ELE) || viewElement.data(DATA_NO_CACHE)) {
// this element shouldn't stay cached
} else {
// keep in the DOM, mark as cached
navViewAttr(viewElement, VIEW_STATUS_CACHED);
// disconnect the leaving scope
// ensure no scrolls have been left frozen
if (self.isSwipeFreeze) {
function onTabsLeave(ev, data) {
var viewElements = $element.children();
var viewElement, viewScope;
for (var x = 0, l = viewElements.length; x < l; x++) {
viewElement = viewElements.eq(x);
if (navViewAttr(viewElement) == VIEW_STATUS_ACTIVE) {
viewScope = viewElement.scope();
viewScope && viewScope.$emit(ev.name.replace('Tabs', 'View'), data);
self.cacheCleanup = function() {
var viewElements = $element.children();
for (var x = 0, l = viewElements.length; x < l; x++) {
if (viewElements.eq(x).data(DATA_DESTROY_ELE)) {
self.clearCache = function(stateIds) {
var viewElements = $element.children();
var viewElement, viewScope, x, l, y, eleIdentifier;
for (x = 0, l = viewElements.length; x < l; x++) {
viewElement = viewElements.eq(x);
if (stateIds) {
eleIdentifier = viewElement.data(DATA_ELE_IDENTIFIER);
for (y = 0; y < stateIds.length; y++) {
if (eleIdentifier === stateIds[y]) {
if (navViewAttr(viewElement) == VIEW_STATUS_CACHED) {
} else if (navViewAttr(viewElement) == VIEW_STATUS_ACTIVE) {
viewScope = viewElement.scope();
viewScope && viewScope.$broadcast('$ionicView.clearCache');
self.getViewElements = function() {
return $element.children();
self.appendViewElement = function(viewEle, viewLocals) {
// compile the entering element and get the link function
var linkFn = $compile(viewEle);
var viewScope = $scope.$new();
if (viewLocals && viewLocals.$$controller) {
viewLocals.$scope = viewScope;
var controller = $controller(viewLocals.$$controller, viewLocals);
if (viewLocals.$$controllerAs) {
viewScope[viewLocals.$$controllerAs] = controller;
$element.children().data('$ngControllerController', controller);
return viewScope;
self.title = function(val) {
var associatedNavBarCtrl = getAssociatedNavBarCtrl();
associatedNavBarCtrl && associatedNavBarCtrl.title(val);
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicNavView#enableBackButton
* @description Enable/disable if the back button can be shown or not. For
* example, the very first view in the navigation stack would not have a
* back view, so the back button would be disabled.
self.enableBackButton = function(shouldEnable) {
var associatedNavBarCtrl = getAssociatedNavBarCtrl();
associatedNavBarCtrl && associatedNavBarCtrl.enableBackButton(shouldEnable);
* @ngdoc method
* @name $ionicNavView#showBackButton
* @description Show/hide the nav bar active back button. If the back button
* is not possible this will not force the back button to show. The
* `enableBackButton()` method handles if a back button is even possible or not.
self.showBackButton = function(shouldShow) {
var associatedNavBarCtrl = getAssociatedNavBarCtrl();
if (associatedNavBarCtrl) {
if (arguments.length) {
return associatedNavBarCtrl.showActiveBackButton(shouldShow);
return associatedNavBarCtrl.showActiveBackButton();
return true;
self.showBar = function(val) {
var associatedNavBarCtrl = getAssociatedNavBarCtrl();
if (associatedNavBarCtrl) {
if (arguments.length) {
return associatedNavBarCtrl.showBar(val);
return associatedNavBarCtrl.showBar();
return true;
self.isPrimary = function(val) {
if (arguments.length) {
isPrimary = val;
return isPrimary;
self.direction = function(val) {
if (arguments.length) {
direction = val;
return direction;
self.initSwipeBack = function() {
var swipeBackHitWidth = $ionicConfig.views.swipeBackHitWidth();
var viewTransition, associatedNavBarCtrl, backView;
var deregDragStart, deregDrag, deregRelease;
var windowWidth, startDragX, dragPoints;
var cancelData = {};
function onDragStart(ev) {
if (!isPrimary) return;
startDragX = getDragX(ev);
if (startDragX > swipeBackHitWidth) return;
backView = $ionicHistory.backView();
var currentView = $ionicHistory.currentView();
if (!backView || backView.historyId !== currentView.historyId || currentView.canSwipeBack === false) return;
if (!windowWidth) windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
self.isSwipeFreeze = $ionicScrollDelegate.freezeAllScrolls(true);
var registerData = {
direction: 'back'
dragPoints = [];
cancelData = {
showBar: self.showBar(),
showBackButton: self.showBackButton()
var switcher = $ionicViewSwitcher.create(self, registerData, backView, currentView, true, false);
viewTransition = switcher.transition('back', $ionicHistory.enabledBack(backView), true);
associatedNavBarCtrl = getAssociatedNavBarCtrl();
deregDrag = ionic.onGesture('drag', onDrag, $element[0]);
deregRelease = ionic.onGesture('release', onRelease, $element[0]);
function onDrag(ev) {
if (isPrimary && viewTransition) {
var dragX = getDragX(ev);
t: Date.now(),
x: dragX
if (dragX >= windowWidth - 15) {
} else {
var step = Math.min(Math.max(getSwipeCompletion(dragX), 0), 1);
associatedNavBarCtrl && associatedNavBarCtrl.activeTransition && associatedNavBarCtrl.activeTransition.run(step);
function onRelease(ev) {
if (isPrimary && viewTransition && dragPoints && dragPoints.length > 1) {
var now = Date.now();
var releaseX = getDragX(ev);
var startDrag = dragPoints[dragPoints.length - 1];
for (var x = dragPoints.length - 2; x >= 0; x--) {
if (now - startDrag.t > 200) {
startDrag = dragPoints[x];
var isSwipingRight = (releaseX >= dragPoints[dragPoints.length - 2].x);
var releaseSwipeCompletion = getSwipeCompletion(releaseX);
var velocity = Math.abs(startDrag.x - releaseX) / (now - startDrag.t);
// private variables because ui-router has no way to pass custom data using $state.go
disableRenderStartViewId = backView.viewId;
disableAnimation = (releaseSwipeCompletion < 0.03 || releaseSwipeCompletion > 0.97);
if (isSwipingRight && (releaseSwipeCompletion > 0.5 || velocity > 0.1)) {
// complete view transition on release
var speed = (velocity > 0.5 || velocity < 0.05 || releaseX > windowWidth - 45) ? 'fast' : 'slow';
navSwipeAttr(disableAnimation ? '' : speed);
associatedNavBarCtrl && associatedNavBarCtrl.activeTransition && associatedNavBarCtrl.activeTransition.complete(!disableAnimation, speed);
} else {
// cancel view transition on release
navSwipeAttr(disableAnimation ? '' : 'fast');
disableRenderStartViewId = null;
associatedNavBarCtrl && associatedNavBarCtrl.activeTransition && associatedNavBarCtrl.activeTransition.cancel(!disableAnimation, 'fast', cancelData);
disableAnimation = null;
ionic.offGesture(deregDrag, 'drag', onDrag);
ionic.offGesture(deregRelease, 'release', onRelease);
windowWidth = viewTransition = dragPoints = null;
self.isSwipeFreeze = $ionicScrollDelegate.freezeAllScrolls(false);
function getDragX(ev) {
return ionic.tap.pointerCoord(ev.gesture.srcEvent).x;
function getSwipeCompletion(dragX) {
return (dragX - startDragX) / windowWidth;
deregDragStart = ionic.onGesture('dragstart', onDragStart, $element[0]);
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
ionic.offGesture(deregDragStart, 'dragstart', onDragStart);
ionic.offGesture(deregDrag, 'drag', onDrag);
ionic.offGesture(deregRelease, 'release', onRelease);
self.element = viewTransition = associatedNavBarCtrl = null;
function navSwipeAttr(val) {
ionic.DomUtil.cachedAttr($element, 'nav-swipe', val);
function onTabsTop(ev, isTabsTop) {
var associatedNavBarCtrl = getAssociatedNavBarCtrl();
associatedNavBarCtrl && associatedNavBarCtrl.hasTabsTop(isTabsTop);
function onBarSubheader(ev, isBarSubheader) {
var associatedNavBarCtrl = getAssociatedNavBarCtrl();
associatedNavBarCtrl && associatedNavBarCtrl.hasBarSubheader(isBarSubheader);
function getAssociatedNavBarCtrl() {
if (navBarDelegate) {
for (var x = 0; x < $ionicNavBarDelegate._instances.length; x++) {
if ($ionicNavBarDelegate._instances[x].$$delegateHandle == navBarDelegate) {
return $ionicNavBarDelegate._instances[x];
return $element.inheritedData('$ionNavBarController');
.controller('$ionicRefresher', [
function($scope, $attrs, $element, $ionicBind, $timeout) {
var self = this,
isDragging = false,
isOverscrolling = false,
dragOffset = 0,
lastOverscroll = 0,
ptrThreshold = 60,
activated = false,
scrollTime = 500,
startY = null,
deltaY = null,
canOverscroll = true,
if (!isDefined($attrs.pullingIcon)) {
$attrs.$set('pullingIcon', 'ion-android-arrow-down');
$scope.showSpinner = !isDefined($attrs.refreshingIcon) && $attrs.spinner != 'none';
$scope.showIcon = isDefined($attrs.refreshingIcon);
$ionicBind($scope, $attrs, {
pullingIcon: '@',
pullingText: '@',
refreshingIcon: '@',
refreshingText: '@',
spinner: '@',
disablePullingRotation: '@',
$onRefresh: '&onRefresh',
$onPulling: '&onPulling'
function handleTouchend() {
// if this wasn't an overscroll, get out immediately
if (!canOverscroll && !isDragging) {
// reset Y
startY = null;
// the user has overscrolled but went back to native scrolling
if (!isDragging) {
dragOffset = 0;
isOverscrolling = false;
} else {
isDragging = false;
dragOffset = 0;
// the user has scroll far enough to trigger a refresh
if (lastOverscroll > ptrThreshold) {
scrollTo(ptrThreshold, scrollTime);
// the user has overscrolled but not far enough to trigger a refresh
} else {
scrollTo(0, scrollTime, deactivate);
isOverscrolling = false;
function handleTouchmove(e) {
// if multitouch or regular scroll event, get out immediately
if (!canOverscroll || e.touches.length > 1) {
//if this is a new drag, keep track of where we start
if (startY === null) {
startY = parseInt(e.touches[0].screenY, 10);
// kitkat fix for touchcancel events http://updates.html5rocks.com/2014/05/A-More-Compatible-Smoother-Touch
if (ionic.Platform.isAndroid() && ionic.Platform.version() === 4.4 && scrollParent.scrollTop === 0) {
isDragging = true;
// how far have we dragged so far?
deltaY = parseInt(e.touches[0].screenY, 10) - startY;
// if we've dragged up and back down in to native scroll territory
if (deltaY - dragOffset <= 0 || scrollParent.scrollTop !== 0) {
if (isOverscrolling) {
isOverscrolling = false;
if (isDragging) {
nativescroll(scrollParent, parseInt(deltaY - dragOffset, 10) * -1);
// if we're not at overscroll 0 yet, 0 out
if (lastOverscroll !== 0) {
} else if (deltaY > 0 && scrollParent.scrollTop === 0 && !isOverscrolling) {
// starting overscroll, but drag started below scrollTop 0, so we need to offset the position
dragOffset = deltaY;
// prevent native scroll events while overscrolling
// if not overscrolling yet, initiate overscrolling
if (!isOverscrolling) {
isOverscrolling = true;
isDragging = true;
// overscroll according to the user's drag so far
overscroll(parseInt((deltaY - dragOffset) / 3, 10));
// update the icon accordingly
if (!activated && lastOverscroll > ptrThreshold) {
activated = true;
} else if (activated && lastOverscroll < ptrThreshold) {
activated = false;
function handleScroll(e) {
// canOverscrol is used to greatly simplify the drag handler during normal scrolling
canOverscroll = (e.target.scrollTop === 0) || isDragging;
function overscroll(val) {
scrollChild.style[ionic.CSS.TRANSFORM] = 'translateY(' + val + 'px)';
lastOverscroll = val;
function nativescroll(target, newScrollTop) {
// creates a scroll event that bubbles, can be cancelled, and with its view
// and detail property initialized to window and 1, respectively
target.scrollTop = newScrollTop;
var e = document.createEvent("UIEvents");
e.initUIEvent("scroll", true, true, window, 1);
function setScrollLock(enabled) {
// set the scrollbar to be position:fixed in preparation to overscroll
// or remove it so the app can be natively scrolled
if (enabled) {
ionic.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
} else {
ionic.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
$scope.$on('scroll.refreshComplete', function() {
// prevent the complete from firing before the scroll has started
$timeout(function() {
// scroll back to home during tail animation
scrollTo(0, scrollTime, deactivate);
// return to native scrolling after tail animation has time to finish
$timeout(function() {
if (isOverscrolling) {
isOverscrolling = false;
}, scrollTime);
}, scrollTime);
function scrollTo(Y, duration, callback) {
// scroll animation loop w/ easing
// credit https://gist.github.com/dezinezync/5487119
var start = Date.now(),
from = lastOverscroll;
if (from === Y) {
return; /* Prevent scrolling to the Y point if already there */
// decelerating to zero velocity
function easeOutCubic(t) {
return (--t) * t * t + 1;
// scroll loop
function scroll() {
var currentTime = Date.now(),
time = Math.min(1, ((currentTime - start) / duration)),
// where .5 would be 50% of time on a linear scale easedT gives a
// fraction based on the easing method
easedT = easeOutCubic(time);
overscroll(parseInt((easedT * (Y - from)) + from, 10));
if (time < 1) {
} else {
if (Y < 5 && Y > -5) {
isOverscrolling = false;
callback && callback();
// start scroll loop
self.init = function() {
scrollParent = $element.parent().parent()[0];
scrollChild = $element.parent()[0];
if (!scrollParent || !scrollParent.classList.contains('ionic-scroll') ||
!scrollChild || !scrollChild.classList.contains('scroll')) {
throw new Error('Refresher must be immediate child of ion-content or ion-scroll');
ionic.on('touchmove', handleTouchmove, scrollChild);
ionic.on('touchend', handleTouchend, scrollChild);
ionic.on('scroll', handleScroll, scrollParent);
// cleanup when done
$scope.$on('$destroy', destroy);
function destroy() {
ionic.off('touchmove', handleTouchmove, scrollChild);
ionic.off('touchend', handleTouchend, scrollChild);
ionic.off('scroll', handleScroll, scrollParent);
scrollParent = null;
scrollChild = null;
// DOM manipulation and broadcast methods shared by JS and Native Scrolling
// getter used by JS Scrolling
self.getRefresherDomMethods = function() {
return {
activate: activate,
deactivate: deactivate,
start: start,
show: show,
hide: hide,
tail: tail
function activate() {
function deactivate() {
// give tail 150ms to finish
$timeout(function() {
// deactivateCallback
$element.removeClass('active refreshing refreshing-tail');
if (activated) activated = false;
}, 150);
function start() {
// startCallback
function show() {
// showCallback
function hide() {
// showCallback
function tail() {
// tailCallback
// for testing
self.__handleTouchmove = handleTouchmove;
self.__getScrollChild = function() { return scrollChild; };
self.__getScrollParent = function() { return scrollParent; };
* @private
.controller('$ionicScroll', [
$ionicHistory) {
var self = this;
// for testing
self.__timeout = $timeout;
self._scrollViewOptions = scrollViewOptions; //for testing
self.isNative = function() {
return !!scrollViewOptions.nativeScrolling;
var element = self.element = scrollViewOptions.el;
var $element = self.$element = jqLite(element);
var scrollView;
if (self.isNative()) {
scrollView = self.scrollView = new ionic.views.ScrollNative(scrollViewOptions);
} else {
scrollView = self.scrollView = new ionic.views.Scroll(scrollViewOptions);
//Attach self to element as a controller so other directives can require this controller
//through `require: '$ionicScroll'
//Also attach to parent so that sibling elements can require this
($element.parent().length ? $element.parent() : $element)
.data('$$ionicScrollController', self);
var deregisterInstance = $ionicScrollDelegate._registerInstance(
self, scrollViewOptions.delegateHandle, function() {
return $ionicHistory.isActiveScope($scope);
if (!isDefined(scrollViewOptions.bouncing)) {
ionic.Platform.ready(function() {
if (scrollView.options) {
scrollView.options.bouncing = true;
if (ionic.Platform.isAndroid()) {
// No bouncing by default on Android
scrollView.options.bouncing = false;
// Faster scroll decel
scrollView.options.deceleration = 0.95;
var resize = angular.bind(scrollView, scrollView.resize);
angular.element($window).on('resize', resize);
var scrollFunc = function(e) {
var detail = (e.originalEvent || e).detail || {};
$scope.$onScroll && $scope.$onScroll({
event: e,
scrollTop: detail.scrollTop || 0,
scrollLeft: detail.scrollLeft || 0
$element.on('scroll', scrollFunc);
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
scrollView && scrollView.__cleanup && scrollView.__cleanup();
angular.element($window).off('resize', resize);
$element.off('scroll', scrollFunc);
scrollView = self.scrollView = scrollViewOptions = self._scrollViewOptions = scrollViewOptions.el = self._scrollViewOptions.el = $element = self.$element = element = null;
$timeout(function() {
scrollView && scrollView.run && scrollView.run();
self.getScrollView = function() {
return scrollView;
self.getScrollPosition = function() {
return scrollView.getValues();
self.resize = function() {
return $timeout(resize, 0, false).then(function() {
$element && $element.triggerHandler('scroll-resize');
self.scrollTop = function(shouldAnimate) {
self.resize().then(function() {
scrollView.scrollTo(0, 0, !!shouldAnimate);
self.scrollBottom = function(shouldAnimate) {
self.resize().then(function() {
var max = scrollView.getScrollMax();
scrollView.scrollTo(max.left, max.top, !!shouldAnimate);
self.scrollTo = function(left, top, shouldAnimate) {
self.resize().then(function() {
scrollView.scrollTo(left, top, !!shouldAnimate);
self.zoomTo = function(zoom, shouldAnimate, originLeft, originTop) {
self.resize().then(function() {
scrollView.zoomTo(zoom, !!shouldAnimate, originLeft, originTop);
self.zoomBy = function(zoom, shouldAnimate, originLeft, originTop) {
self.resize().then(function() {
scrollView.zoomBy(zoom, !!shouldAnimate, originLeft, originTop);
self.scrollBy = function(left, top, shouldAnimate) {
self.resize().then(function() {
scrollView.scrollBy(left, top, !!shouldAnimate);
self.anchorScroll = function(shouldAnimate) {
self.resize().then(function() {
var hash = $location.hash();
var elm = hash && $document[0].getElementById(hash);
if (!(hash && elm)) {
scrollView.scrollTo(0, 0, !!shouldAnimate);
var curElm = elm;
var scrollLeft = 0, scrollTop = 0;
do {
if (curElm !== null) scrollLeft += curElm.offsetLeft;
if (curElm !== null) scrollTop += curElm.offsetTop;
curElm = curElm.offsetParent;
} while (curElm.attributes != self.element.attributes && curElm.offsetParent);
scrollView.scrollTo(scrollLeft, scrollTop, !!shouldAnimate);
self.freezeScroll = scrollView.freeze;
self.freezeAllScrolls = function(shouldFreeze) {
for (var i = 0; i < $ionicScrollDelegate._instances.length; i++) {
* @private
self._setRefresher = function(refresherScope, refresherElement, refresherMethods) {
self.refresher = refresherElement;
var refresherHeight = self.refresher.clientHeight || 60;
.controller('$ionicSideMenus', [
function($scope, $attrs, $ionicSideMenuDelegate, $ionicPlatform, $ionicBody, $ionicHistory, $ionicScrollDelegate, IONIC_BACK_PRIORITY, $rootScope) {
var self = this;
var rightShowing, leftShowing, isDragging;
var startX, lastX, offsetX, isAsideExposed;
var enableMenuWithBackViews = true;
self.$scope = $scope;
self.initialize = function(options) {
self.left = options.left;
self.right = options.right;
self.dragThresholdX = options.dragThresholdX || 10;
* Set the content view controller if not passed in the constructor options.
* @param {object} content
self.setContent = function(content) {
if (content) {
self.content = content;
self.content.onDrag = function(e) {
self.content.endDrag = function(e) {
self.isOpenLeft = function() {
return self.getOpenAmount() > 0;
self.isOpenRight = function() {
return self.getOpenAmount() < 0;
* Toggle the left menu to open 100%
self.toggleLeft = function(shouldOpen) {
if (isAsideExposed || !self.left.isEnabled) return;
var openAmount = self.getOpenAmount();
if (arguments.length === 0) {
shouldOpen = openAmount <= 0;
if (!shouldOpen) {
$rootScope.$emit('$ionicSideMenuClose', 'left');
} else {
$rootScope.$emit('$ionicSideMenuOpen', 'left');
* Toggle the right menu to open 100%
self.toggleRight = function(shouldOpen) {
if (isAsideExposed || !self.right.isEnabled) return;
var openAmount = self.getOpenAmount();
if (arguments.length === 0) {
shouldOpen = openAmount >= 0;
if (!shouldOpen) {
$rootScope.$emit('$ionicSideMenuClose', 'right');
} else {
$rootScope.$emit('$ionicSideMenuOpen', 'right');
self.toggle = function(side) {
if (side == 'right') {
} else {
* Close all menus.
self.close = function() {
$rootScope.$emit('$ionicSideMenuClose', 'left');
$rootScope.$emit('$ionicSideMenuClose', 'right');
* @return {float} The amount the side menu is open, either positive or negative for left (positive), or right (negative)
self.getOpenAmount = function() {
return self.content && self.content.getTranslateX() || 0;
* @return {float} The ratio of open amount over menu width. For example, a
* menu of width 100 open 50 pixels would be open 50% or a ratio of 0.5. Value is negative
* for right menu.
self.getOpenRatio = function() {
var amount = self.getOpenAmount();
if (amount >= 0) {
return amount / self.left.width;
return amount / self.right.width;
self.isOpen = function() {
return self.getOpenAmount() !== 0;
* @return {float} The percentage of open amount over menu width. For example, a
* menu of width 100 open 50 pixels would be open 50%. Value is negative
* for right menu.
self.getOpenPercentage = function() {
return self.getOpenRatio() * 100;
* Open the menu with a given percentage amount.
* @param {float} percentage The percentage (positive or negative for left/right) to open the menu.
self.openPercentage = function(percentage) {
var p = percentage / 100;
if (self.left && percentage >= 0) {
self.openAmount(self.left.width * p);
} else if (self.right && percentage < 0) {
self.openAmount(self.right.width * p);
// add the CSS class "menu-open" if the percentage does not
// equal 0, otherwise remove the class from the body element
$ionicBody.enableClass((percentage !== 0), 'menu-open');
function freezeAllScrolls(shouldFreeze) {
if (shouldFreeze && !self.isScrollFreeze) {
} else if (!shouldFreeze && self.isScrollFreeze) {
self.isScrollFreeze = shouldFreeze;
* Open the menu the given pixel amount.
* @param {float} amount the pixel amount to open the menu. Positive value for left menu,
* negative value for right menu (only one menu will be visible at a time).
self.openAmount = function(amount) {
var maxLeft = self.left && self.left.width || 0;
var maxRight = self.right && self.right.width || 0;
// Check if we can move to that side, depending if the left/right panel is enabled
if (!(self.left && self.left.isEnabled) && amount > 0) {
if (!(self.right && self.right.isEnabled) && amount < 0) {
if (leftShowing && amount > maxLeft) {
if (rightShowing && amount < -maxRight) {
if (amount >= 0) {
leftShowing = true;
rightShowing = false;
if (amount > 0) {
// Push the z-index of the right menu down
self.right && self.right.pushDown && self.right.pushDown();
// Bring the z-index of the left menu up
self.left && self.left.bringUp && self.left.bringUp();
} else {
rightShowing = true;
leftShowing = false;
// Bring the z-index of the right menu up
self.right && self.right.bringUp && self.right.bringUp();
// Push the z-index of the left menu down
self.left && self.left.pushDown && self.left.pushDown();
* Given an event object, find the final resting position of this side
* menu. For example, if the user "throws" the content to the right and
* releases the touch, the left menu should snap open (animated, of course).
* @param {Event} e the gesture event to use for snapping
self.snapToRest = function(e) {
// We want to animate at the end of this
isDragging = false;
// Check how much the panel is open after the drag, and
// what the drag velocity is
var ratio = self.getOpenRatio();
if (ratio === 0) {
// Just to be safe
var velocityThreshold = 0.3;
var velocityX = e.gesture.velocityX;
var direction = e.gesture.direction;
// Going right, less than half, too slow (snap back)
if (ratio > 0 && ratio < 0.5 && direction == 'right' && velocityX < velocityThreshold) {
// Going left, more than half, too slow (snap back)
else if (ratio > 0.5 && direction == 'left' && velocityX < velocityThreshold) {
// Going left, less than half, too slow (snap back)
else if (ratio < 0 && ratio > -0.5 && direction == 'left' && velocityX < velocityThreshold) {
// Going right, more than half, too slow (snap back)
else if (ratio < 0.5 && direction == 'right' && velocityX < velocityThreshold) {
// Going right, more than half, or quickly (snap open)
else if (direction == 'right' && ratio >= 0 && (ratio >= 0.5 || velocityX > velocityThreshold)) {
// Going left, more than half, or quickly (span open)
else if (direction == 'left' && ratio <= 0 && (ratio <= -0.5 || velocityX > velocityThreshold)) {
// Snap back for safety
else {
self.enableMenuWithBackViews = function(val) {
if (arguments.length) {
enableMenuWithBackViews = !!val;
return enableMenuWithBackViews;
self.isAsideExposed = function() {
return !!isAsideExposed;
self.exposeAside = function(shouldExposeAside) {
if (!(self.left && self.left.isEnabled) && !(self.right && self.right.isEnabled)) return;
isAsideExposed = shouldExposeAside;
if (self.left && self.left.isEnabled) {
// set the left marget width if it should be exposed
// otherwise set false so there's no left margin
self.content.setMarginLeft(isAsideExposed ? self.left.width : 0);
} else if (self.right && self.right.isEnabled) {
self.content.setMarginRight(isAsideExposed ? self.right.width : 0);
self.$scope.$emit('$ionicExposeAside', isAsideExposed);
self.activeAsideResizing = function(isResizing) {
$ionicBody.enableClass(isResizing, 'aside-resizing');
// End a drag with the given event
self._endDrag = function(e) {
if (isAsideExposed) return;
if (isDragging) {
startX = null;
lastX = null;
offsetX = null;
// Handle a drag event
self._handleDrag = function(e) {
if (isAsideExposed || !$scope.dragContent) return;
// If we don't have start coords, grab and store them
if (!startX) {
startX = e.gesture.touches[0].pageX;
lastX = startX;
} else {
// Grab the current tap coords
lastX = e.gesture.touches[0].pageX;
// Calculate difference from the tap points
if (!isDragging && Math.abs(lastX - startX) > self.dragThresholdX) {
// if the difference is greater than threshold, start dragging using the current
// point as the starting point
startX = lastX;
isDragging = true;
// Initialize dragging
offsetX = self.getOpenAmount();
if (isDragging) {
self.openAmount(offsetX + (lastX - startX));
self.canDragContent = function(canDrag) {
if (arguments.length) {
$scope.dragContent = !!canDrag;
return $scope.dragContent;
self.edgeThreshold = 25;
self.edgeThresholdEnabled = false;
self.edgeDragThreshold = function(value) {
if (arguments.length) {
if (isNumber(value) && value > 0) {
self.edgeThreshold = value;
self.edgeThresholdEnabled = true;
} else {
self.edgeThresholdEnabled = !!value;
return self.edgeThresholdEnabled;
self.isDraggableTarget = function(e) {
//Only restrict edge when sidemenu is closed and restriction is enabled
var shouldOnlyAllowEdgeDrag = self.edgeThresholdEnabled && !self.isOpen();
var startX = e.gesture.startEvent && e.gesture.startEvent.center &&
var dragIsWithinBounds = !shouldOnlyAllowEdgeDrag ||
startX <= self.edgeThreshold ||
startX >= self.content.element.offsetWidth - self.edgeThreshold;
var backView = $ionicHistory.backView();
var menuEnabled = enableMenuWithBackViews ? true : !backView;
if (!menuEnabled) {
var currentView = $ionicHistory.currentView() || {};
return backView.historyId !== currentView.historyId;
return ($scope.dragContent || self.isOpen()) &&
dragIsWithinBounds &&
!e.gesture.srcEvent.defaultPrevented &&
menuEnabled &&
!e.target.tagName.match(/input|textarea|select|object|embed/i) &&
!e.target.isContentEditable &&
!(e.target.dataset ? e.target.dataset.preventScroll : e.target.getAttribute('data-prevent-scroll') == 'true');
$scope.sideMenuContentTranslateX = 0;
var deregisterBackButtonAction = noop;
var closeSideMenu = angular.bind(self, self.close);
$scope.$watch(function() {
return self.getOpenAmount() !== 0;
}, function(isOpen) {
if (isOpen) {
deregisterBackButtonAction = $ionicPlatform.registerBackButtonAction(
var deregisterInstance = $ionicSideMenuDelegate._registerInstance(
self, $attrs.delegateHandle, function() {
return $ionicHistory.isActiveScope($scope);
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
self.$scope = null;
if (self.content) {
self.content.element = null;
self.content = null;
// ensure scrolls are unfrozen
left: {
width: 275
right: {
width: 275
(function(ionic) {
var TRANSLATE32 = 'translate(32,32)';
var STROKE_OPACITY = 'stroke-opacity';
var ROUND = 'round';
var INDEFINITE = 'indefinite';
var DURATION = '750ms';
var NONE = 'none';
a: 'animate',
an: 'attributeName',
at: 'animateTransform',
c: 'circle',
da: 'stroke-dasharray',
os: 'stroke-dashoffset',
f: 'fill',
lc: 'stroke-linecap',
rc: 'repeatCount',
sw: 'stroke-width',
t: 'transform',
v: 'values'
v: '0,32,32;360,32,32',
an: 'transform',
type: 'rotate',
function createSvgElement(tagName, data, parent, spinnerName) {
var ele = document.createElement(SHORTCUTS[tagName] || tagName);
var k, x, y;
for (k in data) {
if (angular.isArray(data[k])) {
for (x = 0; x < data[k].length; x++) {
if (data[k][x].fn) {
for (y = 0; y < data[k][x].t; y++) {
createSvgElement(k, data[k][x].fn(y, spinnerName), ele, spinnerName);
} else {
createSvgElement(k, data[k][x], ele, spinnerName);
} else {
setSvgAttribute(ele, k, data[k]);
function setSvgAttribute(ele, k, v) {
ele.setAttribute(SHORTCUTS[k] || k, v);
function animationValues(strValues, i) {
var values = strValues.split(';');
var back = values.slice(i);
var front = values.slice(0, values.length - back.length);
values = back.concat(front).reverse();
return values.join(';') + ';' + values[0];
sw: 4,
lc: ROUND,
line: [{
fn: function(i, spinnerName) {
return {
y1: spinnerName == 'ios' ? 17 : 12,
y2: spinnerName == 'ios' ? 29 : 20,
t: TRANSLATE32 + ' rotate(' + (30 * i + (i < 6 ? 180 : -180)) + ')',
a: [{
fn: function() {
return {
v: animationValues('0;.1;.15;.25;.35;.45;.55;.65;.7;.85;1', i),
t: 1
t: 12
var spinners = {
android: {
c: [{
sw: 6,
da: 128,
os: 82,
r: 26,
cx: 32,
cy: 32,
'ios-small': IOS_SPINNER,
bubbles: {
sw: 0,
c: [{
fn: function(i) {
return {
cx: 24 * Math.cos(2 * Math.PI * i / 8),
cy: 24 * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * i / 8),
a: [{
fn: function() {
return {
an: 'r',
v: animationValues('1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8', i),
t: 1
t: 8
circles: {
c: [{
fn: function(i) {
return {
r: 5,
cx: 24 * Math.cos(2 * Math.PI * i / 8),
cy: 24 * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * i / 8),
sw: 0,
a: [{
fn: function() {
return {
an: 'fill-opacity',
v: animationValues('.3;.3;.3;.4;.7;.85;.9;1', i),
t: 1
t: 8
crescent: {
c: [{
sw: 4,
da: 128,
os: 82,
r: 26,
cx: 32,
cy: 32,
f: NONE,
dots: {
c: [{
fn: function(i) {
return {
cx: 16 + (16 * i),
cy: 32,
sw: 0,
a: [{
fn: function() {
return {
an: 'fill-opacity',
v: animationValues('.5;.6;.8;1;.8;.6;.5', i),
t: 1
}, {
fn: function() {
return {
an: 'r',
v: animationValues('4;5;6;5;4;3;3', i),
t: 1
t: 3
lines: {
sw: 7,
lc: ROUND,
line: [{
fn: function(i) {
return {
x1: 10 + (i * 14),
x2: 10 + (i * 14),
a: [{
fn: function() {
return {
an: 'y1',
v: animationValues('16;18;28;18;16', i),
t: 1
}, {
fn: function() {
return {
an: 'y2',
v: animationValues('48;44;36;46;48', i),
t: 1
}, {
fn: function() {
return {
v: animationValues('1;.8;.5;.4;1', i),
t: 1
t: 4
ripple: {
f: NONE,
'fill-rule': 'evenodd',
sw: 3,
circle: [{
fn: function(i) {
return {
cx: 32,
cy: 32,
a: [{
fn: function() {
return {
an: 'r',
begin: (i * -1) + 's',
dur: '2s',
v: '0;24',
keyTimes: '0;1',
keySplines: '0.1,0.2,0.3,1',
calcMode: 'spline',
t: 1
}, {
fn: function() {
return {
begin: (i * -1) + 's',
dur: '2s',
v: '.2;1;.2;0',
t: 1
t: 2
spiral: {
defs: [{
linearGradient: [{
id: 'sGD',
gradientUnits: 'userSpaceOnUse',
x1: 55, y1: 46, x2: 2, y2: 46,
stop: [{
offset: 0.1,
class: 'stop1'
}, {
offset: 1,
class: 'stop2'
g: [{
sw: 4,
lc: ROUND,
f: NONE,
path: [{
stroke: 'url(#sGD)',
d: 'M4,32 c0,15,12,28,28,28c8,0,16-4,21-9'
}, {
d: 'M60,32 C60,16,47.464,4,32,4S4,16,4,32'
var animations = {
android: function(ele) {
var rIndex = 0;
var rotateCircle = 0;
var startTime;
var svgEle = ele.querySelector('g');
var circleEle = ele.querySelector('circle');
function run() {
var v = easeInOutCubic(Date.now() - startTime, 650);
var scaleX = 1;
var translateX = 0;
var dasharray = (188 - (58 * v));
var dashoffset = (182 - (182 * v));
if (rIndex % 2) {
scaleX = -1;
translateX = -64;
dasharray = (128 - (-58 * v));
dashoffset = (182 * v);
var rotateLine = [0, -101, -90, -11, -180, 79, -270, -191][rIndex];
setSvgAttribute(circleEle, 'da', Math.max(Math.min(dasharray, 188), 128));
setSvgAttribute(circleEle, 'os', Math.max(Math.min(dashoffset, 182), 0));
setSvgAttribute(circleEle, 't', 'scale(' + scaleX + ',1) translate(' + translateX + ',0) rotate(' + rotateLine + ',32,32)');
rotateCircle += 4.1;
if (rotateCircle > 359) rotateCircle = 0;
setSvgAttribute(svgEle, 't', 'rotate(' + rotateCircle + ',32,32)');
if (v >= 1) {
if (rIndex > 7) rIndex = 0;
startTime = Date.now();
return function() {
startTime = Date.now();
function easeInOutCubic(t, c) {
t /= c / 2;
if (t < 1) return 1 / 2 * t * t * t;
t -= 2;
return 1 / 2 * (t * t * t + 2);
.controller('$ionicSpinner', [
function($element, $attrs, $ionicConfig) {
var spinnerName;
this.init = function() {
spinnerName = $attrs.icon || $ionicConfig.spinner.icon();
var container = document.createElement('div');
createSvgElement('svg', {
viewBox: '0 0 64 64',
g: [spinners[spinnerName]]
}, container, spinnerName);
// Specifically for animations to work,
// Android 4.3 and below requires the element to be
// added as an html string, rather than dynmically
// building up the svg element and appending it.
return spinnerName;
this.start = function() {
animations[spinnerName] && animations[spinnerName]($element[0])();
.controller('$ionicTab', [
function($scope, $ionicHistory, $attrs, $location, $state) {
this.$scope = $scope;
//All of these exposed for testing
this.hrefMatchesState = function() {
return $attrs.href && $location.path().indexOf(
$attrs.href.replace(/^#/, '').replace(/\/$/, '')
) === 0;
this.srefMatchesState = function() {
return $attrs.uiSref && $state.includes($attrs.uiSref.split('(')[0]);
this.navNameMatchesState = function() {
return this.navViewName && $ionicHistory.isCurrentStateNavView(this.navViewName);
this.tabMatchesState = function() {
return this.hrefMatchesState() || this.srefMatchesState() || this.navNameMatchesState();
.controller('$ionicTabs', [
function($scope, $element, $ionicHistory) {
var self = this;
var selectedTab = null;
var previousSelectedTab = null;
var selectedTabIndex;
self.tabs = [];
self.selectedIndex = function() {
return self.tabs.indexOf(selectedTab);
self.selectedTab = function() {
return selectedTab;
self.previousSelectedTab = function() {
return previousSelectedTab;
self.add = function(tab) {
self.remove = function(tab) {
var tabIndex = self.tabs.indexOf(tab);
if (tabIndex === -1) {
//Use a field like '$tabSelected' so developers won't accidentally set it in controllers etc
if (tab.$tabSelected) {
//Try to select a new tab if we're removing a tab
if (self.tabs.length === 1) {
//Do nothing if there are no other tabs to select
} else {
//Select previous tab if it's the last tab, else select next tab
var newTabIndex = tabIndex === self.tabs.length - 1 ? tabIndex - 1 : tabIndex + 1;
self.tabs.splice(tabIndex, 1);
self.deselect = function(tab) {
if (tab.$tabSelected) {
previousSelectedTab = selectedTab;
selectedTab = selectedTabIndex = null;
tab.$tabSelected = false;
(tab.onDeselect || noop)();
tab.$broadcast && tab.$broadcast('$ionicHistory.deselect');
self.select = function(tab, shouldEmitEvent) {
var tabIndex;
if (isNumber(tab)) {
tabIndex = tab;
if (tabIndex >= self.tabs.length) return;
tab = self.tabs[tabIndex];
} else {
tabIndex = self.tabs.indexOf(tab);
if (arguments.length === 1) {
shouldEmitEvent = !!(tab.navViewName || tab.uiSref);
if (selectedTab && selectedTab.$historyId == tab.$historyId) {
if (shouldEmitEvent) {
} else if (selectedTabIndex !== tabIndex) {
forEach(self.tabs, function(tab) {
selectedTab = tab;
selectedTabIndex = tabIndex;
if (self.$scope && self.$scope.$parent) {
self.$scope.$parent.$activeHistoryId = tab.$historyId;
//Use a funny name like $tabSelected so the developer doesn't overwrite the var in a child scope
tab.$tabSelected = true;
(tab.onSelect || noop)();
if (shouldEmitEvent) {
$scope.$emit('$ionicHistory.change', {
type: 'tab',
tabIndex: tabIndex,
historyId: tab.$historyId,
navViewName: tab.navViewName,
hasNavView: !!tab.navViewName,
title: tab.title,
url: tab.href,
uiSref: tab.uiSref
self.hasActiveScope = function() {
for (var x = 0; x < self.tabs.length; x++) {
if ($ionicHistory.isActiveScope(self.tabs[x])) {
return true;
return false;
.controller('$ionicView', [
function($scope, $element, $attrs, $compile, $rootScope) {
var self = this;
var navElementHtml = {};
var navViewCtrl;
var navBarDelegateHandle;
var hasViewHeaderBar;
var deregisters = [];
var viewTitle;
var deregIonNavBarInit = $scope.$on('ionNavBar.init', function(ev, delegateHandle) {
// this view has its own ion-nav-bar, remember the navBarDelegateHandle for this view
navBarDelegateHandle = delegateHandle;
self.init = function() {
var modalCtrl = $element.inheritedData('$ionModalController');
navViewCtrl = $element.inheritedData('$ionNavViewController');
// don't bother if inside a modal or there's no parent navView
if (!navViewCtrl || modalCtrl) return;
// add listeners for when this view changes
$scope.$on('$ionicView.beforeEnter', self.beforeEnter);
$scope.$on('$ionicView.afterEnter', afterEnter);
$scope.$on('$ionicView.beforeLeave', deregisterFns);
self.beforeEnter = function(ev, transData) {
// this event was emitted, starting at intial ion-view, then bubbles up
// only the first ion-view should do something with it, parent ion-views should ignore
if (transData && !transData.viewNotified) {
transData.viewNotified = true;
if (!$rootScope.$$phase) $scope.$digest();
viewTitle = isDefined($attrs.viewTitle) ? $attrs.viewTitle : $attrs.title;
var navBarItems = {};
for (var n in navElementHtml) {
navBarItems[n] = generateNavBarItem(navElementHtml[n]);
navViewCtrl.beforeEnter(extend(transData, {
title: viewTitle,
showBack: !attrTrue('hideBackButton'),
navBarItems: navBarItems,
navBarDelegate: navBarDelegateHandle || null,
showNavBar: !attrTrue('hideNavBar'),
hasHeaderBar: !!hasViewHeaderBar
// make sure any existing observers are cleaned up
function afterEnter() {
// only listen for title updates after it has entered
// but also deregister the observe before it leaves
var viewTitleAttr = isDefined($attrs.viewTitle) && 'viewTitle' || isDefined($attrs.title) && 'title';
if (viewTitleAttr) {
deregisters.push($attrs.$observe(viewTitleAttr, titleUpdate));
if (isDefined($attrs.hideBackButton)) {
deregisters.push($scope.$watch($attrs.hideBackButton, function(val) {
if (isDefined($attrs.hideNavBar)) {
deregisters.push($scope.$watch($attrs.hideNavBar, function(val) {
function titleUpdate(newTitle) {
if (isDefined(newTitle) && newTitle !== viewTitle) {
viewTitle = newTitle;
function deregisterFns() {
// remove all existing $attrs.$observe's
for (var x = 0; x < deregisters.length; x++) {
deregisters = [];
function generateNavBarItem(html) {
if (html) {
// every time a view enters we need to recreate its view buttons if they exist
return $compile(html)($scope.$new());
function attrTrue(key) {
return !!$scope.$eval($attrs[key]);
self.navElement = function(type, html) {
navElementHtml[type] = html;
* We don't document the ionActionSheet directive, we instead document
* the $ionicActionSheet service
.directive('ionActionSheet', ['$document', function($document) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: true,
replace: true,
link: function($scope, $element) {
var keyUp = function(e) {
if (e.which == 27) {
var backdropClick = function(e) {
if (e.target == $element[0]) {
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
$document.unbind('keyup', keyUp);
$document.bind('keyup', keyUp);
$element.bind('click', backdropClick);
template: '
' +
' +
' +
' +
'' +
'' +
'' +
' +
' +
'' +
' +
' +
' +
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionCheckbox
* @module ionic
* @restrict E
* @codepen hqcju
* @description
* The checkbox is no different than the HTML checkbox input, except it's styled differently.
* The checkbox behaves like any [AngularJS checkbox](http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/input/input[checkbox]).
* @usage
* ```html
* Checkbox Label
* ```
.directive('ionCheckbox', ['$ionicConfig', function($ionicConfig) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
require: '?ngModel',
transclude: true,
compile: function(element, attr) {
var input = element.find('input');
'name': attr.name,
'ng-value': attr.ngValue,
'ng-model': attr.ngModel,
'ng-checked': attr.ngChecked,
'ng-disabled': attr.ngDisabled,
'ng-true-value': attr.ngTrueValue,
'ng-false-value': attr.ngFalseValue,
'ng-change': attr.ngChange,
'ng-required': attr.ngRequired,
'required': attr.required
}, function(value, name) {
if (isDefined(value)) {
input.attr(name, value);
var checkboxWrapper = element[0].querySelector('.checkbox');
checkboxWrapper.classList.add('checkbox-' + $ionicConfig.form.checkbox());
* @ngdoc directive
* @restrict A
* @name collectionRepeat
* @module ionic
* @codepen 7ec1ec58f2489ab8f359fa1a0fe89c15
* @description
* `collection-repeat` allows an app to show huge lists of items much more performantly than
* `ng-repeat`.
* It renders into the DOM only as many items as are currently visible.
* This means that on a phone screen that can fit eight items, only the eight items matching
* the current scroll position will be rendered.
* **The Basics**:
* - The data given to collection-repeat must be an array.
* - If the `item-height` and `item-width` attributes are not supplied, it will be assumed that
* every item in the list has the same dimensions as the first item.
* - Don't use angular one-time binding (`::`) with collection-repeat. The scope of each item is
* assigned new data and re-digested as you scroll. Bindings need to update, and one-time bindings
* won't.
* **Performance Tips**:
* - The iOS webview has a performance bottleneck when switching out `` attributes.
* To increase performance of images on iOS, cache your images in advance and,
* if possible, lower the number of unique images. We're working on [a solution](https://github.com/driftyco/ionic/issues/3194).
* @usage
* #### Basic Item List ([codepen](http://codepen.io/ionic/pen/0c2c35a34a8b18ad4d793fef0b081693))
* ```html
* {% raw %}{{item}}{% endraw %}
* ```
* #### Grid of Images ([codepen](http://codepen.io/ionic/pen/5515d4efd9d66f780e96787387f41664))
* ```html
* ```
* #### Horizontal Scroller, Dynamic Item Width ([codepen](http://codepen.io/ionic/pen/67cc56b349124a349acb57a0740e030e))
* ```html
Available Kittens:
* ```
* @param {expression} collection-repeat The expression indicating how to enumerate a collection,
* of the format `variable in expression` – where variable is the user defined loop variable
* and `expression` is a scope expression giving the collection to enumerate.
* For example: `album in artist.albums` or `album in artist.albums | orderBy:'name'`.
* @param {expression=} item-width The width of the repeated element. The expression must return
* a number (pixels) or a percentage. Defaults to the width of the first item in the list.
* (previously named collection-item-width)
* @param {expression=} item-height The height of the repeated element. The expression must return
* a number (pixels) or a percentage. Defaults to the height of the first item in the list.
* (previously named collection-item-height)
* @param {number=} item-render-buffer The number of items to load before and after the visible
* items in the list. Default 3. Tip: set this higher if you have lots of images to preload, but
* don't set it too high or you'll see performance loss.
* @param {boolean=} force-refresh-images Force images to refresh as you scroll. This fixes a problem
* where, when an element is interchanged as scrolling, its image will still have the old src
* while the new src loads. Setting this to true comes with a small performance loss.
.directive('collectionRepeat', CollectionRepeatDirective)
.factory('$ionicCollectionManager', RepeatManagerFactory);
var WIDTH_HEIGHT_REGEX = /height:.*?px;\s*width:.*?px/;
CollectionRepeatDirective.$inject = ['$ionicCollectionManager', '$parse', '$window', '$$rAF', '$rootScope', '$timeout'];
function CollectionRepeatDirective($ionicCollectionManager, $parse, $window, $$rAF, $rootScope, $timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
priority: 1000,
transclude: 'element',
$$tlb: true,
require: '^^$ionicScroll',
link: postLink
function postLink(scope, element, attr, scrollCtrl, transclude) {
var scrollView = scrollCtrl.scrollView;
var node = element[0];
var containerNode = angular.element('
node.parentNode.replaceChild(containerNode, node);
if (scrollView.options.scrollingX && scrollView.options.scrollingY) {
throw new Error("collection-repeat expected a parent x or y scrollView, not " +
"an xy scrollView.");
var repeatExpr = attr.collectionRepeat;
var match = repeatExpr.match(/^\s*([\s\S]+?)\s+in\s+([\s\S]+?)(?:\s+track\s+by\s+([\s\S]+?))?\s*$/);
if (!match) {
throw new Error("collection-repeat expected expression in form of '_item_ in " +
"_collection_[ track by _id_]' but got '" + attr.collectionRepeat + "'.");
var keyExpr = match[1];
var listExpr = match[2];
var listGetter = $parse(listExpr);
var heightData = {};
var widthData = {};
var computedStyleDimensions = {};
var data = [];
var repeatManager;
// attr.collectionBufferSize is deprecated
var renderBufferExpr = attr.itemRenderBuffer || attr.collectionBufferSize;
var renderBuffer = angular.isDefined(renderBufferExpr) ?
parseInt(renderBufferExpr) :
// attr.collectionItemHeight is deprecated
var heightExpr = attr.itemHeight || attr.collectionItemHeight;
// attr.collectionItemWidth is deprecated
var widthExpr = attr.itemWidth || attr.collectionItemWidth;
var afterItemsContainer = initAfterItemsContainer();
var changeValidator = makeChangeValidator();
// Dimensions are refreshed on resize or data change.
scrollCtrl.$element.on('scroll-resize', refreshDimensions);
angular.element($window).on('resize', onResize);
var unlistenToExposeAside = $rootScope.$on('$ionicExposeAside', ionic.animationFrameThrottle(function() {
$timeout(refreshDimensions, 0, false);
function onResize() {
if (changeValidator.resizeRequiresRefresh(scrollView.__clientWidth, scrollView.__clientHeight)) {
scope.$watchCollection(listGetter, function(newValue) {
data = newValue || (newValue = []);
if (!angular.isArray(newValue)) {
throw new Error("collection-repeat expected an array for '" + listExpr + "', " +
"but got a " + typeof value);
// Wait for this digest to end before refreshing everything.
scope.$$postDigest(function() {
if (changeValidator.dataChangeRequiresRefresh(data)) refreshDimensions();
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
angular.element($window).off('resize', onResize);
scrollCtrl.$element && scrollCtrl.$element.off('scroll-resize', refreshDimensions);
computedStyleNode && computedStyleNode.parentNode &&
computedStyleScope && computedStyleScope.$destroy();
computedStyleScope = computedStyleNode = null;
repeatManager && repeatManager.destroy();
repeatManager = null;
function makeChangeValidator() {
var self;
return (self = {
dataLength: 0,
width: 0,
height: 0,
// A resize triggers a refresh only if we have data, the scrollView has size,
// and the size has changed.
resizeRequiresRefresh: function(newWidth, newHeight) {
var requiresRefresh = self.dataLength && newWidth && newHeight &&
(newWidth !== self.width || newHeight !== self.height);
self.width = newWidth;
self.height = newHeight;
return !!requiresRefresh;
// A change in data only triggers a refresh if the data has length, or if the data's
// length is less than before.
dataChangeRequiresRefresh: function(newData) {
var requiresRefresh = newData.length > 0 || newData.length < self.dataLength;
self.dataLength = newData.length;
return !!requiresRefresh;
function getRepeatManager() {
return repeatManager || (repeatManager = new $ionicCollectionManager({
afterItemsNode: afterItemsContainer[0],
containerNode: containerNode,
heightData: heightData,
widthData: widthData,
forceRefreshImages: !!(isDefined(attr.forceRefreshImages) && attr.forceRefreshImages !== 'false'),
keyExpression: keyExpr,
renderBuffer: renderBuffer,
scope: scope,
scrollView: scrollCtrl.scrollView,
transclude: transclude
function initAfterItemsContainer() {
var container = angular.element(
// Put everything in the view after the repeater into a container.
if (!container.length) {
var elementIsAfterRepeater = false;
var afterNodes = [].filter.call(scrollView.__content.childNodes, function(node) {
if (ionic.DomUtil.contains(node, containerNode)) {
elementIsAfterRepeater = true;
return false;
return elementIsAfterRepeater;
container = angular.element('');
if (scrollView.options.scrollingX) {
return container;
function initDimensions() {
//Height and width have four 'modes':
//1) Computed Mode
// - Nothing is supplied, so we getComputedStyle() on one element in the list and use
// that width and height value for the width and height of every item. This is re-computed
// every resize.
//2) Constant Mode, Static Integer
// - The user provides a constant number for width or height, in pixels. We parse it,
// store it on the `value` field, and it never changes
//3) Constant Mode, Percent
// - The user provides a percent string for width or height. The getter for percent is
// stored on the `getValue()` field, and is re-evaluated once every resize. The result
// is stored on the `value` field.
//4) Dynamic Mode
// - The user provides a dynamic expression for the width or height. This is re-evaluated
// for every item, stored on the `.getValue()` field.
if (heightExpr) {
parseDimensionAttr(heightExpr, heightData);
} else {
heightData.computed = true;
if (widthExpr) {
parseDimensionAttr(widthExpr, widthData);
} else {
widthData.computed = true;
function refreshDimensions() {
var hasData = data.length > 0;
if (hasData && (heightData.computed || widthData.computed)) {
if (hasData && heightData.computed) {
heightData.value = computedStyleDimensions.height;
if (!heightData.value) {
throw new Error('collection-repeat tried to compute the height of repeated elements "' +
repeatExpr + '", but was unable to. Please provide the "item-height" attribute. ' +
} else if (!heightData.dynamic && heightData.getValue) {
// If it's a constant with a getter (eg percent), we just refresh .value after resize
heightData.value = heightData.getValue();
if (hasData && widthData.computed) {
widthData.value = computedStyleDimensions.width;
if (!widthData.value) {
throw new Error('collection-repeat tried to compute the width of repeated elements "' +
repeatExpr + '", but was unable to. Please provide the "item-width" attribute. ' +
} else if (!widthData.dynamic && widthData.getValue) {
// If it's a constant with a getter (eg percent), we just refresh .value after resize
widthData.value = widthData.getValue();
// Dynamic dimensions aren't updated on resize. Since they're already dynamic anyway,
// .getValue() will be used.
function parseDimensionAttr(attrValue, dimensionData) {
if (!attrValue) return;
var parsedValue;
// Try to just parse the plain attr value
try {
parsedValue = $parse(attrValue);
} catch (e) {
// If the parse fails and the value has `px` or `%` in it, surround the attr in
// quotes, to attempt to let the user provide a simple `attr="100%"` or `attr="100px"`
if (attrValue.trim().match(/\d+(px|%)$/)) {
attrValue = '"' + attrValue + '"';
parsedValue = $parse(attrValue);
var constantAttrValue = attrValue.replace(/(\'|\"|px|%)/g, '').trim();
var isConstant = constantAttrValue.length && !/([a-zA-Z]|\$|:|\?)/.test(constantAttrValue);
dimensionData.attrValue = attrValue;
// If it's a constant, it's either a percent or just a constant pixel number.
if (isConstant) {
var intValue = parseInt(parsedValue());
// For percents, store the percent getter on .getValue()
if (attrValue.indexOf('%') > -1) {
var decimalValue = intValue / 100;
dimensionData.getValue = dimensionData === heightData ?
function() { return Math.floor(decimalValue * scrollView.__clientHeight); } :
function() { return Math.floor(decimalValue * scrollView.__clientWidth); };
} else {
// For static constants, just store the static constant.
dimensionData.value = intValue;
} else {
dimensionData.dynamic = true;
dimensionData.getValue = dimensionData === heightData ?
function heightGetter(scope, locals) {
var result = parsedValue(scope, locals);
if (result.charAt && result.charAt(result.length - 1) === '%') {
return Math.floor(parseInt(result) / 100 * scrollView.__clientHeight);
return parseInt(result);
} :
function widthGetter(scope, locals) {
var result = parsedValue(scope, locals);
if (result.charAt && result.charAt(result.length - 1) === '%') {
return Math.floor(parseInt(result) / 100 * scrollView.__clientWidth);
return parseInt(result);
var computedStyleNode;
var computedStyleScope;
function computeStyleDimensions() {
if (!computedStyleNode) {
transclude(computedStyleScope = scope.$new(), function(clone) {
clone[0].removeAttribute('collection-repeat'); // remove absolute position styling
computedStyleNode = clone[0];
computedStyleScope[keyExpr] = (listGetter(scope) || [])[0];
if (!$rootScope.$$phase) computedStyleScope.$digest();
var style = $window.getComputedStyle(computedStyleNode);
computedStyleDimensions.width = parseInt(style.width);
computedStyleDimensions.height = parseInt(style.height);
RepeatManagerFactory.$inject = ['$rootScope', '$window', '$$rAF'];
function RepeatManagerFactory($rootScope, $window, $$rAF) {
var EMPTY_DIMENSION = { primaryPos: 0, secondaryPos: 0, primarySize: 0, secondarySize: 0, rowPrimarySize: 0 };
return function RepeatController(options) {
var afterItemsNode = options.afterItemsNode;
var containerNode = options.containerNode;
var forceRefreshImages = options.forceRefreshImages;
var heightData = options.heightData;
var widthData = options.widthData;
var keyExpression = options.keyExpression;
var renderBuffer = options.renderBuffer;
var scope = options.scope;
var scrollView = options.scrollView;
var transclude = options.transclude;
var data = [];
var getterLocals = {};
var heightFn = heightData.getValue || function() { return heightData.value; };
var heightGetter = function(index, value) {
getterLocals[keyExpression] = value;
getterLocals.$index = index;
return heightFn(scope, getterLocals);
var widthFn = widthData.getValue || function() { return widthData.value; };
var widthGetter = function(index, value) {
getterLocals[keyExpression] = value;
getterLocals.$index = index;
return widthFn(scope, getterLocals);
var isVertical = !!scrollView.options.scrollingY;
// We say it's a grid view if we're either dynamic or not 100% width
var isGridView = isVertical ?
(widthData.dynamic || widthData.value !== scrollView.__clientWidth) :
(heightData.dynamic || heightData.value !== scrollView.__clientHeight);
var isStaticView = !heightData.dynamic && !widthData.dynamic;
'translate3d(SECONDARYpx,PRIMARYpx,0)' :
'height: PRIMARYpx; width: SECONDARYpx;' :
'height: SECONDARYpx; width: PRIMARYpx;';
var estimatedHeight;
var estimatedWidth;
var repeaterBeforeSize = 0;
var repeaterAfterSize = 0;
var renderStartIndex = -1;
var renderEndIndex = -1;
var renderAfterBoundary = -1;
var renderBeforeBoundary = -1;
var itemsPool = [];
var itemsLeaving = [];
var itemsEntering = [];
var itemsShownMap = {};
var nextItemId = 0;
var scrollViewSetDimensions = isVertical ?
function() { scrollView.setDimensions(null, null, null, view.getContentSize(), true); } :
function() { scrollView.setDimensions(null, null, view.getContentSize(), null, true); };
// view is a mix of list/grid methods + static/dynamic methods.
// See bottom for implementations. Available methods:
// getEstimatedPrimaryPos(i), getEstimatedSecondaryPos(i), getEstimatedIndex(scrollTop),
// calculateDimensions(toIndex), getDimensions(index),
// updateRenderRange(scrollTop, scrollValueEnd), onRefreshLayout(), onRefreshData()
var view = isVertical ? new VerticalViewType() : new HorizontalViewType();
(isGridView ? GridViewType : ListViewType).call(view);
(isStaticView ? StaticViewType : DynamicViewType).call(view);
var contentSizeStr = isVertical ? 'getContentHeight' : 'getContentWidth';
var originalGetContentSize = scrollView.options[contentSizeStr];
scrollView.options[contentSizeStr] = angular.bind(view, view.getContentSize);
scrollView.__$callback = scrollView.__callback;
scrollView.__callback = function(transformLeft, transformTop, zoom, wasResize) {
var scrollValue = view.getScrollValue();
if (renderStartIndex === -1 ||
scrollValue + view.scrollPrimarySize > renderAfterBoundary ||
scrollValue < renderBeforeBoundary) {
scrollView.__$callback(transformLeft, transformTop, zoom, wasResize);
var isLayoutReady = false;
var isDataReady = false;
this.refreshLayout = function() {
if (data.length) {
estimatedHeight = heightGetter(0, data[0]);
estimatedWidth = widthGetter(0, data[0]);
} else {
// If we don't have any data in our array, just guess.
estimatedHeight = 100;
estimatedWidth = 100;
// Get the size of every element AFTER the repeater. We have to get the margin before and
// after the first/last element to fix a browser bug with getComputedStyle() not counting
// the first/last child's margins into height.
var style = getComputedStyle(afterItemsNode) || {};
var firstStyle = afterItemsNode.firstElementChild && getComputedStyle(afterItemsNode.firstElementChild) || {};
var lastStyle = afterItemsNode.lastElementChild && getComputedStyle(afterItemsNode.lastElementChild) || {};
repeaterAfterSize = (parseInt(style[isVertical ? 'height' : 'width']) || 0) +
(firstStyle && parseInt(firstStyle[isVertical ? 'marginTop' : 'marginLeft']) || 0) +
(lastStyle && parseInt(lastStyle[isVertical ? 'marginBottom' : 'marginRight']) || 0);
// Get the offsetTop of the repeater.
repeaterBeforeSize = 0;
var current = containerNode;
do {
repeaterBeforeSize += current[isVertical ? 'offsetTop' : 'offsetLeft'];
} while ( ionic.DomUtil.contains(scrollView.__content, current = current.offsetParent) );
var containerPrevNode = containerNode.previousElementSibling;
var beforeStyle = containerPrevNode ? $window.getComputedStyle(containerPrevNode) : {};
var beforeMargin = parseInt(beforeStyle[isVertical ? 'marginBottom' : 'marginRight'] || 0);
// Because we position the collection container with position: relative, it doesn't take
// into account where to position itself relative to the previous element's marginBottom.
// To compensate, we translate the container up by the previous element's margin.
.replace(PRIMARY, -beforeMargin)
.replace(SECONDARY, 0);
repeaterBeforeSize -= beforeMargin;
if (!scrollView.__clientHeight || !scrollView.__clientWidth) {
scrollView.__clientWidth = scrollView.__container.clientWidth;
scrollView.__clientHeight = scrollView.__container.clientHeight;
(view.onRefreshLayout || angular.noop)();
// Create the pool of items for reuse, setting the size to (estimatedItemsOnScreen) * 2,
// plus the size of the renderBuffer.
if (!isLayoutReady) {
var poolSize = Math.max(20, renderBuffer * 3);
for (var i = 0; i < poolSize; i++) {
itemsPool.push(new RepeatItem());
isLayoutReady = true;
if (isLayoutReady && isDataReady) {
// If the resize or latest data change caused the scrollValue to
// now be out of bounds, resize the scrollView.
if (scrollView.__scrollLeft > scrollView.__maxScrollLeft ||
scrollView.__scrollTop > scrollView.__maxScrollTop) {
this.setData = function(newData) {
data = newData;
(view.onRefreshData || angular.noop)();
isDataReady = true;
this.destroy = function() {
render.destroyed = true;
itemsPool.forEach(function(item) {
item.scope = item.element = item.node = item.images = null;
itemsPool.length = itemsEntering.length = itemsLeaving.length = 0;
itemsShownMap = {};
//Restore the scrollView's normal behavior and resize it to normal size.
scrollView.options[contentSizeStr] = originalGetContentSize;
scrollView.__callback = scrollView.__$callback;
(view.onDestroy || angular.noop)();
function forceRerender() {
return render(true);
function render(forceRerender) {
if (render.destroyed) return;
var i;
var ii;
var item;
var dim;
var scope;
var scrollValue = view.getScrollValue();
var scrollValueEnd = scrollValue + view.scrollPrimarySize;
view.updateRenderRange(scrollValue, scrollValueEnd);
renderStartIndex = Math.max(0, renderStartIndex - renderBuffer);
renderEndIndex = Math.min(data.length - 1, renderEndIndex + renderBuffer);
for (i in itemsShownMap) {
if (i < renderStartIndex || i > renderEndIndex) {
item = itemsShownMap[i];
delete itemsShownMap[i];
item.isShown = false;
// Render indicies that aren't shown yet
// NOTE(ajoslin): this may sound crazy, but calling any other functions during this render
// loop will often push the render time over the edge from less than one frame to over
// one frame, causing visible jank.
// DON'T call any other functions inside this loop unless it's vital.
for (i = renderStartIndex; i <= renderEndIndex; i++) {
// We only go forward with render if the index is in data, the item isn't already shown,
// or forceRerender is on.
if (i >= data.length || (itemsShownMap[i] && !forceRerender)) continue;
item = itemsShownMap[i] || (itemsShownMap[i] = itemsLeaving.length ? itemsLeaving.pop() :
itemsPool.length ? itemsPool.shift() :
new RepeatItem());
item.isShown = true;
scope = item.scope;
scope.$index = i;
scope[keyExpression] = data[i];
scope.$first = (i === 0);
scope.$last = (i === (data.length - 1));
scope.$middle = !(scope.$first || scope.$last);
scope.$odd = !(scope.$even = (i & 1) === 0);
if (scope.$$disconnected) ionic.Utils.reconnectScope(item.scope);
dim = view.getDimensions(i);
if (item.secondaryPos !== dim.secondaryPos || item.primaryPos !== dim.primaryPos) {
.replace(PRIMARY, (item.primaryPos = dim.primaryPos))
.replace(SECONDARY, (item.secondaryPos = dim.secondaryPos));
if (item.secondarySize !== dim.secondarySize || item.primarySize !== dim.primarySize) {
item.node.style.cssText = item.node.style.cssText
//TODO fix item.primarySize + 1 hack
.replace(PRIMARY, (item.primarySize = dim.primarySize) + 1)
.replace(SECONDARY, (item.secondarySize = dim.secondarySize))
// If we reach the end of the list, render the afterItemsNode - this contains all the
// elements the developer placed after the collection-repeat
if (renderEndIndex === data.length - 1) {
dim = view.getDimensions(data.length - 1) || EMPTY_DIMENSION;
.replace(PRIMARY, dim.primaryPos + dim.primarySize)
.replace(SECONDARY, 0);
while (itemsLeaving.length) {
item = itemsLeaving.pop();
item.node.style[ionic.CSS.TRANSFORM] = 'translate3d(-9999px,-9999px,0)';
item.primaryPos = item.secondaryPos = null;
if (forceRefreshImages) {
for (i = 0, ii = itemsEntering.length; i < ii && (item = itemsEntering[i]); i++) {
if (!item.images) continue;
for (var j = 0, jj = item.images.length, img; j < jj && (img = item.images[j]); j++) {
var src = img.src;
img.src = src;
if (forceRerender) {
var rootScopePhase = $rootScope.$$phase;
while (itemsEntering.length) {
item = itemsEntering.pop();
if (!rootScopePhase) item.scope.$digest();
} else {
function digestEnteringItems() {
var item;
if (digestEnteringItems.running) return;
digestEnteringItems.running = true;
$$rAF(function process() {
var rootScopePhase = $rootScope.$$phase;
while (itemsEntering.length) {
item = itemsEntering.pop();
if (item.isShown) {
if (!rootScopePhase) item.scope.$digest();
digestEnteringItems.running = false;
function RepeatItem() {
var self = this;
this.scope = scope.$new();
this.id = 'item' + (nextItemId++);
transclude(this.scope, function(clone) {
self.element = clone;
self.element.data('$$collectionRepeatItem', self);
// TODO destroy
self.node = clone[0];
// Batch style setting to lower repaints
self.node.style[ionic.CSS.TRANSFORM] = 'translate3d(-9999px,-9999px,0)';
self.node.style.cssText += ' height: 0px; width: 0px;';
self.images = clone[0].getElementsByTagName('img');
function VerticalViewType() {
this.getItemPrimarySize = heightGetter;
this.getItemSecondarySize = widthGetter;
this.getScrollValue = function() {
return Math.max(0, Math.min(scrollView.__scrollTop - repeaterBeforeSize,
scrollView.__maxScrollTop - repeaterBeforeSize - repeaterAfterSize));
this.refreshDirection = function() {
this.scrollPrimarySize = scrollView.__clientHeight;
this.scrollSecondarySize = scrollView.__clientWidth;
this.estimatedPrimarySize = estimatedHeight;
this.estimatedSecondarySize = estimatedWidth;
this.estimatedItemsAcross = isGridView &&
Math.floor(scrollView.__clientWidth / estimatedWidth) ||
function HorizontalViewType() {
this.getItemPrimarySize = widthGetter;
this.getItemSecondarySize = heightGetter;
this.getScrollValue = function() {
return Math.max(0, Math.min(scrollView.__scrollLeft - repeaterBeforeSize,
scrollView.__maxScrollLeft - repeaterBeforeSize - repeaterAfterSize));
this.refreshDirection = function() {
this.scrollPrimarySize = scrollView.__clientWidth;
this.scrollSecondarySize = scrollView.__clientHeight;
this.estimatedPrimarySize = estimatedWidth;
this.estimatedSecondarySize = estimatedHeight;
this.estimatedItemsAcross = isGridView &&
Math.floor(scrollView.__clientHeight / estimatedHeight) ||
function GridViewType() {
this.getEstimatedSecondaryPos = function(index) {
return (index % this.estimatedItemsAcross) * this.estimatedSecondarySize;
this.getEstimatedPrimaryPos = function(index) {
return Math.floor(index / this.estimatedItemsAcross) * this.estimatedPrimarySize;
this.getEstimatedIndex = function(scrollValue) {
return Math.floor(scrollValue / this.estimatedPrimarySize) *
function ListViewType() {
this.getEstimatedSecondaryPos = function() {
return 0;
this.getEstimatedPrimaryPos = function(index) {
return index * this.estimatedPrimarySize;
this.getEstimatedIndex = function(scrollValue) {
return Math.floor((scrollValue) / this.estimatedPrimarySize);
function StaticViewType() {
this.getContentSize = function() {
return this.getEstimatedPrimaryPos(data.length - 1) + this.estimatedPrimarySize +
repeaterBeforeSize + repeaterAfterSize;
// static view always returns the same object for getDimensions, to avoid memory allocation
// while scrolling. This could be dangerous if this was a public function, but it's not.
// Only we use it.
var dim = {};
this.getDimensions = function(index) {
dim.primaryPos = this.getEstimatedPrimaryPos(index);
dim.secondaryPos = this.getEstimatedSecondaryPos(index);
dim.primarySize = this.estimatedPrimarySize;
dim.secondarySize = this.estimatedSecondarySize;
return dim;
this.updateRenderRange = function(scrollValue, scrollValueEnd) {
renderStartIndex = Math.max(0, this.getEstimatedIndex(scrollValue));
// Make sure the renderEndIndex takes into account all the items on the row
renderEndIndex = Math.min(data.length - 1,
this.getEstimatedIndex(scrollValueEnd) + this.estimatedItemsAcross - 1);
renderBeforeBoundary = Math.max(0,
renderAfterBoundary = this.getEstimatedPrimaryPos(renderEndIndex) +
function DynamicViewType() {
var self = this;
var debouncedScrollViewSetDimensions = ionic.debounce(scrollViewSetDimensions, 25, true);
var calculateDimensions = isGridView ? calculateDimensionsGrid : calculateDimensionsList;
var dimensionsIndex;
var dimensions = [];
// Get the dimensions at index. {width, height, left, top}.
// We start with no dimensions calculated, then any time dimensions are asked for at an
// index we calculate dimensions up to there.
function calculateDimensionsList(toIndex) {
var i, prevDimension, dim;
for (i = Math.max(0, dimensionsIndex); i <= toIndex && (dim = dimensions[i]); i++) {
prevDimension = dimensions[i - 1] || EMPTY_DIMENSION;
dim.primarySize = self.getItemPrimarySize(i, data[i]);
dim.secondarySize = self.scrollSecondarySize;
dim.primaryPos = prevDimension.primaryPos + prevDimension.primarySize;
dim.secondaryPos = 0;
function calculateDimensionsGrid(toIndex) {
var i, prevDimension, dim;
for (i = Math.max(dimensionsIndex, 0); i <= toIndex && (dim = dimensions[i]); i++) {
prevDimension = dimensions[i - 1] || EMPTY_DIMENSION;
dim.secondarySize = Math.min(
self.getItemSecondarySize(i, data[i]),
dim.secondaryPos = prevDimension.secondaryPos + prevDimension.secondarySize;
if (i === 0 || dim.secondaryPos + dim.secondarySize > self.scrollSecondarySize) {
dim.secondaryPos = 0;
dim.primarySize = self.getItemPrimarySize(i, data[i]);
dim.primaryPos = prevDimension.primaryPos + prevDimension.rowPrimarySize;
dim.rowStartIndex = i;
dim.rowPrimarySize = dim.primarySize;
} else {
dim.primarySize = self.getItemPrimarySize(i, data[i]);
dim.primaryPos = prevDimension.primaryPos;
dim.rowStartIndex = prevDimension.rowStartIndex;
dimensions[dim.rowStartIndex].rowPrimarySize = dim.rowPrimarySize = Math.max(
dim.rowPrimarySize = Math.max(dim.primarySize, dim.rowPrimarySize);
this.getContentSize = function() {
var dim = dimensions[dimensionsIndex] || EMPTY_DIMENSION;
return ((dim.primaryPos + dim.primarySize) || 0) +
this.getEstimatedPrimaryPos(data.length - dimensionsIndex - 1) +
repeaterBeforeSize + repeaterAfterSize;
this.onDestroy = function() {
dimensions.length = 0;
this.onRefreshData = function() {
var i;
var ii;
// Make sure dimensions has as many items as data.length.
// This is to be sure we don't have to allocate objects while scrolling.
for (i = dimensions.length, ii = data.length; i < ii; i++) {
dimensionsIndex = -1;
this.onRefreshLayout = function() {
dimensionsIndex = -1;
this.getDimensions = function(index) {
index = Math.min(index, data.length - 1);
if (dimensionsIndex < index) {
// Once we start asking for dimensions near the end of the list, go ahead and calculate
// everything. This is to make sure when the user gets to the end of the list, the
// scroll height of the list is 100% accurate (not estimated anymore).
if (index > data.length * 0.9) {
calculateDimensions(data.length - 1);
dimensionsIndex = data.length - 1;
} else {
dimensionsIndex = index;
return dimensions[index];
var oldRenderStartIndex = -1;
var oldScrollValue = -1;
this.updateRenderRange = function(scrollValue, scrollValueEnd) {
var i;
var len;
var dim;
// Calculate more dimensions than we estimate we'll need, to be sure.
this.getDimensions( this.getEstimatedIndex(scrollValueEnd) * 2 );
// -- Calculate renderStartIndex
// base case: start at 0
if (oldRenderStartIndex === -1 || scrollValue === 0) {
i = 0;
// scrolling down
} else if (scrollValue >= oldScrollValue) {
for (i = oldRenderStartIndex, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
if ((dim = this.getDimensions(i)) && dim.primaryPos + dim.rowPrimarySize >= scrollValue) {
// scrolling up
} else {
for (i = oldRenderStartIndex; i >= 0; i--) {
if ((dim = this.getDimensions(i)) && dim.primaryPos <= scrollValue) {
// when grid view, make sure the render starts at the beginning of a row.
i = isGridView ? dim.rowStartIndex : i;
renderStartIndex = Math.min(Math.max(0, i), data.length - 1);
renderBeforeBoundary = renderStartIndex !== -1 ? this.getDimensions(renderStartIndex).primaryPos : -1;
// -- Calculate renderEndIndex
var lastRowDim;
for (i = renderStartIndex + 1, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
if ((dim = this.getDimensions(i)) && dim.primaryPos + dim.rowPrimarySize > scrollValueEnd) {
// Go all the way to the end of the row if we're in a grid
if (isGridView) {
lastRowDim = dim;
while (i < len - 1 &&
(dim = this.getDimensions(i + 1)).primaryPos === lastRowDim.primaryPos) {
renderEndIndex = Math.min(i, data.length - 1);
renderAfterBoundary = renderEndIndex !== -1 ?
((dim = this.getDimensions(renderEndIndex)).primaryPos + (dim.rowPrimarySize || dim.primarySize)) :
oldScrollValue = scrollValue;
oldRenderStartIndex = renderStartIndex;
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionContent
* @module ionic
* @delegate ionic.service:$ionicScrollDelegate
* @restrict E
* @description
* The ionContent directive provides an easy to use content area that can be configured
* to use Ionic's custom Scroll View, or the built in overflow scrolling of the browser.
* While we recommend using the custom Scroll features in Ionic in most cases, sometimes
* (for performance reasons) only the browser's native overflow scrolling will suffice,
* and so we've made it easy to toggle between the Ionic scroll implementation and
* overflow scrolling.
* You can implement pull-to-refresh with the {@link ionic.directive:ionRefresher}
* directive, and infinite scrolling with the {@link ionic.directive:ionInfiniteScroll}
* directive.
* If there is any dynamic content inside the ion-content, be sure to call `.resize()` with {@link ionic.service:$ionicScrollDelegate}
* after the content has been added.
* Be aware that this directive gets its own child scope. If you do not understand why this
* is important, you can read [https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/scope](https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/scope).
* @param {string=} delegate-handle The handle used to identify this scrollView
* with {@link ionic.service:$ionicScrollDelegate}.
* @param {string=} direction Which way to scroll. 'x' or 'y' or 'xy'. Default 'y'.
* @param {boolean=} locking Whether to lock scrolling in one direction at a time. Useful to set to false when zoomed in or scrolling in two directions. Default true.
* @param {boolean=} padding Whether to add padding to the content.
* Defaults to true on iOS, false on Android.
* @param {boolean=} scroll Whether to allow scrolling of content. Defaults to true.
* @param {boolean=} overflow-scroll Whether to use overflow-scrolling instead of
* Ionic scroll. See {@link ionic.provider:$ionicConfigProvider} to set this as the global default.
* @param {boolean=} scrollbar-x Whether to show the horizontal scrollbar. Default true.
* @param {boolean=} scrollbar-y Whether to show the vertical scrollbar. Default true.
* @param {string=} start-x Initial horizontal scroll position. Default 0.
* @param {string=} start-y Initial vertical scroll position. Default 0.
* @param {expression=} on-scroll Expression to evaluate when the content is scrolled.
* @param {expression=} on-scroll-complete Expression to evaluate when a scroll action completes. Has access to 'scrollLeft' and 'scrollTop' locals.
* @param {boolean=} has-bouncing Whether to allow scrolling to bounce past the edges
* of the content. Defaults to true on iOS, false on Android.
* @param {number=} scroll-event-interval Number of milliseconds between each firing of the 'on-scroll' expression. Default 10.
.directive('ionContent', [
function($timeout, $controller, $ionicBind, $ionicConfig) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: '^?ionNavView',
scope: true,
priority: 800,
compile: function(element, attr) {
var innerElement;
var scrollCtrl;
element.addClass('scroll-content ionic-scroll');
if (attr.scroll != 'false') {
//We cannot use normal transclude here because it breaks element.data()
//inheritance on compile
innerElement = jqLite('');
} else {
var nativeScrolling = attr.overflowScroll === "true" || !$ionicConfig.scrolling.jsScrolling();
// collection-repeat requires JS scrolling
if (nativeScrolling) {
nativeScrolling = !element[0].querySelector('[collection-repeat]');
return { pre: prelink };
function prelink($scope, $element, $attr) {
var parentScope = $scope.$parent;
$scope.$watch(function() {
return (parentScope.$hasHeader ? ' has-header' : '') +
(parentScope.$hasSubheader ? ' has-subheader' : '') +
(parentScope.$hasFooter ? ' has-footer' : '') +
(parentScope.$hasSubfooter ? ' has-subfooter' : '') +
(parentScope.$hasTabs ? ' has-tabs' : '') +
(parentScope.$hasTabsTop ? ' has-tabs-top' : '');
}, function(className, oldClassName) {
//Only this ionContent should use these variables from parent scopes
$scope.$hasHeader = $scope.$hasSubheader =
$scope.$hasFooter = $scope.$hasSubfooter =
$scope.$hasTabs = $scope.$hasTabsTop =
$ionicBind($scope, $attr, {
$onScroll: '&onScroll',
$onScrollComplete: '&onScrollComplete',
hasBouncing: '@',
padding: '@',
direction: '@',
scrollbarX: '@',
scrollbarY: '@',
startX: '@',
startY: '@',
scrollEventInterval: '@'
$scope.direction = $scope.direction || 'y';
if (isDefined($attr.padding)) {
$scope.$watch($attr.padding, function(newVal) {
(innerElement || $element).toggleClass('padding', !!newVal);
if ($attr.scroll === "false") {
//do nothing
} else {
var scrollViewOptions = {};
// determined in compile phase above
if (nativeScrolling) {
// use native scrolling
scrollViewOptions = {
el: $element[0],
delegateHandle: attr.delegateHandle,
startX: $scope.$eval($scope.startX) || 0,
startY: $scope.$eval($scope.startY) || 0,
nativeScrolling: true
} else {
// Use JS scrolling
scrollViewOptions = {
el: $element[0],
delegateHandle: attr.delegateHandle,
locking: (attr.locking || 'true') === 'true',
bouncing: $scope.$eval($scope.hasBouncing),
startX: $scope.$eval($scope.startX) || 0,
startY: $scope.$eval($scope.startY) || 0,
scrollbarX: $scope.$eval($scope.scrollbarX) !== false,
scrollbarY: $scope.$eval($scope.scrollbarY) !== false,
scrollingX: $scope.direction.indexOf('x') >= 0,
scrollingY: $scope.direction.indexOf('y') >= 0,
scrollEventInterval: parseInt($scope.scrollEventInterval, 10) || 10,
scrollingComplete: onScrollComplete
// init scroll controller with appropriate options
scrollCtrl = $controller('$ionicScroll', {
$scope: $scope,
scrollViewOptions: scrollViewOptions
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
if (scrollViewOptions) {
scrollViewOptions.scrollingComplete = noop;
delete scrollViewOptions.el;
innerElement = null;
$element = null;
attr.$$element = null;
function onScrollComplete() {
scrollTop: scrollCtrl.scrollView.__scrollTop,
scrollLeft: scrollCtrl.scrollView.__scrollLeft
* @ngdoc directive
* @name exposeAsideWhen
* @module ionic
* @restrict A
* @parent ionic.directive:ionSideMenus
* @description
* It is common for a tablet application to hide a menu when in portrait mode, but to show the
* same menu on the left side when the tablet is in landscape mode. The `exposeAsideWhen` attribute
* directive can be used to accomplish a similar interface.
* By default, side menus are hidden underneath its side menu content, and can be opened by either
* swiping the content left or right, or toggling a button to show the side menu. However, by adding the
* `exposeAsideWhen` attribute directive to an {@link ionic.directive:ionSideMenu} element directive,
* a side menu can be given instructions on "when" the menu should be exposed (always viewable). For
* example, the `expose-aside-when="large"` attribute will keep the side menu hidden when the viewport's
* width is less than `768px`, but when the viewport's width is `768px` or greater, the menu will then
* always be shown and can no longer be opened or closed like it could when it was hidden for smaller
* viewports.
* Using `large` as the attribute's value is a shortcut value to `(min-width:768px)` since it is
* the most common use-case. However, for added flexibility, any valid media query could be added
* as the value, such as `(min-width:600px)` or even multiple queries such as
* `(min-width:750px) and (max-width:1200px)`.
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
* For a complete side menu example, see the
* {@link ionic.directive:ionSideMenus} documentation.
IonicModule.directive('exposeAsideWhen', ['$window', function($window) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: '^ionSideMenus',
link: function($scope, $element, $attr, sideMenuCtrl) {
function checkAsideExpose() {
var mq = $attr.exposeAsideWhen == 'large' ? '(min-width:768px)' : $attr.exposeAsideWhen;
function onResize() {
var debouncedCheck = ionic.debounce(function() {
}, 300, false);
ionic.on('resize', onResize, $window);
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
ionic.off('resize', onResize, $window);
var GESTURE_DIRECTIVES = 'onHold onTap onDoubleTap onTouch onRelease onDragStart onDrag onDragEnd onDragUp onDragRight onDragDown onDragLeft onSwipe onSwipeUp onSwipeRight onSwipeDown onSwipeLeft'.split(' ');
GESTURE_DIRECTIVES.forEach(function(name) {
IonicModule.directive(name, gestureDirective(name));
* @ngdoc directive
* @name onHold
* @module ionic
* @restrict A
* @description
* Touch stays at the same location for 500ms. Similar to long touch events available for AngularJS and jQuery.
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
* @ngdoc directive
* @name onTap
* @module ionic
* @restrict A
* @description
* Quick touch at a location. If the duration of the touch goes
* longer than 250ms it is no longer a tap gesture.
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
* @ngdoc directive
* @name onDoubleTap
* @module ionic
* @restrict A
* @description
* Double tap touch at a location.
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
* @ngdoc directive
* @name onTouch
* @module ionic
* @restrict A
* @description
* Called immediately when the user first begins a touch. This
* gesture does not wait for a touchend/mouseup.
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
* @ngdoc directive
* @name onRelease
* @module ionic
* @restrict A
* @description
* Called when the user ends a touch.
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
* @ngdoc directive
* @name onDragStart
* @module ionic
* @restrict A
* @description
* Called when a drag gesture has started.
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
* @ngdoc directive
* @name onDrag
* @module ionic
* @restrict A
* @description
* Move with one touch around on the page. Blocking the scrolling when
* moving left and right is a good practice. When all the drag events are
* blocking you disable scrolling on that area.
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
* @ngdoc directive
* @name onDragEnd
* @module ionic
* @restrict A
* @description
* Called when a drag gesture has ended.
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
* @ngdoc directive
* @name onDragUp
* @module ionic
* @restrict A
* @description
* Called when the element is dragged up.
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
* @ngdoc directive
* @name onDragRight
* @module ionic
* @restrict A
* @description
* Called when the element is dragged to the right.
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
* @ngdoc directive
* @name onDragDown
* @module ionic
* @restrict A
* @description
* Called when the element is dragged down.
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
* @ngdoc directive
* @name onDragLeft
* @module ionic
* @restrict A
* @description
* Called when the element is dragged to the left.
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
* @ngdoc directive
* @name onSwipe
* @module ionic
* @restrict A
* @description
* Called when a moving touch has a high velocity in any direction.
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
* @ngdoc directive
* @name onSwipeUp
* @module ionic
* @restrict A
* @description
* Called when a moving touch has a high velocity moving up.
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
* @ngdoc directive
* @name onSwipeRight
* @module ionic
* @restrict A
* @description
* Called when a moving touch has a high velocity moving to the right.
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
* @ngdoc directive
* @name onSwipeDown
* @module ionic
* @restrict A
* @description
* Called when a moving touch has a high velocity moving down.
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
* @ngdoc directive
* @name onSwipeLeft
* @module ionic
* @restrict A
* @description
* Called when a moving touch has a high velocity moving to the left.
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
function gestureDirective(directiveName) {
return ['$ionicGesture', '$parse', function($ionicGesture, $parse) {
var eventType = directiveName.substr(2).toLowerCase();
return function(scope, element, attr) {
var fn = $parse( attr[directiveName] );
var listener = function(ev) {
scope.$apply(function() {
fn(scope, {
$event: ev
var gesture = $ionicGesture.on(eventType, listener, element);
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
$ionicGesture.off(gesture, eventType, listener);
.directive('ionHeaderBar', tapScrollToTopDirective())
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionHeaderBar
* @module ionic
* @restrict E
* @description
* Adds a fixed header bar above some content.
* Can also be a subheader (lower down) if the 'bar-subheader' class is applied.
* See [the header CSS docs](/docs/components/#subheader).
* @param {string=} align-title How to align the title. By default the title
* will be aligned the same as how the platform aligns its titles (iOS centers
* titles, Android aligns them left).
* Available: 'left', 'right', or 'center'. Defaults to the same as the platform.
* @param {boolean=} no-tap-scroll By default, the header bar will scroll the
* content to the top when tapped. Set no-tap-scroll to true to disable this
* behavior.
* Available: true or false. Defaults to false.
* @usage
* ```html
* Some content!
* ```
.directive('ionHeaderBar', headerFooterBarDirective(true))
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionFooterBar
* @module ionic
* @restrict E
* @description
* Adds a fixed footer bar below some content.
* Can also be a subfooter (higher up) if the 'bar-subfooter' class is applied.
* See [the footer CSS docs](/docs/components/#footer).
* Note: If you use ionFooterBar in combination with ng-if, the surrounding content
* will not align correctly. This will be fixed soon.
* @param {string=} align-title Where to align the title.
* Available: 'left', 'right', or 'center'. Defaults to 'center'.
* @usage
* ```html
* Some content!
* ```
.directive('ionFooterBar', headerFooterBarDirective(false));
function tapScrollToTopDirective() {
return ['$ionicScrollDelegate', function($ionicScrollDelegate) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
link: function($scope, $element, $attr) {
if ($attr.noTapScroll == 'true') {
ionic.on('tap', onTap, $element[0]);
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
ionic.off('tap', onTap, $element[0]);
function onTap(e) {
var depth = 3;
var current = e.target;
//Don't scroll to top in certain cases
while (depth-- && current) {
if (current.classList.contains('button') ||
current.tagName.match(/input|textarea|select/i) ||
current.isContentEditable) {
current = current.parentNode;
var touch = e.gesture && e.gesture.touches[0] || e.detail.touches[0];
var bounds = $element[0].getBoundingClientRect();
if (ionic.DomUtil.rectContains(
touch.pageX, touch.pageY,
bounds.left, bounds.top - 20,
bounds.left + bounds.width, bounds.top + bounds.height
)) {
function headerFooterBarDirective(isHeader) {
return ['$document', '$timeout', function($document, $timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
controller: '$ionicHeaderBar',
compile: function(tElement) {
tElement.addClass(isHeader ? 'bar bar-header' : 'bar bar-footer');
// top style tabs? if so, remove bottom border for seamless display
$timeout(function() {
if (isHeader && $document[0].getElementsByClassName('tabs-top').length) tElement.addClass('has-tabs-top');
return { pre: prelink };
function prelink($scope, $element, $attr, ctrl) {
if (isHeader) {
$scope.$watch(function() { return $element[0].className; }, function(value) {
var isShown = value.indexOf('ng-hide') === -1;
var isSubheader = value.indexOf('bar-subheader') !== -1;
$scope.$hasHeader = isShown && !isSubheader;
$scope.$hasSubheader = isShown && isSubheader;
$scope.$emit('$ionicSubheader', $scope.$hasSubheader);
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
delete $scope.$hasHeader;
delete $scope.$hasSubheader;
$scope.$on('$ionicHeader.align', function() {
ionic.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
} else {
$scope.$watch(function() { return $element[0].className; }, function(value) {
var isShown = value.indexOf('ng-hide') === -1;
var isSubfooter = value.indexOf('bar-subfooter') !== -1;
$scope.$hasFooter = isShown && !isSubfooter;
$scope.$hasSubfooter = isShown && isSubfooter;
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
delete $scope.$hasFooter;
delete $scope.$hasSubfooter;
$scope.$watch('$hasTabs', function(val) {
$element.toggleClass('has-tabs', !!val);
$scope.$on('$ionicFooter.align', function() {
ionic.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionInfiniteScroll
* @module ionic
* @parent ionic.directive:ionContent, ionic.directive:ionScroll
* @restrict E
* @description
* The ionInfiniteScroll directive allows you to call a function whenever
* the user gets to the bottom of the page or near the bottom of the page.
* The expression you pass in for `on-infinite` is called when the user scrolls
* greater than `distance` away from the bottom of the content. Once `on-infinite`
* is done loading new data, it should broadcast the `scroll.infiniteScrollComplete`
* event from your controller (see below example).
* @param {expression} on-infinite What to call when the scroller reaches the
* bottom.
* @param {string=} distance The distance from the bottom that the scroll must
* reach to trigger the on-infinite expression. Default: 1%.
* @param {string=} spinner The {@link ionic.directive:ionSpinner} to show while loading. The SVG
* {@link ionic.directive:ionSpinner} is now the default, replacing rotating font icons.
* @param {string=} icon The icon to show while loading. Default: 'ion-load-d'. This is depreicated
* in favor of the SVG {@link ionic.directive:ionSpinner}.
* @param {boolean=} immediate-check Whether to check the infinite scroll bounds immediately on load.
* @usage
* ```html
* ....
* ....
* ```
* ```js
* function MyController($scope, $http) {
* $scope.items = [];
* $scope.loadMore = function() {
* $http.get('/more-items').success(function(items) {
* useItems(items);
* $scope.$broadcast('scroll.infiniteScrollComplete');
* });
* };
* $scope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function() {
* $scope.loadMore();
* });
* }
* ```
* An easy to way to stop infinite scroll once there is no more data to load
* is to use angular's `ng-if` directive:
* ```html
* ```
.directive('ionInfiniteScroll', ['$timeout', function($timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: ['?^$ionicScroll', 'ionInfiniteScroll'],
template: function($element, $attrs) {
if ($attrs.icon) return '';
return '';
scope: true,
controller: '$ionInfiniteScroll',
link: function($scope, $element, $attrs, ctrls) {
var infiniteScrollCtrl = ctrls[1];
var scrollCtrl = infiniteScrollCtrl.scrollCtrl = ctrls[0];
var jsScrolling = infiniteScrollCtrl.jsScrolling = !scrollCtrl.isNative();
// if this view is not beneath a scrollCtrl, it can't be injected, proceed w/ native scrolling
if (jsScrolling) {
infiniteScrollCtrl.scrollView = scrollCtrl.scrollView;
$scope.scrollingType = 'js-scrolling';
//bind to JS scroll events
scrollCtrl.$element.on('scroll', infiniteScrollCtrl.checkBounds);
} else {
// grabbing the scrollable element, to determine dimensions, and current scroll pos
var scrollEl = ionic.DomUtil.getParentOrSelfWithClass($element[0].parentNode, 'overflow-scroll');
infiniteScrollCtrl.scrollEl = scrollEl;
// if there's no scroll controller, and no overflow scroll div, infinite scroll wont work
if (!scrollEl) {
throw 'Infinite scroll must be used inside a scrollable div';
//bind to native scroll events
infiniteScrollCtrl.scrollEl.addEventListener('scroll', infiniteScrollCtrl.checkBounds);
// Optionally check bounds on start after scrollView is fully rendered
var doImmediateCheck = isDefined($attrs.immediateCheck) ? $scope.$eval($attrs.immediateCheck) : true;
if (doImmediateCheck) {
$timeout(function() { infiniteScrollCtrl.checkBounds(); });
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionItem
* @parent ionic.directive:ionList
* @module ionic
* @restrict E
* Creates a list-item that can easily be swiped,
* deleted, reordered, edited, and more.
* See {@link ionic.directive:ionList} for a complete example & explanation.
* Can be assigned any item class name. See the
* [list CSS documentation](/docs/components/#list).
* @usage
* ```html
* Hello!
* Link to detail page
* ```
.directive('ionItem', ['$$rAF', function($$rAF) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
controller: ['$scope', '$element', function($scope, $element) {
this.$scope = $scope;
this.$element = $element;
scope: true,
compile: function($element, $attrs) {
var isAnchor = isDefined($attrs.href) ||
isDefined($attrs.ngHref) ||
var isComplexItem = isAnchor ||
//Lame way of testing, but we have to know at compile what to do with the element
if (isComplexItem) {
var innerElement = jqLite(isAnchor ? '' : '');
if (isDefined($attrs.href) || isDefined($attrs.ngHref)) {
innerElement.attr('ng-href', '{{$href()}}');
if (isDefined($attrs.target)) {
innerElement.attr('target', '{{$target()}}');
$element.addClass('item item-complex')
} else {
return function link($scope, $element, $attrs) {
$scope.$href = function() {
return $attrs.href || $attrs.ngHref;
$scope.$target = function() {
return $attrs.target;
var content = $element[0].querySelector('.item-content');
if (content) {
$scope.$on('$collectionRepeatLeave', function() {
if (content && content.$$ionicOptionsOpen) {
content.style[ionic.CSS.TRANSFORM] = '';
content.style[ionic.CSS.TRANSITION] = 'none';
$$rAF(function() {
content.style[ionic.CSS.TRANSITION] = '';
content.$$ionicOptionsOpen = false;
' +
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionDeleteButton
* @parent ionic.directive:ionItem
* @module ionic
* @restrict E
* Creates a delete button inside a list item, that is visible when the
* {@link ionic.directive:ionList ionList parent's} `show-delete` evaluates to true or
* `$ionicListDelegate.showDelete(true)` is called.
* Takes any ionicon as a class.
* See {@link ionic.directive:ionList} for a complete example & explanation.
* @usage
* ```html
* Hello, list item!
* Show Delete?
* ```
.directive('ionDeleteButton', function() {
function stopPropagation(ev) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: ['^^ionItem', '^?ionList'],
//Run before anything else, so we can move it before other directives process
//its location (eg ngIf relies on the location of the directive in the dom)
priority: Number.MAX_VALUE,
compile: function($element, $attr) {
//Add the classes we need during the compile phase, so that they stay
//even if something else like ngIf removes the element and re-addss it
$attr.$set('class', ($attr['class'] || '') + ' button icon button-icon', true);
return function($scope, $element, $attr, ctrls) {
var itemCtrl = ctrls[0];
var listCtrl = ctrls[1];
var container = jqLite(ITEM_TPL_DELETE_BUTTON);
//Don't bubble click up to main .item
$element.on('click', stopPropagation);
$scope.$on('$ionic.reconnectScope', init);
function init() {
listCtrl = listCtrl || $element.controller('ionList');
if (listCtrl && listCtrl.showDelete()) {
container.addClass('visible active');
.directive('itemFloatingLabel', function() {
return {
restrict: 'C',
link: function(scope, element) {
var el = element[0];
var input = el.querySelector('input, textarea');
var inputLabel = el.querySelector('.input-label');
if (!input || !inputLabel) return;
var onInput = function() {
if (input.value) {
} else {
input.addEventListener('input', onInput);
var ngModelCtrl = jqLite(input).controller('ngModel');
if (ngModelCtrl) {
ngModelCtrl.$render = function() {
input.value = ngModelCtrl.$viewValue || '';
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
input.removeEventListener('input', onInput);
' +
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionOptionButton
* @parent ionic.directive:ionItem
* @module ionic
* @restrict E
* @description
* Creates an option button inside a list item, that is visible when the item is swiped
* to the left by the user. Swiped open option buttons can be hidden with
* {@link ionic.service:$ionicListDelegate#closeOptionButtons $ionicListDelegate.closeOptionButtons}.
* Can be assigned any button class.
* See {@link ionic.directive:ionList} for a complete example & explanation.
* @usage
* ```html
* I love kittens!
* Share
* Edit
* ```
IonicModule.directive('ionOptionButton', [function() {
function stopPropagation(e) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: '^ionItem',
priority: Number.MAX_VALUE,
compile: function($element, $attr) {
$attr.$set('class', ($attr['class'] || '') + ' button', true);
return function($scope, $element, $attr, itemCtrl) {
if (!itemCtrl.optionsContainer) {
itemCtrl.optionsContainer = jqLite(ITEM_TPL_OPTION_BUTTONS);
//Don't bubble click up to main .item
$element.on('click', stopPropagation);
' +
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionReorderButton
* @parent ionic.directive:ionItem
* @module ionic
* @restrict E
* Creates a reorder button inside a list item, that is visible when the
* {@link ionic.directive:ionList ionList parent's} `show-reorder` evaluates to true or
* `$ionicListDelegate.showReorder(true)` is called.
* Can be dragged to reorder items in the list. Takes any ionicon class.
* Note: Reordering works best when used with `ng-repeat`. Be sure that all `ion-item` children of an `ion-list` are part of the same `ng-repeat` expression.
* When an item reorder is complete, the expression given in the `on-reorder` attribute is called. The `on-reorder` expression is given two locals that can be used: `$fromIndex` and `$toIndex`. See below for an example.
* Look at {@link ionic.directive:ionList} for more examples.
* @usage
* ```html
* Item {{item}}
* ```
* ```js
* function MyCtrl($scope) {
* $scope.items = [1, 2, 3, 4];
* $scope.moveItem = function(item, fromIndex, toIndex) {
* //Move the item in the array
* $scope.items.splice(fromIndex, 1);
* $scope.items.splice(toIndex, 0, item);
* };
* }
* ```
* @param {expression=} on-reorder Expression to call when an item is reordered.
* Parameters given: $fromIndex, $toIndex.
.directive('ionReorderButton', ['$parse', function($parse) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: ['^ionItem', '^?ionList'],
priority: Number.MAX_VALUE,
compile: function($element, $attr) {
$attr.$set('class', ($attr['class'] || '') + ' button icon button-icon', true);
$element[0].setAttribute('data-prevent-scroll', true);
return function($scope, $element, $attr, ctrls) {
var itemCtrl = ctrls[0];
var listCtrl = ctrls[1];
var onReorderFn = $parse($attr.onReorder);
$scope.$onReorder = function(oldIndex, newIndex) {
onReorderFn($scope, {
$fromIndex: oldIndex,
$toIndex: newIndex
// prevent clicks from bubbling up to the item
if (!$attr.ngClick && !$attr.onClick && !$attr.onclick) {
$element[0].onclick = function(e) {
return false;
var container = jqLite(ITEM_TPL_REORDER_BUTTON);
if (listCtrl && listCtrl.showReorder()) {
container.addClass('visible active');
* @ngdoc directive
* @name keyboardAttach
* @module ionic
* @restrict A
* @description
* keyboard-attach is an attribute directive which will cause an element to float above
* the keyboard when the keyboard shows. Currently only supports the
* [ion-footer-bar]({{ page.versionHref }}/api/directive/ionFooterBar/) directive.
* ### Notes
* - This directive requires the
* [Ionic Keyboard Plugin](https://github.com/driftyco/ionic-plugins-keyboard).
* - On Android not in fullscreen mode, i.e. you have
* `` or no preference in your `config.xml` file,
* this directive is unnecessary since it is the default behavior.
* - On iOS, if there is an input in your footer, you will need to set
* `cordova.plugins.Keyboard.disableScroll(true)`.
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
.directive('keyboardAttach', function() {
return function(scope, element) {
ionic.on('native.keyboardshow', onShow, window);
ionic.on('native.keyboardhide', onHide, window);
ionic.on('native.showkeyboard', onShow, window);
ionic.on('native.hidekeyboard', onHide, window);
var scrollCtrl;
function onShow(e) {
if (ionic.Platform.isAndroid() && !ionic.Platform.isFullScreen) {
//for testing
var keyboardHeight = e.keyboardHeight || e.detail.keyboardHeight;
element.css('bottom', keyboardHeight + "px");
scrollCtrl = element.controller('$ionicScroll');
if (scrollCtrl) {
scrollCtrl.scrollView.__container.style.bottom = keyboardHeight + keyboardAttachGetClientHeight(element[0]) + "px";
function onHide() {
if (ionic.Platform.isAndroid() && !ionic.Platform.isFullScreen) {
element.css('bottom', '');
if (scrollCtrl) {
scrollCtrl.scrollView.__container.style.bottom = '';
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
ionic.off('native.keyboardshow', onShow, window);
ionic.off('native.keyboardhide', onHide, window);
ionic.off('native.showkeyboard', onShow, window);
ionic.off('native.hidekeyboard', onHide, window);
function keyboardAttachGetClientHeight(element) {
return element.clientHeight;
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionList
* @module ionic
* @delegate ionic.service:$ionicListDelegate
* @codepen JsHjf
* @restrict E
* @description
* The List is a widely used interface element in almost any mobile app, and can include
* content ranging from basic text all the way to buttons, toggles, icons, and thumbnails.
* Both the list, which contains items, and the list items themselves can be any HTML
* element. The containing element requires the `list` class and each list item requires
* the `item` class.
* However, using the ionList and ionItem directives make it easy to support various
* interaction modes such as swipe to edit, drag to reorder, and removing items.
* Related: {@link ionic.directive:ionItem}, {@link ionic.directive:ionOptionButton}
* {@link ionic.directive:ionReorderButton}, {@link ionic.directive:ionDeleteButton}, [`list CSS documentation`](/docs/components/#list).
* @usage
* Basic Usage:
* ```html
* {% raw %}Hello, {{item}}!{% endraw %}
* ```
* Advanced Usage: Thumbnails, Delete buttons, Reordering, Swiping
* ```html
* {% raw %}
{% endraw %}
* Share
* Edit
* ```
* app.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope) {
* $scope.shouldShowDelete = false;
* $scope.shouldShowReorder = false;
* $scope.listCanSwipe = true
* });
* @param {string=} delegate-handle The handle used to identify this list with
* {@link ionic.service:$ionicListDelegate}.
* @param type {string=} The type of list to use (list-inset or card)
* @param show-delete {boolean=} Whether the delete buttons for the items in the list are
* currently shown or hidden.
* @param show-reorder {boolean=} Whether the reorder buttons for the items in the list are
* currently shown or hidden.
* @param can-swipe {boolean=} Whether the items in the list are allowed to be swiped to reveal
* option buttons. Default: true.
.directive('ionList', [
function($timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: ['ionList', '^?$ionicScroll'],
controller: '$ionicList',
compile: function($element, $attr) {
var listEl = jqLite('
return function($scope, $element, $attrs, ctrls) {
var listCtrl = ctrls[0];
var scrollCtrl = ctrls[1];
// Wait for child elements to render...
function init() {
var listView = listCtrl.listView = new ionic.views.ListView({
el: $element[0],
listEl: $element.children()[0],
scrollEl: scrollCtrl && scrollCtrl.element,
scrollView: scrollCtrl && scrollCtrl.scrollView,
onReorder: function(el, oldIndex, newIndex) {
var itemScope = jqLite(el).scope();
if (itemScope && itemScope.$onReorder) {
// Make sure onReorder is called in apply cycle,
// but also make sure it has no conflicts by doing
// $evalAsync
$timeout(function() {
itemScope.$onReorder(oldIndex, newIndex);
canSwipe: function() {
return listCtrl.canSwipeItems();
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
if (listView) {
listView.deregister && listView.deregister();
listView = null;
if (isDefined($attr.canSwipe)) {
$scope.$watch('!!(' + $attr.canSwipe + ')', function(value) {
if (isDefined($attr.showDelete)) {
$scope.$watch('!!(' + $attr.showDelete + ')', function(value) {
if (isDefined($attr.showReorder)) {
$scope.$watch('!!(' + $attr.showReorder + ')', function(value) {
$scope.$watch(function() {
return listCtrl.showDelete();
}, function(isShown, wasShown) {
//Only use isShown=false if it was already shown
if (!isShown && !wasShown) { return; }
if (isShown) listCtrl.closeOptionButtons();
$element.children().toggleClass('list-left-editing', isShown);
$element.toggleClass('disable-pointer-events', isShown);
var deleteButton = jqLite($element[0].getElementsByClassName('item-delete'));
setButtonShown(deleteButton, listCtrl.showDelete);
$scope.$watch(function() {
return listCtrl.showReorder();
}, function(isShown, wasShown) {
//Only use isShown=false if it was already shown
if (!isShown && !wasShown) { return; }
if (isShown) listCtrl.closeOptionButtons();
$element.children().toggleClass('list-right-editing', isShown);
$element.toggleClass('disable-pointer-events', isShown);
var reorderButton = jqLite($element[0].getElementsByClassName('item-reorder'));
setButtonShown(reorderButton, listCtrl.showReorder);
function setButtonShown(el, shown) {
shown() && el.addClass('visible') || el.removeClass('active');
ionic.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
shown() && el.addClass('active') || el.removeClass('visible');
* @ngdoc directive
* @name menuClose
* @module ionic
* @restrict AC
* @description
* `menu-close` is an attribute directive that closes a currently opened side menu.
* Note that by default, navigation transitions will not animate between views when
* the menu is open. Additionally, this directive will reset the entering view's
* history stack, making the new page the root of the history stack. This is done
* to replicate the user experience seen in most side menu implementations, which is
* to not show the back button at the root of the stack and show only the
* menu button. We recommend that you also use the `enable-menu-with-back-views="false"`
* {@link ionic.directive:ionSideMenus} attribute when using the menuClose directive.
* @usage
* Below is an example of a link within a side menu. Tapping this link would
* automatically close the currently opened menu.
* ```html
* Home
* ```
* Note that if your destination state uses a resolve and that resolve asyncronously
* takes longer than a standard transition (300ms), you'll need to set the
* `nextViewOptions` manually as your resolve completes.
* ```js
* $ionicHistory.nextViewOptions({
* historyRoot: true,
* disableAnimate: true,
* expire: 300
* });
.directive('menuClose', ['$ionicHistory', '$timeout', function($ionicHistory, $timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'AC',
link: function($scope, $element) {
$element.bind('click', function() {
var sideMenuCtrl = $element.inheritedData('$ionSideMenusController');
if (sideMenuCtrl) {
historyRoot: true,
disableAnimate: true,
expire: 300
// if no transition in 300ms, reset nextViewOptions
// the expire should take care of it, but will be cancelled in some
// cases. This directive is an exception to the rules of history.js
$timeout( function() {
historyRoot: false,
disableAnimate: false
}, 300);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name menuToggle
* @module ionic
* @restrict AC
* @description
* Toggle a side menu on the given side.
* @usage
* Below is an example of a link within a nav bar. Tapping this button
* would open the given side menu, and tapping it again would close it.
* ```html
* ```
* ### Button Hidden On Child Views
* By default, the menu toggle button will only appear on a root
* level side-menu page. Navigating in to child views will hide the menu-
* toggle button. They can be made visible on child pages by setting the
* enable-menu-with-back-views attribute of the {@link ionic.directive:ionSideMenus}
* directive to true.
* ```html
* ```
.directive('menuToggle', function() {
return {
restrict: 'AC',
link: function($scope, $element, $attr) {
$scope.$on('$ionicView.beforeEnter', function(ev, viewData) {
if (viewData.enableBack) {
var sideMenuCtrl = $element.inheritedData('$ionSideMenusController');
if (!sideMenuCtrl.enableMenuWithBackViews()) {
} else {
$element.bind('click', function() {
var sideMenuCtrl = $element.inheritedData('$ionSideMenusController');
sideMenuCtrl && sideMenuCtrl.toggle($attr.menuToggle);
* We don't document the ionModal directive, we instead document
* the $ionicModal service
.directive('ionModal', [function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
replace: true,
controller: [function() {}],
template: '
' +
'' +
'' +
.directive('ionModalView', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
compile: function(element) {
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionNavBackButton
* @module ionic
* @restrict E
* @parent ionNavBar
* @description
* Creates a back button inside an {@link ionic.directive:ionNavBar}.
* The back button will appear when the user is able to go back in the current navigation stack. By
* default, the markup of the back button is automatically built using platform-appropriate defaults
* (iOS back button icon on iOS and Android icon on Android).
* Additionally, the button is automatically set to `$ionicGoBack()` on click/tap. By default, the
* app will navigate back one view when the back button is clicked. More advanced behavior is also
* possible, as outlined below.
* @usage
* Recommended markup for default settings:
* ```html
* ```
* With custom inner markup, and automatically adds a default click action:
* ```html
* Back
* ```
* With custom inner markup and custom click action, using {@link ionic.service:$ionicHistory}:
* ```html
* Back
* ```
* ```js
* function MyCtrl($scope, $ionicHistory) {
* $scope.myGoBack = function() {
* $ionicHistory.goBack();
* };
* }
* ```
.directive('ionNavBackButton', ['$ionicConfig', '$document', function($ionicConfig, $document) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: '^ionNavBar',
compile: function(tElement, tAttrs) {
// clone the back button, but as a
var buttonEle = $document[0].createElement('button');
for (var n in tAttrs.$attr) {
buttonEle.setAttribute(tAttrs.$attr[n], tAttrs[n]);
if (!tAttrs.ngClick) {
buttonEle.setAttribute('ng-click', '$ionicGoBack()');
buttonEle.className = 'button back-button hide buttons ' + (tElement.attr('class') || '');
buttonEle.innerHTML = tElement.html() || '';
var childNode;
var hasIcon = hasIconClass(tElement[0]);
var hasInnerText;
var hasButtonText;
var hasPreviousTitle;
for (var x = 0; x < tElement[0].childNodes.length; x++) {
childNode = tElement[0].childNodes[x];
if (childNode.nodeType === 1) {
if (hasIconClass(childNode)) {
hasIcon = true;
} else if (childNode.classList.contains('default-title')) {
hasButtonText = true;
} else if (childNode.classList.contains('previous-title')) {
hasPreviousTitle = true;
} else if (!hasInnerText && childNode.nodeType === 3) {
hasInnerText = !!childNode.nodeValue.trim();
function hasIconClass(ele) {
return /ion-|icon/.test(ele.className);
var defaultIcon = $ionicConfig.backButton.icon();
if (!hasIcon && defaultIcon && defaultIcon !== 'none') {
buttonEle.innerHTML = ' ' + buttonEle.innerHTML;
buttonEle.className += ' button-clear';
if (!hasInnerText) {
var buttonTextEle = $document[0].createElement('span');
buttonTextEle.className = 'back-text';
if (!hasButtonText && $ionicConfig.backButton.text()) {
buttonTextEle.innerHTML += '' + $ionicConfig.backButton.text() + '';
if (!hasPreviousTitle && $ionicConfig.backButton.previousTitleText()) {
buttonTextEle.innerHTML += '';
tElement.attr('class', 'hide');
return {
pre: function($scope, $element, $attr, navBarCtrl) {
// only register the plain HTML, the navBarCtrl takes care of scope/compile/link
navBarCtrl.navElement('backButton', buttonEle.outerHTML);
buttonEle = null;
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionNavBar
* @module ionic
* @delegate ionic.service:$ionicNavBarDelegate
* @restrict E
* @description
* If we have an {@link ionic.directive:ionNavView} directive, we can also create an
* ``, which will create a topbar that updates as the application state changes.
* We can add a back button by putting an {@link ionic.directive:ionNavBackButton} inside.
* We can add buttons depending on the currently visible view using
* {@link ionic.directive:ionNavButtons}.
* Note that the ion-nav-bar element will only work correctly if your content has an
* ionView around it.
* @usage
* ```html
* Hello!
* ```
* @param {string=} delegate-handle The handle used to identify this navBar
* with {@link ionic.service:$ionicNavBarDelegate}.
* @param align-title {string=} Where to align the title of the navbar.
* Available: 'left', 'right', 'center'. Defaults to 'center'.
* @param {boolean=} no-tap-scroll By default, the navbar will scroll the content
* to the top when tapped. Set no-tap-scroll to true to disable this behavior.
.directive('ionNavBar', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
controller: '$ionicNavBar',
scope: true,
link: function($scope, $element, $attr, ctrl) {
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionNavButtons
* @module ionic
* @restrict E
* @parent ionNavView
* @description
* Use nav buttons to set the buttons on your {@link ionic.directive:ionNavBar}
* from within an {@link ionic.directive:ionView}. This gives each
* view template the ability to specify which buttons should show in the nav bar,
* overriding any default buttons already placed in the nav bar.
* Any buttons you declare will be positioned on the navbar's corresponding side. Primary
* buttons generally map to the left side of the header, and secondary buttons are
* generally on the right side. However, their exact locations are platform-specific.
* For example, in iOS, the primary buttons are on the far left of the header, and
* secondary buttons are on the far right, with the header title centered between them.
* For Android, however, both groups of buttons are on the far right of the header,
* with the header title aligned left.
* We recommend always using `primary` and `secondary`, so the buttons correctly map
* to the side familiar to users of each platform. However, in cases where buttons should
* always be on an exact side, both `left` and `right` sides are still available. For
* example, a toggle button for a left side menu should be on the left side; in this case,
* we'd recommend using `side="left"`, so it's always on the left, no matter the platform.
* ***Note*** that `ion-nav-buttons` must be immediate descendants of the `ion-view` or
* `ion-nav-bar` element (basically, don't wrap it in another div).
* @usage
* ```html
* Some super content here!
* ```
* @param {string} side The side to place the buttons in the
* {@link ionic.directive:ionNavBar}. Available sides: `primary`, `secondary`, `left`, and `right`.
.directive('ionNavButtons', ['$document', function($document) {
return {
require: '^ionNavBar',
restrict: 'E',
compile: function(tElement, tAttrs) {
var side = 'left';
if (/^primary|secondary|right$/i.test(tAttrs.side || '')) {
side = tAttrs.side.toLowerCase();
var spanEle = $document[0].createElement('span');
spanEle.className = side + '-buttons';
spanEle.innerHTML = tElement.html();
var navElementType = side + 'Buttons';
tElement.attr('class', 'hide');
return {
pre: function($scope, $element, $attrs, navBarCtrl) {
// only register the plain HTML, the navBarCtrl takes care of scope/compile/link
var parentViewCtrl = $element.parent().data('$ionViewController');
if (parentViewCtrl) {
// if the parent is an ion-view, then these are ion-nav-buttons for JUST this ion-view
parentViewCtrl.navElement(navElementType, spanEle.outerHTML);
} else {
// these are buttons for all views that do not have their own ion-nav-buttons
navBarCtrl.navElement(navElementType, spanEle.outerHTML);
spanEle = null;
* @ngdoc directive
* @name navDirection
* @module ionic
* @restrict A
* @description
* The direction which the nav view transition should animate. Available options
* are: `forward`, `back`, `enter`, `exit`, `swap`.
* @usage
* ```html
* Home
* ```
.directive('navDirection', ['$ionicViewSwitcher', function($ionicViewSwitcher) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
priority: 1000,
link: function($scope, $element, $attr) {
$element.bind('click', function() {
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionNavTitle
* @module ionic
* @restrict E
* @parent ionNavView
* @description
* The nav title directive replaces an {@link ionic.directive:ionNavBar} title text with
* custom HTML from within an {@link ionic.directive:ionView} template. This gives each
* view the ability to specify its own custom title element, such as an image or any HTML,
* rather than being text-only. Alternatively, text-only titles can be updated using the
* `view-title` {@link ionic.directive:ionView} attribute.
* Note that `ion-nav-title` must be an immediate descendant of the `ion-view` or
* `ion-nav-bar` element (basically don't wrap it in another div).
* @usage
* ```html
* Some super content here!
* ```
.directive('ionNavTitle', ['$document', function($document) {
return {
require: '^ionNavBar',
restrict: 'E',
compile: function(tElement, tAttrs) {
var navElementType = 'title';
var spanEle = $document[0].createElement('span');
for (var n in tAttrs.$attr) {
spanEle.setAttribute(tAttrs.$attr[n], tAttrs[n]);
spanEle.innerHTML = tElement.html();
tElement.attr('class', 'hide');
return {
pre: function($scope, $element, $attrs, navBarCtrl) {
// only register the plain HTML, the navBarCtrl takes care of scope/compile/link
var parentViewCtrl = $element.parent().data('$ionViewController');
if (parentViewCtrl) {
// if the parent is an ion-view, then these are ion-nav-buttons for JUST this ion-view
parentViewCtrl.navElement(navElementType, spanEle.outerHTML);
} else {
// these are buttons for all views that do not have their own ion-nav-buttons
navBarCtrl.navElement(navElementType, spanEle.outerHTML);
spanEle = null;
* @ngdoc directive
* @name navTransition
* @module ionic
* @restrict A
* @description
* The transition type which the nav view transition should use when it animates.
* Current, options are `ios`, `android`, and `none`. More options coming soon.
* @usage
* ```html
* Home
* ```
.directive('navTransition', ['$ionicViewSwitcher', function($ionicViewSwitcher) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
priority: 1000,
link: function($scope, $element, $attr) {
$element.bind('click', function() {
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionNavView
* @module ionic
* @restrict E
* @codepen odqCz
* @description
* As a user navigates throughout your app, Ionic is able to keep track of their
* navigation history. By knowing their history, transitions between views
* correctly enter and exit using the platform's transition style. An additional
* benefit to Ionic's navigation system is its ability to manage multiple
* histories. For example, each tab can have it's own navigation history stack.
* Ionic uses the AngularUI Router module so app interfaces can be organized
* into various "states". Like Angular's core $route service, URLs can be used
* to control the views. However, the AngularUI Router provides a more powerful
* state manager in that states are bound to named, nested, and parallel views,
* allowing more than one template to be rendered on the same page.
* Additionally, each state is not required to be bound to a URL, and data can
* be pushed to each state which allows much flexibility.
* The ionNavView directive is used to render templates in your application. Each template
* is part of a state. States are usually mapped to a url, and are defined programatically
* using angular-ui-router (see [their docs](https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/wiki),
* and remember to replace ui-view with ion-nav-view in examples).
* @usage
* In this example, we will create a navigation view that contains our different states for the app.
* To do this, in our markup we use ionNavView top level directive. To display a header bar we use
* the {@link ionic.directive:ionNavBar} directive that updates as we navigate through the
* navigation stack.
* Next, we need to setup our states that will be rendered.
* ```js
* var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ionic']);
* app.config(function($stateProvider) {
* $stateProvider
* .state('index', {
* url: '/',
* templateUrl: 'home.html'
* })
* .state('music', {
* url: '/music',
* templateUrl: 'music.html'
* });
* });
* ```
* Then on app start, $stateProvider will look at the url, see it matches the index state,
* and then try to load home.html into the ``.
* Pages are loaded by the URLs given. One simple way to create templates in Angular is to put
* them directly into your HTML file and use the `
* ```
* This is good to do because the template will be cached for very fast loading, instead of
* having to fetch them from the network.
* ## Caching
* By default, views are cached to improve performance. When a view is navigated away from, its
* element is left in the DOM, and its scope is disconnected from the `$watch` cycle. When
* navigating to a view that is already cached, its scope is then reconnected, and the existing
* element that was left in the DOM becomes the active view. This also allows for the scroll
* position of previous views to be maintained.
* Caching can be disabled and enabled in multiple ways. By default, Ionic will cache a maximum of
* 10 views, and not only can this be configured, but apps can also explicitly state which views
* should and should not be cached.
* Note that because we are caching these views, *we aren’t destroying scopes*. Instead, scopes
* are being disconnected from the watch cycle. Because scopes are not being destroyed and
* recreated, controllers are not loading again on a subsequent viewing. If the app/controller
* needs to know when a view has entered or has left, then view events emitted from the
* {@link ionic.directive:ionView} scope, such as `$ionicView.enter`, may be useful.
* By default, when navigating back in the history, the "forward" views are removed from the cache.
* If you navigate forward to the same view again, it'll create a new DOM element and controller
* instance. Basically, any forward views are reset each time. This can be configured using the
* {@link ionic.provider:$ionicConfigProvider}:
* ```js
* $ionicConfigProvider.views.forwardCache(true);
* ```
* #### Disable cache globally
* The {@link ionic.provider:$ionicConfigProvider} can be used to set the maximum allowable views
* which can be cached, but this can also be use to disable all caching by setting it to 0.
* ```js
* $ionicConfigProvider.views.maxCache(0);
* ```
* #### Disable cache within state provider
* ```js
* $stateProvider.state('myState', {
* cache: false,
* url : '/myUrl',
* templateUrl : 'my-template.html'
* })
* ```
* #### Disable cache with an attribute
* ```html
* ...
* ```
* ## AngularUI Router
* Please visit [AngularUI Router's docs](https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/wiki) for
* more info. Below is a great video by the AngularUI Router team that may help to explain
* how it all works:
* @param {string=} name A view name. The name should be unique amongst the other views in the
* same state. You can have views of the same name that live in different states. For more
* information, see ui-router's
* [ui-view documentation](http://angular-ui.github.io/ui-router/site/#/api/ui.router.state.directive:ui-view).
.directive('ionNavView', [
function($state, $ionicConfig) {
// IONIC's fork of Angular UI Router, v0.2.10
// the navView handles registering views in the history and how to transition between them
return {
restrict: 'E',
terminal: true,
priority: 2000,
transclude: true,
controller: '$ionicNavView',
compile: function(tElement, tAttrs, transclude) {
// a nav view element is a container for numerous views
ionic.DomUtil.cachedAttr(tElement, 'nav-view-transition', $ionicConfig.views.transition());
return function($scope, $element, $attr, navViewCtrl) {
var latestLocals;
// Put in the compiled initial view
transclude($scope, function(clone) {
var viewData = navViewCtrl.init();
// listen for $stateChangeSuccess
$scope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function() {
$scope.$on('$viewContentLoading', function() {
// initial load, ready go
function updateView(firstTime) {
// get the current local according to the $state
var viewLocals = $state.$current && $state.$current.locals[viewData.name];
// do not update THIS nav-view if its is not the container for the given state
// if the viewLocals are the same as THIS latestLocals, then nothing to do
if (!viewLocals || (!firstTime && viewLocals === latestLocals)) return;
// update the latestLocals
latestLocals = viewLocals;
viewData.state = viewLocals.$$state;
// register, update and transition to the new view
.config(['$provide', function($provide) {
$provide.decorator('ngClickDirective', ['$delegate', function($delegate) {
// drop the default ngClick directive
return $delegate;
* @private
.factory('$ionicNgClick', ['$parse', function($parse) {
return function(scope, element, clickExpr) {
var clickHandler = angular.isFunction(clickExpr) ?
clickExpr :
element.on('click', function(event) {
scope.$apply(function() {
clickHandler(scope, {$event: (event)});
// Hack for iOS Safari's benefit. It goes searching for onclick handlers and is liable to click
// something else nearby.
element.onclick = noop;
.directive('ngClick', ['$ionicNgClick', function($ionicNgClick) {
return function(scope, element, attr) {
$ionicNgClick(scope, element, attr.ngClick);
.directive('ionStopEvent', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, element, attr) {
element.bind(attr.ionStopEvent, eventStopPropagation);
function eventStopPropagation(e) {
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionPane
* @module ionic
* @restrict E
* @description A simple container that fits content, with no side effects. Adds the 'pane' class to the element.
.directive('ionPane', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
link: function(scope, element) {
* We don't document the ionPopover directive, we instead document
* the $ionicPopover service
.directive('ionPopover', [function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
replace: true,
controller: [function() {}],
template: '
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionRadio
* @module ionic
* @restrict E
* @codepen saoBG
* @description
* The radio directive is no different than the HTML radio input, except it's styled differently.
* Radio behaves like any [AngularJS radio](http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/input/input[radio]).
* @usage
* ```html
* Choose A
* Choose B
* Choose C
* ```
* @param {string=} name The name of the radio input.
* @param {expression=} value The value of the radio input.
* @param {boolean=} disabled The state of the radio input.
* @param {string=} icon The icon to use when the radio input is selected.
* @param {expression=} ng-value Angular equivalent of the value attribute.
* @param {expression=} ng-model The angular model for the radio input.
* @param {boolean=} ng-disabled Angular equivalent of the disabled attribute.
* @param {expression=} ng-change Triggers given expression when radio input's model changes
.directive('ionRadio', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
require: '?ngModel',
transclude: true,
compile: function(element, attr) {
if (attr.icon) {
var iconElm = element.find('i');
var input = element.find('input');
'name': attr.name,
'value': attr.value,
'disabled': attr.disabled,
'ng-value': attr.ngValue,
'ng-model': attr.ngModel,
'ng-disabled': attr.ngDisabled,
'ng-change': attr.ngChange,
'ng-required': attr.ngRequired,
'required': attr.required
}, function(value, name) {
if (isDefined(value)) {
input.attr(name, value);
return function(scope, element, attr) {
scope.getValue = function() {
return scope.ngValue || attr.value;
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionRefresher
* @module ionic
* @restrict E
* @parent ionic.directive:ionContent, ionic.directive:ionScroll
* @description
* Allows you to add pull-to-refresh to a scrollView.
* Place it as the first child of your {@link ionic.directive:ionContent} or
* {@link ionic.directive:ionScroll} element.
* When refreshing is complete, $broadcast the 'scroll.refreshComplete' event
* from your controller.
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
* ```js
* angular.module('testApp', ['ionic'])
* .controller('MyController', function($scope, $http) {
* $scope.items = [1,2,3];
* $scope.doRefresh = function() {
* $http.get('/new-items')
* .success(function(newItems) {
* $scope.items = newItems;
* })
* .finally(function() {
* // Stop the ion-refresher from spinning
* $scope.$broadcast('scroll.refreshComplete');
* });
* };
* });
* ```
* @param {expression=} on-refresh Called when the user pulls down enough and lets go
* of the refresher.
* @param {expression=} on-pulling Called when the user starts to pull down
* on the refresher.
* @param {string=} pulling-text The text to display while the user is pulling down.
* @param {string=} pulling-icon The icon to display while the user is pulling down.
* Default: 'ion-android-arrow-down'.
* @param {string=} spinner The {@link ionic.directive:ionSpinner} icon to display
* after user lets go of the refresher. The SVG {@link ionic.directive:ionSpinner}
* is now the default, replacing rotating font icons. Set to `none` to disable both the
* spinner and the icon.
* @param {string=} refreshing-icon The font icon to display after user lets go of the
* refresher. This is depreicated in favor of the SVG {@link ionic.directive:ionSpinner}.
* @param {boolean=} disable-pulling-rotation Disables the rotation animation of the pulling
* icon when it reaches its activated threshold. To be used with a custom `pulling-icon`.
.directive('ionRefresher', [function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
require: ['?^$ionicScroll', 'ionRefresher'],
controller: '$ionicRefresher',
' +
' +
' +
'' +
' +
'' +
' +
'' +
'' +
' +
'' +
' +
link: function($scope, $element, $attrs, ctrls) {
// JS Scrolling uses the scroll controller
var scrollCtrl = ctrls[0],
refresherCtrl = ctrls[1];
if (!scrollCtrl || scrollCtrl.isNative()) {
// Kick off native scrolling
} else {
$scope.$on('scroll.refreshComplete', function() {
$scope.$evalAsync(function() {
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionScroll
* @module ionic
* @delegate ionic.service:$ionicScrollDelegate
* @codepen mwFuh
* @restrict E
* @description
* Creates a scrollable container for all content inside.
* @usage
* Basic usage:
* ```html
* ```
* Note that it's important to set the height of the scroll box as well as the height of the inner
* content to enable scrolling. This makes it possible to have full control over scrollable areas.
* If you'd just like to have a center content scrolling area, use {@link ionic.directive:ionContent} instead.
* @param {string=} delegate-handle The handle used to identify this scrollView
* with {@link ionic.service:$ionicScrollDelegate}.
* @param {string=} direction Which way to scroll. 'x' or 'y' or 'xy'. Default 'y'.
* @param {boolean=} locking Whether to lock scrolling in one direction at a time. Useful to set to false when zoomed in or scrolling in two directions. Default true.
* @param {boolean=} paging Whether to scroll with paging.
* @param {expression=} on-refresh Called on pull-to-refresh, triggered by an {@link ionic.directive:ionRefresher}.
* @param {expression=} on-scroll Called whenever the user scrolls.
* @param {boolean=} scrollbar-x Whether to show the horizontal scrollbar. Default true.
* @param {boolean=} scrollbar-y Whether to show the vertical scrollbar. Default true.
* @param {boolean=} zooming Whether to support pinch-to-zoom
* @param {integer=} min-zoom The smallest zoom amount allowed (default is 0.5)
* @param {integer=} max-zoom The largest zoom amount allowed (default is 3)
* @param {boolean=} has-bouncing Whether to allow scrolling to bounce past the edges
* of the content. Defaults to true on iOS, false on Android.
.directive('ionScroll', [
function($timeout, $controller, $ionicBind) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: true,
controller: function() {},
compile: function(element) {
element.addClass('scroll-view ionic-scroll');
//We cannot transclude here because it breaks element.data() inheritance on compile
var innerElement = jqLite('');
return { pre: prelink };
function prelink($scope, $element, $attr) {
$ionicBind($scope, $attr, {
direction: '@',
paging: '@',
$onScroll: '&onScroll',
scroll: '@',
scrollbarX: '@',
scrollbarY: '@',
zooming: '@',
minZoom: '@',
maxZoom: '@'
$scope.direction = $scope.direction || 'y';
if (isDefined($attr.padding)) {
$scope.$watch($attr.padding, function(newVal) {
innerElement.toggleClass('padding', !!newVal);
if ($scope.$eval($scope.paging) === true) {
if (!$scope.direction) { $scope.direction = 'y'; }
var isPaging = $scope.$eval($scope.paging) === true;
var scrollViewOptions = {
el: $element[0],
delegateHandle: $attr.delegateHandle,
locking: ($attr.locking || 'true') === 'true',
bouncing: $scope.$eval($attr.hasBouncing),
paging: isPaging,
scrollbarX: $scope.$eval($scope.scrollbarX) !== false,
scrollbarY: $scope.$eval($scope.scrollbarY) !== false,
scrollingX: $scope.direction.indexOf('x') >= 0,
scrollingY: $scope.direction.indexOf('y') >= 0,
zooming: $scope.$eval($scope.zooming) === true,
maxZoom: $scope.$eval($scope.maxZoom) || 3,
minZoom: $scope.$eval($scope.minZoom) || 0.5,
preventDefault: true
if (isPaging) {
scrollViewOptions.speedMultiplier = 0.8;
scrollViewOptions.bouncing = false;
$controller('$ionicScroll', {
$scope: $scope,
scrollViewOptions: scrollViewOptions
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionSideMenu
* @module ionic
* @restrict E
* @parent ionic.directive:ionSideMenus
* @description
* A container for a side menu, sibling to an {@link ionic.directive:ionSideMenuContent} directive.
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
* For a complete side menu example, see the
* {@link ionic.directive:ionSideMenus} documentation.
* @param {string} side Which side the side menu is currently on. Allowed values: 'left' or 'right'.
* @param {boolean=} is-enabled Whether this side menu is enabled.
* @param {number=} width How many pixels wide the side menu should be. Defaults to 275.
.directive('ionSideMenu', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: '^ionSideMenus',
scope: true,
compile: function(element, attr) {
angular.isUndefined(attr.isEnabled) && attr.$set('isEnabled', 'true');
angular.isUndefined(attr.width) && attr.$set('width', '275');
element.addClass('menu menu-' + attr.side);
return function($scope, $element, $attr, sideMenuCtrl) {
$scope.side = $attr.side || 'left';
var sideMenu = sideMenuCtrl[$scope.side] = new ionic.views.SideMenu({
width: attr.width,
el: $element[0],
isEnabled: true
$scope.$watch($attr.width, function(val) {
var numberVal = +val;
if (numberVal && numberVal == val) {
$scope.$watch($attr.isEnabled, function(val) {
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionSideMenuContent
* @module ionic
* @restrict E
* @parent ionic.directive:ionSideMenus
* @description
* A container for the main visible content, sibling to one or more
* {@link ionic.directive:ionSideMenu} directives.
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
* For a complete side menu example, see the
* {@link ionic.directive:ionSideMenus} documentation.
* @param {boolean=} drag-content Whether the content can be dragged. Default true.
* @param {boolean|number=} edge-drag-threshold Whether the content drag can only start if it is below a certain threshold distance from the edge of the screen. Default false. Accepts three types of values:
* - If a non-zero number is given, that many pixels is used as the maximum allowed distance from the edge that starts dragging the side menu.
* - If true is given, the default number of pixels (25) is used as the maximum allowed distance.
* - If false or 0 is given, the edge drag threshold is disabled, and dragging from anywhere on the content is allowed.
.directive('ionSideMenuContent', [
function($timeout, $ionicGesture, $window) {
return {
restrict: 'EA', //DEPRECATED 'A'
require: '^ionSideMenus',
scope: true,
compile: function(element, attr) {
element.addClass('menu-content pane');
return { pre: prelink };
function prelink($scope, $element, $attr, sideMenuCtrl) {
var startCoord = null;
var primaryScrollAxis = null;
if (isDefined(attr.dragContent)) {
$scope.$watch(attr.dragContent, function(value) {
} else {
if (isDefined(attr.edgeDragThreshold)) {
$scope.$watch(attr.edgeDragThreshold, function(value) {
// Listen for taps on the content to close the menu
function onContentTap(gestureEvt) {
if (sideMenuCtrl.getOpenAmount() !== 0) {
startCoord = null;
primaryScrollAxis = null;
} else if (!startCoord) {
startCoord = ionic.tap.pointerCoord(gestureEvt.gesture.srcEvent);
function onDragX(e) {
if (!sideMenuCtrl.isDraggableTarget(e)) return;
if (getPrimaryScrollAxis(e) == 'x') {
function onDragY(e) {
if (getPrimaryScrollAxis(e) == 'x') {
function onDragRelease(e) {
startCoord = null;
primaryScrollAxis = null;
function getPrimaryScrollAxis(gestureEvt) {
// gets whether the user is primarily scrolling on the X or Y
// If a majority of the drag has been on the Y since the start of
// the drag, but the X has moved a little bit, it's still a Y drag
if (primaryScrollAxis) {
// we already figured out which way they're scrolling
return primaryScrollAxis;
if (gestureEvt && gestureEvt.gesture) {
if (!startCoord) {
// get the starting point
startCoord = ionic.tap.pointerCoord(gestureEvt.gesture.srcEvent);
} else {
// we already have a starting point, figure out which direction they're going
var endCoord = ionic.tap.pointerCoord(gestureEvt.gesture.srcEvent);
var xDistance = Math.abs(endCoord.x - startCoord.x);
var yDistance = Math.abs(endCoord.y - startCoord.y);
var scrollAxis = (xDistance < yDistance ? 'y' : 'x');
if (Math.max(xDistance, yDistance) > 30) {
// ok, we pretty much know which way they're going
// let's lock it in
primaryScrollAxis = scrollAxis;
return scrollAxis;
return 'y';
var content = {
element: element[0],
onDrag: function() {},
endDrag: function() {},
getTranslateX: function() {
return $scope.sideMenuContentTranslateX || 0;
setTranslateX: ionic.animationFrameThrottle(function(amount) {
var xTransform = content.offsetX + amount;
$element[0].style[ionic.CSS.TRANSFORM] = 'translate3d(' + xTransform + 'px,0,0)';
$timeout(function() {
$scope.sideMenuContentTranslateX = amount;
setMarginLeft: ionic.animationFrameThrottle(function(amount) {
if (amount) {
amount = parseInt(amount, 10);
$element[0].style[ionic.CSS.TRANSFORM] = 'translate3d(' + amount + 'px,0,0)';
$element[0].style.width = ($window.innerWidth - amount) + 'px';
content.offsetX = amount;
} else {
$element[0].style[ionic.CSS.TRANSFORM] = 'translate3d(0,0,0)';
$element[0].style.width = '';
content.offsetX = 0;
setMarginRight: ionic.animationFrameThrottle(function(amount) {
if (amount) {
amount = parseInt(amount, 10);
$element[0].style.width = ($window.innerWidth - amount) + 'px';
content.offsetX = amount;
} else {
$element[0].style.width = '';
content.offsetX = 0;
// reset incase left gets grabby
$element[0].style[ionic.CSS.TRANSFORM] = 'translate3d(0,0,0)';
enableAnimation: function() {
$scope.animationEnabled = true;
disableAnimation: function() {
$scope.animationEnabled = false;
offsetX: 0
// add gesture handlers
var gestureOpts = { stop_browser_behavior: false };
if (ionic.DomUtil.getParentOrSelfWithClass($element[0], 'overflow-scroll')) {
gestureOpts.prevent_default_directions = ['left', 'right'];
var contentTapGesture = $ionicGesture.on('tap', onContentTap, $element, gestureOpts);
var dragRightGesture = $ionicGesture.on('dragright', onDragX, $element, gestureOpts);
var dragLeftGesture = $ionicGesture.on('dragleft', onDragX, $element, gestureOpts);
var dragUpGesture = $ionicGesture.on('dragup', onDragY, $element, gestureOpts);
var dragDownGesture = $ionicGesture.on('dragdown', onDragY, $element, gestureOpts);
var releaseGesture = $ionicGesture.on('release', onDragRelease, $element, gestureOpts);
// Cleanup
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
if (content) {
content.element = null;
content = null;
$ionicGesture.off(dragLeftGesture, 'dragleft', onDragX);
$ionicGesture.off(dragRightGesture, 'dragright', onDragX);
$ionicGesture.off(dragUpGesture, 'dragup', onDragY);
$ionicGesture.off(dragDownGesture, 'dragdown', onDragY);
$ionicGesture.off(releaseGesture, 'release', onDragRelease);
$ionicGesture.off(contentTapGesture, 'tap', onContentTap);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionSideMenus
* @module ionic
* @delegate ionic.service:$ionicSideMenuDelegate
* @restrict E
* @description
* A container element for side menu(s) and the main content. Allows the left and/or right side menu
* to be toggled by dragging the main content area side to side.
* To automatically close an opened menu, you can add the {@link ionic.directive:menuClose} attribute
* directive. The `menu-close` attribute is usually added to links and buttons within
* `ion-side-menu-content`, so that when the element is clicked, the opened side menu will
* automatically close.
* "Burger Icon" toggles can be added to the header with the {@link ionic.directive:menuToggle}
* attribute directive. Clicking the toggle will open and close the side menu like the `menu-close`
* directive. The side menu will automatically hide on child pages, but can be overridden with the
* enable-menu-with-back-views attribute mentioned below.
* By default, side menus are hidden underneath their side menu content and can be opened by swiping
* the content left or right or by toggling a button to show the side menu. Additionally, by adding the
* {@link ionic.directive:exposeAsideWhen} attribute directive to an
* {@link ionic.directive:ionSideMenu} element directive, a side menu can be given instructions about
* "when" the menu should be exposed (always viewable).
* For more information on side menus, check out:
* - {@link ionic.directive:ionSideMenuContent}
* - {@link ionic.directive:ionSideMenu}
* - {@link ionic.directive:menuToggle}
* - {@link ionic.directive:menuClose}
* - {@link ionic.directive:exposeAsideWhen}
* @usage
* To use side menus, add an `` parent element. This will encompass all pages that have a
* side menu, and have at least 2 child elements: 1 `` for the center content,
* and one or more `` directives for each side menu(left/right) that you wish to place.
* ```html
* ```
* ```js
* function ContentController($scope, $ionicSideMenuDelegate) {
* $scope.toggleLeft = function() {
* $ionicSideMenuDelegate.toggleLeft();
* };
* }
* ```
* @param {bool=} enable-menu-with-back-views Determines whether the side menu is enabled when the
* back button is showing. When set to `false`, any {@link ionic.directive:menuToggle} will be hidden,
* and the user cannot swipe to open the menu. When going back to the root page of the side menu (the
* page without a back button visible), then any menuToggle buttons will show again, and menus will be
* enabled again.
* @param {string=} delegate-handle The handle used to identify this side menu
* with {@link ionic.service:$ionicSideMenuDelegate}.
.directive('ionSideMenus', ['$ionicBody', function($ionicBody) {
return {
restrict: 'ECA',
controller: '$ionicSideMenus',
compile: function(element, attr) {
attr.$set('class', (attr['class'] || '') + ' view');
return { pre: prelink };
function prelink($scope, $element, $attrs, ctrl) {
$scope.$on('$ionicExposeAside', function(evt, isAsideExposed) {
if (!$scope.$exposeAside) $scope.$exposeAside = {};
$scope.$exposeAside.active = isAsideExposed;
$ionicBody.enableClass(isAsideExposed, 'aside-open');
$scope.$on('$ionicView.beforeEnter', function(ev, d) {
if (d.historyId) {
$scope.$activeHistoryId = d.historyId;
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
$ionicBody.removeClass('menu-open', 'aside-open');
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionSlideBox
* @module ionic
* @delegate ionic.service:$ionicSlideBoxDelegate
* @restrict E
* @description
* The Slide Box is a multi-page container where each page can be swiped or dragged between:
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
* @param {string=} delegate-handle The handle used to identify this slideBox
* with {@link ionic.service:$ionicSlideBoxDelegate}.
* @param {boolean=} does-continue Whether the slide box should loop.
* @param {boolean=} auto-play Whether the slide box should automatically slide. Default true if does-continue is true.
* @param {number=} slide-interval How many milliseconds to wait to change slides (if does-continue is true). Defaults to 4000.
* @param {boolean=} show-pager Whether a pager should be shown for this slide box. Accepts expressions via `show-pager="{{shouldShow()}}"`. Defaults to true.
* @param {expression=} pager-click Expression to call when a pager is clicked (if show-pager is true). Is passed the 'index' variable.
* @param {expression=} on-slide-changed Expression called whenever the slide is changed. Is passed an '$index' variable.
* @param {expression=} active-slide Model to bind the current slide index to.
.directive('ionSlideBox', [
function($timeout, $compile, $ionicSlideBoxDelegate, $ionicHistory, $ionicScrollDelegate) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
transclude: true,
scope: {
autoPlay: '=',
doesContinue: '@',
slideInterval: '@',
showPager: '@',
pagerClick: '&',
disableScroll: '@',
onSlideChanged: '&',
activeSlide: '=?'
controller: ['$scope', '$element', '$attrs', function($scope, $element, $attrs) {
var _this = this;
var continuous = $scope.$eval($scope.doesContinue) === true;
var shouldAutoPlay = isDefined($attrs.autoPlay) ? !!$scope.autoPlay : false;
var slideInterval = shouldAutoPlay ? $scope.$eval($scope.slideInterval) || 4000 : 0;
var slider = new ionic.views.Slider({
el: $element[0],
auto: slideInterval,
continuous: continuous,
startSlide: $scope.activeSlide,
slidesChanged: function() {
$scope.currentSlide = slider.currentIndex();
// Try to trigger a digest
$timeout(function() {});
callback: function(slideIndex) {
$scope.currentSlide = slideIndex;
$scope.onSlideChanged({ index: $scope.currentSlide, $index: $scope.currentSlide});
$scope.$parent.$broadcast('slideBox.slideChanged', slideIndex);
$scope.activeSlide = slideIndex;
// Try to trigger a digest
$timeout(function() {});
onDrag: function() {
onDragEnd: function() {
function freezeAllScrolls(shouldFreeze) {
if (shouldFreeze && !_this.isScrollFreeze) {
} else if (!shouldFreeze && _this.isScrollFreeze) {
_this.isScrollFreeze = shouldFreeze;
slider.enableSlide($scope.$eval($attrs.disableScroll) !== true);
$scope.$watch('activeSlide', function(nv) {
if (isDefined(nv)) {
$scope.$on('slideBox.nextSlide', function() {
$scope.$on('slideBox.prevSlide', function() {
$scope.$on('slideBox.setSlide', function(e, index) {
//Exposed for testing
this.__slider = slider;
var deregisterInstance = $ionicSlideBoxDelegate._registerInstance(
slider, $attrs.delegateHandle, function() {
return $ionicHistory.isActiveScope($scope);
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
this.slidesCount = function() {
return slider.slidesCount();
this.onPagerClick = function(index) {
void 0;
$scope.pagerClick({index: index});
$timeout(function() {
template: '
' +
' +
' +
link: function($scope, $element, $attr) {
// if showPager is undefined, show the pager
if (!isDefined($attr.showPager)) {
$scope.showPager = true;
getPager().toggleClass('hide', !true);
$attr.$observe('showPager', function(show) {
if (show === undefined) return;
show = $scope.$eval(show);
getPager().toggleClass('hide', !show);
var pager;
function getPager() {
if (!pager) {
var childScope = $scope.$new();
pager = jqLite('');
pager = $compile(pager)(childScope);
return pager;
.directive('ionSlide', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: '^ionSlideBox',
compile: function(element) {
.directive('ionPager', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
require: '^ionSlideBox',
template: '
link: function($scope, $element, $attr, slideBox) {
var selectPage = function(index) {
var children = $element[0].children;
var length = children.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (i == index) {
} else {
$scope.pagerClick = function(index) {
$scope.numSlides = function() {
return new Array(slideBox.slidesCount());
$scope.$watch('currentSlide', function(v) {
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionSpinner
* @module ionic
* @restrict E
* @description
* The `ionSpinner` directive provides a variety of animated spinners.
* Spinners enables you to give your users feedback that the app is
* processing/thinking/waiting/chillin' out, or whatever you'd like it to indicate.
* By default, the {@link ionic.directive:ionRefresher} feature uses this spinner, rather
* than rotating font icons (previously included in [ionicons](http://ionicons.com/)).
* While font icons are great for simple or stationary graphics, they're not suited to
* provide great animations, which is why Ionic uses SVG instead.
* Ionic offers ten spinners out of the box, and by default, it will use the appropriate spinner
* for the platform on which it's running. Under the hood, the `ionSpinner` directive dynamically
* builds the required SVG element, which allows Ionic to provide all ten of the animated SVGs
* within 3KB.
* android
* ios
* ios-small
* bubbles
* circles
* crescent
* dots
* lines
* ripple
* spiral
* Each spinner uses SVG with SMIL animations, however, the Android spinner also uses JavaScript
* so it also works on Android 4.0-4.3. Additionally, each spinner can be styled with CSS,
* and scaled to any size.
* @usage
* The following code would use the default spinner for the platform it's running from. If it's neither
* iOS or Android, it'll default to use `ios`.
* ```html
* ```
* By setting the `icon` attribute, you can specify which spinner to use, no matter what
* the platform is.
* ```html
* ```
* ## Spinner Colors
* Like with most of Ionic's other components, spinners can also be styled using
* Ionic's standard color naming convention. For example:
* ```html
* ```
* ## Styling SVG with CSS
* One cool thing about SVG is its ability to be styled with CSS! Some of the properties
* have different names, for example, SVG uses the term `stroke` instead of `border`, and
* `fill` instead of `background-color`.
* ```css
* .spinner svg {
* width: 28px;
* height: 28px;
* stroke: #444;
* fill: #444;
* }
* ```
.directive('ionSpinner', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
controller: '$ionicSpinner',
link: function($scope, $element, $attrs, ctrl) {
var spinnerName = ctrl.init();
$element.addClass('spinner spinner-' + spinnerName);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionTab
* @module ionic
* @restrict E
* @parent ionic.directive:ionTabs
* @description
* Contains a tab's content. The content only exists while the given tab is selected.
* Each ionTab has its own view history.
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
* For a complete, working tab bar example, see the {@link ionic.directive:ionTabs} documentation.
* @param {string} title The title of the tab.
* @param {string=} href The link that this tab will navigate to when tapped.
* @param {string=} icon The icon of the tab. If given, this will become the default for icon-on and icon-off.
* @param {string=} icon-on The icon of the tab while it is selected.
* @param {string=} icon-off The icon of the tab while it is not selected.
* @param {expression=} badge The badge to put on this tab (usually a number).
* @param {expression=} badge-style The style of badge to put on this tab (eg: badge-positive).
* @param {expression=} on-select Called when this tab is selected.
* @param {expression=} on-deselect Called when this tab is deselected.
* @param {expression=} ng-click By default, the tab will be selected on click. If ngClick is set, it will not. You can explicitly switch tabs using {@link ionic.service:$ionicTabsDelegate#select $ionicTabsDelegate.select()}.
* @param {expression=} hidden Whether the tab is to be hidden or not.
* @param {expression=} disabled Whether the tab is to be disabled or not.
.directive('ionTab', [
function($compile, $ionicConfig, $ionicBind, $ionicViewSwitcher) {
//Returns ' key="value"' if value exists
function attrStr(k, v) {
return isDefined(v) ? ' ' + k + '="' + v + '"' : '';
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: ['^ionTabs', 'ionTab'],
controller: '$ionicTab',
scope: true,
compile: function(element, attr) {
//We create the tabNavTemplate in the compile phase so that the
//attributes we pass down won't be interpolated yet - we want
//to pass down the 'raw' versions of the attributes
var tabNavTemplate = '';
//Remove the contents of the element so we can compile them later, if tab is selected
var tabContentEle = document.createElement('div');
for (var x = 0; x < element[0].children.length; x++) {
var childElementCount = tabContentEle.childElementCount;
var navViewName, isNavView;
if (childElementCount) {
if (tabContentEle.children[0].tagName === 'ION-NAV-VIEW') {
// get the name if it's a nav-view
navViewName = tabContentEle.children[0].getAttribute('name');
isNavView = true;
if (childElementCount === 1) {
// make the 1 child element the primary tab content container
tabContentEle = tabContentEle.children[0];
if (!isNavView) tabContentEle.classList.add('pane');
return function link($scope, $element, $attr, ctrls) {
var childScope;
var childElement;
var tabsCtrl = ctrls[0];
var tabCtrl = ctrls[1];
var isTabContentAttached = false;
$scope.$tabSelected = false;
$ionicBind($scope, $attr, {
onSelect: '&',
onDeselect: '&',
title: '@',
uiSref: '@',
href: '@'
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
if (!$scope.$tabsDestroy) {
// if the containing ionTabs directive is being destroyed
// then don't bother going through the controllers remove
// method, since remove will reset the active tab as each tab
// is being destroyed, causing unnecessary view loads and transitions
tabNavElement = tabContentEle = childElement = null;
//Remove title attribute so browser-tooltip does not apear
if (navViewName) {
tabCtrl.navViewName = $scope.navViewName = navViewName;
$scope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', selectIfMatchesState);
function selectIfMatchesState() {
if (tabCtrl.tabMatchesState()) {
tabsCtrl.select($scope, false);
var tabNavElement = jqLite(tabNavTemplate);
tabNavElement.data('$ionTabsController', tabsCtrl);
tabNavElement.data('$ionTabController', tabCtrl);
function tabSelected(isSelected) {
if (isSelected && childElementCount) {
// this tab is being selected
// check if the tab is already in the DOM
// only do this if the tab has child elements
if (!isTabContentAttached) {
// tab should be selected and is NOT in the DOM
// create a new scope and append it
childScope = $scope.$new();
childElement = jqLite(tabContentEle);
$ionicViewSwitcher.viewEleIsActive(childElement, true);
isTabContentAttached = true;
// remove the hide class so the tabs content shows up
$ionicViewSwitcher.viewEleIsActive(childElement, true);
} else if (isTabContentAttached && childElement) {
// this tab should NOT be selected, and it is already in the DOM
if ($ionicConfig.views.maxCache() > 0) {
// keep the tabs in the DOM, only css hide it
$ionicViewSwitcher.viewEleIsActive(childElement, false);
} else {
// do not keep tabs in the DOM
function destroyTab() {
childScope && childScope.$destroy();
isTabContentAttached && childElement && childElement.remove();
tabContentEle.innerHTML = '';
isTabContentAttached = childScope = childElement = null;
$scope.$watch('$tabSelected', tabSelected);
$scope.$on('$ionicView.afterEnter', function() {
$ionicViewSwitcher.viewEleIsActive(childElement, $scope.$tabSelected);
$scope.$on('$ionicView.clearCache', function() {
if (!$scope.$tabSelected) {
.directive('ionTabNav', [function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
require: ['^ionTabs', '^ionTab'],
'' +
'{{badge}}' +
'' +
'' +
'' +
scope: {
title: '@',
icon: '@',
iconOn: '@',
iconOff: '@',
badge: '=',
hidden: '@',
disabled: '&',
badgeStyle: '@',
'class': '@'
link: function($scope, $element, $attrs, ctrls) {
var tabsCtrl = ctrls[0],
tabCtrl = ctrls[1];
//Remove title attribute so browser-tooltip does not apear
$scope.selectTab = function(e) {
tabsCtrl.select(tabCtrl.$scope, true);
if (!$attrs.ngClick) {
$element.on('click', function(event) {
$scope.$apply(function() {
$scope.isHidden = function() {
if ($attrs.hidden === 'true' || $attrs.hidden === true) return true;
return false;
$scope.getIconOn = function() {
return $scope.iconOn || $scope.icon;
$scope.getIconOff = function() {
return $scope.iconOff || $scope.icon;
$scope.isTabActive = function() {
return tabsCtrl.selectedTab() === tabCtrl.$scope;
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionTabs
* @module ionic
* @delegate ionic.service:$ionicTabsDelegate
* @restrict E
* @codepen odqCz
* @description
* Powers a multi-tabbed interface with a Tab Bar and a set of "pages" that can be tabbed
* through.
* Assign any [tabs class](/docs/components#tabs) to the element to define
* its look and feel.
* For iOS, tabs will appear at the bottom of the screen. For Android, tabs will be at the top
* of the screen, below the nav-bar. This follows each OS's design specification, but can be
* configured with the {@link ionic.provider:$ionicConfigProvider}.
* See the {@link ionic.directive:ionTab} directive's documentation for more details on
* individual tabs.
* Note: do not place ion-tabs inside of an ion-content element; it has been known to cause a
* certain CSS bug.
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
* @param {string=} delegate-handle The handle used to identify these tabs
* with {@link ionic.service:$ionicTabsDelegate}.
.directive('ionTabs', [
function($ionicTabsDelegate, $ionicConfig) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: true,
controller: '$ionicTabs',
compile: function(tElement) {
//We cannot use regular transclude here because it breaks element.data()
//inheritance on compile
var innerElement = jqLite('
.addClass('tabs-' + $ionicConfig.tabs.position() + ' tabs-' + $ionicConfig.tabs.style());
return { pre: prelink, post: postLink };
function prelink($scope, $element, $attr, tabsCtrl) {
var deregisterInstance = $ionicTabsDelegate._registerInstance(
tabsCtrl, $attr.delegateHandle, tabsCtrl.hasActiveScope
tabsCtrl.$scope = $scope;
tabsCtrl.$element = $element;
tabsCtrl.$tabsElement = jqLite($element[0].querySelector('.tabs'));
$scope.$watch(function() { return $element[0].className; }, function(value) {
var isTabsTop = value.indexOf('tabs-top') !== -1;
var isHidden = value.indexOf('tabs-item-hide') !== -1;
$scope.$hasTabs = !isTabsTop && !isHidden;
$scope.$hasTabsTop = isTabsTop && !isHidden;
$scope.$emit('$ionicTabs.top', $scope.$hasTabsTop);
function emitLifecycleEvent(ev, data) {
var previousSelectedTab = tabsCtrl.previousSelectedTab();
if (previousSelectedTab) {
previousSelectedTab.$broadcast(ev.name.replace('NavView', 'Tabs'), data);
$scope.$on('$ionicNavView.beforeLeave', emitLifecycleEvent);
$scope.$on('$ionicNavView.afterLeave', emitLifecycleEvent);
$scope.$on('$ionicNavView.leave', emitLifecycleEvent);
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
// variable to inform child tabs that they're all being blown away
// used so that while destorying an individual tab, each one
// doesn't select the next tab as the active one, which causes unnecessary
// loading of tab views when each will eventually all go away anyway
$scope.$tabsDestroy = true;
tabsCtrl.$tabsElement = tabsCtrl.$element = tabsCtrl.$scope = innerElement = null;
delete $scope.$hasTabs;
delete $scope.$hasTabsTop;
function postLink($scope, $element, $attr, tabsCtrl) {
if (!tabsCtrl.selectedTab()) {
// all the tabs have been added
// but one hasn't been selected yet
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionToggle
* @module ionic
* @codepen tfAzj
* @restrict E
* @description
* A toggle is an animated switch which binds a given model to a boolean.
* Allows dragging of the switch's nub.
* The toggle behaves like any [AngularJS checkbox](http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/input/input[checkbox]) otherwise.
* @param toggle-class {string=} Sets the CSS class on the inner `label.toggle` element created by the directive.
* @usage
* Below is an example of a toggle directive which is wired up to the `airplaneMode` model
* and has the `toggle-calm` CSS class assigned to the inner element.
* ```html
* Airplane Mode
* ```
.directive('ionToggle', [
function($timeout, $ionicConfig) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
require: '?ngModel',
transclude: true,
' +
'' +
'' +
compile: function(element, attr) {
var input = element.find('input');
'name': attr.name,
'ng-value': attr.ngValue,
'ng-model': attr.ngModel,
'ng-checked': attr.ngChecked,
'ng-disabled': attr.ngDisabled,
'ng-true-value': attr.ngTrueValue,
'ng-false-value': attr.ngFalseValue,
'ng-change': attr.ngChange,
'ng-required': attr.ngRequired,
'required': attr.required
}, function(value, name) {
if (isDefined(value)) {
input.attr(name, value);
if (attr.toggleClass) {
element.addClass('toggle-' + $ionicConfig.form.toggle());
return function($scope, $element) {
var el = $element[0].getElementsByTagName('label')[0];
var checkbox = el.children[0];
var track = el.children[1];
var handle = track.children[0];
var ngModelController = jqLite(checkbox).controller('ngModel');
$scope.toggle = new ionic.views.Toggle({
el: el,
track: track,
checkbox: checkbox,
handle: handle,
onChange: function() {
if (ngModelController) {
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionView
* @module ionic
* @restrict E
* @parent ionNavView
* @description
* A container for view content and any navigational and header bar information. When a view
* enters and exits its parent {@link ionic.directive:ionNavView}, the view also emits view
* information, such as its title, whether the back button should be displayed or not, whether the
* corresponding {@link ionic.directive:ionNavBar} should be displayed or not, which transition the view
* should use to animate, and which direction to animate.
* *Views are cached to improve performance.* When a view is navigated away from, its element is
* left in the DOM, and its scope is disconnected from the `$watch` cycle. When navigating to a
* view that is already cached, its scope is reconnected, and the existing element, which was
* left in the DOM, becomes active again. This can be disabled, or the maximum number of cached
* views changed in {@link ionic.provider:$ionicConfigProvider}, in the view's `$state` configuration, or
* as an attribute on the view itself (see below).
* @usage
* Below is an example where our page will load with a {@link ionic.directive:ionNavBar} containing
* "My Page" as the title.
* ```html
* Hello!
* ```
* ## View LifeCycle and Events
* Views can be cached, which means ***controllers normally only load once***, which may
* affect your controller logic. To know when a view has entered or left, events
* have been added that are emitted from the view's scope. These events also
* contain data about the view, such as the title and whether the back button should
* show. Also contained is transition data, such as the transition type and
* direction that will be or was used.
The view has loaded. This event only happens once per
* view being created and added to the DOM. If a view leaves but is cached,
* then this event will not fire again on a subsequent viewing. The loaded event
* is good place to put your setup code for the view; however, it is not the
* recommended event to listen to when a view becomes active.
The view has fully entered and is now the active view.
* This event will fire, whether it was the first load or a cached view.
The view has finished leaving and is no longer the
* active view. This event will fire, whether it is cached or destroyed.
The view is about to enter and become the active view.
The view is about to leave and no longer be the active view.
The view has fully entered and is now the active view.
The view has finished leaving and is no longer the active view.
The view's controller has been destroyed and its element has been
* removed from the DOM.
* ## Caching
* Caching can be disabled and enabled in multiple ways. By default, Ionic will
* cache a maximum of 10 views. You can optionally choose to disable caching at
* either an individual view basis, or by global configuration. Please see the
* _Caching_ section in {@link ionic.directive:ionNavView} for more info.
* @param {string=} view-title A text-only title to display on the parent {@link ionic.directive:ionNavBar}.
* For an HTML title, such as an image, see {@link ionic.directive:ionNavTitle} instead.
* @param {boolean=} cache-view If this view should be allowed to be cached or not.
* Please see the _Caching_ section in {@link ionic.directive:ionNavView} for
* more info. Default `true`
* @param {boolean=} can-swipe-back If this view should be allowed to use the swipe to go back gesture or not.
* This does not enable the swipe to go back feature if it is not available for the platform it's running
* from, or there isn't a previous view. Default `true`
* @param {boolean=} hide-back-button Whether to hide the back button on the parent
* {@link ionic.directive:ionNavBar} by default.
* @param {boolean=} hide-nav-bar Whether to hide the parent
* {@link ionic.directive:ionNavBar} by default.
.directive('ionView', function() {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
priority: 1000,
controller: '$ionicView',
compile: function(tElement) {
return function link($scope, $element, $attrs, viewCtrl) {