import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { Cordova, Plugin, IonicNativePlugin } from '@ionic-native/core'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable'; /** * Configurations items that can be updated. */ export interface BackgroundModeConfiguration { /** * Title of the background task */ title?: String; /** * Description of background task */ text?: String; /** * This will look for .png in platforms/android/res/drawable|mipmap */ icon?: string; color?: string; /** * By default the app will come to foreground when taping on the notification. If false, plugin wont come to foreground when tapped. */ resume?: boolean; hidden?: boolean; bigText?: boolean; /** * The text that scrolls itself on statusbar */ ticker?: String; /** * if true plugin will not display a notification. Default is false. */ silent?: boolean; } /** * @name Background Mode * @description * Cordova plugin to prevent the app from going to sleep while in background. * Requires Cordova plugin: cordova-plugin-background-mode. For more info about plugin, vist: *@usage * ```typescript * import { BackgroundMode } from '@ionic-native/background-mode'; * * constructor(private backgroundMode: BackgroundMode) { } * * ... * * this.backgroundMode.enable(); * ``` * * @interfaces * BackgroundModeConfiguration */ @Plugin({ pluginName: 'BackgroundMode', plugin: 'cordova-plugin-background-mode', pluginRef: 'cordova.plugins.backgroundMode', repo: '', platforms: ['Android', 'iOS', 'Windows Phone 8'] }) @Injectable() export class BackgroundMode extends IonicNativePlugin { /** * Enable the background mode. * Once called, prevents the app from being paused while in background. */ @Cordova({ sync: true }) enable(): void { } /** * Disable the background mode. * Once the background mode has been disabled, the app will be paused when in background. */ @Cordova() disable(): Promise { return; } /** * Checks if background mode is enabled or not. * @returns {boolean} returns a boolean that indicates if the background mode is enabled. */ @Cordova({ sync: true }) isEnabled(): boolean { return; } /** * Can be used to get the information if the background mode is active. * @returns {boolean} returns a boolean that indicates if the background mode is active. */ @Cordova({ sync: true }) isActive(): boolean { return; } /** * Override the default title, ticker and text. * Available only for Android platform. * @param {BackgroundModeConfiguration} options List of option to configure. See table below */ @Cordova({ platforms: ['Android'] }) setDefaults(options?: BackgroundModeConfiguration): Promise { return; } /** * Modify the displayed information. * Available only for Android platform. * @param {BackgroundModeConfiguration} options Any options you want to update. See table below. */ @Cordova({ platforms: ['Android'] }) configure(options?: BackgroundModeConfiguration): Promise { return; } /** * Listen for events that the plugin fires. Available events are `enable`, `disable`, `activate`, `deactivate` and `failure`. * @param event {string} Event name * @returns {Observable} */ @Cordova({ observable: true, clearFunction: 'un', clearWithArgs: true }) on(event: string): Observable { return; } /** * Android allows to programmatically move from foreground to background. */ @Cordova({ platforms: ['Android'], sync: true }) moveToBackground(): void { } /** * Enable GPS-tracking in background (Android). */ @Cordova({ platforms: ['Android'], sync: true }) disableWebViewOptimizations (): void { } /** * Android allows to programmatically move from background to foreground. */ @Cordova({ platforms: ['Android'], sync: true }) moveToForeground(): void { } /** * Override the back button on Android to go to background instead of closing the app. */ @Cordova({ platforms: ['Android'], sync: true }) overrideBackButton(): void { } /** * Exclude the app from the recent task list works on Android 5.0+. */ @Cordova({ platforms: ['Android'], sync: true }) excludeFromTaskList(): void { } /** * The method works async instead of isActive() or isEnabled(). */ @Cordova({ platforms: ['Android'] }) isScreenOff(): Promise { return; } /** * Turn screen on */ @Cordova({ platforms: ['Android'], sync: true }) wakeUp(): void { } /** * Turn screen on and show app even locked */ @Cordova({ platforms: ['Android'], sync: true }) unlock(): void { } }