layout: "v2_fluid/docs_base"
version: "<$ version.current.name $>"
versionHref: "<$ version.current.href.replace('content/','') $>"
path: "<$ doc.path $>"
category: native
id: "<$ doc.name|lower|replace(' ','-') $>"
title: "<@ if doc.docType == "directive" @><$ doc.name | dashCase $><@ else @><$ doc.name $><@ endif @>"
header_sub_title: "<$ doc.docType | capital $> in module <$ doc.module $>"
doc: "<$ doc.name $>"
docType: "<$ doc.docType $>"
<@ macro interfaceTable(interface) @>
<@ for export in doc.moduleDoc.exports -@>
<@ if export.name == interface @>
Param |
Type |
Details |
<@ for param in export.members @>
<$ param.name $>
<@ if param.optional @> (optional) <@ endif @>
<$ param.returnType | escape $>
<$ param.description | marked $>
<@ endfor @>
<@ endif @>
<@- endfor @>
<@ endmacro @>
<@ macro paramList(paramData) -@>
<@- if paramData -@>(
<@- for param in paramData -@>
<$ param | escape $><@ if not loop.last @>, <@ endif @>
<@- endfor @>)
<@- endif @>
<@- endmacro -@>
<@ macro githubViewLink(doc) -@>
<$ doc.fileInfo.relativePath $> (line <$ doc.location.start.line+1 $>)
<@- endmacro -@>
<@ macro paramTable(params, isDirective) -@>
<@ if isDirective @>Attr<@ else @>Param<@ endif @> |
Type |
Details |
<@ for param in params @>
<$ param.name $>
<@ if param.alias @>| <$ param.alias $><@ endif @>
<@ if param.type.optional @> (optional) <@ endif @>
<$ typeList(param.typeList) $>
<$ param.description | marked $>
<@ if param.default @> (default: <$ param.default $>) <@ endif @>
<@ endfor @>
<@- endmacro -@>
<@- macro functionSyntax(fn) @>
<@- set sep = joiner(', ') -@>
<$ fn.name $><@- if not fn.isProperty @>(<@ endif -@><@- for param in fn.params @><$ sep() $>
<@- if param.type.optional @>[<@ endif -@>
<$ param.name $>
<@- if param.type.optional @>]<@ endif -@>
<@ endfor @><@- if not fn.isProperty @>)<@ endif -@>
<@ if fn.alias @>(alias: <$ fn.alias $>)<@ endif @>
<@ endmacro -@>
<@ macro typeList(types) -@>
<@ set separator = joiner("|") @>
<@ for type in types @><$ separator() $><$ type | code $><@ endfor @>
<@- endmacro -@>
<@- macro typeInfo(fn) -@>
<$ typeList(fn.typeList) $> <$ fn.description $>
<@- endmacro -@>
<@ macro documentClass(doc) @>
<@- if doc.statics.length -@>
Static Members
<@ for method in doc.statics -@>
<@ if not method.internal @>
<$ functionSyntax(method) $>
<@- if method.decorators @>
<@ for prop in method.decorators[0].argumentInfo @>
<@ if prop.platforms @>
<@- for platform in prop.platforms @>
<$ platform $>
<@ endfor -@>
<@ endif @>
<@ endfor @>
<@- endif @>
<$ method.description $>
<@ if method.params @>
<$ paramTable(method.params) $>
<@ endif @>
<@ if method.this -@>
Method's `this`
<$ method.this $>
<@- endif @>
<@ if method.returns @>
Returns: <$ typeInfo(method.returns) $>
<@ endif @>
<@ endif @>
<@ endfor -@>
<@ endif @>
<@- if doc.members and doc.members.length @>
Instance Members
<@ for method in doc.members -@>
<$ functionSyntax(method) $>
<$ method.description $>
<@ if method.params -@>
<$ paramTable(method.params) $>
<@- endif @>
<@ if method.this -@>
Method's `this`
<$ method.this $>
<@- endif @>
<@ if method.returns -@>
Returns: <$ typeInfo(method.returns) $>
<@- endif @>
<@- endfor @>
<@- endif -@>
<@ endmacro @>
<@ block body @>
<@ block content @>
<@ block header @>
<@ if doc.docType == "directive" @>
<$ doc.name | dashCase $>
<@ else @>
<$ doc.name $>
<@ endif @>
<@ if doc.parent @>
Child of <$ doc.parent $>
<@ endif @>
<@ if doc.delegate @>
Delegate: <$ doc.delegate $>
<@ endif @>
<@- if doc.beta == true -@>
<@- endif -@>
Improve this doc
<@ endblock @>
<@- if doc.decorators @>
<@ for prop in doc.decorators[0].argumentInfo @>
<@ if doc.beta == true @>
This plugin is still in beta stage and may not work as expected. Please
submit any issues to the plugin repo.
<@ endif @>
$ <@ if prop.install @><$ prop.install $><@ else @>ionic plugin add <$ prop.plugin $><@ endif @>
$ npm install --save @ionic-native/<$ prop.npmId $>
<$ prop.repo $>
<@ block description @>
<$ doc.description | marked $>
<@ endblock @>
<@- if doc.directiveInfo @>
<$ doc.directiveInfo.type $>
<$ doc.directiveInfo.properties[0].name $>: <$ doc.directiveInfo.properties[0].values $>
<@ endif -@>
<@ if prop.platforms @>
Supported platforms
<@ block platforms @>
<@ for platform in prop.platforms -@>
- <$ platform $>
<@- endfor @>
<@ endblock @>
<@ endif @>
<@ endfor @>
<@ endif -@>
<@ if doc.usage @>
<@ block usage @>
<$ doc.usage | marked $>
<@ endblock @>
<@ endif @>
<@ if doc.properties @>
Attribute |
<@ set hasTypes = false @>
<@ for prop in doc.properties @>
<@ if prop.type @>
<@ set hasTypes = true @>
<@ endif @>
<@ endfor @>
<@ if hasTypes @>
Type |
<@ endif @>
Description |
<@ for prop in doc.properties -@>
<$ prop.name $>
<@ if hasTypes @>
<$ prop.type.name $>
<@ endif @>
<$ prop.description $>
<@- endfor @>
<@ endif @>
<$ documentClass(doc) $>
<@ block advanced @>
<@- if doc.advanced -@>
<$ doc.advanced | marked $>
<@- endif -@>
<@ endblock @>
<@ for tag in doc.tags.tags -@>
<@ if tag.tagName == 'classes' -@>
<@ set classes = tag.description.split('\n') @>
<@ for item in classes -@>
<@ if item.length > 1 @>
<@ for export in doc.moduleDoc.exports -@>
<@ if export.name == item @>
<$ item $>
<$ documentClass(export) $>
<@ endif @>
<@- endfor @>
<@ endif @>
<@- endfor @>
<@- endif @>
<@- endfor @>
<@ for tag in doc.tags.tags -@>
<@ if tag.tagName == 'interfaces' @>
<@ set interfaces = tag.description.split('\n') @>
<@ for item in interfaces -@>
<@ if item.length > 1 @>
<$ item $>
<$ interfaceTable(item) $>
<@ endif @>
<@- endfor @>
<@ endif @>
<@- endfor @>
<@- if doc.see @>
<@ for s in doc.see @>
<$ s | safe $>
<@- endfor -@>
<@- endif -@>
<@ endblock @>
<@ endblock @>