import { readJSONSync, writeFileSync } from 'fs-extra'; import { resolve } from 'path'; import * as uglifyJsPlugin from 'uglifyjs-webpack-plugin'; import * as unminifiedPlugin from 'unminified-webpack-plugin'; import * as webpack from 'webpack'; import { ROOT } from '../build/helpers'; import { cleanEmittedData, EMIT_PATH, InjectableClassEntry } from '../build/transformers/extract-injectables'; import { Logger } from '../logger'; const DIST = resolve(ROOT, 'dist'); const INDEX_PATH = resolve(DIST, 'index.js'); const INJECTABLE_CLASSES = readJSONSync(EMIT_PATH).map((item: InjectableClassEntry) => { item.file = './' + item.file .split(/[\/\\]+/) .slice(-4, -1) .join('/'); return item; }); const webpackConfig: webpack.Configuration = { mode: 'production', entry: INDEX_PATH, devtool: 'source-map', target: 'web', output: { path: DIST, filename: 'awesome-cordova-plugins.min.js', }, resolve: { modules: ['node_modules'], extensions: ['.js'], alias: { '@awesome-cordova-plugins/core': resolve(DIST, '@awesome-cordova-plugins/core/index.js'), }, }, module: { rules: [ { test: /\.js$/, use: resolve(ROOT, 'scripts/build/remove-tslib-helpers.js'), }, ], }, plugins: [ new webpack.ProvidePlugin({ __extends: ['tslib', '__extends'], }), new webpack.DefinePlugin({ 'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify('production'), }), new uglifyJsPlugin({ sourceMap: true, }), new unminifiedPlugin(), ], }; function getPluginImport(entry: InjectableClassEntry) { return `import { ${entry.className} } from '${entry.file}';`; } function createIndexFile() { let fileContent = ''; fileContent +='\n'); fileContent += `\nwindow.IonicNative = {\n`; fileContent += => e.className).join(',\n'); fileContent += '\n};\n'; fileContent += `require('./@awesome-cordova-plugins/core/bootstrap').checkReady();\n`; fileContent += `require('./@awesome-cordova-plugins/core/ng1').initAngular1(window.IonicNative);`; writeFileSync(INDEX_PATH, fileContent, { encoding: 'utf-8' }); } function compile() { Logger.profile('build-es5'); webpack(webpackConfig, (err, stats) => { Logger.profile('build-es5'); if (err) Logger.error('Error occurred while compiling with Webpack', err); else {'Compiled ES5 file with Webpack successfully.'); } cleanEmittedData(); }); } createIndexFile(); compile();