import {initAngular1} from './ng1'; initAngular1(); const DEVICE_READY_TIMEOUT = 2000; export * from './plugins/actionsheet'; export * from './plugins/ble'; export * from './plugins/camera'; export * from './plugins/calendar'; export * from './plugins/contacts'; export * from './plugins/device'; export * from './plugins/facebook'; export * from './plugins/geolocation'; export * from './plugins/statusbar'; export * from './plugins/toast'; declare var window; import {ActionSheet} from './plugins/actionsheet'; import {BLE} from './plugins/ble'; import {Camera} from './plugins/camera'; import {Calendar} from './plugins/calendar'; import {Device} from './plugins/device'; import {Facebook} from './plugins/facebook'; import {Geolocation} from './plugins/geolocation'; import {StatusBar} from './plugins/statusbar'; import {Toast} from './plugins/toast'; // Window export to use outside of a module loading system window['IonicNative'] = { ActionSheet: ActionSheet, BLE: BLE, Camera: Camera, Calendar: Calendar, Device: Device, Facebook: Facebook, Geolocation: Geolocation, StatusBar: StatusBar, Toast: Toast } // To help developers using cordova, we listen for the device ready event and // log an error if it didn't fire in a reasonable amount of time. Generally, // when this happens, developers should remove and reinstall plugins, since // an inconsistent plugin is often the culprit. let before = +new Date; let didFireReady = false; document.addEventListener('deviceready', function() { console.log('DEVICE READY FIRED AFTER', (+new Date - before), 'ms') didFireReady = true; }) setTimeout(function() { if(!didFireReady && window.cordova) { console.warn('Native: deviceready did not fire within ' + DEVICE_READY_TIMEOUT + 'ms. This can happen when plugins are in an inconsistent state. Try removing plugins from plugins/ and reinstalling them.'); } }, DEVICE_READY_TIMEOUT);