"use strict"; module.exports = function jekyll(renderDocsProcessor) { return { name: 'jekyll', description: 'Create jekyll includes', $runAfter: ['paths-computed'], $runBefore: ['rendering-docs'], $process: docs => { // pretty up and sort the docs object for menu generation docs = docs.filter(doc => (!!doc.name && !!doc.outputPath) || doc.docType === 'index-page'); docs.push({ docType: 'class', URL: 'https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic-native-google-maps/blob/master/documents/README.md', name: 'Google Maps', }); docs.sort((a, b) => { const textA = a.name ? a.name.toUpperCase() : '', textB = b.name ? b.name.toUpperCase() : ''; return (textA < textB) ? -1 : (textA > textB) ? 1 : 0; }); docs.forEach(doc => { if (!doc.outputPath) { return; } doc.outputPath = doc.outputPath.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, '-'); doc.URL = doc.outputPath.replace('docs//', 'docs/') .replace('/index.md', '') .replace('content/', ''); // add trailing slash to plugin pages if(!doc.URL.endsWith("/") && !doc.URL.endsWith(".html")) { doc.URL = doc.URL + '/'; } doc.URL = '/' + doc.URL; }); const betaDocs = []; docs = docs.filter(doc => { if (doc.beta === true) { betaDocs.push(doc); return false; } return true; }); docs = docs.concat(betaDocs); // add side menu docs.push({ docType: 'nativeMenu', id: 'native_menu', template: 'native_menu.template.html', outputPath: 'content/_includes/fluid/native_menu.html' }); return docs; } }; };