2017-01-23 22:02:31 -05:00

41 lines
909 B

import { GoogleMapsLatLngBounds, GoogleMapsLatLng } from '../../src/plugins/googlemap';
declare var window: any;
class LatLngBounds {
public southwest: GoogleMapsLatLng;
public northeast: GoogleMapsLatLng;
constructor(latLngArray: GoogleMapsLatLng[]) {
this.southwest = latLngArray[0];
this.northeast = latLngArray[1];
window.plugin = {
google: {
maps: {
describe('GoogleMapsLatLngBounds', () => {
const southwest = new GoogleMapsLatLng(1,1);
const northeast = new GoogleMapsLatLng(4,4);
let object;
it('should create an object', () => {
object = new GoogleMapsLatLngBounds([southwest, northeast]);
it('northwest property should be defined', () => expect(object.northeast).toBeDefined());
it('southwest property should be defined', () => expect(object.southwest).toBeDefined());