2021-09-29 14:09:02 +02:00

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$ ionic cordova plugin add @awesome-cordova-plugins/unvired-cordova-sdk $ npm install @ionic-native/plugins/unvired-cordova-sdk

## [Usage Documentation](https://ionicframework.com/docs/native/unvired-cordova-sdk/)

Plugin Repo: [https://github.com/unvired/cordova-plugin-unvired-sdk/](https://github.com/unvired/cordova-plugin-unvired-sdk/)

This plugin lets you build apps which connect to Unvired Mobile Platform (UMP).
iOS Requirements
Update your Cocoapods repo before you install the plugin.

$ pod repo update

Browser Requirements
After you install the plugin, for Ionic/Angular projects, please add a reference to the following JS files within <head></head> section of index.html.

## Supported platforms

- iOS
  - Android
  - Windows
  - Browser