2021-09-29 15:19:55 +02:00
2021-09-29 15:19:55 +02:00


ionic cordova plugin add phonegap-nfc $ npm install @awesome-cordova-plugins/nfc

## [Usage Documentation](https://danielsogl.gitbook.io/awesome-cordova-plugins/plugins/nfc/)

Plugin Repo: [https://github.com/chariotsolutions/phonegap-nfc](https://github.com/chariotsolutions/phonegap-nfc)

The NFC plugin allows you to read and write NFC tags. You can also beam to, and receive from, other NFC enabled devices.

Use to
- read data from NFC tags
- write data to NFC tags
- send data to other NFC enabled devices
- receive data from NFC devices

This plugin uses NDEF (NFC Data Exchange Format) for maximum compatibilty between NFC devices, tag types, and operating systems.

## Supported platforms

- Android
  - iOS
  - Windows