2017-03-21 16:42:05 -04:00

1265 lines
71 KiB

<a name="3.1.1"></a>
## [3.1.1]( (2017-03-21)
### Bug Fixes
* **media-plugin:** export MediaPlugin class ([cb0a366](, closes [#1207](
<a name="3.1.0"></a>
# [3.1.0]( (2017-03-20)
### Bug Fixes
* **health:** fix queryAggregated return type ([8cd648d](, closes [#1200](
* **music-controls:** fix return types for methods ([f3407e5](
### Chores
* merge v3-injectable into master (#1203) ([2f2d55f](, closes [#250]( [#861]( [#1145]( [#1096]( [#1088]( [#1110]( [#1129]( [#1125]( [#1115]( [#1118]( [#1093]( [#1001]( [#1043]( [#1044]( [#1045]( [#1078]( [#1132]( [#1138]( [#1139]( [#1142](
### Features
* **ble:** add readRSSI method (#1189) ([26db2cf](
* **camera-preview:** update signature to match 0.9.0 (#1192) ([9bf4ee3](
* **music-controls:** add missing options ([234165c](
* **music-controls:** add updateDismissable method (#1195) ([f8df876](
* **pedo-meter:** add pedometer plugin (#1135) ([d845519](, closes [#1104](
* create no longer returns a MediaObject instance. Make changes to your app accordingly.
* docs update + remove any static methods/properties
* remove duplicate method
* remove extra docs
* remove extra docs
* docs(): rename plugins
* chore(decorators): do not check method name on instancecheck
* chore(decorators): do not check method name on cordovacheck
* chore(plugin): fix pluginWarn
* chore(plugin): fix pluginWarn
* fix(decorators): fix InstanceCheck decorator
* 3.1.0-rc.5
* chore(docs): fix readme generation
* fix(transfer): fix v3 implementation
* refactor(paypal): PayPal is brand name
* chore(docs): replace all spaces with dashes
* chore(): add dashify filter
* chore(build): add aot path to core tsconfig
* feat(action-sheet): add ANDROID_THEMES constant
* refactor(): general cleanup (#1193)
* feat(screen-orientation): update wrapper to match v2 of the plugin
The whole implementation has changed now. You must update your code.
* feat(stripe): add new methods
* feat(linkedin): add LinkedIn plugin
* 3.1.0-rc.6
* style(screen-orientation): double quote to single
* tslint
* refactor(pedometer): rename file to index
<a name="2.9.0"></a>
# [2.9.0]( (2017-03-18)
### Bug Fixes
* **background-geolocation:** configure returns an observable ([961cff1](
### Features
* **background-mode:** added moveToBackground and moveToForeground (#1181) ([95ac7e1](
<a name="2.8.1"></a>
## [2.8.1]( (2017-03-10)
### Bug Fixes
* **bluetooth-serial:** add missing disconnect method ([74971fe](, closes [#1151](
* **fingerprint-aio:** add useBackup property (#1158) ([6fdeeaf](
* **health:** fix return type ([0f8c3ce](
* **paypal:** sku param is optional (#1161) ([62c7a60](
### Features
* **firebase:** add new setScreenName method ([0009cbf](, closes [#1149](
<a name="2.8.0"></a>
# [2.8.0]( (2017-03-04)
### Bug Fixes
* **file:** fix return types ([b458327](, closes [#1139](
### Features
* **app-preferences:** added cordova-plugin-app-preferences support (#1084) ([12280dd](
* **health:** add wrapper for cordova-plugin-health (#1039) ([3500d80](
* **photo-library:** added cordova-plugin-photo-library (#1102) ([384dfc2](
<a name="2.7.0"></a>
# [2.7.0]( (2017-03-02)
### Bug Fixes
* **core:** dont check if method exists when overriding ([754c5ec](, closes [#1043](
* **file:** fix writeExistingFile ([47f48ba](, closes [#1044](
### Features
* **background-mode:** add missing functions ([906401b](, closes [#1078](
* **background-mode:** replace event listeners with on method ([ffdbab7](
* **diagnostic:** add new methods ([5144345](, closes [#1045](
<a name="2.6.0"></a>
# [2.6.0]( (2017-03-02)
### Bug Fixes
* **apprate:** add missing Windows Store option (#1072) ([439ccee](
* **background-geolocation:** configure returns a promise ([fc87992](, closes [#1118](
* **contacts:** allow passing asterisk as contact field type ([9c5b593](, closes [#1093](
* **contacts:** allow passing asterisk as contact field type ([2639486](
* **facebook:** fixes issue when not supplying default params (#1088) ([85a3a40](, closes [#1088](
* **file:** add missing exports (#1101) ([23b97f6](
* **file:** platform Browser will raise a an DOMException (#1082) ([2fba915](
* **file:** remove FileError from return type (#1086) ([c1748bb](
* **imagepicker:** add outputType option (#1098) ([b4b7cfa](
* **media:** add missing pauseRecord and resumeRecord methods (#1122) ([234ed6e](
* **plugin:** revert changes to support stable version (#1116) ([104532e](, closes [#1001](
* **push:** add the missing option clearBadge (#1087) ([70847d1](
* **serial:** Serial.requestPermission() options are optional (#1128) ([da72500](
* **zip:** progress callback is optional (#1049) ([83f57b9](
### Features
* **alipay:** add alipay support. (#1097) ([2eea3df](
* **app-update:** add cordova-plugin-app-update support (#1105) ([21d4088](
* **appodeal:** adds Appodeal SDK wrappers for iOS and Android (#1031) ([fd8107b](
* **background-fetch:** Adding Background Fetch requested in #990 (#1013) ([57e2691](
* **browser-tab:** add browser tab plugin (#1126) ([8de3793](, closes [#1115](
* **couchbase-lite:** add CouchbaseLite cordova plugin (#1025) ([09a7dcf](
* **file:** add system paths ([f0e2195](
* **google-maps:** add constant for map type ([318ad3f](
* **gyroscope:** add Gyroscope plugin (#1004) ([0378b1d](
* **inappbrowser:** add interface for IAB options (#1065) ([f4b8236](
* **local-notifications:** support for icon background color (#1079) ([2a32624](
* **text-to-speech:** Add stop method (#1063) ([4f86320](
* **unique-device-add:** add UniqueDeviceId plugin (#1064) ([60db10c](
<a name="2.5.1"></a>
## [2.5.1]( (2017-02-07)
### Bug Fixes
* **pin-dialog:** add missing errorIndex ([b7701cd](
<a name="2.5.0"></a>
# [2.5.0]( (2017-02-07)
### Bug Fixes
* **file-transfer:** fix return type of upload method ([a5b4632](, closes [#1002](
* **pinterest:** fix PinterestPin interface ([a03afcf](
* **safari-view-controller:** fix issue caused by calling show without options ([dc37d8f](
### Features
* **background-geolocation:** add missing properties for Android ([f0cf860](
* **barcodescanner:** add option disableSuccessBeep (#1035) ([97489ba](
* **inappbrowser:** add hide function (#1018) ([4ab87d8](
<a name="2.4.1"></a>
## [2.4.1]( (2017-01-24)
### Bug Fixes
* **screen-orientation:** lockOrientation returns a promise ([1c09ee1](, closes [#939](
<a name="2.4.0"></a>
# [2.4.0]( (2017-01-24)
<a name="2.3.3"></a>
## [2.3.3]( (2017-01-24)
### Bug Fixes
* **google-maps:** fix event listeners ([416071a](, closes [#999](
### Features
* **pinterest:** add pinterest plugin ([466437a](
<a name="2.3.2"></a>
## [2.3.2]( (2017-01-24)
### Bug Fixes
* **googlemaps:** fix GoogleMapsLaLngBounds ([c3127d3](, closes [#972](
<a name="2.3.1"></a>
## [2.3.1]( (2017-01-22)
### Bug Fixes
* add clearAllNotifications() ([8c021bc](
* **battery-status:** add missing pluginRef ([3da0efe](
* **core:** fix exception in CordovaProperty (#998) ([cb29363](, closes [#998]( [#992](
* **core:** fix plugin check ([da7a370](
* **plugin:** adds subscribe() and unsubscribe() ([94025a7](
### Features
* **core:** add PluginConfig interface ([b983de2](, closes [#996](
* **google-maps:** add base class functions (#993) ([9f98f8e](
<a name="2.3.0"></a>
# [2.3.0]( (2017-01-20)
### Bug Fixes
* **native-geocoder:** fix callback order ([dbf95ea](
### Features
* **backlight:** add Backlight plugin (#973) ([1279114](
* **broadcaster:** add Broadcaster plugin (#877) ([1e38a6c](
* **fingerprint-aio:** add cordova-plugin-fingerprint-aio (#845) ([1615b74](
* **firebase:** add firebase plugin (#914) ([8e98481](, closes [#608](
* **launch-review:** add LaunchReview plugin (#949) ([9c75a06](
* **nativegeocoder:** add NativeGeocoder plugin (#800) ([911537b](
* **navigationbar:** add NavigationBar plugin (#826) ([70c15c3](
* **rollbar:** add Rollbar plugin (#832) ([229f550](
* **serial:** add Serial plugin (#952) ([ac748ab](
* **speech-recognition:** add SpeechRecognition plugin (#897) ([7c30718](
* **stripe:** add stripe plugin (#913) ([0ec46b0](
<a name="2.2.17"></a>
## [2.2.17]( (2017-01-20)
### Bug Fixes
* **app-rate:** onRateDialogShow callback (#985) ([ab681cc](
* **core:** increase deviceready timeout for sanity ([0ab14a0](
### Features
* **barcodescanner:** add missing options (#966) ([e902856](, closes [#965](
<a name="2.2.16"></a>
## [2.2.16]( (2017-01-11)
<a name="2.2.15"></a>
## [2.2.15]( (2017-01-11)
### Bug Fixes
* **apprate:** captialize URL in storeAppURL property ([b98fa28](
* **ble:** stopScan takes no args when used as clear function (#944) ([6ddd2aa](
* **onesignal:** OSNotification.app_id is optional (#946) ([ebf0716](
<a name="2.2.14"></a>
## [2.2.14]( (2017-01-07)
### Bug Fixes
* **google-analytics:** fix startTrackerWithId when interval is not provided ([49fe24d](
* **google-plus:** fixes login without options ([ca14bf6](, closes [#932](
* **inappbrowser:** fix insertCSS method name ([de07df6](, closes [#921](
* **mixpanel:** fix issue when not passing eventProperties (#927) ([bbf75bc](, closes [#927](
* **nfc:** add missing param for addMimeTypeListener (#937) ([ca60c5b](
* **push:** fix typing for additionalData ([0d6997c](, closes [#868](
### Features
* **background-geolocation:** add altitudeAccuracy into response typings (#922) ([8eb656c](
* **market:** add search method, return promises ([d62779a](
<a name="2.2.13"></a>
## [2.2.13]( (2016-12-27)
### Bug Fixes
* **admob:** add adId prop to AdMobOptions ([d5dfdf8](
* **background-mode:** isEnabled and isActive return booleans ([ba77fd7](, closes [#908](
* **diagnostic:** add missing types ([1841220](, closes [#905](
* **diagnostic:** add permissionStatus types (#890) ([3385c1b](
### Features
* **android-fingerprint-auth:** update to v1.2.1 (#910) ([a1b0f88](
* **nfc:** add new functions (#853) ([c44fb75](
* **onesignal:** improve typings (#888) ([56e8eae](
* **sim:** add new methods (#894) ([0c36988](
<a name="2.2.12"></a>
## [2.2.12]( (2016-12-16)
### Bug Fixes
* **camera-preview:** parameter size is optional (#871) ([61dc8aa](
* **diagnostic:** permissionStatus gets values from plugin in runtime ([9986e0d](, closes [#872](
* **network:** update API ([ec5e27b](
* **sms:** fix callback index when omitting options param ([114a74d](, closes [#858](
### Features
* **admob:** update api and docs ([6ba1d49](
<a name="2.2.11"></a>
## [2.2.11]( (2016-12-06)
### Bug Fixes
* **cordova-property:** fixes static properties of classes ([7ae6e10](
* **device:** fixes device plugin ([d918844](
* **device:** device property no longer exists
<a name="2.2.10"></a>
## [2.2.10]( (2016-12-04)
### Bug Fixes
* **contacts:** fix few bugs in Contacts (#846) ([b19f6d1](, closes [#846](
* **sqlite:** add static constructor, and fix resolve type (#697) ([9082c5e](, closes [#697](
### Features
* **actionsheet:** add ActionSheetOptions interface ([f211da7](
* **googlemap:** add disableAutoPan to GoogleMapsMarkerOptions ([cf75a53](, closes [#844](
* **googlemaps:** add markerClick and infoClick to MarkerOptions ([6f7171d](
<a name="2.2.9"></a>
## [2.2.9]( (2016-12-01)
<a name="2.2.8"></a>
## [2.2.8]( (2016-12-01)
### Bug Fixes
* add return ([3fdc4a8](
* **card-io:** fix typo in options ([e6700a3](
* **globalization:** add missing parameter to numberToString function ([1072ab1](, closes [#835](
* **headercolor:** solve typo in usage and chore ([bab2971](
### Features
* **card-io:** add typing for response ([2e82320](
<a name="2.2.7"></a>
## [2.2.7]( (2016-11-24)
### Bug Fixes
* **3dTouch:** fixes onHomeIconPressed (#813) ([695099b](, closes [#813](
* **camera-preview:** formatting. Closes #790 ([5577c51](, closes [#790](
* **datepicker:** fix allowOldDates option (#761) ([fa03fa5](, closes [#761](
* **diagnostics:** fix #776 (#777) ([01b30c6](, closes [#776]( [#777](
* **file:** correct writeFile flags ([9bd8997](, closes [#789](
* **googlemap:** fix typoe googledesic to geodesic ([78b3ec5](, closes [#765](
* **native-audio:** completeCallback is optional on play method ([b719a03](, closes [#792](
* **nfc:** don't bind to name field, fix #740 (#749) ([ca43394](, closes [#740]( [#749](
* **plugin:** don't bind to name field. Fixes #740 ([71916a8](, closes [#740](
* **video-player:** scalingMode is number ([f07431a](, closes [#774](
### Features
* **camera-preview:** add disable method ([6ad54ec](
* **google-analytics:** new interval period parameter ([abd910d](, closes [#816](
* **google-map:** add get and set methods to Marker class ([51ab03d](, closes [#798](
* **headercolor:** add HeaderColor plugin ([93696d5](, closes [#760](
<a name="2.2.5"></a>
## [2.2.5]( (2016-10-27)
### Bug Fixes
* **3dtouch:** add missing property (#739) ([757d096](
* **geolocation:** fix watchPosition return type ([d5310b0](, closes [#741](
* **nfc:** fix Ndef class ([ac181c5](, closes [#713](
* **sqlite:** check if plugin exists before opening database ([6f47371](
* **sqlite:** check if plugin exists before opening database ([c98b4f4](
* **sqlite:** fix callback issue with transaction method ([a72cd59](, closes [#732](
### Features
* **diagnostic:** add missing functions ([eb03de9](, closes [#743](
* **filepath:** add cordova-plugin-filepath (#714) ([0660a3b](
* **plugins:** add name field ([9677656](
* **sms:** add hasPermission method ([8fbf1f2](, closes [#721](
<a name="2.2.4"></a>
## [2.2.4]( (2016-10-15)
### Bug Fixes
* **sqlite:** fix callback order for transaction (#700) ([799e2f0](, closes [#700](
### Features
* **device-feedback:** add DeviceFeedback plugin (#696) ([bbda6e2](
* **image-picker:** add new android methods ([3edfafb](
* **mixpanel:** MixpanelPeople returns promises (#681) ([b95f88c](, closes [#667](
<a name="2.2.3"></a>
## [2.2.3]( (2016-10-14)
### Bug Fixes
* **googlemaps:** Expose 'type' property in GoogleMapsLatLngBounds #693 (#694) ([74a252b](
* **onesignal:** update to match latest API version (#691) ([babfb0d](
<a name="2.2.2"></a>
## [2.2.2]( (2016-10-12)
### Bug Fixes
* **file:** getFreeDiskSpace now works ([d2f42ef](
* **file:** read methods can accept Blobs too ([276d61b](
### Features
* **file:** getFile and getDirectory are now public ([5c92455](, closes [#657](
<a name="2.2.1"></a>
## [2.2.1]( (2016-10-12)
### Bug Fixes
* **diagnostic:** misspelled getContactsAuthorizationStatus method (#678) ([bff4862](
* **file:** fix writeFile method ([842a80d](
* **file:** last parameter for writeFile now only accepts options ([5710eb7](
* **http:** export via window.IonicNative (#675) ([cf7abe1](
* **location-accuracy:** accuracy param is number ([c2d4f1c](, closes [#676](
* **themeablebrowser:** add missed options (#680) ([e28e5b0](
### Features
* **file:** resolveLocalFilesystemUrl and resolveDirectoryUrl are now public methods ([542ff4c](, closes [#657](
<a name="2.2.0"></a>
# [2.2.0]( (2016-10-11)
### Bug Fixes
* **native-transitions:** add missing interface properties ([35c8bbd](
* **onesignal:** update to match latest api (#671) ([7c6e6d8](, closes [#667](
### Features
* **http:** add cordovaHTTP wrapper (#674) ([f0961c7](
<a name="2.1.9"></a>
## [2.1.9]( (2016-10-09)
### Bug Fixes
* **googlemaps:** fixes GoogleMapsLatLng class ([11653ce](
* **paypal:** add optional details param to paypalpayment ([7200845](
* **paypal:** problems with selection of PayPal environment (#662) ([3dd6a92](
* **thmeable-browser:** fix the name of the plugin (#663) ([1368175](, closes [#663](
<a name="2.1.7"></a>
## [2.1.7]( (2016-10-07)
### Bug Fixes
* **paypal:** fixed currency code not found issue (#653) ([598f8a9](, closes [#653](
<a name="2.1.6"></a>
## [2.1.6]( (2016-10-06)
### Bug Fixes
* **google-analytics:** specify successIndex and errorIndex for methods with optional params ([6f23bef](
* **paypal:** fix helper classes ([f002657](
<a name="2.1.3"></a>
## [2.1.3]( (2016-10-06)
### Bug Fixes
* **google-analytics:** add missing methods, fix return types ([77b0277](
* **google-analytics:** add newSession param ([f62e108](
* **google-analytics:** fix depreciated plugin reference ([40325ca](
<a name="2.1.2"></a>
## [2.1.2]( (2016-10-06)
### Bug Fixes
* **googlemaps:** add missing properties ([72a694a](, closes [#642](
### Features
* **zBar:** add zBar barcode scanner plugin (#634) ([bbbbb3e](
<a name="2.1.0"></a>
# [2.1.0]( (2016-10-03)
### Bug Fixes
* **calendar:** fixed modifyEventWithOptions and related interface ([80ff2f3](
* **googlemaps:** CameraPosition target can now be GoogleMapsLatLng[] (#587) ([8d21f5f](
* **googlemaps:** typo in GoogleMapsTileOverlayOptions (#589) ([be2c198](
* **isdebug:** export IsDebug class (#578) ([c573332](
* **media:** add status as a parmeter instead of property of instance ([58a99a1](
* **paypal:** fix typings, add PayPalItem and PayPalPaymentDetails ([5d13ba0](
* **power-management:** fix repo and pluginref (#603) ([d6060a9](, closes [#603](
* **push:** Add support for passing notification id into finish (#600) ([16f05c3](
* **social-sharing:** shareWithOptions method signature (#598) ([2ed84b1](, closes [/](
### Features
* **ble:** add startScanWithOptions ([79f0a3f](, closes [#539](
* **googlemaps:** support bounds in Geocoder (#599) ([66e9e46](
* **location-accuracy:** add location accuracy plugin (#583) ([60b7c74](, closes [#484](
* **plugin:** add getPlugin to plugin interface. Fixes #582 ([d45a2b5](, closes [#582](
* **plugin:** checkInstall w/ warning msg ([47112c7](
* **stepcounter:** add stepcounter plugin (#607) ([a99b753](
* **themable-browser:** add ThemableBrowser plugin ([b9151bc](, closes [#549](
* **themable-browser:** add ThemableBrowser plugin ([972d63b](, closes [#549](
<a name="2.0.3"></a>
## [2.0.3]( (2016-09-24)
### Bug Fixes
* **call-number:** number should be a string ([763ad1b](, closes [#545](
* **googlemaps:** CameraPosition target can now be LatLngBounds ([23fc908](, closes [#547](
* **npm:** duplicate typings ([e50b961](
* **plugins:** export VideoPlayer. Fixes #563 ([4292959](, closes [#563](
* **ts:** use old ts version for 1.3.x #567 ([6a19c8c](
* **webintent:** add type param. Fixes #564 ([a0b6b10](, closes [#564](
### Features
* **background-geolocation:** add showAppSettings function ([281575b](, closes [#548](
* **BackgroundGeolocation:** code cleanup ([3170686](
* **BackgroundGeolocation:** Update to the latest version ([808a75e](
* **BackgroundGeolocation:** Update to the latest version ([919e8da](
* **build:** Support ES2015 modules ([4014972](
* **emailcomposer:** use new supported plugin. #568 ([a092a31](
* **localNotifications:** added register and has permission functions (#536) ([c83b043](
* **npm:** typescript 2.0.2 ([e7e45f6](
* **plugin:** cordova function override. fixes #437 ([f60d08b](, closes [#437](
* **push:** add coldstart property. Fixes #559 ([48196da](, closes [#559](
* **scripts:** publish script with npm and bower. Fixes #448 ([3903fee](, closes [#448](
<a name="1.3.21"></a>
## [1.3.21]( (2016-09-07)
### Bug Fixes
* **base64togallery:** fixes callbacks (#513) ([1db1374](, closes [#513](
* **diagnostic:** Add DENIED_ALWAYS to permissionStatus, also some code formatting ([9d573a9](
* **diagnostic:** Fix diagnostic objects ([cb176aa](
* **diagnostic:** Fix permissionStatus object ([8f3d36f](
* **diagnostic:** Fix typo ([f93f958](
* **file:** set exclusive to true when replace is false ([7910493](, closes [#516](
* **geolocation:** retain Observable even during an error condition (#532) ([26dead9](
* **googlemaps:** moveCamera and animateCamera now return a Promise ([d03d70f](, closes [#511](
* **install-instructions:** This fixes install instructions for deeplinks, facebook and googlemaps (#499) ([877ac27](, closes [#499](
* **media:** nest the constructor logic ([a566240](
* **mixpanel:** Make eventProperties optional (#501) ([51364f8](
* **ng1:** fail gracefully when angular 1 promises can't be retrieved ([d135dc2](
* **ng1:** grab injector from app. #451 ([2dc68a4](
* remove CanvasCamera plugin ([c75f898](
* **social-sharing:** shareViaEmail now resolves/rejects when not providing optional args ([c76de34](
* **social-sharing:** various fixes (#520) ([4f97164](, closes [#520](
### Features
* **file:** adds chunked blob writing (#529) ([bbbd0d5](
* **file:** allows writeFile and writeExistingFile to accept Blob (#527) ([393e9d0](
* **googlemaps:** can pass HTMLElement to constructor ([dff034a](
<a name="1.3.20"></a>
## [1.3.20]( (2016-08-27)
### Bug Fixes
* **GoogleMaps:** Fixes #452 (#498) ([f6d5ac4](, closes [#452]( [#498](
### Features
* **canvas-camera:** add CanvasCamera support ([ad57733](
* **file-chooser:** add file chooser plugin support (#495) ([94a7dae](
* **file-opener:** add file opener support (#497) ([21d8122](, closes [#295](
* **music-controls:** add music controls plugin support (#494) ([4e9bc95](
* **youtube:** add Youtube video player plugin support (#496) ([0cf7d6a](
<a name="1.3.19"></a>
## [1.3.19]( (2016-08-27)
### Bug Fixes
* **mixpanel:** implement CordovaProperty correctly ([dd0c9ba](
### Features
* **call-number:** add support for CallNumber plugin (#487) ([759f8ef](
* **market:** add Market plugin support (#490) ([9bcc4ed](
* **mixpanel:** add mixpanel support (#492) ([cf8e342](
* **native-page-transitions:** add support for Native Page Transitions plugin (#488) ([00d87db](
* **nfc:** add nfc support (#493) ([76aa8a6](
* **paypal:** add PayPal support (#491) ([9fe5c19](
* **power-management:** add power management support (#489) ([cd82a53](
* **streaming-media:** add streaming media support (#486) ([841b242](
<a name="1.3.18"></a>
## [1.3.18]( (2016-08-26)
### Bug Fixes
* **facebook:** export interfaces ([c4110ee](
* **File:** fixed readFileAs (#479) ([eff7841](, closes [#479](
* **geofence:** fix event listeners ([efa222f](
### Features
* **code-push:** add wrapper for cordova-plugin-code-push (#420) ([905f988](
* **diagnostic:** add full plugin functionality (#424) ([47a9b34](, closes [#224](
* **geofence:** Adds geofence plugin (#442) ([a438967](
* **inAppPurchase:** add inAppPurhcase plugin (#423) ([8526e89](
* **IsDebug:** add the IsDebug plugin (#475) ([dd39ba8](
<a name="1.3.17"></a>
## [1.3.17]( (2016-08-23)
### Bug Fixes
* add the reject function at the expected errorIndex position in the args array (#436) ([4e87ac7](
* **camera-preview:** changes implementation to match Cordova plugin (#441) ([55ba65a](
* **file:** fixes exclusive option (#459) ([14e41a3](, closes [#459](
* **file:** initialize writeFile options (#468) ([16628a4](
* **nativeaudio:** fix plugin reference ([2510c5f](
### Features
* **instagram:** add instagram sharing plugin (#453) ([f3e698f](, closes [#307](
* **VideoEditor:** add video editor plugin. (#457) ([7a53013](, closes [#316](
<a name="1.3.16"></a>
## [1.3.16]( (2016-08-15)
### Bug Fixes
* **photo-viewer:** method is static ([8bc499f](
<a name="1.3.15"></a>
## [1.3.15]( (2016-08-15)
### Features
* **google-analytics:** add missing functions ([689bfd9](
* **TTS:** add tts plugin (#431) ([dcf3ab2](, closes [#311](
<a name="1.3.14"></a>
## [1.3.14]( (2016-08-15)
### Bug Fixes
* **datepicker:** date now accepts Date, string, or number (#428) ([aaddd9e](, closes [#354](
* **inappbrowser:** fix event listener ([4b08d85](
### Features
* **native-audio:** Add native audio plugin (#427) ([8cd6686](, closes [#315](
* **shake:** add Shake plugin (#426) ([203d4c7](, closes [#313](
* **zip:** add zip plugin (#430) ([e34f94e](, closes [#421](
<a name="1.3.12"></a>
## [1.3.12]( (2016-08-13)
### Bug Fixes
* **inappbrowser:** fix event listener ([618d866](
<a name="1.3.11"></a>
## [1.3.11]( (2016-08-11)
### Bug Fixes
* **backgroundGeolocation:** update config and move to sync. Fixes #331 ([4e20681](, closes [#331](
* **camera:** camera options should be optional. Fixes #413 (#417) ([c60c3b7](, closes [#413]( [#417](
* **index:** export Geolocation interfaces. (#404) ([0c486b0](
* **ng1:** Copy object properly. Fixes #357 ([9ca38cd](, closes [#357](
### Features
* **file:** alternate file implementation (#283) ([6ed32ef](
* **GoogleAnalytics:** Add campaign measurement tracking (#405) ([cf3f0f6](
* **GoogleMaps:** Allow specify enableHighAccuracy option that attempt to get your location with highest accuracy (#410) ([43e8a6d](
* **ibeacon:** using option otherPromise instead of sync (#388) ([306cb5d](
* **inappbrowser:** implement instance based wrapper (#305) ([4b8ab4a](
* **keyboard:** enable hideKeyboardAccessoryBar function (#398) ([7a84262](, closes [#394](
* **photo-viewer:** add wrapper for plugin (#359) ([154c029](
* **video-player:** Added video player plugin (#391) ([cabeeb8](, closes [#342](
<a name="1.3.10"></a>
## [1.3.10]( (2016-08-01)
### Bug Fixes
* **brightness:** use correct pluginRef ([e20c411](
* **diagnostics:** Corrects isEnabled functions to isAvailable (#373) ([ccf7fb5](
* **ng1:** use $q promises instead of the native Promise (#378) ([817a434](
* **one-signal:** return Observable instead of promise (#352) ([08fe04e](
### Features
* **crop:** add crop plugin (#284) ([41c9adf](
* **screen-orientation:** Added Screen Orientation Plugin #342 (#366) ([bd9366b](, closes [#342](
<a name="1.3.9"></a>
## [1.3.9]( (2016-07-23)
### Bug Fixes
* **file:** readAsText() and adds readAsDataURL() in File plugin (#346) ([77d31cd](
### Features
* **android-fingerprint-auth:** add wrapper for plugin ([df326f7](, closes [#334](
* **secure-storage:** Add Secure Storage Wrapper (#347) ([075842d](
<a name="1.3.8"></a>
## [1.3.8]( (2016-07-20)
### Bug Fixes
* **base64togallery:** update plugin wrapper to match latest version ([d4bee49](, closes [#335](
* **sqlite:** fix method attribute typo (#324) ([006bc70](, closes [#324](
### Features
* **facebook:** add FacebookLoginResponse interface ([8b27bed](
* **otherPromise:** can work better with plugins that return promises (#304) ([0aee6c8](
* **social-sharing:** add canShareViaEmail (#333) ([5807dd7](
* **twitter-connect:** add twitter connect plugin ([979838f](, closes [#308](
<a name="1.3.7"></a>
## [1.3.7]( (2016-07-18)
### Bug Fixes
* **contacts:** missing name property, types (#320) ([074d166](
* **geolocation:** handle errors on watchPosition ([1b161d8](, closes [#322](
### Features
* **sim:** Add sim plugin (#317) ([4f85110](
<a name="1.3.6"></a>
## [1.3.6]( (2016-07-17)
### Bug Fixes
* **googlemaps:** able to pass array of LatLng to GoogleMapsLatLngBounds constructor ([de14b0e](, closes [#298](
* **launch-navigator:** fix the navigate function wrapper to match latest plugin API ([6f625f9](
### Features
* **camera-preview:** add wrapper for camera-preview (#301) ([3a1a3ce](
* **launch-navigator:** add new methods and constants to match latest plugin API ([29de6b3](
<a name="1.3.5"></a>
## [1.3.5]( (2016-07-17)
### Bug Fixes
* **ibeacon:** minor fixes ([b5a2ffc](
* **safari-view-controller:** fix wrappers ([b4b3ec0](
### Features
* **googlemaps:** add Geocoder class (#292) ([2996da6](, closes [#280](
* **inAppPurchase:** add inAppPurchase ([f1988f6](
* **media-capture:** add media capture plugin (#293) ([daa6d4c](, closes [#272](
* **nativestorage:** add NativeStorage plugin wrapper ([af5d4ad](
* **pin-dialog:** add pin dialog plugin (#291) ([2fe37c4](
<a name="1.3.4"></a>
## [1.3.4]( (2016-07-14)
### Bug Fixes
* **touchid:** make isAvailable static ([c23f5e9](
### Reverts
* **changelog:** old changelog ([0cb79d1](
<a name="1.3.3"></a>
## [1.3.3]( (2016-07-11)
### Bug Fixes
* remove unnecessary decorator (#257) ([25fab64](
* **actionsheet:** add missing optional parameter for hide function (#262) ([644e999](
* **background-geolocation:** fix pluginref again ([b8a5133](
* **geolocation:** fix plugin reference ([4f0cd24](, closes [#258](
* **googlemaps:** use correct methods for addGroundOverlay and addKmlOverlay (#268) ([b8be1de](
* **socialsharing:** all methods return Promises now ([e150224](, closes [#275](
### Features
* **ibeacon:** add iBeacon plugin support (#270) ([dd97df1](
* **onesignal:** added wrapper for the Cordova OneSignal Plugin (#252) ([ba20dbe](
* **push:** added support for Action Buttons on iOS with categories (#273) ([592feb4](
<a name="1.3.2"></a>
## [1.3.2]( (2016-06-27)
### Bug Fixes
* **build:** disable emitDecoratorMetadata option in tsconfig ([a5f3d7a](, closes [#251](
<a name="1.3.1"></a>
## [1.3.1]( (2016-06-26)
### Bug Fixes
* **3dtouch:** fix implementation for onHomeIconPressed function ([d2b2be6](, closes [#232](
* **sqlite:** resolve race condition, add comments (#235) ([f1c8ce3](, closes [#235](
### Features
* **googlemaps:** add GoogleMapsLatLngBounds class ([17da427](
* **printer:** add printer plugin (#225) ([48ffcae](
<a name="1.3.0"></a>
# [1.3.0]( (2016-06-13)
### Bug Fixes
* **barcodescanner:** add missing options param ([4fdcbb5](, closes [#180](
* **base64togallery:** method is now static ([be7b9e2](, closes [#212](
* **batterystatus:** correct plugin name on npm ([66b7fa6](
* **calendar:** fix some functionality and add missing ones ([a15fb01](, closes [#184](
* **deeplinks:** new result type ([11226d7](
* **deviceorientation:** cancelFunction renamed to clearFunction ([8dee02e](
* **geolocation:** fix watchPosition() ([4a8650e](, closes [#164](
* **googlemaps:** isAvailable() returns boolean, not an instance of GoogleMap ([a53ae8f](
### Features
* **angular1:** Support Angular 1 ([af8fbde](
* **barcodescanner:** add encode function ([e73f57f](, closes [#115](
* **deeplinks:** Add Ionic Deeplinks Plugin ([c93cbed](
<a name="1.2.3"></a>
## [1.2.3]( (2016-06-01)
<a name="1.2.2"></a>
## [1.2.2]( (2016-05-20)
### Bug Fixes
* **Bluetooth:** make connect function an observable to maintain full functionality ([58e3f0b](, closes [#154](
* **calendar:** add new permissions functions for Android 6 (M) devices ([ddbd64d](, closes [#156](
* **emailcomposer:** fix isAvailable function ([2a568d2](, closes [#168](
<a name="1.2.1"></a>
## [1.2.1]( (2016-05-11)
### Bug Fixes
* **contacts:** plugin rewrite ([aada893](
### Features
* **plugin:** add wrapper for instance properties ([28d7d5c](
<a name="1.2.0"></a>
# [1.2.0]( (2016-04-30)
### Bug Fixes
* **BluetoohSerial:** add missing plugin reference ([317437b](
* **GoogleAnalytics:** addCustomDimension() key param is number ([3865ea4](, closes [#131](
* **keyboard:** remove hideKeyboardAccessoryBar method for now ([292c80c](
* **launchnavigator:** bug fix ([4ead1ae](
* **launchnavigator:** start parameter is optional ([5e7378a](
* **localnotifications:** options can be an array ([e10d744](
* **plugin:** handle rejection when Cordova is undefined ([db07768](
* **plugin:** remove unecessary code ([4070991](
* **push plugin:** senderId is optional in iosPushOptions ([48bf837](
* **spinnerdialog:** fix functionality ([66f0e03](
* **vibration:** fix plugin reference ([beeb075](, closes [#106](
### Features
* **camera:** add camera constants ([ce02d82](, closes [#129](
* **ionicnative:** add instance wrapper ([0ec737a](
* **keyboard:** add event listeners for keyboard show/hide events ([c947437](
* **media:** add media plugin ([1105b57](, closes [#88](
* **plugin:** add admob pro plugin ([d9b847b](, closes [#146](
* **plugin:** add Bluetooth Serial plugin ([837fb95](, closes [#136](
* **plugin:** add email composer plugin ([804c9ee](
* **plugin:** add InAppBrowser plugin ([b8d2cfd](
* **plugin:** add social sharing plugin ([efc8231](
* **plugin:** add spinner dialog plugin ([812653c](
* **plugin:** add web intent plugin ([e2fc9a0](
* **toast:** add new features to toast plugin ([ed7e783](
* **webintent:** add plugin to index ([f357b56](
### Performance Improvements
* **ionicnative:** instance wrapper cleanup and optimization ([5a8d48e](
<a name="1.1.0"></a>
# [1.1.0]( (2016-03-17)
### Bug Fixes
* **datepicker:** datepicker options are optional ([c3cfd14](
* **datepicker:** dates are Dates ([ce6adcc](
* **datepicker:** fix plugin functionality ([91de971](
* **datepicker:** fix plugin functionality ([1a778e7](
* **devicemotion:** combine watch and clear into one function ([d17f62d](
* **geolocation:** set callback order to reverse on getCurrentPosition ([1fac387](
* **imagepicker:** pluginRef ([01d7972](
* **interface:** params are optional ([e708bc6](
* **launchnavigator:** fix Plugin decorator property value ([9e17e25](
* **plugin:** combine watch and clearwatch functions ([8855359](
* **plugin:** don't call reject when sync ([1334f60](
* **plugin:** export interfaces ([1e259da](
* **plugin:** fix options properties ([44365f4](
* **plugin:** fix types ([c86e135](
* **plugins:** cleanup and add new plugins to index ([1771f7b](
* **plugins:** fix optional options ([9ef850c](
* added dummy boolean ([2caa151](
* fix callback order ([5fda6d4](
* fix callback order ([5944bd1](
* fix options params ([c71f8d4](
* remove confirm callback, not needed. ([662d8ce](
### Features
* **batterystatus:** complete functionality ([e7a09d9](
* **localnotification:** complete functionality ([5d5bae3](
* **package:** expose decorators and wrapper functions ([848d706](
* **plugin:** add android hotspot plugin ([e1dc606](
* **plugin:** add app availability plugin ([3d188e1](
* **plugin:** add base64 to gallery ([8c17a2a](
* **plugin:** add DB Meter ([22bb218](
* **plugin:** add device motion plugin ([a4df21e](
* **plugin:** add device orientation plugin ([9766aab](
* **plugin:** add dialogs plugin ([b5f9267](
* **plugin:** add event wrapper ([0d1bd13](
* **plugin:** add flashlight plugin ([3ec25fa](
* **plugin:** add functionality to app-availablity plugin ([bc4dcaa](
* **plugin:** add functionality to device motion plugin ([7f7ba3b](
* **plugin:** add globalization ([90cc36b](
* **plugin:** add imagePicker plugin ([287d129](
* **plugin:** add keyboard ([a80c4ee](
* **plugin:** add launch navigator ([984e7fc](
* **plugin:** add launch navigator ([18df9a5](
* **plugin:** add local notifications ([66df0a6](
* **plugin:** add sms ([6843177](
* **plugin:** add sms plugin ([aa7e04c](
* **plugin:** add splashscreen ([0f3c188](
* **plugin:** add vibration ([3cc4ee4](
* **plugin:** proxy plugin properties ([fc54fef](
* **plugin:** show instructions if plugin not installed ([c48a851](
* **plugins:** add new plugins to index ([4d8dc1b](
* **plugins:** add platforms info ([9826dfd](
<a name="1.0.9"></a>
## [1.0.9]( (2016-02-18)
### Bug Fixes
* **calendar:** make getCalendarOptions sync ([78c5408](
* **geolocation:** call correct clearFunction ([9e86a40](
* **plugin:** return originalMethod return value ([240f0f8](
* **plugin:** use call for id based clearFunction ([c2fdf39](
* datepicker plugin, pluginref, and [@Cordova]( wrapper ([499ead3](
### Features
* **DatePicker:** Added DatePicker ([5afa58f](
* **plugin:** add sync option to [@Cordova]( for sync functions ([17e3827](
* **plugin:** call clearFunction with original fn args ([8f27fc9](
* add app version plugin ([20cb01f](
* add app version plugin ([8b78521](
* add apprate ([0dd4fec](
* add badge plugin ([7f01fb2](
* add badge plugin ([3088df4](
* add clipboard plugin ([0b6cca7](
* add clipboard plugin ([fa4c266](