2013-03-05 14:36:52 -08:00
/ *
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* /
/ *
* create a cordova / android project
* . / update [ path ]
* /
var fso = WScript . CreateObject ( 'Scripting.FileSystemObject' ) ;
function read ( filename ) {
var fso = WScript . CreateObject ( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ) ;
var f = fso . OpenTextFile ( filename , 1 ) ;
var s = f . ReadAll ( ) ;
f . Close ( ) ;
return s ;
function checkTargets ( targets ) {
if ( ! targets ) {
WScript . Echo ( "You do not have any android targets setup. Please create at least one target with the `android` command" ) ;
WScript . Quit ( 69 ) ;
function setTarget ( ) {
var targets = shell . Exec ( 'android.bat list targets' ) . StdOut . ReadAll ( ) . match ( /id:\s\d+/g ) ;
checkTargets ( targets ) ;
return targets [ targets . length - 1 ] . replace ( /id: / , "" ) ; // TODO: give users the option to set their target
function setApiLevel ( ) {
var targets = shell . Exec ( 'android.bat list targets' ) . StdOut . ReadAll ( ) . match ( /API level:\s\d+/g ) ;
checkTargets ( targets ) ;
return targets [ targets . length - 1 ] . replace ( /API level: / , "" ) ;
function write ( filename , contents ) {
var fso = WScript . CreateObject ( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ) ;
var f = fso . OpenTextFile ( filename , 2 , true ) ;
f . Write ( contents ) ;
f . Close ( ) ;
function replaceInFile ( filename , regexp , replacement ) {
write ( filename , read ( filename ) . replace ( regexp , replacement ) ) ;
function exec ( command ) {
var oShell = shell . Exec ( command ) ;
while ( oShell . Status == 0 ) {
if ( ! oShell . StdOut . AtEndOfStream ) {
var line = oShell . StdOut . ReadLine ( ) ;
// XXX: Change to verbose mode
// WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(line);
WScript . sleep ( 100 ) ;
function createAppInfoJar ( ) {
if ( ! fso . FileExists ( ROOT + "\\bin\\templates\\cordova\\appinfo.jar" ) ) {
WScript . Echo ( "Creating appinfo.jar..." ) ;
var cur = shell . CurrentDirectory ;
shell . CurrentDirectory = ROOT + "\\bin\\templates\\cordova\\ApplicationInfo" ;
exec ( "javac ApplicationInfo.java" ) ;
exec ( "jar -cfe ..\\appinfo.jar ApplicationInfo ApplicationInfo.class" ) ;
shell . CurrentDirectory = cur ;
function cleanup ( ) {
if ( fso . FileExists ( ROOT + '\\framework\\cordova-' + VERSION + '.jar' ) ) {
fso . DeleteFile ( ROOT + '\\framework\\cordova-' + VERSION + '.jar' ) ;
if ( fso . FileExists ( ROOT + '\\framework\\assets\\www\\cordova-' + VERSION + '.js' ) ) {
fso . DeleteFile ( ROOT + '\\framework\\assets\\www\\cordova-' + VERSION + '.js' ) ;
function downloadCommonsCodec ( ) {
if ( ! fso . FileExists ( ROOT + '\\framework\\libs\\commons-codec-1.7.jar' ) ) {
// We need the .jar
var url = 'http://archive.apache.org/dist/commons/codec/binaries/commons-codec-1.7-bin.zip' ;
var libsPath = ROOT + '\\framework\\libs' ;
var savePath = libsPath + '\\commons-codec-1.7-bin.zip' ;
if ( ! fso . FileExists ( savePath ) ) {
if ( ! fso . FolderExists ( ROOT + '\\framework\\libs' ) ) {
fso . CreateFolder ( libsPath ) ;
// We need the zip to get the jar
var xhr = WScript . CreateObject ( 'MSXML2.XMLHTTP' ) ;
xhr . open ( 'GET' , url , false ) ;
xhr . send ( ) ;
if ( xhr . status == 200 ) {
var stream = WScript . CreateObject ( 'ADODB.Stream' ) ;
stream . Open ( ) ;
stream . Type = 1 ;
stream . Write ( xhr . ResponseBody ) ;
stream . Position = 0 ;
stream . SaveToFile ( savePath ) ;
stream . Close ( ) ;
} else {
WScript . Echo ( 'Could not retrieve the commons-codec. Please download it yourself and put into the framework/libs directory. This process may fail now. Sorry.' ) ;
var app = WScript . CreateObject ( 'Shell.Application' ) ;
var source = app . NameSpace ( savePath ) . Items ( ) ;
var target = app . NameSpace ( ROOT + '\\framework\\libs' ) ;
target . CopyHere ( source , 256 ) ;
// Move the jar into libs
fso . MoveFile ( ROOT + '\\framework\\libs\\commons-codec-1.7\\commons-codec-1.7.jar' , ROOT + '\\framework\\libs\\commons-codec-1.7.jar' ) ;
// Clean up
fso . DeleteFile ( ROOT + '\\framework\\libs\\commons-codec-1.7-bin.zip' ) ;
fso . DeleteFolder ( ROOT + '\\framework\\libs\\commons-codec-1.7' , true ) ;
var args = WScript . Arguments , PROJECT _PATH = "example" ,
shell = WScript . CreateObject ( "WScript.Shell" ) ;
// working dir
2013-03-05 16:06:53 -08:00
var ROOT = WScript . ScriptFullName . split ( '\\bin\\update.js' ) . join ( '' ) ;
2013-03-05 14:36:52 -08:00
2013-03-05 16:06:53 -08:00
if ( args . Count ( ) == 1 ) {
2013-03-05 14:36:52 -08:00
PROJECT _PATH = args ( 0 ) ;
2013-03-05 16:06:53 -08:00
if ( ! fso . FolderExists ( PROJECT _PATH ) ) {
WScript . Echo ( "Project doesn't exist!" ) ;
2013-03-05 14:36:52 -08:00
WScript . Quit ( 1 ) ;
var TARGET = setTarget ( ) ;
var API _LEVEL = setApiLevel ( ) ;
var VERSION = read ( ROOT + '\\VERSION' ) . replace ( /\r\n/ , '' ) . replace ( /\n/ , '' ) ;
// build from source. distro should have these files
if ( ! fso . FileExists ( ROOT + '\\cordova-' + VERSION + '.jar' ) &&
! fso . FileExists ( ROOT + '\\cordova-' + VERSION + '.js' ) ) {
WScript . Echo ( "Building jar and js files..." ) ;
// update the cordova framework project to a target that exists on this machine
exec ( 'android.bat update project --target ' + TARGET + ' --path ' + ROOT + '\\framework' ) ;
// pull down commons codec if necessary
downloadCommonsCodec ( ) ;
exec ( 'ant.bat -f \"' + ROOT + '\\framework\\build.xml\" jar' ) ;
// check if we have the source or the distro files
WScript . Echo ( "Copying js, jar & config.xml files..." ) ;
if ( fso . FolderExists ( ROOT + '\\framework' ) ) {
exec ( '%comspec% /c copy "' + ROOT + '"\\framework\\assets\\www\\cordova-' + VERSION + '.js ' + PROJECT _PATH + '\\assets\\www\\cordova-' + VERSION + '.js /Y' ) ;
exec ( '%comspec% /c copy "' + ROOT + '"\\framework\\cordova-' + VERSION + '.jar ' + PROJECT _PATH + '\\libs\\cordova-' + VERSION + '.jar /Y' ) ;
} else {
// copy in cordova.js
exec ( '%comspec% /c copy "' + ROOT + '"\\cordova-' + VERSION + '.js ' + PROJECT _PATH + '\\assets\\www\\cordova-' + VERSION + '.js /Y' ) ;
// copy in cordova.jar
exec ( '%comspec% /c copy "' + ROOT + '"\\cordova-' + VERSION + '.jar ' + PROJECT _PATH + '\\libs\\cordova-' + VERSION + '.jar /Y' ) ;
// copy in xml
// update cordova scripts
createAppInfoJar ( ) ;
WScript . Echo ( "Copying cordova command tools..." ) ;
exec ( '%comspec% /c copy "' + ROOT + '"\\bin\\templates\\cordova\\appinfo.jar ' + PROJECT _PATH + '\\cordova\\appinfo.jar /Y' ) ;
exec ( '%comspec% /c copy "' + ROOT + '"\\bin\\templates\\cordova\\cordova.js ' + PROJECT _PATH + '\\cordova\\cordova.js /Y' ) ;
exec ( '%comspec% /c copy "' + ROOT + '"\\bin\\templates\\cordova\\cordova.bat ' + PROJECT _PATH + '\\cordova\\cordova.bat /Y' ) ;
exec ( '%comspec% /c copy "' + ROOT + '"\\bin\\templates\\cordova\\clean.bat ' + PROJECT _PATH + '\\cordova\\clean.bat /Y' ) ;
exec ( '%comspec% /c copy "' + ROOT + '"\\bin\\templates\\cordova\\build.bat ' + PROJECT _PATH + '\\cordova\\build.bat /Y' ) ;
exec ( '%comspec% /c copy "' + ROOT + '"\\bin\\templates\\cordova\\log.bat ' + PROJECT _PATH + '\\cordova\\log.bat /Y' ) ;
exec ( '%comspec% /c copy "' + ROOT + '"\\bin\\templates\\cordova\\run.bat ' + PROJECT _PATH + '\\cordova\\run.bat /Y' ) ;
cleanup ( ) ;