2009-11-18 02:38:49 +08:00
if (typeof(DeviceInfo) != 'object')
DeviceInfo = {};
* This represents the PhoneGap API itself, and provides a global namespace for accessing
* information about the state of PhoneGap.
* @class
PhoneGap = {
queue: {
ready: true,
commands: [],
timer: null
2010-07-23 04:05:41 +08:00
PhoneGap.Channel = function(type)
this.type = type;
this.handlers = {};
this.guid = 0;
this.fired = false;
this.enabled = true;
PhoneGap.Channel.prototype.sub = function(f, c, g)
// need a function to call
if (f == null)
var func = f;
if (typeof c == "object" && f instanceof Function)
func = PhoneGap.close(c, f);
g = g || func.observer_guid || f.observer_guid || this.guid++;
func.observer_guid = g;
f.observer_guid = g;
this.handlers[g] = func;
return g;
PhoneGap.Channel.prototype.sob = function(f, c)
var g = null;
var _this = this;
var m = function() {
f.apply(c || null, arguments);
if (this.fired) {
if (typeof c == "object" && f instanceof Function)
f = PhoneGap.close(c, f);
f.apply(this, this.fireArgs);
} else {
g = this.sub(m);
return g;
2009-11-18 02:38:49 +08:00
2010-07-23 04:05:41 +08:00
PhoneGap.Channel.prototype.dub = function(g)
if (g instanceof Function)
g = g.observer_guid;
this.handlers[g] = null;
delete this.handlers[g];
PhoneGap.Channel.prototype.fire = function(e)
if (this.enabled)
var fail = false;
for (var item in this.handlers) {
var handler = this.handlers[item];
if (handler instanceof Function) {
var rv = (handler.apply(this, arguments)==false);
fail = fail || rv;
this.fired = true;
this.fireArgs = arguments;
return !fail;
return true;
PhoneGap.Channel.merge = function(h, e) {
var i = e.length;
var f = function() {
if (!(--i)) h();
for (var j=0; j<i; j++) {
if (!i) h();
2009-11-18 02:38:49 +08:00
* Boolean flag indicating if the PhoneGap API is available and initialized.
2009-12-04 09:07:07 +08:00
*/ // TODO: Remove this, it is unused here ... -jm
2009-11-18 02:38:49 +08:00
PhoneGap.available = DeviceInfo.uuid != undefined;
* Add an initialization function to a queue that ensures it will run and initialize
* application constructors only once PhoneGap has been initialized.
* @param {Function} func The function callback you want run once PhoneGap is initialized
PhoneGap.addConstructor = function(func) {
2010-07-23 04:05:41 +08:00
PhoneGap.onDeviceReady.sob(function() {
2010-07-21 02:25:55 +08:00
try {
2010-07-23 04:05:41 +08:00
2010-07-21 02:25:55 +08:00
} catch(e) {
if (typeof(debug['log']) == 'function') {
debug.log("Failed to run constructor: " + debug.processMessage(e));
} else {
alert("Failed to run constructor: " + e.message);
2009-11-18 02:38:49 +08:00
2010-07-21 02:25:55 +08:00
2010-07-23 04:05:41 +08:00
PhoneGap.onDOMContentLoaded = new PhoneGap.Channel();
PhoneGap.onNativeReady = new PhoneGap.Channel();
if (_nativeReady) PhoneGap.onNativeReady.fire();
PhoneGap.onDeviceReady = new PhoneGap.Channel();
PhoneGap.Channel.merge(function() {
}, [ PhoneGap.onDOMContentLoaded, PhoneGap.onNativeReady ]);
// Listen for DOMContentLoaded
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
2010-07-21 02:25:55 +08:00
2009-11-18 02:38:49 +08:00
2010-07-23 04:05:41 +08:00
// Intercept calls to document.addEventListener and watch for deviceready
PhoneGap._document_addEventListener = document.addEventListener;
document.addEventListener = function(evt, handler, capture) {
if (evt.toLowerCase() == 'deviceready') {
} else {
PhoneGap._document_addEventListener.call(document, evt, handler);
2009-11-18 02:38:49 +08:00
* Execute a PhoneGap command in a queued fashion, to ensure commands do not
* execute with any race conditions, and only run when PhoneGap is ready to
* recieve them.
* @param {String} command Command to be run in PhoneGap, e.g. "ClassName.method"
* @param {String[]} [args] Zero or more arguments to pass to the method
PhoneGap.exec = function() {
if (PhoneGap.queue.timer == null)
PhoneGap.queue.timer = setInterval(PhoneGap.run_command, 10);
2009-12-04 09:07:07 +08:00
2009-11-18 02:38:49 +08:00
2009-12-04 09:07:07 +08:00
* Internal function used to dispatch the request to PhoneGap. It processes the
* command queue and executes the next command on the list. If one of the
* arguments is a JavaScript object, it will be passed on the QueryString of the
* url, which will be turned into a dictionary on the other end.
2009-11-18 02:38:49 +08:00
* @private
PhoneGap.run_command = function() {
2009-12-04 09:07:07 +08:00
if (!PhoneGap.available || !PhoneGap.queue.ready)
PhoneGap.queue.ready = false;
var args = PhoneGap.queue.commands.shift();
if (PhoneGap.queue.commands.length == 0) {
PhoneGap.queue.timer = null;
2009-11-18 02:38:49 +08:00
2009-12-04 09:07:07 +08:00
var uri = [];
var dict = null;
for (var i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
var arg = args[i];
if (arg == undefined || arg == null)
arg = '';
if (typeof(arg) == 'object')
dict = arg;
var url = "gap://" + args[0] + "/" + uri.join("/");
if (dict != null) {
var query_args = [];
for (var name in dict) {
if (typeof(name) != 'string')
query_args.push(encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(dict[name]));
if (query_args.length > 0)
url += "?" + query_args.join("&");
document.location = url;
2010-08-19 02:12:53 +08:00
* Internal function that uses XHR to call into PhoneGap Java code and retrieve
* any JavaScript code that needs to be run. This is used for callbacks from
* Java to JavaScript.
PhoneGap.JSCallback = function() {
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
// Callback function when XMLHttpRequest is ready
if(xmlhttp.readyState == 4){
// If callback has JavaScript statement to execute
if (xmlhttp.status == 200) {
var msg = xmlhttp.responseText;
setTimeout(function() {
try {
var t = eval(msg);
catch (e) {
console.log("JSCallback Error: "+e);
}, 1);
setTimeout(PhoneGap.JSCallback, 1);
// If callback ping (used to keep XHR request from timing out)
else if (xmlhttp.status == 404) {
setTimeout(PhoneGap.JSCallback, 10);
// If error, restart callback server
else {
console.log("JSCallback Error: Request failed.");
setTimeout(PhoneGap.JSCallback, 100);
xmlhttp.open("GET", ""+CallbackServer.getPort()+"/" , true);
2010-08-20 23:59:45 +08:00
* Create a UUID
* @return
PhoneGap.createUUID = function() {
return PhoneGap.UUIDcreatePart(4) + '-' +
PhoneGap.UUIDcreatePart(2) + '-' +
PhoneGap.UUIDcreatePart(2) + '-' +
PhoneGap.UUIDcreatePart(2) + '-' +
PhoneGap.UUIDcreatePart = function(length) {
var uuidpart = "";
for (var i=0; i<length; i++) {
var uuidchar = parseInt((Math.random() * 256)).toString(16);
if (uuidchar.length == 1) {
uuidchar = "0" + uuidchar;
uuidpart += uuidchar;
return uuidpart;
2010-07-23 04:05:41 +08:00
PhoneGap.close = function(context, func, params) {
if (null == params) {
return function() {
return func.apply(context, arguments);
} else {
return function() {
return func.apply(context, params);