2010-02-25 09:46:46 -08:00
PhoneGap.addConstructor(function() { if (typeof navigator.fileMgr == "undefined") navigator.fileMgr = new FileMgr();});
2009-11-17 10:38:49 -08:00
2010-02-25 09:46:46 -08:00
* This class provides iPhone read and write access to the mobile device file system.
* Based loosely on http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-FileAPI-20091117/#dfn-empty
2009-11-17 10:38:49 -08:00
2010-02-25 09:46:46 -08:00
function FileMgr()
this.fileWriters = {}; // empty maps
this.fileReaders = {};
this.docsFolderPath = "../../Documents";
this.tempFolderPath = "../../tmp";
this.freeDiskSpace = -1;
2009-11-17 10:38:49 -08:00
2010-02-25 09:46:46 -08:00
// private, called from Native Code
FileMgr.prototype._setPaths = function(docs,temp)
this.docsFolderPath = docs;
this.tempFolderPath = temp;
2009-11-17 10:38:49 -08:00
2010-02-25 09:46:46 -08:00
// private, called from Native Code
FileMgr.prototype._setFreeDiskSpace = function(val)
this.freeDiskSpace = val;
2009-11-17 10:38:49 -08:00
2010-02-25 09:46:46 -08:00
// FileWriters add/remove
// called internally by writers
FileMgr.prototype.addFileWriter = function(filePath,fileWriter)
this.fileWriters[filePath] = fileWriter;
2009-11-17 10:38:49 -08:00
2010-02-25 09:46:46 -08:00
FileMgr.prototype.removeFileWriter = function(filePath)
this.fileWriters[filePath] = null;
2009-11-17 10:38:49 -08:00
2010-02-25 09:46:46 -08:00
// File readers add/remove
// called internally by readers
FileMgr.prototype.addFileReader = function(filePath,fileReader)
2009-11-17 10:38:49 -08:00
2010-02-25 09:46:46 -08:00
this.fileReaders[filePath] = fileReader;
2009-11-17 10:38:49 -08:00
2010-02-25 09:46:46 -08:00
FileMgr.prototype.removeFileReader = function(filePath)
this.fileReaders[filePath] = null;
* private reader callback delegation
* called from native code
2009-11-17 10:38:49 -08:00
2010-02-25 09:46:46 -08:00
FileMgr.prototype.reader_onloadstart = function(filePath,result)
FileMgr.prototype.reader_onprogress = function(filePath,result)
FileMgr.prototype.reader_onload = function(filePath,result)
this.fileReaders[filePath].result = unescape(result);
FileMgr.prototype.reader_onerror = function(filePath,err)
this.fileReaders[filePath].result = err;
FileMgr.prototype.reader_onloadend = function(filePath,result)
2009-11-17 10:38:49 -08:00
2010-02-25 09:46:46 -08:00
* private writer callback delegation
* called from native code
FileMgr.prototype.writer_onerror = function(filePath,err)
2009-11-17 10:38:49 -08:00
2010-02-25 09:46:46 -08:00
2009-11-17 10:38:49 -08:00
2010-02-25 09:46:46 -08:00
FileMgr.prototype.writer_oncomplete = function(filePath,result)
this.fileWriters[filePath].oncomplete(result); // result contains bytes written
FileMgr.prototype.getFileBasePaths = function()
2009-11-17 10:38:49 -08:00
2010-02-25 09:46:46 -08:00
2009-11-17 10:38:49 -08:00
2010-02-25 09:46:46 -08:00
FileMgr.prototype.testFileExists = function(fileName, successCallback, errorCallback)
2009-11-17 10:38:49 -08:00
2010-02-25 09:46:46 -08:00
var test = FileUtil.testFileExists(fileName);
test ? successCallback() : errorCallback();
2009-11-17 10:38:49 -08:00
2010-02-25 09:46:46 -08:00
FileMgr.prototype.testDirectoryExists = function(dirName, successCallback, errorCallback)
2009-11-17 10:38:49 -08:00
2010-02-25 09:46:46 -08:00
this.successCallback = successCallback;
this.errorCallback = errorCallback;
var test = FileUtil.testDirectoryExists(dirName);
test ? successCallback() : errorCallback();
2009-11-17 10:38:49 -08:00
2010-02-25 09:46:46 -08:00
FileMgr.prototype.createDirectory = function(dirName, successCallback, errorCallback)
2009-11-17 10:38:49 -08:00
2010-02-25 09:46:46 -08:00
this.successCallback = successCallback;
this.errorCallback = errorCallback;
var test = FileUtils.createDirectory(dirName);
test ? successCallback() : errorCallback();
2009-11-17 10:38:49 -08:00
2010-02-25 09:46:46 -08:00
FileMgr.prototype.deleteDirectory = function(dirName, successCallback, errorCallback)
2009-11-17 10:38:49 -08:00
2010-02-25 09:46:46 -08:00
this.successCallback = successCallback;
this.errorCallback = errorCallback;
var test = FileUtils.deleteDirectory(dirName);
test ? successCallback() : errorCallback();
2009-11-17 10:38:49 -08:00
2010-02-25 09:46:46 -08:00
FileMgr.prototype.deleteFile = function(fileName, successCallback, errorCallback)
this.successCallback = successCallback;
this.errorCallback = errorCallback;
test ? successCallback() : errorCallback();
FileMgr.prototype.getFreeDiskSpace = function(successCallback, errorCallback)
if(this.freeDiskSpace > 0)
return this.freeDiskSpace;
this.successCallback = successCallback;
this.errorCallback = errorCallback;
this.freeDiskSpace = FileUtils.getFreeDiskSpace();
(this.freeDiskSpace > 0) ? successCallback() : errorCallback();
// File Reader
function FileReader()
this.fileName = "";
this.result = null;
this.onloadstart = null;
this.onprogress = null;
this.onload = null;
this.onerror = null;
this.onloadend = null;
FileReader.prototype.abort = function()
// Not Implemented
FileReader.prototype.readAsText = function(file)
if(this.fileName && this.fileName.length > 0)
this.fileName = file;
//alert("Calling File.read : " + this.fileName);
//window.location = "gap://File.readFile/"+ file;
return FileUtil.read(fileName);
// File Writer
function FileWriter()
this.fileName = "";
this.result = null;
this.readyState = 0; // EMPTY
this.result = null;
this.onerror = null;
this.oncomplete = null;
FileWriter.prototype.writeAsText = function(file,text,bAppend)
if(this.fileName && this.fileName.length > 0)
this.fileName = file;
if(bAppend != true)
bAppend = false; // for null values
this.readyState = 0; // EMPTY
var call = FileUtil.write(file, text, bAppend);
2010-02-25 10:09:58 -08:00
if(call > 0)
2010-02-25 09:46:46 -08:00
this.result = null;