2013-08-12 17:07:23 -07:00
#!/usr/bin/env node
/ *
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* /
var shell = require ( 'shelljs' ) ,
path = require ( 'path' ) ,
fs = require ( 'fs' ) ,
ROOT = path . join ( _ _dirname , '..' , '..' ) ;
// Get valid target from framework/project.properties
module . exports . get _target = function ( ) {
if ( fs . existsSync ( path . join ( ROOT , 'framework' , 'project.properties' ) ) ) {
var target = shell . grep ( /target=android-[\d+]/ , path . join ( ROOT , 'framework' , 'project.properties' ) ) ;
return target . split ( '=' ) [ 1 ] . replace ( '\n' , '' ) . replace ( '\r' , '' ) . replace ( ' ' , '' ) ;
} else if ( fs . existsSync ( path . join ( ROOT , 'project.properties' ) ) ) {
// if no target found, we're probably in a project and project.properties is in ROOT.
var target = shell . grep ( /target=android-[\d+]/ , path . join ( ROOT , 'project.properties' ) ) ;
return target . split ( '=' ) [ 1 ] . replace ( '\n' , '' ) . replace ( '\r' , '' ) . replace ( ' ' , '' ) ;
module . exports . check _ant = function ( ) {
var test = shell . exec ( 'ant -version' , { silent : true , async : false } ) ;
if ( test . code > 0 ) {
console . error ( 'ERROR : executing command \'ant\', make sure you have ant installed and added to your path.' ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
module . exports . check _java = function ( ) {
if ( process . env . JAVA _HOME ) {
var test = shell . exec ( 'java' , { silent : true , async : false } ) ;
if ( test . code > 0 ) {
console . error ( 'ERROR : executing command \'java\', make sure you java environment is set up. Including your JDK and JRE.' ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
} else {
console . error ( 'ERROR : Make sure JAVA_HOME is set, as well as paths to your JDK and JRE for java.' ) ;
return false ;
module . exports . check _android = function ( ) {
var valid _target = this . get _target ( ) ;
var targets = shell . exec ( 'android list targets' , { silent : true , async : false } ) ;
if ( targets . code > 0 && targets . output . match ( /command\snot\sfound/ ) ) {
console . error ( 'The command \"android\" failed. Make sure you have the latest Android SDK installed, and the \"android\" command (inside the tools/ folder) is added to your path.' ) ;
return false ;
} else if ( ! targets . output . match ( valid _target ) ) {
console . error ( 'Please install Android target ' + valid _target . split ( '-' ) [ 1 ] + ' (the Android newest SDK). Make sure you have the latest Android tools installed as well. Run \"android\" from your command-line to install/update any missing SDKs or tools.' ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
module . exports . run = function ( ) {
return this . check _ant ( ) && this . check _java && this . check _android ( ) ;
2013-09-13 21:38:46 -04:00