2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
#!/usr/bin/env node
/ *
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation ( ASF ) under one
or more contributor license agreements . See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership . The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the
"License" ) ; you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License . You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing ,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND , either express or implied . See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License .
* /
2017-06-13 11:42:20 -07:00
var shell = require ( 'shelljs' ) ;
var Q = require ( 'q' ) ;
var path = require ( 'path' ) ;
var fs = require ( 'fs' ) ;
var check _reqs = require ( './../templates/cordova/lib/check_reqs' ) ;
var ROOT = path . join ( _ _dirname , '..' , '..' ) ;
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
var CordovaError = require ( 'cordova-common' ) . CordovaError ;
var AndroidManifest = require ( '../templates/cordova/lib/AndroidManifest' ) ;
2017-07-11 12:25:12 -05:00
// Export all helper functions, and make sure internally within this module, we
// reference these methods via the `exports` object - this helps with testing
// (since we can then mock and control behaviour of all of these functions)
exports . validatePackageName = validatePackageName ;
exports . validateProjectName = validateProjectName ;
exports . setShellFatal = setShellFatal ;
exports . copyJsAndLibrary = copyJsAndLibrary ;
exports . copyScripts = copyScripts ;
exports . copyBuildRules = copyBuildRules ;
exports . writeProjectProperties = writeProjectProperties ;
exports . prepBuildFiles = prepBuildFiles ;
2017-06-13 11:42:20 -07:00
function setShellFatal ( value , func ) {
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
var oldVal = shell . config . fatal ;
shell . config . fatal = value ;
func ( ) ;
shell . config . fatal = oldVal ;
2017-06-13 11:42:20 -07:00
function getFrameworkDir ( projectPath , shared ) {
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
return shared ? path . join ( ROOT , 'framework' ) : path . join ( projectPath , 'CordovaLib' ) ;
2017-06-27 13:15:04 -07:00
function copyJsAndLibrary ( projectPath , shared , projectName , isLegacy ) {
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
var nestedCordovaLibPath = getFrameworkDir ( projectPath , false ) ;
var srcCordovaJsPath = path . join ( ROOT , 'bin' , 'templates' , 'project' , 'assets' , 'www' , 'cordova.js' ) ;
2017-04-21 16:27:26 -07:00
var app _path = path . join ( projectPath , 'app' , 'src' , 'main' ) ;
2017-06-27 13:15:04 -07:00
if ( isLegacy ) {
app _path = projectPath ;
2017-06-13 08:27:46 -07:00
2017-04-21 16:27:26 -07:00
shell . cp ( '-f' , srcCordovaJsPath , path . join ( app _path , 'assets' , 'www' , 'cordova.js' ) ) ;
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
// Copy the cordova.js file to platforms/<platform>/platform_www/
// The www dir is nuked on each prepare so we keep cordova.js in platform_www
shell . mkdir ( '-p' , path . join ( projectPath , 'platform_www' ) ) ;
shell . cp ( '-f' , srcCordovaJsPath , path . join ( projectPath , 'platform_www' ) ) ;
// Copy cordova-js-src directory into platform_www directory.
// We need these files to build cordova.js if using browserify method.
shell . cp ( '-rf' , path . join ( ROOT , 'cordova-js-src' ) , path . join ( projectPath , 'platform_www' ) ) ;
// Don't fail if there are no old jars.
2017-07-11 12:25:12 -05:00
exports . setShellFatal ( false , function ( ) {
2017-07-14 16:51:10 -07:00
shell . ls ( path . join ( app _path , 'libs' , 'cordova-*.jar' ) ) . forEach ( function ( oldJar ) {
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
console . log ( 'Deleting ' + oldJar ) ;
shell . rm ( '-f' , oldJar ) ;
} ) ;
var wasSymlink = true ;
try {
// Delete the symlink if it was one.
fs . unlinkSync ( nestedCordovaLibPath ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
wasSymlink = false ;
// Delete old library project if it existed.
if ( shared ) {
shell . rm ( '-rf' , nestedCordovaLibPath ) ;
} else if ( ! wasSymlink ) {
// Delete only the src, since Eclipse / Android Studio can't handle their project files being deleted.
shell . rm ( '-rf' , path . join ( nestedCordovaLibPath , 'src' ) ) ;
} ) ;
if ( shared ) {
var relativeFrameworkPath = path . relative ( projectPath , getFrameworkDir ( projectPath , true ) ) ;
fs . symlinkSync ( relativeFrameworkPath , nestedCordovaLibPath , 'dir' ) ;
} else {
shell . mkdir ( '-p' , nestedCordovaLibPath ) ;
shell . cp ( '-f' , path . join ( ROOT , 'framework' , 'AndroidManifest.xml' ) , nestedCordovaLibPath ) ;
shell . cp ( '-f' , path . join ( ROOT , 'framework' , 'project.properties' ) , nestedCordovaLibPath ) ;
shell . cp ( '-f' , path . join ( ROOT , 'framework' , 'build.gradle' ) , nestedCordovaLibPath ) ;
shell . cp ( '-f' , path . join ( ROOT , 'framework' , 'cordova.gradle' ) , nestedCordovaLibPath ) ;
shell . cp ( '-r' , path . join ( ROOT , 'framework' , 'src' ) , nestedCordovaLibPath ) ;
2017-06-13 11:42:20 -07:00
function extractSubProjectPaths ( data ) {
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
var ret = { } ;
var r = /^\s*android\.library\.reference\.\d+=(.*)(?:\s|$)/mg ;
var m ;
while ( ( m = r . exec ( data ) ) ) {
ret [ m [ 1 ] ] = 1 ;
return Object . keys ( ret ) ;
2017-06-13 11:42:20 -07:00
function writeProjectProperties ( projectPath , target _api ) {
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
var dstPath = path . join ( projectPath , 'project.properties' ) ;
var templatePath = path . join ( ROOT , 'bin' , 'templates' , 'project' , 'project.properties' ) ;
var srcPath = fs . existsSync ( dstPath ) ? dstPath : templatePath ;
var data = fs . readFileSync ( srcPath , 'utf8' ) ;
data = data . replace ( /^target=.*/m , 'target=' + target _api ) ;
var subProjects = extractSubProjectPaths ( data ) ;
2017-06-13 11:42:20 -07:00
subProjects = subProjects . filter ( function ( p ) {
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
return ! ( /^CordovaLib$/m . exec ( p ) ||
2017-06-13 11:42:20 -07:00
/[\\/]cordova-android[\\/]framework$/m . exec ( p ) ||
/^(\.\.[\\/])+framework$/m . exec ( p ) ) ;
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
} ) ;
subProjects . unshift ( 'CordovaLib' ) ;
data = data . replace ( /^\s*android\.library\.reference\.\d+=.*\n/mg , '' ) ;
if ( ! /\n$/ . exec ( data ) ) {
data += '\n' ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < subProjects . length ; ++ i ) {
2017-06-13 11:42:20 -07:00
data += 'android.library.reference.' + ( i + 1 ) + '=' + subProjects [ i ] + '\n' ;
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
fs . writeFileSync ( dstPath , data ) ;
2017-03-30 13:38:18 -07:00
// This makes no sense, what if you're building with a different build system?
2018-09-06 11:06:18 +09:00
function prepBuildFiles ( projectPath ) {
2016-02-17 16:37:58 +03:00
var buildModule = require ( path . resolve ( projectPath , 'cordova/lib/builders/builders' ) ) ;
2018-09-06 11:06:18 +09:00
buildModule . getBuilder ( ) . prepBuildFiles ( ) ;
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
2017-06-27 13:15:04 -07:00
function copyBuildRules ( projectPath , isLegacy ) {
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
var srcDir = path . join ( ROOT , 'bin' , 'templates' , 'project' ) ;
2017-06-27 13:15:04 -07:00
if ( isLegacy ) {
// The project's build.gradle is identical to the earlier build.gradle, so it should still work
shell . cp ( '-f' , path . join ( srcDir , 'legacy' , 'build.gradle' ) , projectPath ) ;
shell . cp ( '-f' , path . join ( srcDir , 'wrapper.gradle' ) , projectPath ) ;
2017-06-13 08:27:46 -07:00
} else {
2017-06-27 13:15:04 -07:00
shell . cp ( '-f' , path . join ( srcDir , 'build.gradle' ) , projectPath ) ;
shell . cp ( '-f' , path . join ( srcDir , 'app' , 'build.gradle' ) , path . join ( projectPath , 'app' ) ) ;
shell . cp ( '-f' , path . join ( srcDir , 'wrapper.gradle' ) , projectPath ) ;
2017-06-13 08:27:46 -07:00
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
2017-06-13 11:42:20 -07:00
function copyScripts ( projectPath ) {
2017-03-15 11:58:16 -07:00
var bin = path . join ( ROOT , 'bin' ) ;
var srcScriptsDir = path . join ( bin , 'templates' , 'cordova' ) ;
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
var destScriptsDir = path . join ( projectPath , 'cordova' ) ;
// Delete old scripts directory if this is an update.
shell . rm ( '-rf' , destScriptsDir ) ;
// Copy in the new ones.
shell . cp ( '-r' , srcScriptsDir , projectPath ) ;
shell . cp ( '-r' , path . join ( ROOT , 'node_modules' ) , destScriptsDir ) ;
2017-03-15 11:58:16 -07:00
shell . cp ( path . join ( bin , 'check_reqs*' ) , destScriptsDir ) ;
shell . cp ( path . join ( bin , 'android_sdk_version*' ) , destScriptsDir ) ;
var check _reqs = path . join ( destScriptsDir , 'check_reqs' ) ;
var android _sdk _version = path . join ( destScriptsDir , 'android_sdk_version' ) ;
// TODO: the two files being edited on-the-fly here are shared between
// platform and project-level commands. the below `sed` is updating the
// `require` path for the two libraries. if there's a better way to share
// modules across both the repo and generated projects, we should make sure
// to remove/update this.
shell . sed ( '-i' , /templates\/cordova\// , '' , android _sdk _version ) ;
shell . sed ( '-i' , /templates\/cordova\// , '' , check _reqs ) ;
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
/ * *
* Test whether a package name is acceptable for use as an android project .
* Returns a promise , fulfilled if the package name is acceptable ; rejected
* otherwise .
* /
2017-06-13 11:42:20 -07:00
function validatePackageName ( package _name ) {
// Make the package conform to Java package types
// http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/manifest-element.html#package
// Enforce underscore limitation
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
var msg = 'Error validating package name. ' ;
2017-07-11 12:25:12 -05:00
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
if ( ! /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+(\.[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)+$/ . test ( package _name ) ) {
return Q . reject ( new CordovaError ( msg + 'Package name must look like: com.company.Name' ) ) ;
2017-06-13 11:42:20 -07:00
// Class is a reserved word
if ( /\b[Cc]lass\b/ . test ( package _name ) ) {
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
return Q . reject ( new CordovaError ( msg + '"class" is a reserved word' ) ) ;
return Q . resolve ( ) ;
/ * *
* Test whether a project name is acceptable for use as an android class .
* Returns a promise , fulfilled if the project name is acceptable ; rejected
* otherwise .
* /
2017-06-13 11:42:20 -07:00
function validateProjectName ( project _name ) {
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
var msg = 'Error validating project name. ' ;
2017-06-13 11:42:20 -07:00
// Make sure there's something there
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
if ( project _name === '' ) {
return Q . reject ( new CordovaError ( msg + 'Project name cannot be empty' ) ) ;
2017-06-13 11:42:20 -07:00
// Enforce stupid name error
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
if ( project _name === 'CordovaActivity' ) {
return Q . reject ( new CordovaError ( msg + 'Project name cannot be CordovaActivity' ) ) ;
2017-06-13 11:42:20 -07:00
// Classes in Java don't begin with numbers
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
if ( /^[0-9]/ . test ( project _name ) ) {
return Q . reject ( new CordovaError ( msg + 'Project name must not begin with a number' ) ) ;
return Q . resolve ( ) ;
/ * *
* Creates an android application with the given options .
* @ param { String } project _path Path to the new Cordova android project .
* @ param { ConfigParser } config Instance of ConfigParser to retrieve basic
* project properties .
* @ param { Object } [ options = { } ] Various options
* @ param { String } [ options . activityName = 'MainActivity' ] Name for the
* activity
* @ param { Boolean } [ options . link = false ] Specifies whether javascript files
* and CordovaLib framework will be symlinked to created application .
* @ param { String } [ options . customTemplate ] Path to project template
* ( override )
* @ param { EventEmitter } [ events ] An EventEmitter instance for logging
* events
* @ return { Promise < String > } Directory where application has been created
* /
2017-06-13 11:42:20 -07:00
exports . create = function ( project _path , config , options , events ) {
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
options = options || { } ;
// Set default values for path, package and name
project _path = path . relative ( process . cwd ( ) , ( project _path || 'CordovaExample' ) ) ;
// Check if project already exists
2017-06-13 11:42:20 -07:00
if ( fs . existsSync ( project _path ) ) {
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
return Q . reject ( new CordovaError ( 'Project already exists! Delete and recreate' ) ) ;
2017-07-28 14:05:53 +03:00
var package _name = config . android _packageName ( ) || config . packageName ( ) || 'my.cordova.project' ;
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
var project _name = config . name ( ) ?
2017-06-13 11:42:20 -07:00
config . name ( ) . replace ( /[^\w.]/g , '_' ) : 'CordovaExample' ;
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
var safe _activity _name = config . android _activityName ( ) || options . activityName || 'MainActivity' ;
2017-06-13 11:42:20 -07:00
var target _api = check _reqs . get _target ( ) ;
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
2017-06-13 11:42:20 -07:00
// Make the package conform to Java package types
2017-07-11 12:25:12 -05:00
return exports . validatePackageName ( package _name )
2017-06-13 11:42:20 -07:00
. then ( function ( ) {
2017-07-11 12:25:12 -05:00
exports . validateProjectName ( project _name ) ;
2017-06-13 11:42:20 -07:00
} ) . then ( function ( ) {
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
// Log the given values for the project
2017-06-27 13:15:04 -07:00
events . emit ( 'log' , 'Creating Cordova project for the Android platform:' ) ;
events . emit ( 'log' , '\tPath: ' + project _path ) ;
events . emit ( 'log' , '\tPackage: ' + package _name ) ;
events . emit ( 'log' , '\tName: ' + project _name ) ;
events . emit ( 'log' , '\tActivity: ' + safe _activity _name ) ;
events . emit ( 'log' , '\tAndroid target: ' + target _api ) ;
events . emit ( 'verbose' , 'Copying android template project to ' + project _path ) ;
2017-07-11 12:25:12 -05:00
exports . setShellFatal ( true , function ( ) {
2017-06-27 13:15:04 -07:00
var project _template _dir = options . customTemplate || path . join ( ROOT , 'bin' , 'templates' , 'project' ) ;
var app _path = path . join ( project _path , 'app' , 'src' , 'main' ) ;
// copy project template
shell . mkdir ( '-p' , app _path ) ;
shell . cp ( '-r' , path . join ( project _template _dir , 'assets' ) , app _path ) ;
shell . cp ( '-r' , path . join ( project _template _dir , 'res' ) , app _path ) ;
shell . cp ( path . join ( project _template _dir , 'gitignore' ) , path . join ( project _path , '.gitignore' ) ) ;
// Manually create directories that would be empty within the template (since git doesn't track directories).
shell . mkdir ( path . join ( app _path , 'libs' ) ) ;
// copy cordova.js, cordova.jar
2017-07-11 12:25:12 -05:00
exports . copyJsAndLibrary ( project _path , options . link , safe _activity _name ) ;
2017-06-27 13:15:04 -07:00
// Set up ther Android Studio paths
var java _path = path . join ( app _path , 'java' ) ;
var assets _path = path . join ( app _path , 'assets' ) ;
var resource _path = path . join ( app _path , 'res' ) ;
shell . mkdir ( '-p' , java _path ) ;
shell . mkdir ( '-p' , assets _path ) ;
shell . mkdir ( '-p' , resource _path ) ;
// interpolate the activity name and package
var packagePath = package _name . replace ( /\./g , path . sep ) ;
var activity _dir = path . join ( java _path , packagePath ) ;
var activity _path = path . join ( activity _dir , safe _activity _name + '.java' ) ;
shell . mkdir ( '-p' , activity _dir ) ;
shell . cp ( '-f' , path . join ( project _template _dir , 'Activity.java' ) , activity _path ) ;
shell . sed ( '-i' , /__ACTIVITY__/ , safe _activity _name , activity _path ) ;
shell . sed ( '-i' , /__NAME__/ , project _name , path . join ( app _path , 'res' , 'values' , 'strings.xml' ) ) ;
shell . sed ( '-i' , /__ID__/ , package _name , activity _path ) ;
var manifest = new AndroidManifest ( path . join ( project _template _dir , 'AndroidManifest.xml' ) ) ;
manifest . setPackageId ( package _name )
. setTargetSdkVersion ( target _api . split ( '-' ) [ 1 ] )
. getActivity ( ) . setName ( safe _activity _name ) ;
var manifest _path = path . join ( app _path , 'AndroidManifest.xml' ) ;
manifest . write ( manifest _path ) ;
2017-07-11 12:25:12 -05:00
exports . copyScripts ( project _path ) ;
exports . copyBuildRules ( project _path ) ;
2017-06-27 13:15:04 -07:00
} ) ;
// Link it to local android install.
2017-07-11 12:25:12 -05:00
exports . writeProjectProperties ( project _path , target _api ) ;
2018-09-06 11:06:18 +09:00
exports . prepBuildFiles ( project _path ) ;
2017-06-27 13:15:04 -07:00
events . emit ( 'log' , generateDoneMessage ( 'create' , options . link ) ) ;
} ) . thenResolve ( project _path ) ;
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
} ;
2017-06-13 11:42:20 -07:00
function generateDoneMessage ( type , link ) {
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
var pkg = require ( '../../package' ) ;
2017-06-13 11:42:20 -07:00
var msg = 'Android project ' + ( type === 'update' ? 'updated ' : 'created ' ) + 'with ' + pkg . name + '@' + pkg . version ;
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
if ( link ) {
msg += ' and has a linked CordovaLib' ;
return msg ;
// Returns a promise.
2017-06-13 11:42:20 -07:00
exports . update = function ( projectPath , options , events ) {
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
2017-11-30 11:08:39 -08:00
var errorString =
'An in-place platform update is not supported. \n' +
'The `platforms` folder is always treated as a build artifact in the CLI workflow.\n' +
'To update your platform, you have to remove, then add your android platform again.\n' +
'Make sure you save your plugins beforehand using `cordova plugin save`, and save \n' + 'a copy of the platform first if you had manual changes in it.\n' +
'\tcordova plugin save\n' +
'\tcordova platform rm android\n' +
'\tcordova platform add android\n'
2017-11-30 10:40:07 -08:00
return Q . reject ( errorString ) ;
2015-10-20 16:15:57 -07:00
} ;